

Roberts & Co, Ten Bell Lane


Converted into digital format by Paul Welbank 1998


by the Editor of this html version of Walter Rye's History of the Parish of Heigham.

This web version of Walter Rye's History of the Parish of Heigham, is produced to enable easy access to the information by genealogists around the world. It is part of a larger project to publish records and images relating to the Parish of Heigham via the World Wide Web.

This document contains about 560 names extracted by Rye and others from records of various kinds, covering the period from the C13 to C18. It also contains inscriptions from St Bartholomew's Church and graveyard, which was destroyed by bombing in 1944.

The entire monograph is reproduced here on a single web page, for easy handling., of 140K. I intend ultimately, to include an electronic index to the names but until then, if you save this page as a web page or text file, you have the complete text of the monograph for searches. Comments and suggestions welcome.

Paul Welbank, July 1998. Email: pw@starnet.demon.co.uk


A very good account of Heigham was printed in 1879 by Mr. William Delves (Norfolk News Office, 1879, 8vo., pp. 51), and I was rather in doubt whether I should not omit this hamlet from my series for this reason. I concluded, however, that it would be as well to include it in the same form as Eaton, Earlham, and Hellesdon, so as to print the inscriptions in the church and churchyard, and to refer to Mr. Delves' work for the more recent Schools, Chapels, and Churches, which have little interest to antiquaries.

Mr. F. T. Hibgame also printed a short paper on "Heigham Fifty Years Ago," in the Norfolk and Norwich Notes and Queries, ii., p. 461.

For help in this part I am under many obligations to Mr. G. W. G. Barnard, Mr. F. A. Kent, the Rev. G. Holly, and others, and especially to Mr. F. R. Beecheno for the use of his excellent account of the church and transcript of the monuments.


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0. Foreword by the publisher of this web edition of 'History of the Parish of Heigham'.

1. Preface

2. Contents

3. Maps (coming)

4. Prehistoric Times, Roman and other Finds, Derivation

5. Domesday Entries, Boundaries, City Wall, Hell Gate

6. Description of Village, The Fisheries, Mills and Waterworks, Arderon and Leper Houses 1509

7. Manorial History

8. Houses

  1. Browne's House, Now The Dolphin Inn or Bishop Hall's Palace
  2. Holl's House
  3. The Dial House
  4. "Heigham Hall" Asylum, Munns, &c.
  5. Steward's and Other Houses

9. Other Inhabitants from Fines and Deed, Poll Books, Rate Books, &c.

10. Other Clerical Holders

11. The Old Church

12. Church Registers, Plate and Bells

13. The Monuments : inscriptions from the Graveyard

14. List of Rectors

15. Resident Families

  1. Browne
  2. Holl or Holly
  3. Seaman
  4. Hearing or Herring
  5. Unthank



For once in a way the Rev. G. Munford's derivation of the name may be dismissed as quite ridiculous, for he takes it to come from the A.S. heag or "high," whereas the situation is one of the lowest and most flooded in the county,* and as the same remark applies to Potter Heigham, one is led to the conclusion that in both cases it must mean something totally different.

The village is said (Blomefield iv., p. 507) to have once been called Staunford, possibly from a paved ford which may have been here. Heigham Causeway, "Heigham Carnser," was an artificial road formed over wet meadows.

Whether the lead coffin and the two bronze torques, which were found at Mr. Bassett's chalk pit, on Stone Hills, formerly called Heigham Heath, in December, 1861, are Roman or "Roman-Saxon," others must decide.

The late Mr. Fitch described them in the Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Archaelogical Society, vi., p. 213, which illustrates the torques. He subsequently found a brass coin of Faustina the elder (who died A.D. I41) near the same spot (id. vi., P. 386).

There are several antiquities found in this parish preserved in the Norwich Castle Museum, viz. :

* It is said that there was once a dragon's head on St. Miles' Bridge, and that it bore an inscription, "When dragon drinks Heigham sinks," meaning that when the water got so high as to run through the dragon's mouth Heigham was sure to be flooded.


The parish, which was in Humbleyard Hundred, is bounded on the north and east by the Wensum, on the west by Earlham and Eaton, and on the other part of the east by the City of Norwich, and is coloured yellow on the plans.

At the time Domesday was taken it belonged to the Abbot of St. Benet at Holme, having been given to it by Wulfricus, who is thought by Blomefield (iv., P. 503) to have been a Saxon of that name who began to repair the Chapel of St. Benedict at Holme after the Danes had demolished it and killed the hermits there, and quotes Dugdale's Monasticon.

The Domesday entry (fol. 220b, not 202b as in Blomefield) is thus translated in the Victoria County History of Norfolk (ii., p. I44).:

"Hecham is held now as then by St. Benet (as) 3 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 3 villeins, 5 bordars, 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then 1 plough belonging to the men, now a half and 1½ ploughs might be added, 20 acres of meadow, 2 Mills, 1 rouncey, 7 swine, 12 sheep, and 6 sokeman with half a ploughland, and then as now 2 ploughs. It was then worth 4 pounds, now 100s.

To this manor belongs a freeman under the Abbot by commendation only, and he has 30 acres and half a plough, 3 acres of meadow. He is worth 2/-

It (Heigham) is 10 furlongs in length and 7 in breadth and (renders) 2¾ pence of geld."

Part of the boundary was the City Wall, and in it was Heigham Gate, the inside of 'which is shown from a drawing by Ninham (opposite p. 21) of Fitch's Gates, was originally called Holl, or by corruption Hell Gate. Its old name was Blake or Black Gate, and it was so called. 5 Henry III. (1220). (See Fitch id.).

In 1298 an orchard next the Hollegate is mentioned (Norwich Deeds).

In 1343 the gate was one of those to he repaired by Spinks (Hudson, ii, p. 239, and see id. p. 248)

In 1386 (16 Richard II.) we first see the fanciful name of Hell Gate* (porta inferni) given it when certain of the council were appointed to consult and treat with the Abbot of St. Benets as to a house within it (id.).

In the same year John Silvestre, Robert Mariot, John de Shouldham, John Mannyng, Thomas Bernard (smith), and Thomas Ponee (?), were wardens of Hell Gate.

In 1643 Heigham Gates was one of those to be rampered up.

In 1680 William Calie, a post man, of Heigham, was appointed to be keeper of Heigham Gates (Assembly Book).

In 1742 it was in danger of falling down, and it was decided it should be rebuilt, the narrow postern being enlarged to an arch 10 ft. wide and 13 ft. high (id., P. 22).

The City wall here was not pulled down till 1853, and there are two good illustrations of it by Wodderspoon in the collection of his drawings in the Norwich Public Library.

There is also another by C. J. Winter, showing the old wall and the "Cow and Hare" near it.

*It was at the bottom of Barn Road, and Blomefield says that it was called Hell Gates from its low situation, and the odd appearance that the street leading to it as to anyone that looks down it from Charing Cross being a prodigious chasm declivity like the entrance of the present and ancient poet's hell.

This is very absurd, for the level from the junction of the Dereham Road (Upper Westwick) and the Lower Westwick past Bullard's Brewery only shows a fall of 20 feet in 400. If it were ever called Hell Gate it may have been from its being the road to Hellesdon, or the man who gave that place its name, and there is no reason to suppose the level has been altered. From this point the road is practically level.


The hamlet in old times must have been a flat riverside one, occupied by tanners and kindred trades, but I expect the chief business beyond agriculture was milling.


The two mills, which belonged at Domesday to the Abbot of St. Benet's, were probably a water mill and a wind mill, the latter may have stood on the site of that which recently stood in Mill Hill Road.

The site of the water mill, which caused so much litigation, was, I thought, where the rail crosses the river by Bowles' timber yard, but Mr. Barnard tells me that this is not so.

By an undated deed Walter Hauteyn (who is probably the Sir Walter de Hauteyn, who held land in Suffolk in 1166, see ante, p. 116) gave to the Abbot land to enlarge his mill (Norris' East and West Flegg, p. 81).

In 1227 the Abbot granted to Peter and Nicholas Chese 24 acres, and half a water mill here with common of pasture for 200 sheep.

In 1292 Robert, son of John Chese, sold his part, and there was then two mills under one roof, one held by St. Benets, and the other by the Prior of Norwich.

Possibly the Norwich Prior's half was. that of the Cheses, and they worked it in conjunction with the St. Benet's half.

Soon after the "New Mills" were built, it would seem that the City in I433 bribed John Colman, the "farmer" of the manor of Heigham by paying him 13s. 4d. for loss said to have been occasioned in his pasture at Heigham, and in order that he might not complain to the Abbot, and for his good word before the Abbot (Hudson ii., p. 67) as to the City Mills dispute (see Blomefield iii., p. I47). Two of the Mills were called Bumpstede or Appelyard Mills (Blomefield iii., p. 147). Mr. Barnard thinks they were on the back water to the west of the City Station.

contents FISHERY*

In 1242 the Abbot granted the fishery here from the head of the mill dam on both sides of the river to Kelbesacre to Robert Hauteyn of Hellesdon.

After the manor was transferred at the Dissolution, the Bishop of Norwich in 1536, let the fishery here from and against St. Lawrence's acre on the west part of the mill unto and against the creek of water between Heigham Common and the great meadow to the east part of the same (Blomefield iv., p. 505).

In 1859 the Bishop of Norwich, with the approval of the Church Estates Commissioners, sold all his liberty of fishing and fowling from a place called "Scalby," near the city of Norwich, to Taverham Mill. This afterwards passed to Sir Harry Bullard, when he bought Hellesdon House, where it is described as extending from Scalby to Hellesdon Mills, and from Hellesdon to Drayton and thence to Taverham.

*Mr. Barnard tells me that the several fishery belonging to Horsford was in a backwater at St. Martin's at Oak, and being above the New Mills could not have been a smelt fishery as I thought it. I was no doubt misled by the fact that St Martin at Palace Rectory still belongs to Mr Barrett-Lennard, who represents the Horsford holding.

contents BRIDGE.

The question of a bridge to connect Heigham with the north-west of the river was mooted in 1828, for a plan of it by Pratt and Watson is in the Russell Colman collection (see N.A.M. (N.S.) i., p. 123). Another (?) new road and bridge was at one time contemplated more south (see Manning's Map).

A new footbridge has recently been put up by the Corporation.


Most Norwich inhabitants only think of the present Waterworks (which draw their supply from a place called "Heigham Common" in connection with their great efficiency, their high charges, and their autocratic methods, and do not realise the fact that they are the linear descendants of former private works which took its water from the New Mills, where they were begun in 1697, under a concession from the city dated 28th September 1694, to Richard Barry, of Westminster, and George Serocold, of Derby, and "brought to perfection" two years later (Bl., iv., p. 427).

The history of the City Waterworks deserves to be written. Besides the report to the Corporation by Mylne, and the abstract of the deeds, &c., which were already in the City Library, there is a mass of material, to be obtained from a collection of deeds which by some means or other have found their way into the possession of the Library of the Sussex Archaeological Society, in which most unlikely place they were discovered by the eagle eye of our excellent City Librarian, Mr. G. A. Stephen, who informed me of their existence.

These are calendared in "Extracts from Deeds and Documents of Sussex Archaeological Collection", vol. xxxvii., a copy of which I need hardly say was (more suo) extracted from the Sussex Society by our Librarian, and is in our Public Library.

As, however, the water was not taken from this hamlet, but from the "New Mills" within the city, I resist the temptation to enlarge on the subject beyond pointing out that a lease of 1706 imposed on the leasees the duty of clearing out the river upwards from the New Mills as far as the creek between Hellesdon Common and the great meadow lying on the east side of Heigham Mills. I cannot see what power the city had over this stretch of water.

*Under an Act of 1850 (13 and 14 Vic., cap. lii.).

The most interesting, person connected with the Waterworks is William Arderon, who was one of the best known of our early local naturalists and antiquaries, and though employed at the New Mills within the City, probably lived in Heigham, where he is buried.

The "Norfolk Tour," 1829, vol. ii, p. 1307, gives the following account of him :-

"William Arderon F.R.S., born in 1703, was not a native of Norwich, but came from Yorkshire in the capacity of an officer of excise; his natural ability soon discovered itself, and introduced him to the notice of Dr. Buckenham, Alderman Wiggett, Alderman Rogers, Mr. Norris, and several other gentlemen, who, it is supposed, in order to retain amongst them so valuable an auxiliary in their pursuits, obtained for him the situation of managing clerk at the New Mills; through these gentlemen he was introduced to Mr. Henry Baker, F.R. & A.S., who published in 1743 and I755, his works on the "Microscope", in two volumes, octavo, to which Mr. Arderon largely contributed. His papers on subjects of Natural History are varied and numerous, abridgements of which are to be seen in the Transactions of the Society. Dawson Turner, Esq., who is in possession of his correspondence with Mr. Baker, considers him an extraordinary man, and considering the difficulties he had to struggle with, certainly superior to Gilbert White, author of the "Natural History of Selborne." He died in 1767, after a long and painful illness, and was interred on the north side of Heigham churchyard."

The date of his death would seem to have been 25th November, I767. He married first Susan, who died 20th June, 1759, aged 47, by whom he had a son, William, who died 14th August, 1748, aged 17. His second wife, Sarah Chamberlin (see p. 242), died 18th January, 1762, aged 31, In his life in E.A. ii., p. 240, it is said that his second wife had been first engaged to his son. The same life says he had been stationed at Wymondham as an officer of excise and to have obtained the post of clerk at the New Mills through the influence of Dr. Buckenham, Alderman Wiggett,* Alderman Rogers, and Mr. Norris, who seem to have been the local scientists, and he was by them introduced to Dr. Baker, through whom he was made a F.R.S. There is said to have been a portrait of his published by Newman, the father-in-law of Geo. White in his house opposite the Bank, but I do not know of a copy.

