Breaking bread with bin Laden?

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The Age


This was published 20 years ago

Breaking bread with bin Laden?

It was late March 2000 in Sydney, before the Olympic Games, and Jacqueline Wood had just moved into a two-bedroom flat in Lakemba that belonged to her partner's father.

The place was full of books and papers in a foreign language. There were also filing cabinets, which Wood was told not to touch as they contained the property of others. But she could pick up the books. She found one on the lounge floor. It was a leather-bound volume about 15 centimetres by 25 centimetres, with an inscription in gold. It was, she claims, called "Terrorist Handbook". There was another, smaller bound volume on the bedroom floor. It bore the inscription "How to Make a Bomb" or "Home Made Bomb".

Wood knew little about her partner's father, Paul Holland, or his friends, but she met people that he knew when they came to the flat to take materials that had been stored there. All she knew was that Holland, a big man with a full beard, had gone to Indonesia to study with his church. That's what he allegedly told her and her partner, Jens Holland, a labourer and Holland's son, who was also staying at the flat.

There were others who knew Holland a lot better and knew of the circles in which he moved. Holland was a follower of the now jailed Muslim cleric, Abu Bakar Bashir, who is under investigation in Indonesia in connection with the Bali bombings. He was also a close associate of twin brothers and alleged Jemaah Islamiah members Abdul Rahman and Abdul Rahim Ayub when they lived in Sydney and in Perth. The two are now believed to be in Indonesia.

Some of those who knew Holland best were aware he was going not to Indonesia but to Afghanistan to fight for the Taliban in their war against the Northern Alliance, and that he did not intend to come back. He was prepared to "make jihad" and die fighting. Nevertheless, he travelled on a return ticket.


There was still another side to Holland, according to evidence in a Perth court this week. Paul Holland, aka Abdullah and now best known as Jack Roche, a British-born Australian convert to Islam, was allegedly consorting with the most wanted terrorists in the world in Malaysia, Pakistan and Afghanistan. He was allegedly planning to launch attacks in Australia and to recruit an al-Qaeda cell of Caucasian Muslims to help him.

Roche was allegedly plotting with the mastermind of the Bali bombings and a key leader of Jemaah Islamiah, Hambali. On his own admission, he sat down to dinner with Osama bin Laden around March 2000 in the Taliban's stronghold, the southern Afghan city of Kandahar. Or, as he said later in a taped media interview played to the jury: "I sat down for a meal and I just started eating and I looked across and I said 'Whoa, that's like the bloke on the telly' . . . I nodded, he nodded."

The bloke from the telly was bin Laden. They did not speak, but Roche gave him a note in Arabic from one of bin Laden's al-Qaeda lieutenants in Karachi, Pakistan, through which Roche passed on his way to Kandahar. But there was allegedly talk between Roche and al-Qaeda leaders about possible attacks in Australia. A small, 20-page notebook in Indonesian later recovered from Roche's flat by Australian Federal Police says: "I met Hambali and . . . we also discussed about the possibility to do something in Sydney during the Olympic Games there this year.

"I went to Pakistan to meet with Mukhtar there. I brought a letter from Hambali for Mukhtar about me and my business. I discussed with him about doing something in Australia - not at the Olympic Games in Sydney but looking for a target in Australia which, if it happens, will result in heavy impact on the Jews in Australia. For example, to the important person in connection between Israel and Australia or to the Israel Embassy there, etc."

These, and a catalogue of other alleged activities by Roche - some of them allegedly ordered by bin Laden himself - have landed him in Perth District Court, where he has pleaded not guilty to conspiring with senior al-Qaeda operatives, the Karachi-based Mukhtar and Muhammad Atef, also known as Abu Hafs al-Masri, bin Laden's second in command, and others to blow up the Israeli embassy in Canberra. The conspiracy is alleged to have occurred between February 15 and September 30, 2000.

Jacqueline Wood knew none of this. Then, weeks after moving into the flat, she picked up the mail one day. It contained a letter in a white envelope with two foreign stamps and an air mail sticker and was addressed to Jens Holland. Roche - who allegedly pressured his son to convert to Islam - said in the letter he was about to make "the greatest sacrifice worthy of the highest reward from Allah" while combating the "disbelievers". "As you see today, the disbelievers are now out of control" and have "ways that are based on inequality and arrogance", the letter said. "I hate them for that and want to learn about how to combat them."

But bin Laden allegedly had plans for Jack Roche other than dying in Afghanistan. Roche allegedly returned to Australia cashed up by Hambali, with enough money for back rent, food, a car, surveillance equipment and a plan to recruit a cell for deadly attacks on Israeli targets and Jews in Australia.

There was allegedly talk of truck bombs at the Israeli consulate in York Street, Sydney, and at the embassy in Canberra, and of hit-and-run attacks against targets after which the attackers would blend back into the community, only to emerge and strike again.

Friends of Roche, some of them fellow Australian converts to Islam, knew about some of these plans because Roche, the court was told, had talked about them repeatedly. Roche allegedly told a friend, Ibrahim Fraser, about 25 times that bin Laden wanted him to blow up the Israeli embassy to highlight the Palestinian cause. According to Fraser, he also said he had been training with explosives, including Semtex and TNT, in Afghanistan.

Fraser, a taxi driver, had been a "powder monkey" in the mining industry and knew about explosives. Roche allegedly asked him where to get them in July 2000, just before the Olympics. "He reiterated his plan to bomb the embassy," Fraser told the court this week.

Fraser made one attempt to tell the authorities what his friend was planning. He was in Singapore and he telephoned the AFP officer at the High Commission, leaving his contact details and a message on an answering machine. He claims nobody got back to him, so he never bothered getting back to the police.

Roche also allegedly told a bus driver friend, John Bennett, that the prominent Melbourne Jewish businessman Joseph Gutnick might be a target.

When Roche returned from a trip to Kandahar about April 2000, during which he allegedly took a 10-day bomb-making course, he was clean-shaven. He wanted to blend in, rather than stand out as a Muslim. He bought a car, a white Toyota, which he would use to drive to Sydney and Canberra to take pictures and video footage of the Israeli embassy in Torana Street, Yarralumla, and the Israeli consulate in Sydney.

Roche asked a friend, an Ethiopian taxi driver from Sydney named Ahmed, to drive him to Canberra because he had a valid driver's licence. Jens Holland went as well.

On June 12, 2000, Ahmed was driving and Roche was sitting in the back, filming embassies with a video camera borrowed from Sheikh Feiz Mohammed, a teacher at the Global Islamic Youth Centre in Liverpool, NSW. He paid most attention to the Israeli embassy. A voice on the tape, believed to be Roche, urges Ahmed to go slow and comments on the security in the area. If they are questioned, one of them suggests that they say: "We are just trying to get to the mosque. We are lost."

But they were spotted by Jeffrey Harrison, an Australian Protective Service security guard on duty at the sentry box outside the Israeli embassy gate. He later logged an incident report about the Toyota with three men taking pictures. Harrison also approached Roche, who by this time was out of the car trying to get better shots of the embassy. "Morning," says Roche, according to the video tape played in court. Roche, pretending to be a tourist, someone interested in architecture, adds: "How's it going . . . Fascinated with the layout of Canberra . . . A bit strange . . . very clean."

"Is that what it is?" responds Harrison. "I didn't think you were going to bomb the joint or anything." "Oh no," Roche says.

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