Peakware.com Acquired By Repthewild.com

Rep The Wild Ascends to New Heights with Acquisition of domain, Peakware.com

As Rep The Wild continues to grow, company officials are excited to announce the acquisition of the domain, Peakware.com. This acquisition will help Rep The Wild offer more informational content to outdoor-loving, adventure-seeking internet users.

It is important to clarify that the acquisition only involved the domain name peakware.com and not the Peakware brand (which was owned by Terrill Thompson) and is completely independent of this domain acquisition.

Rep The Wild has created a redirection of the content found on peakware.com to indicate that it is now part of Rep The Wild and will continue to provide relevant informational content in this industry.

What was Peakware?

Peakware was an encyclopedia of mountain peaks geared towards climbers, hikers, and other outdoor enthusiasts. Since 1997, the website has provided outdoor lovers with mountains of information and photos on some of the highest peaks in the world.

The website started as a CD-Rom and included profiles of the world’s most famous mountains, with maps and photos and a search interface that allowed users to search for peaks that met their climbing or hiking preferences.

The website launched in 1998 — three months before Google was launched.

As of 2019, Peakware’s database contained nearly 17,000 peaks — nearly every mountain in the world.

What is Rep The Wild?

From camping to fishing, hiking, cycling, and snow sports, Rep The Wild provides research-based outdoor gear reviews and travel destination guides to allow people to thrive outside.

The acquisition will allow Rep The Wild to continue providing mountain peak guides, photos, and reviews to its growing offerings for outdoorsmen or women.

Rep The Wild’s goal is to help outdoor enthusiasts reconnect with nature by providing the best researched and trusted outdoor gear reviews, hiking guide for beginners, and mountain peak and travel destination guides.

“The main goal of the merger, and why it made sense, is to continouslly provide mountain peak travel guides for avid climbers, hikers, or outdoor photographers. We are people who love nothing more than people outside with our friends and family. Whether you’re into camping, hiking, fishing, climbing, or other nature-inspired activities, let us help you prepare for the next adventure”

Founder, Jack N.
