Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences and Green Asia Strategy


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Volume 11 Issue 2 ( June 2024)



Jun Tanimoto (Editor-in-Chief)

Kyaw Thu (Executive Editor)

Improving Current Distribution Model for EBWCD using Flux Loops in QUEST

Zhou Junyao, Hanada Kazuaki, Kuroda Kengoh, Onchi Takumi, Idei Hiroshi, Ikezoe Ryuya

Pages 555-562

Empirically Guided Online Business Platform Development for Local Vendors: Usability Perspective

Manoj Kumar Tyagi, Rajnish Kumar Chaturvedi, Subhash Chandra Gupta, Ajay Sikandar, Pushpa Singh, Dheerendra Kumar Tyagi

Pages 563-575

Economic Aspects of the Benefits of Renewable Energy Considered in the Legal Framework in Different Countries

Doszhan Kassymbekov, Damira Aitkul

Pages 576-585

Unravelling the Attention Crisis: Investigating Student Engagement in Contemporary Classrooms

Madhu Bala Kaushik, Bhanu Mati Doshi, Veenus Gehlot, Saroj Kumar Ranjan

Pages 586-601

Social Dynamics and Public Policies in Peripheral Degraded Areas in the Northern Zone of Ecuador

Magda Francisca Cejas Martinez, Edith Josefina Liccioni, Juan Pablo Morales Corozo, Derling Jose Mendoza Velazco, Mercedes Carolina Navarro Cejas

Pages 602-611

Unveiling Segregation and Composting Behavior in Urban Communities: A Study Case of Sarbagita Municipality, Indonesia

Made Adi Widyatmika, Nomesh B. Bolia

Pages 612-623

Azide Assisted Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel by Bioactive Metallic Complexes – A Quantum Chemical Investigation

Mriganka Das, Rudra Manish Desai, Amrita Biswas

Pages 624-631

Mg2+ Ion Doping in Copper Nanoferrite Material For Microwave Absorption Application

Sanjay Kumar, Lillie Dewan

Pages 632-639

Assessment of Compressive Strength in Ordinary Portland Cement Concrete: A Study of Curing Methods and Duration

Shobha Ram, Abhinav Dengri, Rahul Kumar

Pages 640-651

Hydrodeoxygenation of Refined Palm Kernel Oil Into Bioavtur Using Spray-Dry Impregnated Activated Carbon Supported-Mo Catalysts

Wega Trisunaryanti, Triyono, Karna Wijaya, Indriana Kartini, Suryo Purwono, Rodiansono, Ady Mara, Ike Ariska Dewi

Pages 652-664

Analysis of PCE-based Superplasticiser for the Different Types of Cement using Marsh Cone Test

Rahul Kumar, Manvendra Verma, Nirendra Dev

Pages 665-672

Green Synthesis of Fe3O4@CDs Nanocomposites and its Performance on Optical and Magnetic Properties

Astuti, Syukri Arief, Mulda Muldarisnur, Zulhadjri

Pages 673-681

Production of C-SiO2 Composite from Waste Plant Raw Materials and Its Use as a Filler of Structural Carbon Materials

Yuriy Sukharnikov, Dosmurat Aitkulov, Sanzhar Dzhusupov, Askhat Kablanbekov

Pages 682-692

Effect of Woven E-glass and Bamboo Stacking Sequences on the Properties of Laminated Composites Using Polyester Matrix Filled with Eggshell Microparticles

Harini Sosiati, Hidayatullah, Sinin Hamdan

Pages 693-700

Enhancing Composite Material Fabrication through Optimization: Employing Fruit Peel or Shell Powder as Reinforcements using Taguchi-GRA-PCA Methodology

Anil Kumar, Sushil Kuma2, Sandeep Jindal

Pages 701-712

Optimizing Agricultural Waste Powder Epoxy Composite for Enhanced Strength Using a Hybrid Taguchi-GRA-PCA Approach

Anil Kumar, Bhawna Dahiya, Dipti Grover

Pages 713-721

Wear Behavior Evaluation of Natural Fibre Composite Using Taguchi Technique

Sunil Nayak, M. Prasanna Kumar, Vinay K M

Pages 722-728

Determination of Halloysite Reinforced/Epoxy Nanocomposite Impact Strength by Experimental and Computational Procedures

Shakun Srivastava, Anshu Srivastava

Pages 729-735

Understanding the Formation and Intensification Process of Several Cyclonic Systems over the Bay of Bengal using the Revised Genesis Potential Parameter Index

