GameSpy, as we know it, began in 1999. Today, 14 years later, it has reached the end of the road. We had a good run, and we want to sincerely thank all of you for reading and joining in discussions with us. It's been fantastic. Read More »
Something far more insidious than the Ceph and CELL lurks in the post-apocalyptic battleground of New York City. There's only one thing for Prophet to do: wipe them all out and take the city back. Read More »
What's another word for torture? One that implies that something is just out of reach, and is aggravating us to no end? Read More »
You know things are bad when you start to sympathize with hellspawn. At first I acknowledged my in-game avatar, demon lord of the depths Baal-Abaddon, only with the intended smirks and half-laughs warranted by his dialog. But in time I came to feel a kinship with him as we braved Impire's clumsy micromanagement in search of hard-won glory. "Tedious," he'd exclaim, and I'd find myself mouthing the words along with him. "Life: what's the point, anyway?" he'd ask, and I found myself asking the same question about our progress. By the sixth hour, I was sure we were both in a place where we didn't want to be, but no matter how repetitive or boring the circumstances became, I could take comfort in the knowledge that my new scaly friend and I were in this mess together. Read More »
So, we didn't like Aliens: Colonial Marines. Nor did most other people. But what if there had been another Aliens game entirely? What if Obsidian had made an RPG in the Aliens universe? Well, thanks to this leaked footage of a very early prototype of Aliens: Crucible, we're lucky enough to see more or less what that would have looked like. Read More »
For me, summertime is about one thing: Grillin' up some delicious, delicious meat. Pork is among my favorites. However, I suspect that Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs won't exactly whet my appetite for BBQ. The sequel to the amazing Amnesia: The Dark Descent is officially due out this summer. Read More »
R. Kelly would be proud of Firefall. Rather than just accept that the shooter's players would be stuck to the ground, they believed they could fly. With jetpacks. Those tend to help. This new trailer shows off a bit of what's possible with the things strapped to your back. Read More »
According to 20th Century Fox and Gearbox, Aliens: Colonial Marines is part of the official Alien series canon. That means the disastrously bad shooter, which takes place shortly after the end of 1986's Aliens, has ramifications on 1992's Alien 3 and 1997's Alien Resurrection (which didn't do the lore any favors either). Major ones. Aliens: Colonial Marines' storyline features some lore-breaking elements that directly contradict major events from the films and makes me wonder if Fox and Gearbox (or TimeGate, or whoever actually developed the campaign) even understand what "canon" means. Here are my three biggest problems with this incredibly damaging new version of the Alien lore. Note: We're about to delve into MAJOR SPOILER territory. Read More »
(削除) Commence game jam! (削除ここまで) Commence Mojam! Minecraft studio Mojang, a group of indie studios, and the folks behind the Humble Bundle have teamed up for Mojam 2, a 78-hour game jam that starts right now. Watch along via TwitchTV and be prepared to pay what you want for any new pixelated creations that catch your eye. Read More »
Oh, hello there, new game from Square Enix. Didn't see you lurking in the shadows back there. Love the name of your website, "," but based on your quick CGI teaser trailer, I have no clue what you are, exactly. An unromantic videogame spin on Patrick Swayze's seminal work, Ghost, perhaps? Whatever it is, I'm interested in learning more about Murdered: Soul Suspect. Read More »
EA and DICE kinda sorta announced Battlefield 4 back in July when they were shilling for Medal of Honor Warfighter. Preorder Warfighter, get access to the BF4 beta, the deal went. Seven months later, it appears we're finally about to learn more about the next installment in the shooter franchise, because EA and DICE are now showing off Battlefield 4 behind closed doors and an official reveal appears imminent. Read More »
Despite the popularity of '90s classics like Wing Commander, X-Wing vs Tie Fighter, and Freespace, the combat space sim genre has been as dormant as a white dwarf for more than a decade. Thanks to crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter, however, there may be some light at the end of the wormhole for Luke Skywalker and Buck Rogers wannabes. Read More »
The original Crysis was one of the most graphically intensive games ever released on the PC, pushing the boundaries of what most graphics cards could handle even years after it arrived. Crytek's continuing to live on the edge with the release of Crysis 3, which thankfully ships with a much broader suite of graphical options than Crysis 2 originally possessed. Read More »
Like any red-blooded American, I am genetically required to hate anyone who takes the label of "King" for themselves. We like to call those folks "tyrants" around these parts. As such, I've found myself clicking my way over to Steam to pick up the new Assassin's Creed 3 DLC, The Tyranny of King Washington Episode 1: The Infamy. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got shackles to throw off. Read More »
I love the generosity of many indie developers. They really just want you to play their games. The latest in this trend of giving devs is Arcen Games, the team behind A Valley Without Wind. As of today, they've launched A Valley Without Wind 2, and are giving it away for free to anyone who purchased the first game. Read More »
