Perhaps more than any other modern apple, Pink Lady® epitomises the trend towards product marketing and branding in the sale of apples. Pink Lady® was one of the first apples to be marketed under a specific brand name rather than by its variety name. The variety is grown under licence, and then marketed through licenced resellers to the supermarkets. This tight control is intended to keep quality high, and it is portrayed as a premium product.
You may have sometimes seen another variety called Cripps Pink in the shops and noticed the similarity ... it is actually the same variety. Pink Lady® is a trademark, the actual variety name is Cripps Pink. [画像:Pink Lady brand logo] In order to preserve the premium appeal of Pink Lady®, about 65% of the production which does not meet the standards required for Pink Lady® is sold as Cripps Pink instead. The distinction is primarily made on colour intensity and the sugar/acid balance. Whilst this might at first appear to be a marketing ploy, it benefits consumers because it means that the variability of quality of Pink Lady® is less than you might find in other varieties (Braeburn being a notable example).
Cripps Pink was developed in the 1970s by John Cripps in Western Australia, and is a cross between Golden Delicious and Lady Williams. This same breeding programme also led to Cripps Red, which shares the same parentage and is marketed under the Sundowner® brand. Lady Williams is not a particularly well known apple variety in Europe or North America, but has been quite widely grown in Australia, having been discovered as a chance seedling in the 1930s. It is probably from Lady Williams that Pink Lady® gets its distinct colouring. (However it is interesting that another modern "blush" apple, the orange-coloured Tentation, is also a Golden Delicious cross). Pink Lady® and Sundowner® are very similar, but we think Pink Lady® is just slightly closer to Golden Delicious in terms of flavor.
Pink Lady® requires a very long growing period and a hot climate, and hence is only grown in the warmer apple-growing regions of South Africa, USA, southern Europe - and of course Australia. Strong sunglight in autumn is vital for the pink coloration to develop and growers may remove the top-most leaves of the trees to allow light to penetrate. Pink Lady® is a moderately vigourous tree and hangs on to its leaves well into winter. It also shares a characteristic found in some other apple varieties in that the quality of fruit in the early years of the tree is not good. These horticultural difficulties meant that Pink Lady® was initially unpopular with growers - until they realised the premium prices they could get for this unique pink apple.
Pink Lady® apples from the northern hemisphere tend to arrive in shops from late November - but the very long storage life means they are available almost all year round from northern or southern hemisphere orchards.
Since its introduction several sports or variants have been discovered. Two of these are Rosy Glow and Lady in Red. Technically these are separate cultivars (and should be listed as such on this website), but because of the strength of the Pink Lady brand many of them (with the agreement of the trademark owners) are marketed as Pink Lady and consumers are not likely to be aware of the difference unless they are able to see the original orchard box packaging.
Does Pink Lady® match up with the marketing ? Visually, it certainly does - it is still unusual to see an apple that is genuinely pink and Pink Lady® is undoubtedly one of the best looking apple varieties available. We are not so sure the flavour is quite up there with the best modern varieties (take Jazz for example). Perhaps the most interesting comparison is with its sibling variety, Sundowner® - we think Sundowner® has a slightly better flavour and texture, very similar to Pink Lady® but just a bit more pronounced, although many people prefer the slightly blander flavour of Pink Lady®. In short, a very attractive apple with a good flavour, and deservedly popular.
'Pink Lady' is a registered trade mark of Apple and Pear Australia Limited in more than 80 jurisdictions and is reserved for the exclusive use of licensees. In the USA and Mexico Pink Lady is a registered trade mark of Brandt's Fruit Trees.
Pink Lady apple identification images
All images copyright Orange Pippin unless otherwise stated.
Cripps Pink
Cripps Pink
USDA identification images for Pink Lady
The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.
Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Best apple for our hot climate.Early Ginger gold and late one Rosy glow sport mutation of Cripps Pink.