Md. Shakil Hossain, Md. Saddam Hossain, Most. Fatema Amin Akhi, Md. Abdus Samad, Muhammad Abul Kalam Mallik

Pages 736-755

Hydrocarbon Seepage Analysis on a Hydrocarbon Field in Indonesia Based on Plant Stress Using Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager and Field Measurements

Tri Muji Susantoro, Asep Saepuloh1, Ketut Wikantika1, Agung Budi Harto, Ahmad Maryanto

Pages 756-770

Seasonal Variations and Water Quality Dynamics:Analysis of Kanota Dam in Relation to WHO Standards

Dharmendra Kumar Meena, Saurabh Singh, Suraj Kumar Singh, Vikas Pandey, Rakesh Singh Rana, Bhartendu Sajan, Sujeet Kumar, Prashant Awasthi

Pages 771-786

Prediction of Physico-Thermal Properties of Combined Biodiesel Blends using Waste Fish Oil and Coconut Oil

Impa1, Vijay Kumar S2, Lakshmidevamma M M3, Adaveesh B4, Varadaraj K R5, Basavaraju S6, Bijay Mihir Kunar7

Pages 787-796

Investigation of Modified RBD Palm Oil-Based Hybrid Nanofluids as Metalworking Fluid

Ainaa Mardhiah Sabri, Norfazillah Talib, Amiril Sahab Abdul Sani, Sandip Kunar, Kamaruddin Kamdani

Pages 797-805

Influence of Abrasion Treatments on Performance of Adhesively Bonded Glass/Vinyl Ester Single Lap Joints

Kosim Abdurohman, Rezky Agung Pratomo, Ryan Hidayat, Redha Akbar Ramadhan, Taufiq Satrio Nurtiasto, Riki Ardiansyah, Mikhael Gilang P.P.P. , Fajar Ari Wandono

Pages 806-820

Rooftop Solar Power System for EV Charging Station of Household Customers in Indonesia: A review and an Opportunity for Developing Countries

Ira Fitriana1, Nona Niode, Anindhita1, Widhiatmaka Arif Darmawan, Abdul Hamid Budiman, Abdul Hadi, Agus Nurrohim

Pages 821-845

Incorporating Vegetation in Solar Chimney Power Plant: A Northern Algerian Site Study

Hakim Semai, Amor Bouhdjar

Pages 846-861

CFD Based Performance Evaluation of Solar Air Heater by using Centerline Perforated Sine Wave Baffles

Sachin Sharma, Rajesh Maithani, Randip Kumar Das

Pages 862-871

Flow Patterns in Wire-on-Tube Heat Exchangers Based on Various Low Refrigerant Mass Flow Rates

Louay Abd Al-Azez Mahdi, Mohammed A. Fayad, Miqdam T. Chaichan

Pages 872-886

Real-World Autonomous Driving Control: An Empirical Study Using the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) Algorithm

Peng Zhao, Zhongxian Yuan, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki

Pages 887-899

A Review on Design and Characteristics of Landmine Detection Robot

Vikas Singh Panwar, Imran Moujan, Aman Kazi, Pratik Kale, Satyam Rode, Anish Pandey, Shyam Mogal

Pages 900-912

AI-Enabled Automatic Attendance Monitoring Systems

Dayananda GK, Sreerama Samartha JG, Vayusutha M

Pages 913-926

Optimizing Aluminium Alloy Surface Quality with ANN-Driven Burnishing: Machining Parameters and Durability Study

Lalit K. Toke, Dnyaneshwar M. Mate, Lalit N. Patil, Dipak S. Patil, Atul M. Zope

Pages 927-937

Intelligent Systems for Managing and Monitoring the Collection, Sorting, and Transportation of Solid Waste for Processing

Nurzhan Bulatov, Assem Uvaliyev, Kuralay Kassymzhanova, Maral Izteleuova, Indira Saukenova

Pages 938-948

Cascaded Fractional Control Approach for Frequency Regulation of Multi-Source Power System Integrating Renewable Energy Resources

Shahnawaj, Saurabh Chanana

Pages 949-963

Optimal Fractional Order Controller Design for a DC Buck Converter

Manjusha Silas, Surekha Bhusnur

Pages 964-973

A Multilevel Supply Modulator for RF Power Amplifier using 130nm CMOS Technology: Comparator Based Approach

Shaina Gangadharan, Ruqaiya Khanam, Veeraiyah Thangasamy

Pages 974-983

Bioactive Mineral Feed Additive for Poultry: Therapeutic and Preventive Effects on Haematological Parameters in Chickens

