This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Passion Pit was originally scheduled to headline the Aug. 9 edition of the Twilight Concert Series, but now Divine Fits are filling in. This Salt Lake City performance is one of the first shows the group has played since coming together last winter.
"A lot of this [for the audience] is having good faith and listening to music they haven't heard before," said Dan Boeckner in an phone interview. Divine Fits consists of Boeckner (a member of the band Wolf Parade), Britt Daniel (Spoon frontman), and Sam Brown (New Bomb Turks drummer), accompanied by multi-instrumentalist Alex Fischel. Their album, "A Thing Called Divine Fits," will be released Aug. 28.
Boecher and Daniel have been friends for years, and finally got together when Wolf Parade went on hiatus and Spoon was taking a break after touring to promote its 2010 album "Transference." [Daniel] asked me if I wanted to start a band," Boeckner said, adding that he jumped at the opportunity. "I've always had a lot of respect for the way he operates his band."
The musical result is an eclectic collection that includes synth-pop and good ol' fashioned rock 'n' roll. Thursday's set list will feature the entirety of the band's album, plus some covers. The Salt Lake City show comes after shows in each of the band member's hometowns, so Salt Lake City fans are among the first to see Divine Fits in action.
Info • The concert will be at 5 p.m. in Pioneer Park, between 300 and 400 South and 300 and 400 West, Salt Lake City. Austra opens. Tickets are 5ドル and can be purchased at Graywhale Entertainment stores or at the gate.
David Burger