28 Jan 2025
My new favorite. I like tartness, crispness, juiciness, intense flavors, and enough sweetness so that my girlfriend will like them too. The Pink Ladies check all the boxes. I'm amazed by the official article that experts find it lacking in flavor compared to Jazz apples. I've never had the latter ... I'll have to look for them.
21 Jan 2025
Best apple I have ever eaten. I did not know what a great apple was until Natural Grocer's came to Pagosa Springs, Co. with your APPLE. We cut them up for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm eating Pink Lady as a treat vs. sneaking something sweet while hiding it from my wife, writing this head propped up sprawled on the bed. I had literally given up on apples from our local grocers. Your Apple/S A Day Make My Day!! Thank You and Natural Grocers. Greatly Appreciated.👍
09 Jan 2025
I bought the Pink Ladies to feed my rabbits and I decided to eat an apple man are they ever good and sweet the rabbits will get few but I'll get many
28 Nov 2024
For me the apple has a bit of a floral taste. It has interesting balance between tart and sweetness. I like to make pies and with some thought I attempted to make a pie with just the pink lady apple. But just a traditional recipe would had compromise the delicate taste of the apple. I cut back the traditional white sugar to 1/2 cup then added 1/4 cup of a light tasting honey, 2 table spoons of gluten free flour, pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 of nutmeg. Bake it in a gluten free crust. I use Bob’s Red Mills flower. It has a lighter taste than wheat flower. It is delicious pie with a unique taste. The honey adds to the apples floral taste. It reminds me of the smell of rose petals!
27 Nov 2024
Pink Ladies are my favourite supermarket apple. They are delightfully tart, but still plenty sweet. They also have a very consistent texture, always nice and crunchy, sometimes a little too solid but more importantly they are never mealy.
06 Jul 2024
Excellent apple . Plus you get two or three seeds that have already germinated . Bonus .
30 Aug 2023
I was very pleased to find this article, explaining the Pink Lady and Crips Pink relationship! I buy my apples from Kroger, and find the Crips Pink to be of lesser quality and was wondering why they keep substituting it in the Pinnk Lady bins! Now I know! I have been a small orchardist for years, (now retired at 80 years of age) and have had a premium Golden Delicious tree which had a pink blush and had a man who asked for it annually and would come out to look at the fruit as it ripened to choose the stage he wanted it! It did require a sunny warmer season to develop its superb flavor and blush! I would be interested in tasting the red version mentioned in the article!
22 Dec 2020
ON, Canada
Tastes great as usual - excellent balance of tartness to sweetness. Usually, they are quite dense and firm like an Empire or McIntosh, although not crisp and juicy like a honeycrisp.
However, this batch I got (official Pink Lady from Stemitt, USA) was a little mushy. Kinda like a stale red delicious in texture. They are supposed to keep for a long time... I wonder what happened.
13 Nov 2020
UTAH, United States
Pink Lady is the only apple I will buy now, even if it is twice as expensive as the other apples. We juice them regularly and our juices come out so much tastier than if using any other red apple.
02 Nov 2020
CHESHIRE, United Kingdom
I recently peeled an apple and the flesh looked stained pink.. a llittle colour also came off onto a paper envelope. Are these apples being dyed with food dye .?
02 May 2020
WESTERN CAPE, South Africa
Pink Lady is by far the best hybrid of all apples .The sweetness/sourness combination is just perfect .We are so fortunate they are plenty here in South Africa
23 Mar 2020
CA, United States
I love Pink Lady apples because to me they taste like lemonade and so crisp! Perfect balance of sweet and tart.
15 Apr 2019
NJ, United States
Perfect ratio of sweetness : firmness. You win again mother nature, but the battle rages on.
04 Mar 2019
KANSAS, United States
Juicy and Firm
06 Apr 2018
NY, United States
Pink ladies are my favorite apple all time! I can’t get enough of them. I’d love to try an apple pie from these!
