ISBN 978-1-913451-07-3 (ebook)
Crosstalk: Interviews
Ansible Editions, 2015
Cover image: “Deceitful Ear” from Vaught’s Practical Character Reader (1902) by L.A. Vaught.
Crosstalk: Interviews Conducted by David Langford, published in both trade paperback and ebook form in June 2015, is (to no one’s surprise) a retrospective collection of all David Langford’s interviews with science fiction and fantasy authors, which appeared in various venues from 1976 to 2001. The interviewees are: Stephen Baxter, John Clute and John Grant, John Clute solo, George Hay, Tom Holt, Terry Pratchett with Jack Cohen and Ian Stewart, Terry Pratchett solo (twice), Christopher Priest, Alastair Reynolds, John Sladek, Bob Shaw, Kevin Smith and Ian Watson. Crosstalk collects all these conversations for the first time in book form.
The ebook contains the full text of the printed edition: fifteen interviews plus an introduction, totalling approximately 43,000 words. The relative slimness of this volume is reflected in the ebook price.
Click the top button below for the printed book’s description at the Langford site.