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本講座は血栓塞栓症の発生病理と予防・治療を大きな目的としている。この課題へのアプローチとしてDAMPs, PAMPsの生物学を主軸としている。すなわち、・DAMPs, PAMPs の血栓塞栓発症への関与、・DAMPs, PAMPs 生成とそのシグナル伝達、代謝のダイナミズム、
そして、・それらの破綻の病態と制御法(予防と治療)、などを主たる目標として研究している。これらの研究の過程で見出したDAMPs, PAMPs とexosome の関係、トロンボモジュリンの役割などが直近の研究の焦点である。


部局 大学院医歯学総合研究科 Center for Innovation in Medical and Dental Education
寄附講座 Endowed Courses
講座 システム血栓制御学講座 Systems Biology in Thromboregulation


TEL.099-275-6474 / FAX.099-275-6463


DAMPs:HMGB1, ヒストンの研究 Systems biology on DAMPs:HMGB1 and histones
生体内希少糖1,5-AFの生理機能とその応用展開 Functional analysis of 1,5-anhydrofructose, a rare endogenous monosaccharide、 and its application in health science
Exosome 測定法の確立(定量と定性) Establishment of qualitative and quantitative assessment of exosome
血栓発症の"予知"と予防法の開発 Investigations of diagnostic and preventive strategy of thrombotic tendency


[画像:staff dummy]

氏名 丸山征郎 Ikuro MARUYAMA
専門分野 血管内皮細胞の生物学
研究テーマ ・動脈硬化 / 血栓症の臨床医学

研究者総覧 リポジトリ

[画像:staff dummy]

氏名 伊藤隆史 Takashi ITO
専門分野 血栓止血学、臨床検査医学、集中治療医学
研究テーマ ・炎症

研究者総覧 リポジトリ

[画像:staff dummy]

氏名 大塚 章太郎 OTSUKA Shotaro
専門分野 神経科学、リハビリテーション科学、予防医学、プレコンディショニング
研究テーマ ・脳血管疾患に対する新規予防アプローチの確立に関する研究
・生体内希少糖 1、5-AF の生理機能の解析

研究者総覧 リポジトリ

[画像:staff dummy]

氏名 髙田 聖也 TAKADA Seiya
専門分野 神経障害基礎学、理学療法学
研究テーマ ・中枢神経損傷

研究者総覧 リポジトリ


  • Recombinant thrombomodulinの創薬化
  1. Maruyama I, Salem HH, Majerus PW. "Coagulation factor Va binds to human umbilical vein endothelial cells and accelerates protein C activation" J Clin Invest. 1984 Jul;74(1):224-30.
  2. Salem HH, Maruyama I, Ishii H, Majerus PW. "Isolation and characterization of thrombomodulin from human placenta" J Biol Chem. 1984 Oct 10;259(19):12246-51.
  3. Suzuki K, Kusumoto H, Deyashiki Y, Nishioka J, Maruyama I, Zushi M, Kawahara S, Honda G, Yamamoto S, Horiguchi S. "Structure and expression of human thrombomodulin, a thrombin receptor on endothelium acting as a cofactor for protein C activation" EMBO J. 1987 Jul;6(7):1891-7.
  4. Maruyama I. "Thrombomodulin, an endothelial anticoagulant; its structure, function and expression" Jpn Circ J. 1992 Feb;56(2):187-91.
  5. Abeyama K, Stern DM, Ito Y, Kawahara K, Yoshimoto Y, Tanaka M, Uchimura T, Ida N, Yamazaki Y, Yamada S, Yamamoto Y, Yamamoto H, Iino S, Taniguchi N, Maruyama I. "The N-terminal domain of thrombomodulin sequesters high-mobility group-B1 protein, a novel antiinflammatory mechanism". J Clin Invest. 2005 May;115(5):1267-74.
  6. Yamada S, Yakabe K, Ishii J, Imaizumi H, Maruyama I. "New high mobility group box 1 assay system" Clin Chim Acta. 2006 Oct;372(1-2):173-8.
  7. Ito T, Kawahara K, Nakamura T, Yamada S, Nakamura T, Abeyama K, Hashiguchi T, Maruyama I. "High-mobility group box 1 protein promotes development of microvascular thrombosis in rats" J Thromb Haemost. 2007 Jan;5(1):109-16.
  8. Ito T, Kawahara K, Okamoto K, Yamada S, Yasuda M, Imaizumi H, Nawa Y, Meng X, Shrestha B, Hashiguchi T, Maruyama I.:"Proteolytic cleavage of high mobility group box 1 protein by thrombin-thrombomodulin complexes" Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2008 Oct;28(10):1825-30.
  9. Nawa Y, Kawahara K, Tancharoen S, Meng X, Sameshima H, Ito T, Masuda Y, Imaizumi H, Hashiguchi T, Maruyama I. :"Nucleophosmin may act as an alarmin: implications for severe sepsis" J Leukoc Biol. 2009 Sep;86(3):645-53.
  10. Nakahara M, Ito T, Kawahara K, Yamamoto M, Nagasato T, Shrestha B, Yamada S, Miyauchi T, Higuchi K, Takenaka T, Yasuda T, Matsunaga A, Kakihana Y, Hashiguchi T, Kanmura Y, Maruyama I. :"Recombinant thrombomodulin protects mice against histone-induced lethal thromboembolism" PLoS One. 2013 Sep 30;8(9):e75961.
  11. Sadamura-Takenaka Y, Ito T, Noma S, Oyama Y, Yamada S, Kawahara K, Inoue H, Maruyama I.:"HMGB1 promotes the development of pulmonary arterial hypertension in rats" PLoS One. 2014 Jul 17;9(7):e102482.