Nurgul Montayeva, Sarsenbek Montayev, Aruzhan Montayeva

Pages 984-992

Evaluation of Skylight as a Healthy Home Requirement in the Post Pandemic Era

Inggit Musdinar Sayekti Sihing Yang Mawantu, Erni Setyowati, Eddy Prianto

Pages 993-1001

Role of Social Capital Between Slum and Non-Slum Areas

Ismu Rini Dwi Ari, Wulan Dwi Purnamasari, Deni Agus Setiyono, Dian Palupi Chrisdiani, Defryzanursy Najwa Alkhaqqi, Farrel Yoel Nathanael, Rodearni Purba

Pages 1002-1015

The Multiple Effects of Mining Activities on the Ecology and Economic Development in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia

Ridwan Sutriadi, Muhammad Ihsan Yudanto, Ridho Ansori Romdan, Bintang Atha Araminta, Irvisya Alifa

Pages 1016-1027

Urban Transformation Under Technological Disruption: A Literature Review

Chairul Maulidi, Adiwan F Aritenang, Adenantera Dwicaksono, Haryo Winarso

Pages 1028-1039

Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere (R-CES) to Enhance Urban-Rural Connectivity: A Systematic Review

Ajeng Nugrahaning Dewanti, Ariyaningsih1, Rahmat Aris Pratomo

Pages 1040-1049

Informality and Public Space Policies –a Study of Bandung City Urban Center

Fauzul Rizal Sutikno, Roisaten Nuril Choiriyah, Surjono

Pages 1050-1059

Electric Vehicles Ecosystem in Indonesia: The Readiness of Infrastructure, Policies, and Stakeholders

Zulfika Satria Kusharsanto, Nimas Maninggar, Agus Sucipto

Pages 1060-1067

Strategy for Implementing Park-and-Ride as a Supporting Facility for Commuter Movement

Imma Widyawati Agustin, Ismu Rini Dwi Ari, Sara Irawati, Enock Siankwilimba

Pages 1068-1080

Evaluating Environmental Impacts of Green Logistics Initiatives in Batam Indonesia

Nailah Firdausiyah, Fauzul Rizal Sutikno, Annisa Azalia Ratri

Pages 1081-1088

Assessment of the Cultural Landscape Identity for Rawabogo Tourism Village Development in Bandung Regency – Indonesia

Imam Indratno, Mochamad Rifky Ferbiyandani, Aldy Pratama, Mutia Raudatul Jannah

Pages 1089-1102

Development of a Ferry Port in Bajoe Village to Support Tourism on Bokori Island, Southeast Sulawesi, based on the Linkage System

Septiana Haryani, Imma Widyawati Agustin, Fadly Usman, Wa Ode Safina Tunnaja, Jacqueline Hiddlestone-Mumford

Pages 1103-1115

Sustainable Urban Mobility: Level of People Mobilization in Surabaya

A D Wicaksono, D Agustina, V Y R Ningtyas

Pages 1116-1124

The Development of HUL (Historic Urban Landscape) Concept for Community Based Conservation in Surabaya City

Kartika Eka Sari, Antariksa, Marjono, Keppi Sukesi

Pages 1125-1135

The Effect of Land Use on The Road’s Level of Service at Sultan Agung Road, Malang Regency

Budi Sugiarto Waloejo, Imma Widyawati Agustin, Septiana Hariyani, Daa Fi Al Himah, Dimas Fakhri Al Khariri

Pages 1136-1147

Effect of The Countdown Timer On Driver Conduct When A Yellow Flight Is Displayed At An Intersection

Supiyono, Ludfi Djakfar, Achmad Wicaksono

Pages 1148-1156

Risk and Response to Disaster Assessment of Urban Village in The Framework of Sustainable Development

Surjono Surjono, Turniningtyas A. Rachmawati, Adipandang Yudono, Fifia P. Nabila

Pages 1157-1166

Disaster Evacuation Point and Evacuation Road Plan Kedunglarangan River Flood at Bangil Sub-District Pasuruan Regency

Turniningtyas Ayu Rachmawati Alnardo Bimacakra Fisabilihakh, Fadly Usman

Pages 1167-1181

Tsunami Disaster Preparedness in Tambakrejo Village, Sumbermanjing Wetan Distric, Malang, Indonesia

Fadly Usman, Eddi Basuki Kurniawan, M. Fathoni, Moch Rozikin

Pages 1182-1189

Mapping Nature's Canopy: Analyzing Google Street View's Big Data for Green View Index Identification