He is said in his obituary notice in the Norwich Mercury of 28th November, 1767, to have died "after a very long and fatiguing illness, which he endured with the utmost fortitude and resolution."

His natural history friends were Jeffrey Stewart, an optician, Abraham Brooks, bookseller, and John Robinson. The first-named lost his life by his devotion to science, for in order to get some sea polypi from Holkham he and his man carried them in a glass globe suspended from a pole on their shoulders on a hot summer's day, "which brought on a brain fever, of which he died aged 34" (id., P. 242).

In person Arderon was a very tall and stout man, and was confined to his chair for some years previous to his death.

His employ at the New Mills began several years before 2nd January, 1750, when he was formerly engaged by the proprietors for a term of 20 years to manage the New Mills (see Agreement, id., p. 260) at £60 per annum and a house.

He must have had some other sources of income, for by his will dated 2nd March, 1763, he left considerable legacies, including £40 for his monument in Heigham Church.

Some of his legacies were to his scientific friend, eg., Samuel Wiggett,** £50 to build something in his garden in memory of our friendship, and his coins to be placed in his museum, his carpenter's and whitesmith's tools to Geoffrey Stewart, to Robert Rogers his polished pebbles and shells, to John Gaze, of Walcot, his fossils.

* Alderman Wiggett was no doubt the William Wiggett, Sheriff in 1735 and Mayor in 1742. He lived in the Bacon's house at Colegate, now belonging to me. His portrait, by Heins, is in St. Andrew's Hall, the Dutch Church, and the Bethel (see plate 4 of my History Of the Bethel Hospital). He resigned his post of Trustee of the Bethel Hospital in 1790.

** Samuel Wiggett I cannot trace, but he was probably his brother. He also was a Trustee of the Bethel, and died 1785.

Geoffrey Steward (sic.) being dead 8th July, 1763, he leaves his legacy to James Witham, and by another codicile he gave his large steel turn (lathe), &c., and tools to John Skinner.

He made certain collections as to local natural history, customs, and cries in Norwich, which are now Additional MS. 279666, and which I analysed in E.C.C. (2nd series), i., pp. 297-8. His list of Norwich Inns and Alehouses, I745-50, has been printed in N. & N.N. & Q., p. 147. His microscope is in the Norwich Castle Museum.

The collections at the Norwich Castle Museum contain Arderon's microscope and slides in a leather case. and seven volumes of his manuscript notes, viz.:

Three vols. of illustrated notes, entitled, "A Course of Lectutes read by N. Sanderson, LL.D., Prof. of the Mathematics . . . Cambridge, I728."

One vol. of original microscopic and other drawings, with MS. notes of experiments, I74I-I751.

One vol., entitled, "The Life and Surprising Adventures of Jack Tomson."

One vol. of MS. papers on miscellaneous subjects, eg., "The various Uses of Sand in Mechanical Arts, 1747 "Observations and Remarks on various Arts and Trades."

One folio vol. of MS. papers dated 1742 including Lists of Coins and "Articles of Agreement," on vellum, between the proprietors of the Norwich Water Works and William Arderon, dated 2nd January, 1750.

The " Dictionary of National Biography " says of him: Arderon is the author of -. (1) Numerous contributions to the " Philosophical Transactions. (2) "Remains," 1745-60; a folio volume Of 351 leaves, preserved in the British Museum, MS. Addit. 27966. The contents of this bulky volume are almost entirely on subjects connected with natural history and microscopical science. (3) "Journals and Observations on Nature and Art," 6 vols.,12mo, 1742-64; manuscript formerly in the possession of Dawson Turner. (4) "Correspondence with Henry Baker, F.R.S.," 4 Vols., 4to., 1744-67; manuscript formerly in the possession of Dawson Turner. It also gives the following references:-MS. Addit. 23107, folio 28; Cat. of Dawson Turner's MSS., i., pref. xiii., 4, 5, 10, 11; Gent. Mag. xxxvii., 610; Chamber's Norfolk, 1306, 1307; Index to Philosophical Transactions; MS. Birch, 44439, art. 541; Thomson's Hist. of Royal Soc., Appendix 44.

contentsTHE MANOR.

The history of the Manor is a very simple one, for it belonged to St. Benet's from a time earlier than Domesday, as appears by the Feudal Deeds, 1302, p. 444; 1316, P. 475; and 1346, P. 533.

The sub-manor, which probably is the same as the holding mentioned in Domesday as being held by commendation of the Abbot, afterwards extracted to the Abbey, and was granted, temp. Stephen (1135-1154), to Balderic de Taverham.

He was succeeded by Nicholas de Taverham, whose son Balderic de Taverham in 40 Edward III. (1366-7) sold it to Bartholomew de Appleyard, "and 'Sir' William Parson, of Intwood, Robert Boteler, and his rent of a pound of pepper for the lands he held of him in Heigham" (Bl., p. 503n), but I do not understand the entry.

Another (?) dealing was that when Abbot William, the first of his name, granted to Thomas, son of Thurburn the priest granted the town of Heigham in fee farm for life.

Abbot William the second similarly granted it to Richard Basset a fee farm for life at £10 per year, and agreed to receive him into the fraternity of the Convent, and kept (keep (?) ) his obit.

The deed was facsimilied by Sir Simon D'Ewes, and a copy of it is given opposite p. 504 of Blomefield. The witnesses, from which the date could be ascertained, were William the archdeacon, Ulfkytell the priest, Alevis the priest, Anund the priest, Adam the clerk, Folkurn de Fontains vice-sheriff, William fil' Richard, Turstin Renclio, Osmead Bassett, Benjamin the King's servant, William de Curechun, Adam Dapifer, William de Redham, Osborn de Redham, Balderic and his brother Edward, Richard fil' Stanhard, Levric de Fiscele, Hugh fil' Abric, Ralph de Curetsun, Gilbert de Reinesthorp, Roger de (?) Veille, Ernold Gylun, Robert de Wastunesham, Symund de Lundham, Roger, and many others. This is probably the same as the Charter dated in the British Museum Catalogue as 1127-34, granted by the Abbey to Richard Bassett (Harl. MS. 44, E. 19, Brit. Mus. Cat.).

For some reason a fine was levied temp. Henry II. 1154-1189) confirming the manor to the Abbot by Wm. de Nevilla and Henry his brother.

Temp. Henry III. (l216-1272) the manor was held as parcel of the Abbot's barony of Tunstead, and he had view and frankpledge assize of bread and ale, gallows, &c., " so that the King's bailiff of Humbleyard Hundred was present in Court and received 2/- a year."

In 1432 John Colman farmed the manor.

In 1549 Thomas Holl farmed it of the Bishop at £16 16s. 3d. per annum, and had for his fee as bailiff £4 and £4 16s., and for six coombs of corn were to be delivered at the Palace for the Bishop's use.

This lease was afterwards purchased by the Seaman family, as to whom see my notes on Resident Families.


The best known is


This house, which is often styled Bishop Hall's Palace, and has been sketched, etched, and photographed ad nauseam, was built by Richard Browne in 1587,*** as appears by one of the dates on it, the more conspicuous one being 1615. There is a very good sketch of the back of it in Wodderspoon's Norf. Collection (Public Library) and innumerable sketches and photographs of it exist, indeed it shares the cheap popularity of Pull's Ferry and the Strangers' Hall.

Norris (vi. (2), P. 462) describes it as a large but low house built with flint, stone, and coped with free stone. The front has two wings in the form of an half H.

There are three shields, one R.B. and another T.R.X.X. and on the middle shield over the date 1587, is as follows: Coat Sa. 3 cranes arg. (Browne**) impaling arg. a chevron between 3 stags trippant sa. (probably Robinson).

Norris says the R.B. was Roger Browne, sheriff of Norwich 1535 (but by the date on the house there can be little doubt R.B. was the Richard Browne, the Sheriff of 1595). Norris thinks the smaller shield represents his merchant's mark.

* John Browne was a tanner in 1563. Richard Browne, the builder, was Sheriff in 1595, in which year he died. He gave the cross to the Dutch Church. Le Strange in his Norfolk Lists by mistake calls him Edmund.

** Three Norfolk Armories gives the arms of Browne of Heigham as Sa. a trefoil between 3 cranes arg. I do not see the coat in Burke.

*** A Scotch family of Browne bore a dolphin naiant proper (Washbourne's Crests, p. 67).

He also says that there were once "shields of the arms of the City of Norwich, of the See of Norwich, and of 3 chalices and wafers, the emblem of the priesthood carved in stone, and by the shape of the mitres seem very ancient at least as old as the beginning of Henry VI." (1422, &C.), and adds the wall in which they are now placed is an ordinary modern brick wall.

He omits all reference to the carved crest, which some consider represents a dolphin, and which may be the "dragon's head ar guttee de poix between two wings expanded sa guttee de l'armes," the crest of the Brownes.* To me it looks more like a ram.

Norfolk Archaeology, xviii., p. li., says the inn was bought by John Morse, brewer, in 1818. It is said to have once belonged to the Earl of Rosebery.

An ornamented plaster ceiling in the part of the building said once to be Bishop Hall's study, now pulled down to make room for the new foot bridge, is described in Norf. Ant. Mise. (N.S.) i., p. I07. It is now preserved in the Pockthorpe Brewery.

When the house began to be called the "Dolphin" is uncertain. The carving of a dolphin is modern, and I am inclined to think the name was only given to it as emblematic of a river swimming bath, which was annexed.

In 1752 the "Dolphin" was said to be occupied by Joseph Burton, beer brewer.

In 1768 Henry Slack was the only innkeeper in the place, and it is not till

1802, when Stephen Borough kept the "Dolphin" Inn here, which is the first occurrence. of the name (Peck's).

In 1811 Stephen Burrows (sic.) kept it.

In 1812 James Riches was a publican in Heigham.

In 1818 it was conveyed by Robert Harvey to John Morse, brewer (Norf. Archy., xviii., p. 51).

In 1842 Elizabeth Custance, of Upper Heigham, kept the "Dolphin" Inn, Bath House, and Ferry (Blyth's). Anthony Wills, died 1849, is said to have kept this house.

It was once a most -pleasant swimming bathing-place, with clear water and a gravel bottom, and a little island for a half-way house for nervous swimmers. Half a century ago I was greatly pleased with the effusion of a local wit pencilled on one of the dressing-places: "October 3rd, The water is damp and unpleasant to-day,"

contentsHOLL'S HOUSE.

This is said by Norris (Mon., ii., P. 462) to have been near Norwich and near the "Dolphin," and to have afterwards belonged to the Seamans, and when he wrote was a long stone building almost in ruins. He adds: "Over against it is a neat brick house built by . . . Hawes, and afterwards sold to Lady Seaman, and lastly to the Knyvets, and was then the seat of Catherine, Baroness Berners." It was afterwards used by the Guardians as a Girls' Home, and Home Street is built on its site.

contentsDIAL HOUSE.

The Dial House is an old house near the church on the river side of the road, and has been called the " Manor House." It now belongs to the Corporation of Norwich, who I believe bought it and the land adjoining for the purpose of getting an access into the river for the Rose Valley sewer. From the City Accounts it would appear that in one year the enormous sum of. £644 4s. 5d. was spent in repairs to it (p. 8o Printed Accounts, 1913-14).


I do not know why this should have ever been called a Hall, for there never could have been a Manor House here, as neither the Abbots of St. Benet's or their successors, the Bishop of Norwich, who were the lords of the manor, ever lived here, though it may have been the Grange and occupied by the farmers of the manor.

Mr. Delves in his History of Heigham (p. 27n) says* it was once the residence of Mark Wilks, "a celebrated person who united the character of an evangelical preacher with that of a steady and active politician," and adds that he was an excellent farmer and resided here for some time.

* Wilks (Mark, a Norfolk farmer). "The Origin and Stability of the French Revolution," a sermon preached at St. Paul's Chapel, Norwich, July 14th, 1791. pp. 77, sm. 8vo.

-"Athaliah, or the Tocsin sounded by Modern Alarmists," two collection sermons towards defraying the expense of the defendants in the late trials for high treason, preached on the 19th April 1795, in St. Paul's Chapel, Norwich. pp. 106, sm. 8vo. Norwich, N.D. - "Nonconformity," a sermon delivered at White Row Meeting House, November 6th, 1817, at the Monthly Association of Congregational Ministers, and published at their request. Second edition, pp. 112, 8vo., London, 1818. - History of the persecutions endured by the Protestants of the South of France, and more especially of the Department of the Gard, during the years 1814, 1815 and 1816, including a defence of their conduct from the Revolution to the present period. 2 vols., 8vo. London 1821. In the British Museum Catalogue the author is described as "of Paris".

From his memoirs, which were published by his daughter Sarah Wilks (London, printed by Francis Westley 1821), it seems he was a Dissenter and a Baptist and a Whig. Born at Gibraltar 5th February, 1748, he was the third son of John Wilks, "an officer of subordinate rank in the Army," by his wife Mary.

He was removed to a station in Ireland when two years old, and at 10 apprenticed to a Birmingham button maker, under whom he frequently worked from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. He was afterwards a clerk to a mercantile house there, and joined a Debating Society, and was then employed by the Countess of Huntingdon to be minister of her tabernacle in Norwich in 1776.

* He still further confused, the master by saying (p. 22) that the original Heigham Hall was an old building at the bottom of Holl's Lane now (1879) used for the purposes of a brush factory.