  1. Ito T, Thachil J, Asakura H, Levy JH, Iba T. Thrombomodulin in disseminated intravascular coagulation and other critical conditions-a multi-faceted anticoagulant protein with therapeutic potential. Crit Care. (2019,23(1):280)
  2. Ito T, Totoki T, Yokoyama Y, Yasuda T, Furubeppu H, Yamada S, Maruyama I, Kakihana Y. Serum histone H3 levels and platelet counts are potential markers for coagulopathy with high risk of death in septic patients: a single-center observational study. J Intensive Care. (2019,7:63)
  3. Yokoyama Y, Ito T, Yasuda T, Furubeppu H, Kamikokuryo C, Yamada S, Maruyama I, Kakihana Y. Circulating histone H3 levels in septic patients are associated with coagulopathy, multiple organ failure, and death: a single-center observational study. Thromb J. (2019,17:1)
  4. Yamakawa K, Yoshimura J, Ito T, Hayakawa M, Hamasaki T, Fujimi S. External Validation of the Two Newly Proposed Criteria for Assessing Coagulopathy in Sepsis. Thromb Haemost. (2019,119(2):203-212)
  5. Yamamoto K, Ito T, Nagasato T, Shinnakasu A, Kurano M, Arimura A, Arimura H, Hashiguchi H, Deguchi T, Maruyama I, Nishio Y. Effects of glycemic control and hypoglycemia on Thrombus formation assessed using automated microchip flow chamber system: an exploratory observational study. Thromb J. (2019,17:17)
  6. Shrestha B, Ito T, Kakuuchi M, Totoki T, Nagasato T, Yamamoto M, Maruyama I. Recombinant Thrombomodulin Suppresses Histone-Induced Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation. Front Immunol. (2019,10:2535)
  7. Yashima N, Ito T, Kajiyama K, Maeda H, Kakihana Y, Maruyama I. Leukocyte- derived extracellular DNA contributes to abnormal pressure elevation in the extracorporeal circulation circuit. Sci Rep. (2020,10(1):474)
  8. Ito T, Maruyama I, Shimazaki S, Yamamoto Y, Aikawa N, Hirayama A, Honda G, Saito H. Effects of thrombomodulin alfa on hemostatic parameters in disseminated intravascular coagulation: Post hoc analysis of a phase 3 randomized controlled trial. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. (2020,4(7):1141-1149)
  9. Ito T, Shrestha B, Kakihana Y, Maruyama I. Recombinant thrombomodulin alleviates oxidative stress without compromising host resistance to infection in rats infected with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Sci Rep. (2020,10(1):17413)
  10. Atari B, Ito T, Nagasato T, Ohnishi T, Hosokawa K, Yasuda T, Maruyama I, Kakihana Y A modified microchip-based flow chamber system for evaluating thrombogenicity in patients with thrombocytopenia. Thromb J. (2020,18:31)

