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Year's Best Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy 1, 2004
Year's Best Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy 2, 2005
Year's Best Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy 3, 2006
Year's Best Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy 4, 2007
Cigarettes and Roses, by Ben Peek
The Desertion of Corporal Perkins, by Bill Congreve
The Hours Before Sunrise, by Bill Congreve
The Mullet that Screwed John West, by Bill Congreve
2005 short fiction (pdf)
2006 short fiction (pdf)
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Welcome to the site of MirrorDanse Books.
MirrorDanse Books, founded in 1994, is one of Australia's most respected and longest running independent publishers of science fiction and horror. Our authors are amongst the best in the genre in Australia: Chris Lawson, Lucy Sussex, Terry Dowling, Greg Egan, Sean Williams, Leanne Frahm, Robert Hood, and others. We not only publish established authors, but seek out talented newcomers.
There are two sides to MirrorDanse Books:
MirrorDanse Editions: an eclectic, independent publishing operation dedicated to publishing the best in Australian SF, fantasy and horror. The most recent MirrorDanse Editions titles are A Tour Guide in Utopia, a collection of Lucy Sussex's best stories of the last fifteen years, and Confessions of a Pod Person, by Chuck McKenzie, a collection of both humerous and serious works from an up and coming writer.
MirrorDanse Books: the mass market side of MirrorDanse, bringing the best to a wider marketplace. The most recent MirrorDanse Books title is The Year's Best Australian SF & Fantasy, Fifth Annual Volume, edited by Bill Congreve, the latest in the successful series. Fifth Annual Volume is our selection of the best Australian SF, fantasy and horror fiction from both 2008 and 2009, with stories by Margo Lanagan, Kirstyn McDermott, Paul Haines, Kaaron Warren, Terry Dowling and others, with a wonderful, evocative cover by Tomislav Tikulin, and an introductory essay on the power of narrative by Bill Congreve.
Please check out the site, and the books. Feel free to read the sample stories (see sidebar) and excerpts. Get a feel for what MirrorDanse is about.
For all trade queries, please contact:
MirrorDanse Books
81 Leura Mall
Leura NSW 2780
MirrorDanse email address (protected from spam)
02 4784 2287
Please enjoy!
Bill Congreve
MirrorDanse Books
Leura NSW Australia
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