In 1778 he married Susanna Jackson, of Norwich, and had to resign his ministership, but returned to Norwich on 1st January, 1780, to take charge of a chapel founded here by Calvinistic Methodists.

In 1788 he took a farm near Norwich, and took a very active part in politics. He was suspected by Wyndham. who threatened prompt and severe measures against him in a letter which Wilks seems to have obtained from a letter alleged to have been picked up in the street. The lease of his farm expiring in 1797, he took another farm at Aldburgh, but returned for a short time to Heigham, and then moved to Cossey, and in March, 1802, bought a farm at Sprowston. He died 5th February, 1819 , aged71.* For his published works see footnote (see Bibl. Norf., p. 561).

In 1814 Browne in his History of Norwich says that Heigham Hall was an old building, but had lately been rebuilt in modern style.

An engraving of it in the Public Library seems to show it as having wings in the style of an old country house.

It was once nicknamed " Marrowbone Hall," the central part of it having been built by a retired butcher, John Lowden, and appears by that name in Manning's Map, and later as Heigham Hall, occupied by the late Mr. Alfred Mottram.

By 1836 it had been opened as a Private Lunatic Asylum in opposition apparently to the "Heigham Retreat" mentioned hereafter, which it afterwards bought out.

In 1845 it was kept by W. P. Nichols :and John Wilcox Watson (see Directory).

In 1854 (October 17th) there was a great scandal as to its supposed mismanagement, it having been stated at the Norwich Quarter Sessions that a Dr. Hull had alleged that the Rev ........... who was then acting as chaplain there had been wrongly admitted as a patient to save him from prosecution for a rape, he being a county clergyman, " a member of a high county family," Dr. Hull's informant being said to be Mr. Nichols,* a well-known local practitioner, Mayor of Norwich in 1878. Mr. Nichols emphatically denied that he had used the expression, but the justices came to the conclusion that the parson had been placed in the Asylum to rescue him from the grip of the law on a criminal charge. The affair, however, blew over, for a motion to refuse the licence to the Asylum was withdrawn and a memorial to the Secretary of State asking for a searching investigation fell through (Norfolk Annals ii., p. 35).

In 1864 it was carried on by three surgeons, W. P. Nichols, W. H. Ranking, M.D., and J. Ferra Watson, and was then called Heigham Hall.

In 1876 J. F. Watson still kept it, and had much to do with the "restoration" of the old church (Delves' Hist., 33-5). On his death his widow and her daughter and son in-law (Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mottram) kept it until it was transferred in 1904 to J. Gordon-Munn, Esq., M.D., F.R.S.E., who was Iord Mayor of Norwich 1915-16, and previously Medical Officer Grenadier Guards, 1st Batt., author of "The Uterus and its Appendages in the Insane." The grounds are unusually large and handsome, and the place is secluded and pretty.

This asylum is not to be confused with the "Heigham Retreat," opened 1829 by Mr. Jollye, of Loddon (Norfolk Annals i., p. 284), which in 1836 is said (White's Directory) to be conducted by Wm. Jollye and P. W. Nicholas, and in 1845 by Drs. Wright, Dalrymple, and Crosse. I understand this was bought out by Dr. Watson (see ante), and closed. Its site is now occupied by "Avenue Road," off Park Lane, so called from the avenue of trees which lead to it.

* As to him see Rye's Norfolk Families, p. 603. where it is said he rebuilt the hall. He was apprenticed to Dr. William Dalrymple, who kept the other asylum here.

The building now called Heigham House, next the Church of St. Philip, and occupied by Dr. E. E. Blyth, was formerly the residence of J. J. Winter, and afterwards of John Boyce.

contents Steward's House

Nearly the only other house of any importance in the Heigham part of the Unthank Road was that of Timothy Steward, who was Sheriff of Norwich in 1855, who was the son of another of his name. The family came from Yarmouth, and details of their descent will be found in Norfolk Families, p. 850. They were brewers of the firm of Steward, Patteson & Co., and the last named was father of Donald Steward and Bertha Steward, who married Mr. Frank Foster. Part of their house, including a fine drawing room with a moulded ceiling, is now embedded in the new building of "Heathcote," the well-known boarding-house, but its grounds have all been built on.

This family is not to be confused with

John Steward, who was a solicitor of Upper Heigham 1802, Sheriff in 1808, and Mayor 1810, whose descendants (including the late Reginald Steward and Campbell Steward) are set out on p. 851 of the same work, and who was the father of his own fortunes (see Harvey's MS. Collections). They were no relations to the Yarmouth family.

Unthank's house was on the other side of the road, and was in well-wooded grounds. Sir (then Mr.) Charles Gilman afterwards lived here.

The " Woodlands," once occupied by Mr. Robert Pitch, F.S.A.,' and now by Mr. Arnold H. Miller, the Town Clerk, has no pretensions to antiquity, but is a pleasant villa outside the traffic of the city.

* With his probable identity with the antiquarian tradesman satirised in "Julian Cloughton," I have dealt in my Autobiography. In 1793 his uncle, Joseph Fitch, was shopman to James Landy, of the Market Place, druggist (Mason's Norfolk, p. 473), and Mr. Fitch was his nephew, son of Samuel Fitch, of Ipswich.

The work best known in connection with his name is his "Gates of Norwich," but I believe he had little to do with its actual preparation.

The Woodlands Park, generously presented to the city by Mr. Fitch's daughter, Mrs. Pym, and irreverently if alliteratively called "Polly Pym's Park," is on the other side of the road.

The old Leper Houses were once on a site near St. Benet's Gates.

I have been unable to identify the houses of Mr. Thomas Herring (1633), Sir Justinian Lewen (1673), Sir Peter Seaman (1710), Parrett Hanger (1783), and Thomas Brereton (1783).

contents HEIGHAM FAMILY (?)

There have been several persons of the name of Heigham, eg.

1. Roger de Heigham, the judge who by Foss is said to be of a Kentish family.

2. Sir Clement Heigham, the judge between 1538-1570, said by Foss to come from the Suffolk Heigham, and

3. John Heigham, the Roman Catholic printer fl' 1639.

4. Robert Heigham, the Town Clerk of Norwich 1429-1450, was undoubtedly a local man.

contents VARIOUS DEEDS, &c.

The following are some miscellaneous references to early inhabitants from Old Charters and Fines, the Freemen's Rolls, Poll Books, and Directories:

1257-8. John Knocte v. *William Sigwyn and Christiana his wife in (ia.) Heigham (Fines, 42 Henry III., No. 1406).

1272-3. Geoffrey le Mercer and Katherine u v. *Nicholas Jolyf and Isabel ux. in (i.a) Heigham juxta Norwich (Fines, 31 Edward I., No. 6).

1284-5. Geoffrey, son of Richard Kempe, of Norwich, v. *Gervase le Graunt and Margaret ux. in Heytham (Fines, 13 Fdward I., No. 317).

1289. Seman Grym, of Heigham, by Norwich grants to his son Henry (chaplain) a messuage in the suburb of Norwich with the tenters there (where the cloths were stretched). (Norwich Deeds, p. 26).

1297. Robert Chese, of Salisbury, son of John Chese, of Norwich, transfers to Peter de Brumstede and Katherine his wife a messuage which Margeria, his grandmother, widow of the said John Chese, had in the suburb of Norwich, outside (sic.) Westwick Gates, in the parish of St. Benedict's (Norwich Deeds).

1299-1300. Peter de Brumstede and Katherine ux v. *Robert fil' John Chese in (i.a) Heigham juxta Norwich (Fines, 28 Edward I., No. 87).

1299. Ralph de Letton, le Barbur, and Maria ux. daughter of Seaman Grim, of Norwich, to Nicholas de Witlingham, tanner, staying in Heigham juxta Norwich, in parish of St. Benet's (Norwich Deeds, p. 72.)

1301-2. Roger fil' Adam de Stirston and Peter, his brother, v. Adam de Stirston, clerk in Heigham and Earlham (Fines 30 Edward I., No. 856.)

1304. Richard Bole and Bolda ux. to Robert de Yelverton in the suburb of Norwich and in St. Benedict.

1311. Peter, son of Robert Godewyne of Middelton and Alice his wife, daughter of Geoffrey de Len of Hegham by Norwich, to Robert Crede in St. Benedict.

1313. Isabella de Hegham's will was proved in London (Hustings Wills, p. 253.) This may be this Heigham, as the will of John de Hellesdon was proved in London about same time (ante, p. 136). 13I8-19. William de Cotton of Norwich v. 'Simon de Penteney and Johanna ux. in Heigham juxta Norwich (Fines I2 Edward II., No. 679.)

1321. Alice, widow of Hervey Flint, late of Norwich, John Flint and Richard de Walsham, executors of the said Hervey, to Richard Kempe of Norwich, chaplain, in St. Gregory's, St. Laurence, St. Swithin and Heigham. (Norwich Deeds.)

1322-3. Roger de Suffield and Beatrice ux *Peter de Middleton and Alice his wife in Heigham juxta Norwich. (Fines, 16 Ed. II., No. 912.)

1323-4. Nathaniel de Middleton v. *Roger de Champayne and Emma ux. in Heigham.

1324. John de Hegham and Alice his wife to John Slabbard, in St. Clement de Conisford (Norwich Deeds).

1325. Henry de Rokelound, dyer, and Agnes his wife, to Robert Wenge, of Hegham, tanner, in the suburb of Norwich, St. Benedict (Norwich Deeds).

1325. John Cosin and Margaret his wife to Ralph Stalun of Hegham, tanner, in Hegham, in the suburb of Norwich (Norwich Deeds).

1329. Catherine, widow of Sir Walter de Norwich, knight, -by Walter de Banham, chaplain, her attorney, to Robert Curzoun, in Hegham, in the suburb of Norwich (Norwich Deeds).

1334. John de Stonhus, son of Adam de Stirstone, in Norwich, Hegham, Erlham, and Kesewyke (Norwich Deeds).

1339. John le Dene and Robert de Carleton, baker, executors of Richard de Massyngham, late of Norwich, to Walter le Grey, of Heigham next Norwich, and Geffrey de Costeseie, in St. John de Madermarket (Norwich Deeds).

1340. Walter le Grey, of Hegham by Norwich, and Geoffrey de Costeseye to Robert de Carleton, baker, and Elizabeth his wife, in St. John de Madermarket (Norwich Deeds).

1340-1. John Tubbyng, of Heigham, admitted freeman of Norwich.

1340-1. Henry atte Crouche, of Heigham, shoemaker, admitted freeman of Norwich.

1347. Walter de Cavele, of Heigham, barker, admitted freeman of Norwich.

1350. William de Heigham, admitted freeman of Norwich.

1355. William de Heigham and Henry de Heigham occur on the View of Norwich Arms this year (Hudson, pp. 304-316).

1364. Bartholomew de Appleyard and John de Gnatishall v. *John de Weyland and Burgia ux' in Heigham juxta Norwich (Fines, 38 Edward III., No. 1191.

1365. Bartholomew de Appleyard and Thomas Cole of Norwich, v. Peter de Bumpstead, in Heigham juxta Norwich (Fines, 39 Edward III., No 1255.

1370. Will of Alice de Rokeland, of Heigham by Norwich (Norf. Antiq. Misc., i., p. 385). She directs her body to be buried in the church and leaves various legacies to it, to "Sir" Geoffrey Canyard, chaplain, to "Sir" Adam, to Benedict Barker -various legacies, to Emma Deye, of Heigham, a red cloak, to the wife of John Horn a blue cloak, to Margaret Message a corset of Cyprus. The proceeds of her house called the "corner place" inSt. Benedict of Westwick to be spent in a chaplain's celebrating for three years. Her executors were Robert Kenton, Rector of Heigham, Robert Boteler, and John Medilton, and her will was proved in September 1377 (see ante 1325).

1384. Henry Plomer, clerk, v. *William Gerard, citizen of Norwich, and Agnes ux. in Heyham juxta Norwich (Fines, 8 Richard Il., No. 122).

1384. William Blacome and others v. *William Warde, of Norwich, and Margaret ux. in Heigham juxta Norwich (id., No. 129).

1391. John Roode admitted citizen of Norwich.

1394-5. John de Norton, cordwainer, and John de Pulham, spurrier, v. *Thornas de Eggefeld, of Nelond, andJohanna ux. in Heigham juxta Norwich (Fines, 18Richard ll., No. 246).

1411. John Reigham, irlonder, admitted freeman.

1415. Robert Heigham, baker, ditto.

1416. Williarn Heigham, worsted weaver, ditto.

1424. Roger Heigham, butcher, ditto.

1429-5. Robert Heigham was town clerk of Norwich.

1432. Thomas Heigham, worsted weaver, ditto.

1441. Robert Heigham, tailor (apprentice to John Heigham), ditto.

1445. Laurence Heigham, cordwainer, ditto.

1455. Edmund Heigham, worsted weaver (apprentice to John Heigham), ditto.

1462-3. Walter, Bishop of Norwich, v. *John Jenny and Elizabeth ux. in (i,a.) Heigham (Fines, 2 Ed. IV., No. 3.)

1476. Thos. Heigham the elder, of Heigham, Esq., to Thos. Wellys, of Upwell, of land in Tuddenham, Suffolk. (Ancient Deeds A 5345.) . . this Heigham?

1494. Robert Haylys and others v. Wm. Skipwith, Esq., and Johanna ux. in Heigham. (Fines, 10 Henry VII. Mich.)

1496. John Wellys (inq. p. m. 12Henry VII., No. 1230). He died without issue and Walter Welles, aged 70, was his brother and heir. He held (i. a.) the manor of Mangrene and its appurtenances in (i.a.) Heigham, of Elizabeth, the Duchess of Norfolk.

