Beachcombing and Other Oddments by David Langford
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Arthur D. Hlavaty, Facebook, 10 December 2020: “Fanzine fandom was never sure if it should be about science fiction or about itself. Fortunately, we had David Langford, who could write magnificently about both. Beachcombing is a collection of Dave at his best.”
Steve Davidson, Amazing Stories website, 21 December 2020: “David Langford is funny. His Fan writings are funny. They’re off center, Odyssey-like pastiches that leave you breathless and wanting more. Or at the very least, feeling deeply, deeply regretful that you weren’t there in person, because, somehow, you’re not quite convinced that the happenings reported on actually happened that way (but boy, if they did, you really missed a thing!).
“David’s work drills into the heart of the mind of a Fan (how’s that for Thog?), extracts the essentials and lays them on the page in all of their squishy, quivering, bleeding glory.”
Professor Ian Stewart, email, 29 December 2020: “I have foolishly committed the sin of literary gluttony (as well as the conventional version) and read Beachcombing (which I initially mistyped as Beachcoming, not quite the same...) from cover to cover over a three-day period. Laughed myself silly.”
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