The following is a list of known shooting locations for Emma 3.
Emma 3 Filming Locations
- Hartfield,
Home of the Woodhouses - Trafalgar
Park, Downton, near Salisbury, Wiltshire, England.
- Highbury
Village - Lacock,
near Corsham, Wiltshire, England. Here's the National Trust listing; there's also a good photo resource located here . See also Caroline
Evans' discussion of Lacock as Highbury.
- Randalls,
Home of the Westons - Dorney
Court, Windsor, Berkshire, England.
- Donwell
Abbey, Home of Mr. Knightley -
- Broughton
Castle, Broughton, near Banbury
- Sudeley
Castle - near Winchcombe, Gloucestershire (photos copyright
1997 by Kaliopi Pappas - thanks to Kathleen Grant for her scanning
efforts!). This house belonged to Queen Katryn Parr, last wife
of King Henry VIII.
- A general view
- The ruins of the Great Hall
- The Chapel, Katryn's final resting place
- The
Queen's Garden, site of Mr.
Knightley's conversations with Harriet.
- Stanway
House, near Broadway, Gloucestershire. Here's some visitor
- The Real Donwell: "It was so long since Emma had been at the Abbey,
that as soon as she was satisfied with her father's comfort, she
was glad to leave him and look around her; eager to refresh and
correct her memory with more particular observation, more exact
understanding of a house and grounds which must ever be so interesting
to her and all her family.
"She felt all the honest pride and complacency which her alliance with the present and future proprietor could fairly warrant, as she viewed the respectably size and style of the building, its suitable, becoming, characteristic situation, low and sheltered; its ample gardens stretching down the meadows washed by a stream, all of which the Abbey, with all the old neglect of prospect, had scarcely a sight - and with its abundance of timber in rows and avenues, which neither fashion nor extravagance had rooted up. The house was larger than Hartfield, and totally unlike it, covering a good deal of ground, rambling and irregular, with many comfortable, and one or two handsome rooms. It was just what it ought to be, and it looked what it was; and Emma felt an increasing respect for it, as the residence of a family of such true gentility, untainted in blood and understanding."
- Broughton
Castle, Broughton, near Banbury
- Abbey Mill Farm, Donwell Strawberry Beds, Derelict Cottages, Sea off Weymouth - Thame Park, near Thame, Oxfordshire.