29 Nov 2017
17 Jul 2017
I also planted pink lady apple plant at Palampur kangra Himachal Pradesh India and next year sample may come and main problem is that here the rainy season very heavy and fruit is harvested very late. I have tasted it is better but I don't know the effect of heavy rain on fruits.
03 Jan 2017
United States
Bought a bag of Pink Lady apples today with a bit of trepidation. There were no loose apples, only pre-bagged. Since I'm not big on apples, the cost of a bag seemed like a gamble -- I've had loads of apples go to waste before, from lack of interest, bland taste and/or mealiness. I usually only eat Empire (or Milton, when I can find them), as I hate mealy apples or apples that are too sweet. For instance, unless it's very small, a whole Red Delicious is just too overwhelmingly sweet for me. But it's the New Year, and I'm trying to eat less processed sugar -- yet still need some sort of dessert. Had a light dinner, then tried a Pink Lady. WOW! So yummy that a few hours later I tried (and devoured) another one, to see if the taste of the first one was a fluke. The apple is crisp, juicy enough to be pleasant (but not drip), the skin is firm but still easy to bite through, and the taste!!! Sweet but with enough tartness that it's not overwhelming. And there's a faint strawberry candy-like background note that make the apple actually seem like a dessert instead of a healthy chore. Based on reading, I'm going to keep them in the fridge, and take them out ahead of time to let them warm up a bit. I'm not usually a happy apple eater, but I am now!
06 Dec 2016
VICTORIA, Australia
Firstly it is obvious from all these comments that people have no idea that Pink Lady is merely a trade mark and NOT a variety in its own right. It is in fact a heavily geneticists and therefore invalid trade mark. Even produce managers and green grocers have no idea that the real name is Cripps Pink. Now that other distinct varieties such as Rosy Glow are being sold as Pink Lady, the poor consumer has no idea what variety they are eating. Don't they deserve to know they are eating different apples. One of the comments was about the poor taste of Red Delicious. The same thing happened here The apple now being sold as Red Delicious was derived from Red Delicious but simply is NOT Red Delious. This amounts to nothing more than a substitution racket and the consumer doesn't understand why the flavour is not like it used to be. The same thing has happened with so called 'Pink Lady',only when I explain to people the real story do they understand why the appearance and flavour varies so much
22 Aug 2016
New Zealand
I have just discovered this apple on sale at my supermarket. I bought 2 to try: love at first bite! At this stage of the window terms apples can be floury and disappointing, but Cripps Pink is beautifully firm and the flavour is wonderful, tangy and sweet, similar to a Braeburn or Granny Smith. I am thrilled to find it and considering planting one :-)
20 Oct 2015
United States
One of my favorite apples. Consistently sweet/tart, juicy, and crisp. When its out of season for fresh-from-the-orchard apples, this is my go-to apple at the supermarket.
07 May 2015
Crisp Pink is the Generic term for a Pink Lady apple that does not meet the acid/surgar requirements of a "Pink Lady" They are both from the same tree type....Crisp Pink are the "out of spec" version of a pink lady. I agree a good pink lady apple is probably the best tasting apple I've every experienced. For the growers out there there's the "MASLIN" variation of the Pink Lady Apple which ripens 4 weeks sooner. It's still rare but you can find it if you know where to look.
07 Apr 2015
IL, United States
Someone from where I work stated he put in an orchard Of Braeburn apples and plans on turning them into 'Pink Lady 's."
I am a bit confused. I know the history of the Pink Lady apple and own 6 trees of the Pink Lady I specially ordered and they are thriving in Illinois. How can he turn his trees into Pink Lady's?
20 Mar 2015
CA, United States
One of the best apples I have ever tasted. I bought several apple varieties to try out and I can't believe how excellent this one is. I love Golden Delicious, but it is not acidic enough. This one has the right balance. The other really great apple is Opal.