1507. John Sweyn, Thos.Tyrell, smith, Robert Bell, tailor, and Thos. Smart, cordwainer, citizens of Norwich, to Thos. More, of Norwich, draper, John Rightwyse, Robt. Borowe, Bartholomew Springwell and John Holly, of four acres in Earlham, between Heygham Heath and land of Abbot of Langley (Ancient Deeds, C 6887.) Other deeds dated 1481, 1486, 1374, 1500, 1551, 1552.

1519. Mich., 11 Henry VII. (1519). Thos. Hill and others v. John Pestell and others in Heigham next Norwich.

1523. A release in Heigham (Add. MSS., 17746).

1525. Hilary, 1525. Thos. Aldrich v. Sir Edward Boleyn in Gowthorpe . . . . Heigham.

1529. Robert King, of Heigham, tanner, admitted freeman of Norwich.

1531. Mich., 23 Henry VIII., John Feke, John Swayne, Robt. Bell and Robt Afforley v. *Robert Corben and Margaret u in Heigham next Norwich.

1531. Trinity, 1539. Robert Browne, v. Wm. Lamme (?) two messuages called de Spetyl-tolys in Heigham by Norwich.

1534. Wm. Reppys, S. T. P., Abbot and Convent of St. Benet's, demised to Thos. Godsalve, of Norwich, Esq., 20 acres arable, the field of Hygham, between the road from Norwich to Eaton and abutting on Eaton Heath, for 99 years at 20s. (Ancient Deeds C 7500a).

1549. Thos. Holl farmed the manor.

1552. Thos. Raye, of Heigham, son of John Raye, tanner, admitted freeman of Norwich.

Wm. Godselve, son and heir of this Thos. Godsalve, sells to Wm. Mingay, alderman of Norwich, 1 acre late of Thos. Godsalve, the elder, Esq., adjoining land from the gates of Norwich, called St. Stephen's Gates and Etonne. (Ancient Deeds, C7709)

1537-8. Mich. 4 and 5 P. & M. Thos. Atkyn, gent., v. John Appleyard, Esq., in Over and Nether Earlham, Eton and Heigham in Norwichand over the Nether Earlham in Norfolk. 1584. Leper houses of Westwick and St. Benet's Gates bought in 1584 by the city of Thomas and Richard Layer, and were called the Spital Cotes or Cottages (Bl. Norf., iv., p. 509).

1587. Richard Browne built the so-called Bishop Hall's Palace.

1594. 37 EIizabeth. Thos. Holle, jun., gent.,,v. Anthony Style, gent., and John Lewys (?), possibly Lewyn, in Heigham.

1602. Thos. Holl, the younger, of Heigham, gent., and Elizabeth ux to Nicholas Aldrich in St. Mary Coslany (Ancient Deeds, C 6966).

1606. 3 James I. Robert Thornton and others v. Thos. Tanner (?) in Heigham.

1620. Sir Thos. Southwell sells to Thos. Holley, of Heigham, the manor of Whinburgh (Norf. Deeds, p. 64), also in 1624 rectory of Tottington (p. 77).

1621. Richard Browne, of Haigham, gent., cousin and heir of Richard Browne sells to Jas. Hobart half manor of Cley (Norfolk Deeds, p. 66).

1628. Thos. Holl, of Heigham, trustee of Ormesby, &c. (Norf. Deeds, p. 92).

1628. Thos. Holl, of Heigham, to the Earl of Surrey, manors of Wells, &c. (Norf. Deeds, p. 94).

Richard Goodwyn sells to Augustyn Hobb (? Holl) of Heigham, in Seething (Norf. Deeds, p. 101).

Augustyn Hobb (? Holl),-of Heigham, son and heir of Thomas Hobb (?) to Wm. Elwyn, of Heigham, tanner, 32 acres in Panxworth, &c. (Tingey's Norf. Deeds, p. 102).

contents 1633. NORWICH RATE BOOK, 1633-34, pp. 37, 38, 39.

*The figures refer to the number of pence weekly to be paid or allowed.

3/- to St. Martins-at-Oak. For lands monthly

Mr. Thomas Herringe, 12d.

Mr. Cuppledick, 6d.

Mr. Robert Powle, 6d.

Mr. Thomas Church, 3d.

John Harrold, 2d.

Thomas Elwyn, 2d.

John Johnson, 2d.

William Yarham, 2d.

William EIwyn, 2d.

John Claxton, 2d.

John Sabberton, 2d.

Henry Howe, 2d.

John Sheppard, 2d.

Arthur Kinge, 1d.

Edmond Gill, 1d.

Widow Haylett, 1d.

Thomas Frevell, 1d.

Christopher Wollffe, 1d.

John Ellis, 1d.

John Luse, 1d.

Peter Rottengoose, sen., 16d.

John Lant, 12d.

Matthew Barnes, 10d.

Thomas Awsten, 4d.

Peter Rottengoose, jun., 12d.

Widow Seaman, 2d.

Thomas Cookoe, 2d.

William Tuck, 4d.

Thomas Lowe, 10d.

Richard Boone, 4d.

George Ferreby, 4d. John Sabberton Churchwarden

John Funell, 4d. John Sheppard Churchwarden

George Baker, 4d. John Harwood Overseer

William Harper, 2d. Henry Lowe Overseer

Mr. Matthew, 2d. John Claxton Overseer

John Colfer, 2d,

contents POOR

The Widow Stelve, 6d. John Dawson

Elizabeth Dey, 6d. Robert Melton

Christopher Greetinge, 6d.Widow Thixton

John Smyth, 8d. Bockinge

Mathew Ryall, 4d. Woolward

Christopher Marriner, 8d. Widow Ficklyn

1669. John Lowe, butcher, of Heigham, issued a token here (E.C.C., p. 2I7), but this is doubted.

1673. Sir Justinian Lewin had a seat here.

contents 1710. Norwich Poll of. For Bene and Berney'(pp. 19-20)

Thomas Black (barker), freeholder. Nicholas Hopps, freeholder.

Robert Clarke, freeholder. George Jolland, Worstead Weaver.

John Davy, freeholder. Thomas Low, freeholder.

William Edger, worsted weaver. Ambrose Mallowes, freeholder.

Thomas Fenn, sen., worsted weaver. John Parnel, sen., carpenter.

Thomas Fenn, worsted weaver John Parnel, jun., carpenter.

Samuel Foker, currier. Richard Pye, freeholder.

Peter Seaman, Esq., Justice Francis Ulfe, freeholder.

For Bacon and Gardener (pp. 67-68):-

Samuel Alexander, freeholder. Anthony Kett, taylor.

James Brooke, comber. Thomas King, worsted weaver.

John Cooke, worsted weaver. John Lawes, worsted weaver.

Thomas Lawes, worsted weaver.

John Callop*, worsted weaver. Ambrose Mallowes, cordwainer.

John Daydon, worsted w.

Thomas Denny, worsted w. Edward Nethergate, worsted weaver.

Peter Fiddy, worsted weaver.

John Foreman (coleman), freeholder. Richard Parker (barker) worsted w.

John Foster, worsted weaver. Thomas Ross, worsted weaver.

John Hickman, worsted w. Samuel Thing, worsted w.

Nathaniel Ireland, worsted w. Francis Ulfe, freeholder.

* Possibly error for Yallop

1714. Prom Mr. Barnard's copy of the very rare poll book of this year I am able to add the names of several who voted in this year : Norwich Poll. For Waller Bacon and Robert Britiff

John Adkins, worsted w. Thomas King, worsted w.

Samuel Alexander, tanner. John Lawes, worsted w.

John Dagon, worsted w. John Lawes, jun., worsted w.

Thomas Dawson, frecholder. Ambrose Mallows, cordwainer.

John Dayden, darnick w. John Salmon, worsted w.

Andrew Foker, cordwainer.

John Foster, worsted w. Francis Ulfe, freeholder.

Matthew Ireland, worsted w. Thomas Warner, freeholder,

John Ives (Hinds)freeholder. St. Peter Mancroft.

For Robert Bene and Richard Berney:-

Win. Barber, limeburner, Wm. Howard, worsted w.

??? freeholder. John, Mall, cordwainer.

Thos. Burnett, cordwainer, Peter Mallett, worsted w.

William Edgar, mason. John Parnell, sen., carpenter.

Wm. Gobbett, worsted w. John Parnell, jun., carpenter.

Ezekiel Hulver, freeholder, Rich. Pye, tanner, freeholder.

St. Swithin's

. Vestis Skinner, mason.

(For list of outvoters in 1714 see last page of this monograph.)

contents 1735. Norwich Poll of. For Branthwayt,-

Thomas Beech, freeholder. Matthew Ireland, worsted W.

Thomas.Burnett, cordwainer. Thomas King, worsted w.

John Crome, worsted weaver. Thomas Low, butcher.

Thomas Deday, worsted w. John Manthorp, worsted w.

John Fearman, wool comber. Thomas Nobbs, freeholder.

William Franklin, freeholder. Eustace Skinner, mason.

Robert Good, worsted w. John Toft, worsted w.

Robert Henry, cordwainer. Thomas Yaxley, worsted w.

Out voters for Branithwayt (p. 111)

Henry Eglinton, of Bawdeswell, for freehold in Heigham.

Sir John, Pettus, of Rackheath, for freehold inHeigham.

Rorace Pettus, of Rackheath, for freehold in Heigham.

John Thurtle, of Trowse Newton, barker.

For Vere:-

Thomas Adams, worsted w. Johnde Carle, jun., worst. w.

John Arlom, worsted w. Thomas Dawson, whister.

Phiilip Bert, worsted w. John Forster, worsted w.

Charles Crow, tanner. JohnIves, worsted weaver.

William Clayton, worsted w. Thos. King, worsted weaver.

William Downing, worst. w. Thos. Kett, worsted weaver.

John Lawrence, worsted w. Edward Sheltram, worst. w.

Ambrose Mallows, sen cordwainer.., Robert Salmon. worsted w.

Outvoters for Vere (County Men)

Abraham Bailey, of Yarmouth, freehold in Heigham.

Francis Paldry, of Yarmouth, freehold in Heigham.

Andrew Bracey, of Yarmouth, freehold in Heigham.

Robert Dunn,of Yarmouth, freehold in Heigham.

John Dalmon, of Houghton, freehold in Heigham.

John Fox, of The Close. freehold in lakenham.

Thomas Ward, of Yarmouth, freehold in Heigham.

Henry Wright, of Yarmouth, freehold in Heigham.

Joseph Woolstone, of Yarmouth, freehold in Heigham.

Francis Wynn, of Yarmouth, freehold in Heigham.

Henry Walton, of Yarmouth, freehold in Heigham.

John Windsor, of Yarmouth, freehold in Heigham.

(It is very singular that theYarmouth men should have voted in respect of Heigham, and the fact seems to point to a wholesale manufacture of faggot votes).

contents 1763. Norwich Poll Of. (p. 63)

Armes Robt., worsted weaver. Maltby Daniel, worsted w.

Baley John, worsted weaver. Nobbs John, w. w., freeholder

Bayes Geo., worsted weaver. Rayner William, gentleman.

Betts Nath,, clerk, freeholder. Read Nicholas, worstead w.

Betts Nath., worsted weaver. Stannard Abrahain, worsted

Chestnut John, worsted w. weaver, freeholder.

Clarke John,worstead weaver, Stannard John, worsted w.

freeholder. Skinner Yestis, bricklayer,

Crome John, patten maker. freeholder.

Cooper Charles, soap boiler. Slack Henry, innholder.

Decarle Robert, bricklayer. Smith James, tanner, free-,

Dawson Thomas, whitster. holder.

Ellis Peckover, turner. Tyrrel Stephen, woolcomber

Forster Augustine, worst. w. Terry John, worsted weaver,

Forster John,worsted weaver. freeholder, Colgate.

Howard Thomas, worsted w. Warrington John, fishmonger.

Kett Benjamin, tanner.

Laxton Joseph, worsted weaver,


contents 1783. The residents mentioned in Chase's Directory are..

Parrot Hanger, Esq., Upper Heigham.

Mrs. Buttries, farmer, Upper Heigham.

Henry Cook, baker, Heigham Street.

Tbomas Dawson, linen bleacher, Heigham Street.

John Raynes, tanner, Heigham Street.

Matthew Smith and Benjamin Smith, tanners, Heigham Street.

John Tinkler, currier, Heigham (hence Tinkler's Lane, now Midland Street).

John Buck, wheelwright, St. Benedict's Road (now Dereham Road),

Laurence Golden, gardener, ditto.

Benjamin Webber, gardener, ditto.

Robert Howlen, carpenter and joiner, without St. Benedict's Gates.

Henry Huggins, currier, ditto.

Michael Baldwin, coachmaker, without St. Giles' Gates (now Earlham Road).

Thomas Brereton, gent., ditto.

Smith and King, sattinet and lasting makers, ditto.

Rev. Buckle, St. Giles' Road.

Robert De Carle, bricklayer, ditto.

John Golden, gardener, ditto.

Mrs. Love, ditto.

Miss Taylor, ditto.

Mrs. Robinson, Eaton Road, St. Giles' Gates (now Unthank Road).

Rev. Wigget, ditto.

contents 1802. Peck's Directory does not give Heigham, but from the general list I have picked out:-

Stephen Borough, "Dolphin" Inn, Upper Heigham.

Robert Johnson, at the Shell Works, Heigham.