Adipandang Yudono, Firman Afrianto, Herry Santosa

Pages 1190-1200

Growth Characteristics of Malang City Based on Sentinel 2A Multitemporal Imagery Data

Abdul Wahid Hasyim, Ismu Rini Dwi Ari , Deni Agus Setyono, Agung Bayu Nugroho, Brian Christiawan

Pages 1201-1209

Tribological Behaviour of AISI 304 Steel on Electrodeposited Hard Chrome Coated Steel

Vineet Dubey, Kuldeep Pandey, Harish Kumar, Pawan Kumar Arora, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Anuj Kumar Sharma

Pages 1210-1215

Tool Chatter Diagnosis using EMD and LMD Techniques: A Comparative Study

Pankaj Gupta, Bhagat Singh, Yogesh Shrivastava

Pages 1216-1226

An Approach of Adaptation of Autonomous Vehicle in the Indian Smart City

Abdullah Ghazi, Abhinav Sahrawat, Devansh Srivastava, Devendra Yadav

Pages 1227-1232

Energy Analysis of 135 MW Capacity of Reheating- Regenerative Steam Power Cycle using Irreversibility Approach

Kaushalendra Kr Dubey, Lavepreet Singh, Obaidur Rahman, Noor Alam, Muhammad Adil, Mohammad Isteyaque Ahmad

Pages 1233-1239

Study on Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Welding Workers using - RULA

Arunesh Chandra, Pawan Kumar Arora

Pages 1240-1247

Calibration of a Drive System for a Human-Driven Muti- Rotor Propulsion Aircraft

Brahma Nand Agrawal, Shreyansh Pandey, Ashutosh Choudhary

Pages 1248-1253

Conceptual Design of 17 DOF Dexterous Robotic Hand for grasping and Manipulation Task

Nirmaan Manocha, Harsh Agnihotri, Mohd. Amir Khan, Eram Neha

Pages 1254-1262

FIR Filter Complexity Analysis Using Multi-Rate Signal Processing Approach

M. Sreenivasa Reddy, Mahesh K. Singh

Pages 1263-1267

A Quad Element Textile Material Based Printed MIMO Antenna for Wearable Application

Sanjeev Kumar, K. V. S. Ramachandra Murthy

Pages 1268-1272

The Photovoltaic (PV) Module Performance Analysis using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

A. K. Sethi, A. K. Sharma, S. Chandra, A Rawat

Pages 1273-1278

Helmet, Seat Belt and Mask Detection Using DeepLearning for Quadcopter Drone

Praveen Kumar Maduri, Naveen Kumar Mishra, Sanskriti Sharma, Gauransh Singh, Rishabh Kumar Mishra

Pages 1279-1285

Analysis of Non- Subsampled Contourlet Transform for Medical Image Fusion

Vella Satyanarayana, P. Mohanaiah

Pages 1286-1291

Development of Models to Predict Flexural Strength of 3D Printed Specimens in Terms of Input Parameters

Manohar Singh, Pushpendra S. Bharti

Pages 1292-1298

Autonomous Crop Prediction System using Machine Learning

Praveen Kumar Maduri, Preeti Dhiman, Rishabh Srivastava, Riya Singh

Pages 1299-1304

Accent Recognition of Speech Signal Using MFCC-SVM and k-NN Technique

Mahesh K. Singh, D. Kishore, R. Anil Kumar

Pages 1305-1312

Fast Speaker Identification using Recursive Word Sample Attributes

K. V. S. Ramachandra Murthy, V. Satyanarayana

Pages 1313-1319

Forensic Applications using Cosine Distance Feature and Cepstral Coefficient for Speaker Recognition

M. Sreenivasa Reddy, V. Satyanarayana

Pages 1320-1325

A Novel Approach for Cluster Formation of Virtual Machines Using Elbow Means Technique

Avinash Kumar Sharma, Nitin Chanderwal, Mitul Yadav

Pages 1326-1332

Effect of Sodium Tripolyphosphate on The Morphology and Thermal Properties of Anorthite-Based Ceramic Foam Filters for Aluminum Alloy Castings

Andreas Federico, Donanta Dhaneswara, Kristanto Wahyudi, Maulid Purnawan, Gery Grimaldy Putra

Pages 1333-1340

Hydrometallurgical Recovery of Lithium Oxide from Mud Sidoarjo

Sri Rachmania Juliastuti, Raden Darmawan, Erlinda Ningsih, Orchidea Rachmaniah, Wahyu Meka