02 Feb 2015
CA, HUMBOLDT, United States
We grow some fine produce here in N. California, including excellent apples. Whenever I have a dry, stale mouth I reach for Pink Lady. She always does the trick. One of the finest apples I have ever eaten. Perfect balance of tart and sweet and the crisp, juicy flesh breaks cleanly in the mouth and melts into a medley of flavors like Spigold. I now demand this quality in all my apples, spoiled as I am. Sigh.
25 Jan 2015
ESSEX, United Kingdom
Pink Lady, how have I not tasted this sweet lady before? The beautiful green / red shades make this apple irresitable. This is by far the fruit of the gods. Us mere mortals should not be allowed to taste such pleasure. Sinking my teeth into the delightful curves of this apple makes me feel as if I'm on cloud nine! I'm so happy I've found this website to share my passion and love for the apple that is pink lady. My mouth is watering just writing this and I need to hear that first crunch of me biting into a pink lady. Please continue to enjoy this heavenly apple. I certainly will.
07 Aug 2014
KS, United States
These are probably my favorite variety of apples. I have been buying them now for a couple of years and really enjoy their texture and taste.
21 Jul 2014
NSW, Australia
What happened to this great apple 2014 ? wake up if it doesn't measure up don't sell it as branded pink lady all this year now July 2014 . soft floury texture awful soapy taste and that is on purchase day from coles Woolworths aldi and the local fruit shops in nsw paying $ 6.90 kg The worms in the worm farm are not even keen when I feed them your ffailures at over $ 1 dollar per apple .What happened this year? ?????????????
16 Jun 2014
United States
The title is probably not convincing enough to men especially... but when I sank my teeth into it, I did not regret my purchase. I've used this apple in salads, oatmeal, whatever, and I love it, though it is sometimes hard to obtain, and I have to try farmers markets or Sams Club.
03 Jun 2014
WA, United States
The BEST, but almost impossible to find in May or June. I wonder why
07 Apr 2014
FL, United States
Holy cow! I asked my personal trainer why Red Delicious apples have been awful for a very long time, and she suggested these. Very delicious! Pink, crisp, very flavorful. To me taste like a hybrid od Red Delicious and Granny Smith. Sweet and tart and juicy.
24 Mar 2014
GEORGIA, United States
Pink Lady is my go-to apple. It is widely enough available that I can rely on being able to find them. Pink Lady, as compared to the Cripps Pink, is very consistent and always excellent. The texture is very firm and crunchy, not a bit mealy or soft which I despise in apples more than anything. It is the perfect balance of tart and sweet with floral notes. I eat an apple every day at work, chopped up with the skin on, served with full fat, plain Greek yogurt, a little oat pecan granola and a touch of maple syrup. I have this apple usually three of five days and I never tire of it.
08 Feb 2014
MT, United States
The Pink Lady apple is one of the best foods I have ever eaten, in all my life. For me, the proper Pink Lady sets the bar for all apples. Granny Smith is the matriarch in our house because we make pies with her, but the Pink Lady is our eating apple of choice.
06 Feb 2014
Actually in Croatia, not Slovenia, my country not in your list!.
Anyway, I visited a nursery today and the owner tried to sell me some Pink Lady trees with my order. He had some in his celklar and I was well impressed when trying one, even in February. Very sweet and juicy, a children's apple if there ever was one. I bought a cople of trees.
31 Jan 2014
MARYLAND, United States
Well I must say this is one if the few apples that actually lives up to all the hype. First, visual appeal: the Pink Lady is a killer pretty apple with a nice fragrance. I love the bright pink color on a golden background, and the size/shape fits perfectly in your hand for snacking. Flesh is dense, hard and crunchy. Flavor is very good: tart but less so than a granny smith, lovely sweetness, nice classic apple flavor combined with an effervescent citrusy tang. Almost like "eating" sparkling cider. I've tried cooking with Pink Lady apples and they work very well. Okay storage but I wouldn't leave them out in a bowl on the table for more than a week. Has become my go to apple in the grocery store when I can't find one of the heirloom varieties.