  1. Otsuka S, Sakakima H, Sumizono M, Takada S, Terashi T, Yoshida Y. The neuroprotective effects of preconditioning exercise on brain damage and neurotrophic factors after focal brain ischemia in rats. Behav Brain Res. 15;303:9-18. 2016.
  2. Kikuchi K, Setoyama K, Kawahara KI, Nagasato T, Terashi T, Ueda K, Nakanishi K, Otsuka S, Miura N, Sameshima H, Hosokawa K, Harada Y, Shrestha B, Yamamoto M, Morimoto-Yamashita Y, Kikuchi H, Kiyama R, Kamikokuryo C, Tancharoen S, Sakakima H, Morioka M, Tanaka E, Ito T, Maruyama I. Edaravone, a Synthetic Free Radical Scavenger, Enhances Alteplase-Mediated Thrombolysis. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 6873281. 2017.
  3. Sumizono M, Sakakima H, Otsuka S, Terashi T, Nakanishi K, Ueda K, Takada S, Kikuchi K. The effect of exercise frequency on neuropathic pain and pain-related cellular reactions in the spinal cord and midbrain in a rat sciatic nerve injury model. J Pain Res. 11:281-291. 2018.
  4. Kikuchi K, Setoyama K, Terashi T, Sumizono M, Tancharoen S, Otsuka S, Takada S, Nakanishi K, Ueda K, Sakakima H, Kawahara KI, Maruyama I, Hattori G, Morioka M, Tanaka E, Uchikado H. Application of a Novel Anti-Adhesive Membrane, E8002, in a Rat Laminectomy Model. Int J Mol Sci. 19(5). 2018.
  5. Kikuchi K, Setoyama K, Tanaka E, Otsuka S, Terashi T, Nakanishi K, Takada S, Sakakima H, Ampawong S, Kawahara KI, Nagasato T, Hosokawa K, Harada Y, Yamamoto M, Kamikokuryo C, Kiyama R, Morioka M, Ito T, Maruyama I, Tancharoen S. Uric acid enhances alteplase-mediated thrombolysis as an antioxidant. Sci Rep. 8(1):15844. 2018.
  6. Otsuka S, Sakakima H, Terashi T, Takada S, Nakanishi K, Kikuchi K. Preconditioning exercise reduces brain damage and neuronal apoptosis through enhanced endogenous 14-3-3γ after focal brain ischemia in rats. Brain Struct Funct. 224(2):727-738. 2019
  7. Terashi T, Otsuka S, (double first), Takada S, Nakanishi K, Ueda K, Sumizono M, Kikuchi K, Sakakima H. Neuroprotective effects of different frequency preconditioning exercise on neuronal apoptosis after focal brain ischemia in rats. Neurol Res. 41(6):510-518. 2019
  8. Takada S, Sakakima H, Matsuyama T, Otsuka S, Nakanishi K, Norimatsu K, Itashiki Y, Tani A, Kikuchi K. Disruption of Midkine gene reduces traumatic brain injury through the modulation of neuroinflammation. J Neuroinflammation. 29;17(1):40. 2020
  9. Kikuchi K, Setoyama K, Takada S, Otsuka S, Nakanishi K, Norimatsu K, Tani A, Sakakima H, Kawahara KI, Hosokawa K, Kiyama R, Sumizono M, Tancharoen S, Maruyama I, Hattori G, Morioka M, Tanaka E, Uchikado H. E8002 Inhibits Peripheral Nerve Adhesion by Enhancing Fibrinolysis of l-Ascorbic Acid in a Rat Sciatic Nerve Model. Int J Mol Sci. 1;21(11):3972. 2020