John Steward, attorney, Upper Heigham.

John Tinkler, jun., & Co., tanners, 15, Heigham Street.

1836, &c. For later residents see White's Directory of 1836 and the subsequent directories of 1845, 1858, and 1864. The increase of population in Heigham has been so great that I cannot give the space for these.


The Abbot of Bury, who had land of Gilbert le Claver and of the confirmation of Alex de la Cressimere (?)

The Abbot of Langley 46s. 3d. of lands and rents here and in Earlham.

The Prior of Buckenham, 2S.6d.

contents THE CHURCH

This church has received much attention from Norfolk Antiquaries, e.g., Norris, in his " Funeral Monuments (Rye MSS., 6, vol. ii., P 453.) Starling (Rye MSS., I7, vol. vii., P. 71). Mackerel, "Church Notes." 1743-5, in the Additional MSS., British Museum, 12526, and also in the transcript from Mr. J. H. Gurney's copy of Mlackerell's History of Norwich, 1737, which transcript is now in the Norwich Public Library. A paper on it by Alr.J.T.Varden was read at the meeting of the N.&N.A.S., xviii., pp. li.-liii. Farrer describes the heraldry invol. iii., pp. 130-3, of his "Church Heraldry," and last, but not least, inMr. F. R. Beecheno's manuscript notes, who in May, I876 - prior to the restoration - took most careful notes of all the inscriptions. These he has very liberally allowed me to print, and as his minute accuracy is so well known, my subscribers will, I know, join with me in thanking him. His notes I print hereafter as a basis, noting in each case any variation which occurs in Blomefield, Norris, Starling and Mackerell.

Norris gives no description of the fabric of the church. Martin does not mention either church or inscriptions, and Starling only gives some inscriptions. Blomefield's description is very short. "The church and chancel are 26 yards long, the breadth, including the aisle is 11 yards; there is a north porch and square tower with 3 bells in it, the church is thatched, the aisle and chancel are leaded."

The fabric of the Church* is thus described by Mr. Beecheno:-

"The church of Saint Bartholomew, Heigham, has of late years been thoroughly restored and enlarged by the addition of a north aisle, as a memorial to Bishop Hall who spent his last years at the house knows as the 'Dolphin’ in this parish, and was buried in the chancel. The following notes, made in May, 1876, are descriptive of the church previous to the recent restoration, as it seems desirable to preserve a record of the church as it was. A few discoveries and alterations are noted.

This church consists of nave, chancel, south aisle with door entering into it, square tower at the west end, north vestry, and north porch. The style is plain Perpendicular, and the windows are of two lights, with the exception of the east window, and that at the east end of south aisle, which have three. The east window is decorated. On east gable is a floriated cross, and there is another much mutilated over the east end of the south aisle. There is a niche over the porch door, two ancient blocked up windows built in the north wall of vestry, and the remains of several figures at the top of the tower.

*Mr. Phipson considers that the aisle, roof, and the arcade were of the time of Edward III.

The tower, which is 44½ feet in height, contains two bells.

The entire length of nave and chancel is 73 feet, and the width 19 feet,

The roof of the south aisle is plainer than that of the nave. The length of the aisle is 43 feet, and the width 13 feet.

The communion table is of the I7th century. There are seven demi-angels with scrolls remaining supporting the roof of the chancel. There are also the Ten Commandments at the east end.

"The old pews and pulpit with two reading-desks, and sounding-board, remain, all painted white. Both nave and chancel are under the same roof, which is open timber, and has lost all the angels supporting it, except those in chancel.

"The font is late octagonal Perpendicular,* and stands in westernmost arch of nave. Round the stem are four lions sejant. The upper part is supported by eight demi-angels. The panels are filled as follows:- 1, Emblem of the Trinity. 2, 4, 6 and 8, a Rose. 3, St. George's Cross. 5, Instruments of the Passion. 7, A cross moline. It has an octagonal crocketted wooden cover. On a board fixed intower arch with the Royal Arms at top, is an account of the benefactions to the parish, viz., Thos. Seaman by will dated 10th August, I700. Robt. Powell by will dated 1675. Mrs. Anne Parr, by codicil 1816-7, which I need not set out as they are recorded elsewhere."

A judgment pronounced In St. Leonard's Chapel in Heigham on a case of compuIsory monastic orders in 1447 (Brit. Mus., Campbell's MSS, xx., 3) cannot I think refer to this Heigham.

Blomefield says there was a guild kept here in honour of St. Bartholomew and the Blessed Virgin. He further says it is called in many wills "Staunford St. Bartilmew, next Norwich."

*Phipson calls it temp. Henry VIII.

In 1377 Alice de Rockland was buried in the church, and Ralf Stalon, barkere or tanner, in 1471.

Thomas Folkard, rector here, was buried in the chancel in 1461, and gave a silver cup and cover to the altar. John Munde, rector, was also buried here.

N.B.-There is now an old stone coffin with floriated cross in floor of north aisle.

There are two very good views of the old church taken in 1852 by Wodderspoon from among the collection of his drawings in the Norwich Public Library.

An etching by Kitton, made in 1876, is also there.

contents THE BELLS.

On 1. No inscription.

On 2. "John Brend made me 1656."

The other bell, the treble, being split, was sold in 1838 to buy one for Trinity Chapel (see L'Estrange's Church Bells, p. 143).


Chalice dated 1567. " Sent Bartelmeus, of Hayham."

Chalice and Paten dated 1707. " Ecclesi-. Sci. Bartholomei de Hegham juxta Norvic, Sacrum, J.W.R. [James Whitefoot, M.A.]. Paten dated 1656.

The Parish Register dates from 1570.


On mural monuments, chancel north side,

1. Haylett. Az. a fess embattled or between three unicorns' heads erased ar. crined armed of the second.

Crest. A demi-unicorn rampt. regardant ar. crined unguled and armed or.

Sacred to the memory of William Haylett, Esq. of Madras in the East Indies and Nephew of the late Matthew Smith Esq., deceased of this Parish born December 9th, 1796, died March 28th, 1861. In his early career he was enterprising and during many years resided at Madras as an influential Merchant of that Presidency. "The memory of the just is blessed." This memorial is erected by his only surviving sister as a slight tribute to his many virtues.

2. Crest.. A mast ar. rigged or. surmounted by a flag gu. and ar. Norris gives these arms, quarterly 1 and 4 Seaman with a cres for difference. 2, arg. a fess between 3 birds sa. 3 within a bordure erm (?), 3 martIets 2 and 1, impaling, or on a cross az. between 4 lozenges, voided gu. an escarbuncle (?), or

Qui sis-cunq : Lector Hinc monitus decedas quod vita brevis Spem nos vetet inchoare longam Hic prope jacet Thos. Seaman Armiger Filius unicus Petris Seaman Militis Acri lnvenis Subtiliq. : Ingenio Et cui provida Natura Corpus Ideo dedit imbecille quo inter spiritus immortales sui simillimos citius accipiatur Obijt 13 die Octobris Anno Xti 1724, Aetat 31.

3. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Matthew Smith who died March VI., MDCCCXXVIII., in the LXXVII. year of his age. Also James Smith the only son of the above Mr. Matthew Smith who died January IV., MDCCXCVIII., in the XVII. year of his age. Also of Mary, relict of the above Matthew Smith, who died the VI. of June, MDCCCXXXVII., aged LXXX. years. Also James Smith Rump, who died XXV. December, MDCCCLXXI., aged LXII. years.

4. Crest. An escallop-shell ar.

Parr. Az. two pallets or each charged with a martlet sa., and on an escutcheon of pretence.*

Smith. Gu. on a chev. or. between three bezants as many crosses crosslet fitchy sa. impaling Ar. on a cross engr. between four eagles displayed gu. a fleur de lis between four cinquefoils or.

In this Chancel lie the remains of the Rev. Robt. Parr. A.M., formerly Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, and Vicar of Modbury, Devonshire, afterwards Rector of St. Lawrence, Norwich, for 27 years within 19 days, and of Heigham for 31 years within 6 days, who died June 3rd, A.D. 1812, aged 71. His conversation was cheerful without levity. His manners were agreeable without art. His integrity was inflexible, his piety was sincere, his memory will long be revered by his parishioners, friends, and relations, and deeply will his loss be deplored by the unfortunate whom he was accustomed to console, and by the indigent whom he was ever ready to relieve. Elizabeth, first wife of the Rev. R. Parr, and only daughter of Henry Smith Esq., Hautboys, Norfolk, died July 2nd, A.D., 1797, aged 54, and is buried in the same vault with her husband. This monument was erected to the best of husbands by Ann his much afflicted widow, who died 14th January, 1823, aged 85, and who to fulfil and extend his benevolent intention has left forty-five pounds per annum to the poor of this Parish for ever.

*Farrer cannot identify this or the impaled coat, though he says it may be Smith or Stracey.

5. On east wall : This tablet is dedicated by an affectionate daughter to the memory of Benjamin Smith who died January 21st, 1810 in the 51st year of his age. Also of Rebecca his wife who died October 10th, 1822, aged 62 years. Their remains rest in a vault near this spot.

6. In memory of William Robbins, M.A., born 3rd October 1786, died 24th June, 1856, XXIII. years he was Curate of the Parishes of Hickling, Waxham and Palling in this County XXIII. years, rector of this parish. "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God." "Not of works least any man should boast." Ephe. II. 8.9. Also of Anna his beloved wife who departed this life 20th November, 1867, aged 77 Years. In a vault beneath this tablet are deposited the remains of Anna the wife of Richard B. P. Kidd, M.A. eldest daughter of the above, 27th October, 1812, died 14th November, 1841,and of Anna Jane their infant daughter.

7. On south wall is a monument with the arms of Hall. sa. Three talbots' heads erased ar. langued gu.

Crest. A mitre labelled or.

A gilt skeleton holds in its left hand a parchment with Persolvit et quietus est, and in its right hand another parchment with Debemus morti nos nostraq : Between it’s legs is, Obijt 8 Septem, Ano Aerae Chistianae 1656 Aet. :suae 82. To the parchment in the right hand is attached a seal on it the arms of Hall as above. At foot, Joseph Hallvs olim hu(mi)lis Ecclesiae servus.

8. Seaman as before: Sacred to the memory of Thomas Seaman, Esq., who departed this life in ye year of our lord 1700, aged 68, and lies interred under the stone., near this place. To the memory of Mr. Thomas Seaman who married Mary the daughter of Jeremy Norris, Esq. He died Feb. the 10th 1740, aged 77.

[Norris also has this extended thus: Sacred to the memory of Thomas Seaman, of Higham, Esq., some time Sheriff of the County of Norfolk and City of Norwich. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John Copland, of Yaxford, in Suffolk, gent., by whom he had six sons and four daughters. He died the 18th August, 1700, in the 68th year of his age. Norris adds that he was Sheriff of Norwich 1679, and High Sheriff of Norfolk at the Summer Assizes 1688.]

Beneath this stone lieth the remains of Parrott Hanger Esq., late of this Parish who died 18th December 1801 aged 48, also Mary his wife died 19th November 1808, aged 53, and Mary Eleanor their infant daughter.

On flat stones at altar rails, beginning north.

10.Crest. A sea-lion sej. gu. guttee d'or,

Holl. Or on a chev. sa. three unicorn heads erased ar.

Here lyeth Thoma(s) H(ol)l. [Lord of the manor - Norris] who dyed at t[he years of Three skore [and Two]. [Corrected from Norris P. 452. Blomefield says his age was 62. Starling says

11. Stone having lost brass effigy with inscription below.

N.B.-This effigy has been recovered, and refixed, and the stone is now placed in the south aisle.* [The inscription remained in Norris's and Blomefield's time, and was to the memory of Thomas Holl (second son of Thomas Holl, Esq.,] who was buried the 6th of March 1630. Starling has: Here lyeth ye body of Thomas Holl, second son to Thomas Holl, Esq., who was buried the 8th of March 1630. (The figure, a Cavalier, is small, and wretchedly drawn). Norris p. 453 and Starling p. 71 add : Here lieth the body of Elizabeth Holl, the daughter of Augustine Holl, Esq., who was buried the 6th and 20th day of April 1633.

In memoriam Thom, Hearinge Armigeri qvi obiit XXI die Marcii Anno Dom 1636 Aetatis sue 85 Hoc monvmentvm Thomas Dey et Robertvs Norse Generosi execvtores testamenti svi posvervut Quis iacet hic? Thomas Hearing qualis Deus ipse (Dicere si fas sit)largitione pia. Quae fecit dum vixit ? Egeniis munera sparsit Qualia vix vnqam secula nostra vident. Mors qualis fueatt? Moribundus pace beatus, Dona serens summi scandit ad Astra. Poli.

13. On a flat stone at chancel step, part within rails : In memory of the Rev. Samuel Pratt, A.M., a native of Derby, Fellow of Emanuel Coll: Camb. and Sub Master of the Free Grammar School in the City of Norwich. He died on the 17th of May, I788, in the 28th year of his age.

*It is illustrated by Cotnian.

On flat stones further down the chancel

14. Crest. A mitre labelled or. Arms Norwich See. Az. three mitres labelled or. imp. Hall as before

Induviae (Indur' inStarling) Josephi Hall olim Norvicencis Ecclesiae, Servi Repositae 8 die Mensis Septembris Anno Domini 1656 Aetatis svae Anno 82 Vale lector et Aeternitati Prospice.

15. Seaman as before imp.

Copland. Ar. two bars and a canton gu, over all a bend sa.

Seaman's crest, as before.

