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Virginia Democrat Presidential Nominating Process Primary (only 1 candidate qualified - primary cancelled): Tuesday 6 March 20121 Congressional District Conventions: Saturday 12 May - Saturday 19 May 2012 State Convention: Saturday 2 June 2012 |
[画像:Democrats] |
Candidate Popular
Vote Delegate Votes Hard Total Floor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein 106.0 85.48% 118.0 95.16%
Uncommitted 18.0 14.52%
Not Announced 6.0 4.84%
Total 124.0 100.00% 124.0 100.00%
Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary, Polling hours 6:00a EST (1100 UTC) to 7:00p EST (0000 UTC). Voter Eligibility: Open Primary 124 total delegate votes - 69 district / 23 at large; 14 Pledged PLEOs; 18 Unpledged PLEOs |
States Chronologically States Alphabetically Democratic Convention Virginia Republican
Virginia Primaries for Statewide offices and Congress
Virginia State and Local Government
The delegate selection processes herein was updated 9 April 2011 per the 2012 Delegate Selection Plan as of 12 May 2011 revised July 14, 2011.
If only one candidates meets the filing requirements, that candidate is declared the winner and the primary will not be held.
Virginia does not provide for registration by party. Participation in Virginia's delegate selection process is open to all voters who wish to participate as Democrats. Voters will publicly declare their Party preference and that preference will be publicly recorded.
Tuesday 6 March 2012: 106 of 124 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are pledged to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Virginia Presidential Primary. A mandatory 15 percent threshold is required in order for a presidential contender to be allocated National Convention delegates at either the congressional district or statewide level.
The results of the Tuesday 6 March 2012 primary are also used to allocate 2,000 district delegates elected at county and city caucuses held on 21, 23, or 28 April 2012. These 2,000 district delegates will attend the congressional district conventions and the State Convention.
All delegates shall in good conscience reflect the sentiments of the presidential candidate to whom they are pledged in that candidate's caucus on the first ballot at the district convention and again at the State Convention.
District and State Convention delegates who do not form a candidate caucus that that reaches a 15% threshold at the district or state level may join another candidate caucus and pledge to that candidate. After joining another candidate caucus, however, the delegates shall remain committed to that candidate throughout the process.
24 December 2011: Since only one candidate met the filing requirements, that candidate, President Barack Hussein Obama, is declared the winner and the primary will not be held. President Obama receives the 106 pledged delegates.
Saturday 12 May - Saturday 19 May 2012: Congressional District Conventions meet. National Convention District Level delegates are selected during the Saturday 12 or 19 May District Conventions according to the results of the Primary.
Saturday 2 June 2012: The Virginia State Democratic Convention convenes.
The State Convention elects the pledged PLEO and at-large National Convention delegates according to the results of the Primary.
The remaining 18 National Convention delegates consist of
These 18 delegates and will go to the Democratic National Convention officially "Unpledged".
(削除) On 10 January 2011, Virginia Delegate Jennifer L. McClellan (Democratic) introduced HB 1667 Presidential primaries. The Bill moves the presidential primary date from the 2nd Tuesday in February to the 1st Tuesday in March and retains the 1st Tuesday in March as the primary date before the May general election. The bill also reduces the petition requirement for presidential candidates from 10,000 to 5,000 signatures.
4 February 2011: House: Incorporated by Privileges and Elections (HB1843-Cole) by voice vote. (削除ここまで)
On 11 January 2011, Virginia Delegate Mark L. Cole (Republican) introduced HB 1843. The Bill moves the presidential primary date from the 2nd Tuesday in February to the 1st Tuesday in March. The bill retains the first Tuesday in March as the primary date before the May general election. The Senate version of the bill is SB 1246.
8 February 2011: Passed state House in a block vote (99-Y 0-N).
18 February 2011: Passed Senate (39-Y 1-N).
25 March 2011: Approved by Governor-Chapter 570. Effective 1 July 2011.
(削除) On 12 January 2011, Virginia Senator Jill Holtzman Vogel (Republican) introduced SB1246 Presidential primary. The Bill Moves the presidential
primary date from the second Tuesday in February to the first Tuesday in March. The bill retains the first Tuesday in March as the primary date before the May general election. (削除ここまで)
Virginia Delegation (as posted at http://www.democrats.org/2012-convention-delegate-list, 20 August 2012)
1 Democratic Party's "First Determining Step" of the delegate selection process.
Election 2012 - Presidential Primary, Caucus, and Convention Home
Presidential Candidates
Rule Making and Process
30 December 2009 - Democratic Change Commission's Recommendations for the 2012 Presidential Nominating Process
20 August 2010 - Democratic National Committee approves 2012 Call To Convention and Delegate Selection Rules
6 August 2010 - Republican Temporary Delegate Selection Committee's Recommendations for the 2012 Presidential Nominating Process
States Alphabetically
Events Chronologically
Major Events Chronologically
Democratic "First Determining Step" Chronologically
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates
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Democratic Pledged and Unpledged Summary -- Republican Pledged and Unpledged Summary
Democratic Hard and Floor Summary -- Republican Hard and Floor Summary
Delegate Allocation
Democratic Quick Reference -- Republican Quick Reference
Democratic Detailed Delegate Allocation -- Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation
Democratic Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility -- Republican Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility
Primaries at a Glance
Historical Analysis of the Presidential Nominating Process
Historical Analysis of the apportionment of delegate votes at the National Conventions of the two major parties
Primary/Caucus/Convention Glossary
Statutory Election Information of the Several states / Presidential Primary
Dates of PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES re: selection and/or allocation/distribution of Delegates to Major Party National Conventions
Major Third Party (Constitution, Green, Libertarian) Presidential Nomination Process
Straw Polls