Pages 1341-1347

Cobalt Ions Improve the Performance of Shewanella Oneidensis MR-1 Microbial Fuel Cells

Fitria Nur Laily, Sri Rachmania Juliastuti, Raden Darmawan, Syifa Arika Rangkuti, Alfina Janeta

Pages 1348-1358

The Effect of Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulphonate Addition in Carbon Nanotube-Based Nanofluid Quenchant for Carbon Steel Heat Treatment

Wahyuaji Narottama Putra, Myrna Ariati, Bambang Suharno, Sri Harjanto, Ghiska Ramahdita

Pages 1359-1365

Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica from Sugarcane Bagasse Ash Using Pluronic 123 as a Colorant Adsorbent for Brilliant Green

Iwan Sukirna, Donanta Dhaneswara, Davina Jennifa Siregar, Jaka Fajar Fatriansyah, Nofrijon Sofyan, Akhmad Herman Yuwono, Rifai Muslih

Pages 1366-1374

Mechanical Properties and Fracture Patterns in Oil Palm Shell Concrete with Various Cement Types Using Digital Image Correlation

Nuraziz Handika, Bastian Okto Bangkit Sentosa, Sotya Astutiningsih, Agung Gita Manohara, Cellen Syafira Putri, Dini Rahmadhanti

Pages 1375-1382

Optimization of Principal Dimensions of The Ship Hull for Small-Scale LNG Carrier

Muhammad Arif Budiyanto, Triwilaswandio Wuruk Pribadi, Gita Kurnia, Takeshi Shinoda

Pages 1383-1388

Numerical Investigation into Trapezoid Surface Texture of Journal Bearing and RBD Palm Oil as Lubricant

Zuraidah Rasep, Muhammad Noor Afiq Witri Muhammad Yazid, Syahrullail Samion, Nor Azwadi Che Sidik

Pages 1389-1398

Temperature evaluation of pouch lithium-ion battery module at different arrangement and thermal conditions

M.I Ardani, V. Punichelvan, M.H. Ab Talib, Z.H.C Daud, Z. Asus, M.A.M. Ariff

Pages 1399-1404

Experimental Investigation of Local Thermal Sensation of Vehicle Passengers During Cooldown

Muhammad Noor Afiq Witri Muhammad Yazid, Haslinda Mohamed Kamar, Mohd Zukhairi Abd Ghapar, Mohd Aizad Sazrul Sabrudin, Nurfarizal Rasid

Pages 1405-1411

Numerical Simulation of Particle Dispersion in an Operating Room: Assessment using Horizontal Air Supply Diffuser

Huiyi Tan, Keng Yinn Wong, Wah Yen Tey, Bemgba Bevan Nyakuma, Chew Tin Lee, Syie Luing Wong, Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman, Hong Yee Kek, Natalie Vanessa Boyou, Xinyou Ho, Wen Tong Chong, Haslinda Mohamed Kamar, Muhd Suhaimi Deris

Pages 1412-1418

Skin and Body Temperature Parameter Calibration of MAX30100 Sensor Module Based on Arduino-Uno

Juan Karnadi, Arbi Riantono, Ibnu Roihan, Raldi Artono Koestoer

Pages 1419-1425

Optimization of Microchannel Heat Sink for Thermal Performance and Pressure Drop using Central Composite Design of Experiment

Mohamad Nur Hidayat Mat, Normah Mohd-Ghazali, Hielfarith Suffri Shamsuddin, Patrice Patrice Estellé

Pages 1426-1434

Low-GWP Refrigerant blends as Replacements of R410A for Domestic Heat Pumps

Changru Yang, Nobuo Takata, Takahiko Miyazaki, Kyaw Thu

Pages 1435-1441

Experimental on Transient Heating and Cooling of Natural Circulation Flow using A FASSIP-02 Large Scale Experimental Facility

Mulya Juarsa, Giarno1, Dedy Haryanto, Ainur Rosidi, G. Bambang Heru K. , Adhika E. Pamungkas, Arif A. Budiman

Pages 1442-1449

Thermal Null Offset of Open and Closed Water Tank in Dynamic Environment

Arbi Riantono, Reski Septiana, Raldi A. Koestoer

Pages 1450-1456

Comparison between Computational Fluid Dynamics and Fluid-Structure Interaction Models of an Automotive Mixed Flow Turbocharger Turbine

Noor Zafirah Abu Bakar, Muhamad Hasbullah Padzillah

Pages 1457-1470

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