Sacred to the memory of Thomas Seaman of Higham, Esq., somtime Sheriff of ye County of Norfolk, and City of Norwich he married Elizabeth daughter of John Copland of Voxford in Suffolk, gentleman by whom he had issue six sonns, and foure daughters he dyed ye 68th year of his age.

MS. Elizabeth the deare and vertuous consort of Joseph Hall B.N., with whom she comfortably lived forty eight yeares changed this mortall life for an eternall, August 27th 1652, in the yeare of her age 69. Farewell .leader and minde eternitie.

Norris and Starling also have another " Fui Johannes Hall, Josephi filius in Legibus Baccalaureus, Dormivi suaviter in Domino February 12, Ao Salutis 1650, Resurrecturus olim in gloria.

17. Sacred to memory of Captain Christopher Alcock of Norwich. he died July 31, 1752, aged 7I years. He was a brave and gallant Officer in Pearces and in Irwins Regiments both in England, and in Ireland, in Portugal, and in Spain with great honour and reputation he served his Country and his King.

Here lieth in Hope of a joyful Resurrection ye body of William Baly who departed this life July Ye 20th, 1742, aged 54 years. Also lieth the body of Thomas Baly, the Son of William Baly, who departed this life the 23rd day of September 1746, aged 25 years.

19. Gwyne. Gu. a chev. Between three lions saliant or. These arms are mentioned by Blomefield.

Here lyeth the body of [Elizabeth the late wyfe of] Ryce Gvynn of Fakenhami in the Covnty of Norfolk Esq, who departed this life vpon the 29th day of October 1654 [Starling omits the words in brackets).

20. Crest. A stork statant ppr.

Ewen. Ermines a bend cotised or.

In memory of the Reverend John Morris Ewen, only son of the Reverend John Ewen and Philippa his wife (late Leman, spinster) of Reydon in the County of Suffolk, who departed this life, May 20th, 1840

21. Holl, as before imp.

Wodehouse of Waxham. Quarterly. erm. and az. in 2nd and 3rd quarters a leopard's face or. Norris says the slab bore:

Here resteth the body of Frances late wife of Augustine Holl, Esq., (el)dest daughter of [Sir] William Wodehouse) late of (Waxham) 26th 0… 16...

On south wall of nave: Memoriae Sacrum of Mrs. Jagger, widow of the late Mr, Jagger, formerly of this City, daughter of the adjacent Mr. William Storer, and niece to the late Mr. Storer, of Jamaica, died 17th May, 1834, aged 90 years. Clangetur Enim et Mortui Resurgent.

23. Sacred to the memory of William Storer late of this Parish, who departed this life February 14th 1758, aged 42 years, whose singular knowledge in business rendered him truly valuable. Also Margaret his wife, she afterwards married James Spurrell and lies interred at Watton in Norfolk, and departed this life Nov. 27th, 1790, in the 81st year of his age, Clangetur Enim et mortui Resurgent.

24. On north wall - In the Churchyard at the back of this monument are deposited the remains of William Arderon, F.R.S., who departed this life November 25th, 1767, aged 64, together with those of Susan his first wife and William their son, the former of whom died June 20th, 1759, aged 47, the latter August 14th, 1748, aged I7, and also of Sarah his second wife, who died January 16th, 1762, aged 31.

25. On a flat stone at east end of nave: Here lieth the body of Susan, wife of Thomas Burgess, who died 24th August, 1760, aged 52 years. To dye .... we shall learn too soon without a … only now the …

On another … Resur… Gloria…

26. In the north porch, east wall, a stone with the Freemason's device: in this porch lies the remains of Deborah, the beloved wife of Anthony Wills, who died March 24th in the year of our Lord 1849, aged 64 years. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of ungodliness," Psalm lxxxiv., I I v.

There is now also the following inscription..-

27. In memory of Anthony Wills, who died June 3rd, 1872, aged 87 years, who was for 54 years clerk- of this parish, also a member of the Ancient Order of Freemasons 67 years, whose end was peace. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee because he trusteth in Thee," Isaiah xxvi., 3 V.

28. Crest: A griffin's head erased gu. gorged with a collar flory and ducally crowned or, for Unthank. Or a saltire gu. between two crescents in pale of the last, and as many griffins' heads erased in fess sa impaling. Gu. a fess between eight billets or (Farrer, iii., p. 133, makes the griffins eagles throughout).

This simple monument is erected by William Unthank, of this parish, as a tribute of affection to the memory of Ann, his beloved wife, who died on the 26th day of May, 1820, in the 57th year of her age, and of their sons William Samuel Unthank, killed at the siege of Badajoz on the 7th day of April, 1812, aged 24 years, and Robert Unthank, who died on the 21st day of April, 1820, in the 21st year of his age.

29. To the memory of William Unthank, who died on the 11th day of November, 1837, aged 77 years. During a long life the zealous friend of freedom, humanity, and justice, benevolent to all, rigid in nothing but the discharge of his duty. This tablet is inscribed by his son, Clement William Unthank, in testimony of affection.

At foot same arms, crest, and impalement as before.

30. On flat stones beginning west : In memory of John Johnson, late of this parish, who departed this life June 17th, 1797, aged 51 years; also Ann, the wife of Thomas Cupper and relict of John Johnson, who died February 2nd, 1804, aged 54 years.

Starling and Norris also have: Here lyeth Elizabeth, ye daughter of Robert and Mary Johnson, who departed this life on Sunday the 4th day April, 1669.

31. Here lieth the body of Ma ... Low, son of John Low, who departed this life the 1st of March, Anno Dom. 1672.

32. Here lyeth the body of M... e, who dece... April. 1648 ....e h..dreth.... Childreins......nds to 12...... five pounds this parish.

33. Here lyeth interred the body of Mrs. Anne Guybon, who departed this life the 26th day of April, Anno Dom. 1688.

Starling: Here resteth the body of John Brabourne, who deported 20th April, 1648, who gave £100 to the Children's Hospital, £12 to 12 poor parishes, and £5 to the poor of this parish. (This is also mentioned by Blomefield and Norris),

Norris also has: Here resteth the body of Charles Rawlyns, departed this life August, Anno Domini 1646.

34. Here lyeth ....... Charles R......departed....... Anno Domini 16... [This no doubt is the inscription given in Starling, p. 7I . Here lyeth ye body of Anne, ye late wife of Charles Rawlyns, gent. She was the daughter of Nicholas Lannock, Esq., who departed this life on ye 12th of December, 1654. (Blomefield and Norris gave the surname Dannock).

35. Here vnder....e. the body of T(homas) ]Elwin, the ...th son of William second day of December, 1648, whose age was eightie yeare six monthes and one day. Under lyeth the body of Mary, the wife of Daniel Reeve and daughter of William Elwin. She departed this life the 23rd day of February in the year of our Lord 1668.

36. Here lyeth ye body of Robert Powell, gent., some time Sheriff of ye Citty of Norwich,* he dyed ye 15th day of Decem., Anno Dom., 1675; and also the body of Alice Powell his wife, who departed this life Augst. Ye 30th. 1691, aged 80 years; likewise here lieth ye body of Ralph Pell, who departed this life Octr. ye 26th, 1730, aged 66 years likewise Elizabeth, the wife of Ralph Pell, who died ye 30th May, 1734, aged 70 years; and also Elizabeth, the wife of John Loodes, and daughter of Ralph and Elizabeth Pell, who died Feb. 7th, 1755, aged 62 years.

*Another of his name had been Sheriff 1624.

On a large stone under the tower, also discovered during restoration, is the following fragment of inscription:-

37. Hic iacent Ossa Willi. et Margerie Bateman, p... s...

38. Under font, now in nave, is..

[Here lyeth] the body of Thomas [the son] of William Elwin and Elizabeth his wife, he died 26th day of June, Anno Dom. 1676, aged two years, two months and 18 dayes, Here lyeth the body of Eliza.. ..ghter of William Elwin and Elizabeth his wife, who died 4th of May, aged a yeare and eight months.

Norris also has, p. 458 [some of them also given by Blomefield]. On plain stones in the aisle:

Jeremy Bell, who died June, 1673.

Elizabeth, wife of William Elwin, A.D. 1666, aet 66.

Williain Elwin, 13th December, 1686, aet 46.

Thomas, son of William and Elizabeth Elwin, 26th June, 1676, aged two years two months and 18 days, likewise Elizabeth their daughter, A.D. 1679, aged one year.

Thomas, son of William Elwin, 1649, aged 82.

Mary, wife of Daniel Reve, his daughter, 1688.

William, son of Thowas Elwin, 1655, aged 60.

Elizabeth, wife of Edmund Culyer (Starling has Sculver), his daughter, 1679.

Augustine, son of William EIwiin, 1666, aged 35

Laurence Marsh, 1690, aged 82.

Sarah, wife of Laurence Marsh, 1672.

Sarah, daughter of Robert and Sarah Sellars, i666, a-ed 22.

Thomas, son of John Iow, 1672.

William Culyer, 1715, aged 65.

Ann, wife of William Fitz John, June 6th, 1698 and William his son. [Norris, P. 460, calls the name Fitz Johnson].

Robert Burnet, December 17th, 1698.

Blomefield also has besides some of the above:

Anne Dannock...of Norwich, 1654[Jannock?].

Edmund Culyer, 1687.

Thomas, son of Laurence Marsh, n.d.

Martha, wife of ,1667.

Norris, P. 461, says that "in the east window of the chancel are the two following shields:-

" Or a double-headed sa. and gu. three leopards or, the arms of Germany and England. The shields appear by the painting to have been very ancient, and for aught I know might be designed for the arms of Richard, Earl of Cornwall, who was chosen King of the Romans Ao 1257, and of Henry III., King of England, his brother."

The following arms were painted on a small oval board, which is now nailed to a seat in the chancel:- "Sa a fess raguly between three griffins' (?) heads, erased or."

Captain E. E. Dorling astutely suggests that the charges should be lions' gambs, and that they were misread by Norris as griffins' heads. If this is so the coat is that granted to Sir Joseph Paine, the Royalist mayor of 1660, who died 15th August, 1668, aged 68, and was buried at St. Gregory's. I do not know what - if any - connection he had with Heigham.

None of these occur in Varrer's Church Heraldry p. 130), so I fear they are gone.

Blomefield (iv., p. 508) also mentions immediately after the Hearing monument (No. 12, p. 203) a hatchment: 1 and 4 sa., 3 pheons arg.; 2 and 3 az., .3 herrings or; impaling arg. on a bend az. between 3 demi lions passant gu., 3 besants, a chief indented per fess arg. and sa.

This was in existence when Mr. Beecheno took his notes, but is now gone. Blomefield ascribes the three herrings to Herring, but I can find no such coat, nor can I identify the three pheons with any Heigham family. The impaled coat seems an impossible one.

contents CHURCHYARD.

The following inscriptions are copied from the transcript made by The National Society for Preserving the Memorials of the Dead.

Anthony Wills, died June 3rd, 1872, aged 87 years, who was for 54 years clerk of this parish, also a member of the A.O.F. 67 years.

Thomas Orton, died October 18th, 1759, aged 94 years; also Mary his wife, wlio died June 5th, 1763, aged 87 years.

John Buckenham, died August 29th, 1766, aged 45 years; also Elizabeth his wife, died January 6th, 1899, aged 76 years.

Elizabeth Alcock, relict of Captain Michael Alcock, who departed this life November 28th, 1773, aged 78 years.

Mary. daughter of Mark and Hannah Bean, who died February 22nd, 1773, aged 22 years.

Abraham Stannard, died October 7th, 1778, aged 65 years; also Mary his wife, who died June 28th, 1770, aged 74 years.

Robert Barker, who departed this life February 27th, 1779, aged 74; also four of his children, who died in their infancy.

Frances, the wife of Charles Murray, died 21st January, 1780, aged 21 years.

Hannah, wife of James Drake, died December 23rd, 1780, aged 24 years,

Elizabeth, wife of John Raynes, who died May 24th, 17-4, aged 58; also Mary their daughter, who died April 28th, 1783, aged 20 years.

Jacob Tillet, who died January 5th, 1784, aged 43 years; also Frances his wife, who died June 16th, 1789, aged 49 years.

Mary, the wife of Joseph Stannard, who died October 3rd, 1785, aged 35 years; also Mary his second wife, who died October 31st, 1819, aged 74 years; also of Joseph Stannard, who died April 3rd, 1825, aged 70 years.

Elizabeth, the wife of Robert Barker, died November 25th, 1786, aged 67 years.

Thomas Forster, who died December 7th, 1787, aged 48 years.

Maria, daughter of Francis and Elizabeth Curby. died January 15th, 1788, aged six years.

John Foulsham, died October 27th, 1817, age 64 years; Ruth, the wife of John Foulsham, who died February 19th, 1790, aged 36 years.

Robert Alcock Barker, died September 11th, 1791, aged 37 years; also Alice his wife, who died August 11th, 1847, aged 83 years; also Martha Barker, their daughter; who died 14th March, 1878, aged 89 years.

Tamasine, wife of James Stannard, died March 6th. 1791, aged 67 years.

John Raynes, late of this parish, tanner, died April 22nd, 1792, aged 78 years.

James Barker, died March 18th, 1792, aged 34 years; also of Anne his wife, who died February 22nd, 1812, aged 49 years.

John Clark, late of Ipswich, in the County of Suffolk, gent., who died June 27th, 1799, aged 84 years; and Bridget his wife, daughter of Thomas and Grisel Phillips, of Shimplin, in the county of Norfolk, died April 6th, 1793, aged 76 years.