  1. Otsuka S, Sakakima H, Terashi T, Takada S, Nakanishi K, Kikuchi K. Preconditioning exercise reduces brain damage and neuronal apoptosis through enhanced endogenous 14-3-3γ after focal brain ischemia in rats. Brain Struct Funct. 224(2):727-738. 2019
  2. Sumizono M, Sakakima H, Otsuka S, Terashi T, Nakanishi K, Ueda K, Takada S, Kikuchi K. The effect of exercise frequency on neuropathic pain and pain-related cellular reactions in the spinal cord and midbrain in a rat sciatic nerve injury model. J Pain Res. 11:281-291. 2018.
  3. Terashi T, Otsuka S, Takada S, Nakanishi K, Ueda K, Sumizono M, Kikuchi K, Sakakima H. Neuroprotective effects of different frequency preconditioning exercise on neuronal apoptosis after focal brain ischemia in rats. Neurol Res. 41(6):510-518. 2019
  4. Kikuchi K, Setoyama K, Tanaka E, Otsuka S, Terashi T, Nakanishi K, Takada S, Sakakima H, Ampawong S, Kawahara KI, Nagasato T, Hosokawa K, Harada Y, Yamamoto M, Kamikokuryo C, Kiyama R, Morioka M, Ito T, Maruyama I, Tancharoen S. Uric acid enhances alteplase-mediated thrombolysis as an antioxidant. Sci Rep. 8(1):15844. 2018.
  5. Kikuchi K, Setoyama K, Terashi T, Sumizono M, Tancharoen S, Otsuka S, Takada S, Nakanishi K, Ueda K, Sakakima H, Kawahara KI, Maruyama I, Hattori G, Morioka M, Tanaka E, Uchikado H. Application of a Novel Anti-Adhesive Membrane, E8002, in a Rat Laminectomy Model. Int J Mol Sci. 19(5). 2018.
  6. Takada S, Sakakima H, Matsuyama T, Otsuka S, Nakanishi K, Norimatsu K, Itashiki Y, Tani A, Kikuchi K. Disruption of Midkine gene reduces traumatic brain injury through the modulation of neuroinflammation. J Neuroinflammation. 29;17(1):40. 2020
  7. Otsuka S, Sakakima H, Sumizono M, Takada S, Terashi T, Yoshida Y. The neuroprotective effects of preconditioning exercise on brain damage and neurotrophic factors after focal brain ischemia in rats. Behav Brain Res. 15;303:9-18. 2016.
  8. Kikuchi K, Setoyama K, Takada S, Otsuka S, Nakanishi K, Norimatsu K, Tani A, Sakakima H, Kawahara KI, Hosokawa K, Kiyama R, Sumizono M, Tancharoen S, Maruyama I, Hattori G, Morioka M, Tanaka E, Uchikado H. E8002 Inhibits Peripheral Nerve Adhesion by Enhancing Fibrinolysis of l-Ascorbic Acid in a Rat Sciatic Nerve Model. Int J Mol Sci. 1;21(11):3972. 2020
  9. Sakakima H, Takada S, Norimatsu K, Otsuka S, Nakanishi K, Tani A. Diurnal Profiles of Locomotive and Household Activities Using an Accelerometer in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 17(15):5337.2020


名称 / 出願日発明者等 / 出願番号
丸山 征郎、伊藤 隆史
丸山 征郎、野間 聖
丸山 征郎、川原幸一、後藤浩太朗、松田昭生、水野真盛
一酸化窒素合成酵素活性化剤 / 2018年12月25日 丸山 征郎


  • 糖鎖情報とmiRNA情報を組み合せた癌の細胞外小胞分析システム開発(アルプスアルパイン株式会社)
  • 「人参養栄湯の老化抑制活性」に関する研究(株式会社ツムラ)
  • 炎症・細胞障害関連蛋白質に対する抗体の作製及び評価(富山大学・ジーンテクノサイエンス)
  • 遺伝子組換えトロンボモジュリンによるHMGB1分解促進効果の検証(旭化成ファーマ株式会社)
  • 健常成人における血流下血栓形成ならびに好中球細胞下トラップ放出の解析(藤森工業株式会社)


事業・種目 / 期間研究
2005年度〜2006年度/ 研究代表者・2600万円
2007年度〜2008年度/ 研究代表者・11865万円
2008年度〜2010年度/ 研究代表者・750万円
2011年度〜2013年度/ 研究代表者・770万円
2014年度/ 1000万円
2014年度〜2016年度/ 研究代表者・870万円
2017年度〜2019年度/ 研究代表者・980万円
Novel therapeutic proposal for DIC/Shock: from Damage-Sensing/-Control to Damage Resolution
事業・種目 / 期間研究
2012年度〜2014年度 / 研究代表者・1833万円
2015年度〜2017年度 / 研究代表者・2392万円
2018年度〜2020年度 / 研究代表者・1742万円
2014年度 / 研究代表者・364万円
2016年度 / 研究代表者・338万円
大塚 章太郎
事業・種目 / 期間研究
2019年度 / 研究代表者・110万円
2020年度〜2021年度(予定) / 研究代表者・250万円
髙田 聖也
事業・種目 / 期間研究
2020年度 / 研究代表者・110万円

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