Call for research report for annual report 2020

Dear RCNP Users,

In 2012, we have changed the method of publication from conventional hard copy to electric one on the web-page. We would like to ask you to submit one or two page(s) research report (you can use color figures, pictures freely) by April 30 (Fri.), 2021. Some details are given below.

Thank you very much for your cooperations.

RCNP Annual Report Editors:
Kazuyuki Ogata, Tatsushi Shima, Atsushi Hosaka, Tomoaki Hotta, Tetsuhiko Yorita, and Sachiko Karasuyama

Instructions for RCNP Annual Report 2020

Please send the research report by e-mail to

by April 30 (Fri.), 2021.

  1. When you submit a report, please put "research report 2020" on the subject line (without " ").

  2. Each research report should be prepared with 1 or 2 page(s), A4 size. We receive camera ready files prepared either in pdf or ps. Please use the following files:
    TeX source
    sample in pdf

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