Mark Bean, died October 18th, 1793; also of Hannah his wife, died January 28th, 1793, aged 76 years.

Robert Drake, died October 15th, 1795, aged 26 years; also of Robert Spencer Drake, of the Royal Navy, aged 19 years, who was lost off the coast of Scotland in a gale 1812.

Samuel Prentice, Quartermaster of the East Norfolk Militia; also Mary Prentice, wife of the above, died August 27th, 1795, aged 55 years.

Daniel Pigston, died April 19th, 1802, aged 61 years.

Ann, wife of Paul Greenwood, died August 27th, 1802, aged 23 years; also of Mary Anne their daughter, who died April 5th, 1803, aged three years.

Thomas Durrant, died September 29th, 1813, aged 70 years; also Elizabeth his wife, died January 14th, 1802, aged 54 Years.

Stephen Aldhouse, died November 28th, 1903, aged 59 years,. also Sarah his beloved wife, died August 29th, 1829, aged 84 years.

Daniel Fountain, died February 28th, 1803, aged 54 years; also Ann his wife, died November, 1837, aged 84 years.

Thomas Raymond, died November 25th, 1805, aged 70 years.

James Witham, died January 17th, 1805, aged 50 years.

James Moore, sen., died October 24th, 1806, aged 74 years.

John Yemms, died March 4th, 1806, aged 66 years.

John Staggles, died December 24th, 1809, aged 23 years.

Thomas Norton, died April 7th, 1810, aged 74 years; Mary Norton, died February 28th, 1810, aged 67 years.

Samuel Fulcher, died June 9th, 181... aged 57 years; also Frances his wife, died April 21st, 1823, aged 66 years.

Clement Franklin, died June 2nd, 1840, aged 62 years; also of Hannah, his first wife, died June 7th, 1812, aged 43 years.

James Riches, died October 17th, 1812, aged 63 years; also Elizabeth his wife, died June 22nd, 1816, aged 70 years,

Clement Franklin, died October 28th, 1816, aged 76 years; also Susan his wife, died November 19th, 1837, aged 81 years.

Mary Stannard Bonner, wife of Thomas Bonner, of the city of Norwich, who died July 3rd, 1817, aged 20 years, also Esther Maria, daughter of Keeling and Charlotte Farnell.

Samuel Cooper, died May 1st, 1818, aged 59 years.

Keeling Farnell, died August 12th, 1818, aged 59 years; also Charlotte, wife of the above.

Benjamin Craske, died April XV., MDCCCXLX. (?), aged XLV. years, and of his three infant children; also of Hannah, wife of Robert Rust and daughter of the above, who died XXVI. August, MDCCCXXXI., in the XXII. year of her age; and of Hannah their daughter, aged two years.

Rose Hardy, died June 17th, 1820, aged 87 years.

Sarah, wife of Thomas Thayne, died October 18th, 1820, aged 38 years; also Sarah their daughter, who died in her infancy.

John Burton, died June 5th, 1820, aged 52,years; also Ann his wife, died 19th December, 1854, aged 79 Years, and Richard their son.

Elizabeth, wife of John Lock, died February 7th, 1821, aged 73 years.

James Riches, died February 18th, 1851, aged 76 years Martha, wife of James Riches, died October 26th, 1823, aged 49 years; also Martha Riches Syder, their granddaughter, died November 19th, 1845, aged 15 years.

John Mann, died November I4th, 1825, aged 76 years; also Mary his wife, died May 4th, 1830, aged 39 years.

William Malster, died October 22nd, 1839, aged 74 years; also Elizabeth his wife, died October 31st, 1827, aged 61 years, also Ann, the wife of James Dunn, daughter of the above, died May 26th, 1854, aged 64 years.

John Yewell, the son of John and Ann Yewell who died June 11th, 1828, aged 48 Years; also Ann his wife, died January 28th, 1823, aged 55 years; also John their son, who died in his infancy.

Sarah Sane, daughter of John and Frances Tinkler, died August 12th, 1828, aged 26 years.

Stephen Burrows, died February 13th, 1828, aged 66 years; also of Ann his wife, died May 10th, 1828, aged 64 years.

George Wood, died August 24th, I828, aged 68 years.

Benjamin Westall, died April 7th, 1830, aged 63 years,

Peter Craske, died March 8th, 1830, aged 65 years; also of Elizabeth his wife, died 25th March, 1840, aged 7.3 years.

M.S. Joseph Summers, died August 3rd, 1831, aged 31 years.

James Brooks, died June 18th, 1835, aged 75 years; also of Amy his wife, who died September 1st, 1833, aged 73 years; also of Mary Collins, his sister, died November 21st, 1833, aged 65 years.

John Tinkler, died July 12th, 1814, aged 66 years; also Frances his wife, died May 14th, 1842.

Mary Betts, died March 31st, 1834, aged 68 years.

Mark Bean, died 12th January, 1835, aged 80 years; also Thomas, second son of the above, and Sussanna Graver his wife, died 8th April, 1837, aged 45 years; and of Sussanna their eldest daughter, died 23rd May, 1847, aged 67 years; and of Sussanna Graver, relict of the above Mark Bean, died July30th, 1853, aged 91 years.

Richard Harman, died August 22nd, 1837, aged 72 years; also of Sarah his wife, died June 16th, 1836, aged 76 years; also Sussanna Rose, died June 23rd, 1849, aged 68 years.

Mr. Thomas Cole, gent., died January 24th, 1836, aged 78 years.

Rachel Austin, died 3rd March, 1836, aged 68 years.

Thomas Bonner, died January 11th, 1866, aged 44 years.

John Mallet, died May 17th, 1840, aged 69 years; also Maria Matilde, wife of the above, died June 17th, 1878, aged 77 years.

Jane, wife of Henry Smart, died November 19th, 1840, aged 27 years; also Jane their daughter, died February 3rd, 1837, aged seven months.

Mary Smith, died June 8th, 1840, aged 66 years; also William Potter, brother-in-law to the above, died September 26th, 1847, aged 76 years; and also Ann, the wife of the above William Potter, died October 17th, 1856, aged 88 years.

Mary, fourth daughter of the Rev. Leonard Shelford, Rector of North Tuddenham, in this county, died 6th September, 1841, aged 44 years,

George Leeder, formerly of Hemingstone in Suffolk, died 20th January, 1841, aged 74 years.

Mary Ann, wife of William Haslip, died March 15th, 1842, aged 54 years; also the above William Haslip, died July 19th, 1845, aged 64 years.

Susan, wife of Robert Kemp, formerly of Carleton Rode, and third daughter of John Raynes, of New Buckenham, in this county, died July 27th, 1843, aged 67 years.

James William Goskar, late of King's Lynn, in this county, died July 17th, I843, aged 26 years.

Robert Adams, died February 1st, 1843, aged 74 years.

Robert Kemp, formerly of Carleton Rode, in this county, died September 7th, 1844, aged 68 years.

Michael John, sixth son of Robert and Susan Kemp, formerly of Carleton Rode, in this county, died March 12th, 1850, aged 37 years.

Rev. George Walker, M.A., of Caius College, Cambridge, died February 11th, 1845,aged 64 years.

Alice Norton, died May 15th, 1845, aged 76 years; Mary Norton, died March 3rd, 1852, aged 34 years.

Elizabeth, wife of Francis Hatch, died March 24th, 1845, aged 76 years; also the above Francis Hatch, died June 1st 1850, aged 82 years.

Mary, wife of John Kerrison, proprietor of the "West End Retreat," died April 13th, 1847, aged 58 years; also Henry M., their son, who died March 18th, 1848, aged 37 years.

Elizabeth, wife of Robert Riches, died January 21st, 1848, aged 77 years..

Selah, wife of James Annison, died November 1st, 1848, aged 41 years.

William Armes, of this parish, who died 27th January, 1853, aged 71 years; also Martha his wife, died 3rd July, 1849, aged 45 years.

Augustus, youngest son of Sarah, relict of the late Henry Herring, Esq., surgeon, who died .20th January, 1849, aged 19 years.

Daniel Scarlett, many years a resident of Swaffham, in the county of Norfolk, died June 25th, 1849, aged 60 years.

John Jay, died December 3rd, 1849, aged 84 years; also Hannah his wife, died December 16th, 1858, aged 89 years.

Bartholomew Atkins, died June 14th, 1849, aged 74 years; also Amy his wife, aged 77 years.

Robert Key, died February 9th, 1849, aged 90 years.

George Powell, died April 17th, 1849, aged 69 years, many years resident in the city of Norwich.

Hortentis, wife of Matthew Blyth, died March 29th,1850, aged 51 years.

William Smith, late of Thetford, son of Mrs. English, died January 6th, 1850, aged 55 years; Mary Ann, wife of John English, second daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Eldred, of Stow Bedon, Norfolk.

Ann, wife of Samuel Colby, butcher, of this city, died 30th January, 1851 aged 59 years; Jemima Gapp, their daughter, died 24th March, 1851 aged 38 years; also James Gapp, died 27th August, 1853, aged 42 years.

Hannah Norman, wife of John Norman, Esq., of Southwold, died 12th October, 1851, aged 40 years.

Sarah Spurrell, late of Bessingham, in this county, died June 20th, 1852, aged 66 years.

William Blackwood, of this parish, died 12th November 1852, aged 58 years.

Samuel Dixon, late of South Pickenham, born I2th June, 1770, died 23rd May, 1853.

Susan, wife of George Hammond, died 11th February, 1853, aged 32 years.

EIizabeth, eldest daughter of the late John Grant, of London Street, died December 4th, 1853, aged 42 Years.

Harriet, beloved wife of Thomas Annison, died June 29th, 1853, aged 26 years; also Harriet Nichols Annison, their only daughter, aged two months.

Sarah, wife of Robert Bullen, died 12th September, 1854. aged 61 years; also Robert Bullen, died October 25th, 1856, aged 56 years.

John, eldest son of John Fox, builder, Heigham, who died July 8th, 1854, aged 30 years; also four brothers (two Abrahams and two Josephs).

Robert Leman, died November 30th, 1854, aged 84 years.

Jessie Ann, daughter of Thomas Thorne and Leah Leath, died September 20th, 1854, aged 26 years.

Mary Carr, daughter of Thomas Thorne and Leah Leath, died June 28th, 1854, aged 20 years.

Sarah Lamprey Lewin, died December 7th, 1854 aged 77 years.

Augustus Mann, who was for many years a respected inhabitant of this parish, and 45 years in the employ of the late Mr. Waites of this city died 10th June, 1854, aged 58 years.

George Cockle, surgeon, late of St. Ives, in the county of Huntingdon, died 15th January, 1854, aged 86 years.

Thomas Church Kent, died December 3rd, 1854, aged 41 years.

EIizabeth, wife of Noah Rudd, of this city, died Apr 2nd, 1855, aged 59 years.

Eleanor, relict of William Thorold, late of Northwold Hall, died March 29th, 1856, aged 84 years.

Hannah Maria Unthank, sister of the late William Unthank, Esq., of this parish, died 18th December, 1856, aged 76 years.

Paul Greenwood, died October 12th, 1856 aged 79 years.

Robert Bartholomew Hart, died September 10th, 1856, aged 29 years.

contents 1714, Poll of.

Besides the residents (see p. 195) there were several outvoters, who all voted in respect of freehold in Heigham:-

Edward Cobb, of St. Augustine's.
Richard Wright, of St. Augustine's.
John Peter Desbodes, Esq., of The Close.
Robert Houghton, Esq.
John Hieron, of St. Giles'.
Edmund Lock, of St. Gregory's.
Robert Seaman, gent. of The Close.
James Elmy, of St. Giles'.
Joshua Hutton, of St. Giles'.
Thomas Seaman, of St. Gregory's.
Robert Brady sen. and jun., of St. Mile's-at-Plea.
Robert Clarke, of St. Mile's-at-Plea.
John Marcon, Esq., of St. Peter Mancroft.
Jeremiah Ives, of St. Saviour's.
Robert Offley, of St. Saviour's.
Richard Smart.
Richard Hopps, of St. Faith's.
Robert Walpole, Esq., of Holton.
Sir Charles Turner.
Jacob Astley, of Melton.
Samuel Stephenson, of Wyndham.
Robert Seaman, gent., of The Close.
Sir Peter Seaman, of St. Gregory's.
Thomas Seaman, Esq.


From Blomefield iv., p.506, &c., and other sources.

1313 John de Hovetone, acolite.

1314 William de Broke, acolite, who changed for Swanton rectory with

1320 Alexander de Berneye, priest.

1327 Silvester at Gates of Norwich, priest, who changed for Brunton, with

1354 John de Theford, who was succeeded by Robert Kenton (vix 1370) called "rector."

1397 Roger Batt, on whose death in

1443 John Poppy was instituted, who resigned in

1445 To Master John Aylesham, at whose death in

1449 The said Robert (sic. ? John) Poppy, who was then a licenciate in the decrees, was instituted again, and in

1454 Changed it for Weston Longvile with Master Simon Thornham, who the same day changed it for Yaxham with Master Hugh Acton, who died in 1455, and was succeeded by

1455 Thomas Folkard, who was buried in the chancel in 1461, and gave a silver cup and cover to the altar. His will is in Reg. Brosyard, fo. 252a.

1461(?) Richard Brakeburg, on whose resignation in

1465 John Munde had it, and was buried here in 1504. His will is in Reg. Popeye, 527a.

Elias Barthemer .(by Blomefield called Bartram) succeeded, and died rector in 1516 (Will in Reg Spyrlyng, 2I2). - He directed his body to be buried in the Church of St. Giles' Hospital by the font,

1517. When Henry Wyat, Knight, assignee to the abbot, gave it to John Thuxton who resigned in

1523. To Cornelius Balls, who died rector in 1525 (Will in Reg. Grund, 133a)., He wished to be buried in the chancel here by the font.