Remember World of StarCraft? How about StarCraft Universe? If you remember one of those, you remember them both, because they're the same game, just renamed after some legal disputes with Blizzard. Even if you don't, you may be excited to know that an early version of the "MMO-style RPG" mod for StarCraft 2 is out on, as Kotaku reports. Read More »
Here's one thing I won't be doing in March of the Eagles, which launches today: invading Russia. I remember my history classes, and that never ends well. There's way too many people there, it's way too cold, and my Napoleonic-era soldiers aren't anywhere near ready for that sort of fight. I think I'll go ahead and let them do their own thing while I take the rest of Europe. Read More »
From case to CPU, my PC ran me roughly 1,200,ドル so it's safe to say I'm not exactly the target consumer for Nvidia's new monster of a GPU, the 1,000ドル GeForce GTX Titan. Still, I can't help but salivate over the new card Nvidia says it designed for "gaming supercomputers." Read More »
BlizzCon is back. Blizzard unexpectedly canceled its annual show last year to focus on actually making games, much to the chagrin of purple-painted night elves everywhere. The convention hiatus will end in November when Blizzard opens the doors to the Anaheim Convention Center for the seventh BlizzCon. Read More »
Let's get this clear up front: Crysis 3 is a better first-person shooter than Crysis 2 in almost every way. Gameplay is more robust and varied, the storytelling is more mature, and it's often visually stunning. Unfortunately, it's also not very ambitious: it leans heavily on ideas already established by better games, and as such isn't an especially remarkable experience. Its reach might exceed its grasp in a few key areas, but Crysis 3 is still a largely enjoyable excuse to take a trip to post-apocalyptic New York. Read More »
Gamers have learned not to expect much from co-op AI companions. Keep up, don't block doorways, and throw out the occasional one-liner is about the best we can hope for. Irrational Games will attempt to raise the co-op AI bar with its time-and-space-tearing partner, Elizabeth, in BioShock Infinite, and as the latest trailer demonstrates, she will, at the very least, pack a powerful punch. And by "punch" I mean "tornado controlling super power." Read More »
One of my biggest problems with Far Cry 3 is the complete disappearance of enemies in areas where I've cleared outposts. I really like the sense of constant danger their presence provides. It seems that others feel the same way, as Ubisoft is implementing a patch that will allow us to reset every last one of them, a feature apparently requested heavily by players. Oh, and there's some other stuff too. Read More »
It's a good time to be a fan of sword fighting in games. We've got Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, War of the Roses, and now Blade Symphony, as spotted by Rock Paper Shotgun. While the former two are first-person "shooters," Blade Symphony seems to take the Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast route to sword fighting goodness. That means flips, dives, and flying slashes. Soon, all that goodness will be on Steam. Read More »
When I was but a young child, my father tried to make me understand the value of a dollar. I'll cut out the middle of the story, but the result of the lesson is my ability to wait until games are on sale before I buy them. This week, makes that waiting really pay off, because they're dropping the prices on a ton of classic games like Myst: Masterpiece Edition, The Incredible Machine, and Outcast. Read More »
Look, Dean "Rocket" Hall. We love DayZ. We appreciate the mod, and think it's pretty great. You really didn't have to go through all this trouble of making the standalone product so darn awesome. The fact that you've been completely remaking the zombie survival shooter from the ground up is completely unnecessary. Oh, you went ahead and did it anyway? Well, you're just the best. Read More »
Gosh -- the cars in the upcoming GRID 2 are so exquisitely curved and shiny that I kind of want to stick my weathered old Honda Civic in there for "character." Then again, I'm guessing my humble sedan can't rev quite like the babies in this new gameplay trailer do. Read More »
I like how this faction-by-faction reveal of Total War: Rome 2 gets a little more barbaric each time. We've seen plush feathered headdresses devolve into ankle-tattoos-on-shields and now? People are totally wearing dogs on their heads. Say hello to the Suebi, a tribe so barbaric that they seem a-okay with sauntering into battle shirtless. Read More »
Huggable-looking 16-bit critters? Yeah, that's not what I'd have expected to find on the front page of a certain famed torrent website either. Yes, it's a videogame promo for Zelda-esque indie adventure Anodyne, but it's also sort of an interesting remark on the state of videogame piracy. Read More »
Poor, poor Ace of Spades. The Minecraft-meets-TF2 concept had such promise, but only managed to scrape up a poor-at-best rating in GameSpy's review. Will this gangster-themed "Valentine's Day Massacre" DLC help at all in patching up our massacred hearts? Read More »
Got four USB controllers lying around? Good. Grab (or make) some friends, too -- you'll need 'em all for Moth Kidz, a warm fuzzies-inducing indie adventure that explores the power of friendship. Read More »
It left us feeling like we'd been mugged.
Great action -- once it gets going.
Pandora's toughest adventure yet!
A surprise hit in a tropical paradise.