1526. William Page, A.M., was the last presented by the Prior and Convent of Holm.

1555. The Bishop, as Abbot of Holm, having all the spiritualities of that abbey, presented

William Askoe, who in 1563 negotiated a marriage (Norwich Court Books, fo. 63). His will proved 1573 (Reg. Fairchild, 54b), wherein he wished to be buried in the chancel here.

1576. John Morgan

1585. Thomas Plumbe (died rector in 1660) He was succeeded by Paul Chapman, A.M., and afterwards B.D., who in the year 1603 returned 140 communicants in this parish, and that he held it united, to Titshall. His will, dated 1602, is in Reg. Candler 131b. At his death in

1630. Thomas Stokes, A.M., was presented, and was ejected out of this and Carleton Rode Rectory

1644. by the Earl of Manchester, April 28th (though he had a wife and three children), for refusing to contribute to the rebellion, &c., and after many intruders in

1652. Bishop Hall, after he had retired to this suburban village, instituted

John Whitefoot, sen., his friend, into this rectory, who enjoyed it peacefully till his resignation to his son in

1682.* John Whitefoot, jun,. (He was also minister of St. Peter Mancroft and St. Gregory's and gave the two chalices to the church in 1707), at whose death in

1731. Anthony Aufrere, A.M. He was minister of French Church of St. James' in 1734 (Norf. Fam. p. 1 1).

After the rectors mentioned in Blomefield..

1781. Robert Parr, A.M., died 1812, aged 71 years. He was Fellow of Magdalen, Oxford, &c. (see Inscriptions, No. 4). Gave pulpit, now removed.

1812. William Farley Wilkinson, 1813 collated to North Walsham.

1813. Thomas Sugden Talbot, 1828 instituted to Tivetshall St. Margaret with St._Mary.

1828. Robert Bathurst, M.A., died same year.

1829. John Prowett, M.A.

1833. William Robbins, M.A., died 24th June, 1856 - (see Inscription in Church, No. 6).

1856. George Charles Hoste, M.A., 1865 collated to Boyton, Suffolk.

1865. Cyprian Thomas Rust, LL.D., resigned on becoming Rector of Holy Trinity, Heigham, seperated off from his old parish on November 4th, 1867.

1868. John Gilbert Dixon, B.A.

1875. Frederick Taylor, M.A.

1895. David Witts Mountfield, M.A., who in 1913 was collated to the rectory in Horsford.

1913. F. E. G. Longe, resigned in 1917.

1917. R. M. Pattison Muir, M.A.


Of these the oldest I can trace is

contents 1. BROWNE

John le Brun was practically the founder of the great college of Chapel in the Fields in or about 1248. He and his brothers, Geoffrey and Matthew, had 4 acres each in the Fields, and he built the Hospital on his 4 acres. I have elsewhere hazarded the opinion that the foundation was a protest against the oppression and tyranny of the regular monks which culminated in the great so-called "Riot"of 1272.

Whether this John le Brun was the then Town Clerk cannot say definitely, but Geoffrey le Brun was certainly implicated in the " Riot," and was handed over to the Bishop, and William, son of Gilbert le Brun fled after participating in it (Norf. Antiq. Misc. ii., p. 30).

The connection of the family with the Chapel in the Fields is shown by the curious coat of arms found at the recent restoration (Norf. Archy. xv., p. 299)wherein a merchant's mark impaling 3 cranes 2and 1, which we know were the arms of Browne of Heigham.

This, the Rev. E. Farrer thinks may date from the time of the restoration, about 1480. They probably relate to *Robert Browne, who in 1507 was one of those chosen to inform the Council at London of the great Norwich fire.

He was sheriff the next year 1508, and mayor in 1522, and died 3rd August, 1530, being buried at St. Stephen's. Blomefield iv., p. 160, gives the inscription to him and his wife Alice, and says his arms were on the font, but does not give them.. They were sa. 3 cranes arg. (some have a trefoil between 3 cranes).

This Robert had a son

Richard Browne, and no doubt it was he who built the house. He was a mercer, apprenticed to Robert Browne, no doubt his father, admitted freeman 1522. He was of St George, Colegate, sheriff of Norwich 1595, in which year he died.

*Theonly Robert Browns whowere admitted freemen about this time were Robert Brown, butcher, 10Henry VII. (1494) and Robert Brown, cordwainer, admitted 1498.

Another Robert Browne was a grocer admitted 1568-9.

In 1621 Richard Browne, of Heigham, gent., who is described as cousin and heir of Richard Browne, sells to John Hobart half the manor of Cley (Tingey's Norf. Deeds,' p. 66).

The extreme frequency of the names of Brown and Browne (the commonest surnames in the United Kingdom) must he my excuse for not following up this family further.

contents 2. HOLL [or HOLLY]

This name, which may he from the Danish Ollif, appears early at Lynn. It occurs in Norwich as early as 1445-6, when John Holle, bowyer, died 1495, and Thomas Holle, turner, were admitted to the freedom (24 Henry VI.). They may have been sons of John Holle, of Wood Norton, buried at St. Peter Mancroft.

John Holly, who was a beer brewer, and admitted in 1498, may be the John Holly who appears as a freeman in Heigham 1507, and was probably brother of

Thomas Holle, a baker of Norwich, who died be 1547, and was the father of

(1) Thomas Holle, of Heigham, born about 1502, who died there 1557. He had risen to a considerable position, for he was thought worthy of having an inq. p.m. on his death. His will was proved 1558, and is noted in Norris' F.M., ii., p. 465, and shows he was a wealthy man. He gave the freehold of his place at Heigham, which seems to show he did not live in the grange when he died; his wife's name was Lucy.

In 1545 he farmed the manor of Heigham and by some is said to have married the daughter of - Hanchett. He had another son, - Edward Holl, of Aylsham (Will, 1580 Norris, ii., p. 486), who died 1581, and the visitation of 1664 says Benjamin Holly, of Lynn, used the arms of Aylsham, confirmed by Cooke in 1576. Cooke is said to have granted the arms in 1576 (or on a chevron sa., three unicorns heads, erased arg.).

(2) He was father of Thomas Holl (he was possibly the grantee of the arms in 1576), of Heigham, who died 1607, who by Joan Barker had (i.a.) besides a son, John HoII, of Metton.

(3) Thomas Holl of Heigham, born 1566, High Sheriff of Norfolk 1626, buried at Heigham 1629, who by Elizabeth had (i.a.).

(4) Augustine Holl, born at Heigham 1571, High Sheriff 1639, buried at Heigham 1650. He was a great Royalist* and head of the little rebellion at Norwich in 1643. His petition, dated 20th June, 1646, claims he was never in arms, and the sequestrators let him off with a fine of £1,395. He married Frances, daughter of (**For an anecdote as to this see L'Estrange's Jests, No. 41)

(5) Sir William Woodhouse, of Waxham, and was buried at Heigham 1648.

His half brother, Robert Holl, of Heigham (by his father's second marriage with Margaret Jermy, who afterwards married Sir Anthony Gawdy), was baptized at St. Stephen's 1629, buried at Heigham 1665, who by his wife Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas Guybon, had (besides Thomas Holl, who

Married Anne Mingay at Hegham 1626)

(6) Augustine Holl, of Twyford, baptized at Heigham, who married Catherine Ward, father of (i.a.)

(7) Augustine Holl, of Gateley, died 1738.

contents 3. SEAMAN

This in the form of Seman was a very old Norfolk family, and in 1561 John Seman was a worstead shearman in Norwich, whose very outspoken criticism of the then Bishop's preaching I printed in Norwich Depositions, p. 60.

The first, I think, who made the bad joke of substituting Seaman for the old name was

James Seaman, mercer, who after an apprenticeship to Roger Ramsay, was admitted freeman of Norwich in 1595-6.

Thomas Seaman, tanner, was admitted freeman in 1631, and became Sheriff of Norwich in 1679, and High Sheriff of Norfolk in 1688. He died 1700, and was buried at Heigham, and by his wife, Elizabeth, daughter of John Copland, of Yoxford, he had a large family, including a Thomas admitted 1657, also a tanner.

Sir Peter Seaman, beer brewer, admitted as son of Thomas in 1694, was Sheriff in 1699, Mayor in 1707, Colonel of the City Company in 1709, and High Sheriff of Norfolk in 1710. He was knighted on presenting an address in 1711, and was buried in St. Gregory's, January, 1715, aged

53. By his wife......... Framlingham, he had an only son,

Thomas Seaman, who sold the lease of the Manor of Heigham (which his father or grandfather had bought of the Holls) about I720 (Blom. Norf., iv., p. 508) and died 13th October, 1724, aged 31.

On his monument were the arms "Barry wavy of 6 arg. and az., over all a crescent gu." Whether these were ever granted to the family I do not know, but they are much the same as those of Seaman, formerly Pearce of London, viz., Barry wavy of ux arg. and or per bend counterchanged over all a crescent (Burk).

Of recent years Robert Seaman was Sheriff of Norwich in 1856, and the head of the firm of Seaman and Grimmer.


Thomas Hearing, or Herring, horn about 1551 (he died 1636, aged 85*), is probably the man of the same name who in 1588 subscribed £25 towards the defence of the county.

He was never mayor or sheriff, nor as far as I can make out ever admitted to the freedom of the city, nor do I think he was connected with the Laurence Herrynge, sen., admitted 1633, nor the William Herring, shearman, admitted 1703.

There are no arms on his tomb. He was a wealthy man, and in 1629 gave £100 to purchase land and a "silver voider" (Blomefield, iv., p. 409). From the mention of Thomas Dey in his will I am inclined to think he must have been related to the Suffolk family of Hearing (Norfolk Visitation of 1664), who are said in Edmondson to have been of Eye, and to bear on a pale cotised gu. three eagles displayed of the first. A William Dey, of Eye, married the daughter of - Hearing, of Norfolk

I cannot trace his descendants, and they do not seem to have lived in the parish. A John Hieron, of St. Giles', voted in 1714 for property in Heigham.

Nor can I see that he was any relation to Archbishop Thomas Herring, who was son of the Rev. John Herring, of Walsoken (see as to this family, Norf. Families, P. 329).

The curious fact that Blomefield, iv., p. 508, after describing Thomas Hearing's monument, refers to a hatchment now gone quartering, the supposed arms of Herring (see ante,.p. 209), still further complicates the matter.

*He cannot be the Thomas Herring of Norfolk, to whom there was an inq. p.m., 9 Charles I, 1633-4.

contents 5. UNTHANK

I do not know whether this family, though considerable landowners in the parish, ever had a permanent residence here, though the present Colonel Unthank was born at Heigham House. The landed Gentry Pedigree begins with William Unthank, of Newcastle*, who was born I721, was of this place, and married Amy Dodd, of Carlton Hall, who died 1820.

He was no doubt the William Unthank who was admitted freeman of Norwich in 1752, who seems to have been a pushing man of the Whiteley type, and carried on business in St. Stephen's as a corn merchant, barber and peruke maker, salesman and coach-letter, 1758-1768, 1780, and 1790.

His son William Unthank, born 1760, was a solicitor admitted freeman by patrimony in 1780, and died 1837, and was a very successful land speculator, having acquired much property in Norwich about 1833 of the Rev. John Humfrey and wife.

One of his sons, Lieut. William Samuel Unthank, was killed in leading a forlorn hope at Badajoz in 1812, and another son, Clement William Unthank, was of Intwood Hall, jure uxoris, who was Mary Anne, daughter of Joseph Salusbury Muskett, of that place.

He was father of Captain Clement William Joseph Unthank, of Intwood Hall, High Sheriff 1893, who married Judith Sarah, daughter of Onley Savill-Ouley, (Marsham), of Stisted, Essex, and has issue.

In 1820 William Unthank used on the monument he erected to his wife and son: "Or a saltire gu. between [in chief and in base] two crescents and in fess, two eagles' heads arg. (? sa.), impaling gu. a fess between eight billets or" - a coat, I presume, intended for May,.of Essex, his wife, who he married in 1783, being Anne, daughter of John May, of Southwold, Suffolk. I find no old coat registered for "Unthank, of Unthank," nor does the name occur in the Northumberland visitations for 1615-1666. The family now by recent grant bears: "Or, a saltire gu. Between two crescents in pale of the last, and two griffins' heads erased fess sa."

*He may have been son of William Unthank, born 1861, died 1768, was of St. Etheldred, and was buried text to Margaret ux Charles Fair, died 1741, who was probably his sister. Other deaths are recorded on the same stone.

For fuller details as to the family see Norfolk Families, pp. 955-6.

I think the connection with the north country is much earlier than is given in the Landed Gentry.

contents I have not included in this account of Heigham anything about the later churches and buildings which have no antiquarian interest. For this I will refer my readers to Mr. Delves' work, to which the references annexed refer.-

District Church of Holy Trinity, South Heigham, 1861, p. 26
District Church of St. Philip. p. 29
Baptist Chapel, p. 27
Parochial Hall p. 28
Gaol p. 28
Workhouse p. 21
Cemetery p. 19

The Roman Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist, begun in 1884, which stands on the site of the old Gaol, and was built from designs of the late Gilbert Scott, and continued by J. O. Scott, practically at the sole expense of the late Duke of Norfolk, will be found described in "A Great Gothic Fane : the Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist, Norwich," 1913, and in all recent Norwich Directories.

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