26 Dec 2013
UTAH, United States
Ahh - Pink Lady! The very first time I tried this apple I was in love! It had a perfect blend of acidity and sweetness, with a flavor that was truly exceptional. Texture-wise it was both firm and crisp - something I really like in my apples. Also I was intrigued to discover that several of the seeds were already germinating inside the apple - I had never seen that before! Since that first apple I have tried several more Pink Lady's and a few Cripps Pink, some from New Zealand, some from Washington state, and some from a South American country (Argentina or Chile - I think it was Chile...) and each one has been quite unique and different. A few from Washington were actually very disappointing and rather disgusting. I'm so glad those weren't the first ones I tried or I may have never discovered this gem of an apple. The most delicious ones that I had were the ones from South America (Chile?) - It had the perfect sweetness/tartness blend of that first one I tried which I have come to know as the Pink Lady, but the flavor was exotic and heady, much more refined, subtle, complex, and rich than that first one. I just don't know how to describe it, but it was sensational. I know it may sound odd, but I also get a kick out of finding the seeds already germinating within the apple. I have never seen that in any other apple variety I have ever tried - it's almost like the seeds are so happy and excited to grow and become what their parents were that they can't wait to get out and show off. I love the Pink Lady apples! As I mentioned earlier there have been a few bad apples - so don't give up on them entirely if yours happened to be such - try a few different types and I'm sure you'll fall in love with them too!
16 Dec 2013
MD, United States
Fujis used to be my favorite, but it is hard to find a Fuji that tastes the way that it should. Pink Ladys typically, no matter where I get them, are DELICIOUS!
(One store I went to was selling an apple that they posted signage for calling it Pink Lady, but there was a sticker on these apples that said "Cripps Pink". I bought some and they were rather soft with mediocre flavor. They did NOT compare to apples with the "Pink Lady" sticker on them.)
08 Dec 2013
CO, United States
They're okay. The Pink Ladies I ate had a cottony texture (bane of my existence) and the flavor was a little bland. This is definitely not a super sweet apple like the Jazz. I thought the flavor had a little hint of pear, otherwise, it's not terribly complex. It is pleasant though. My wife used them in an apple pie with Granny Smiths and it came out pretty good if you like the apple slices to stay firm. That being said, I wouldn't buy them again.
(Purchased Late November - Early December.)
15 Nov 2013
United States
Excellent apple! Possibly my favorite at the moment when I don't have my own apples to eat from my trees. A great balance of tart/sweet flavor. This apple is much better than a Sweetango which I found to be hype. A hard apple with tough flesh. Highly recommended by me. :)
11 May 2013
WA, Australia
pink lady and granny smiths are a favorite at our house, mostly as a pie or crumble. have planted both varieties and hope they do well!
25 Apr 2013
TX, United States
Pink Lady is my favorite apple because it has a brilliant acidity to go along with a solid sweetness. The perfect combination of a typical red and a Granny Smith is found in Pink Lady, making it the best all around apple I've ever had by a long shot. Pair the superb taste with the quality control of the brand name, and Pink Ladies are hands down the best apples I've ever had.
15 Jan 2013
NY, United States
Bo - This is the granny-smith of the red apple world. I will hereby refer to it as the "Pappy Jones" apple. Nearly as tart and only slightly sweeter than the Granny Smith, this reddish-greenish juicy delight has a tough skin to match its firm flesh.
Brent - a sweet apple with a hint of crab-apple tartness to balance it out.
28 Dec 2012
TX, United States
Love this apple. And BISHOP -- you're probably on to something, because this is one apple that can compete with the other carbs that I crave.
30 Oct 2012
Pink lady is my favorite apple. It is sweet with a tart taste. I keep them very cold til I eat them. I left in the trunk in winter and did not freeze.
26 Sep 2012
SD, United States
The Pink Lady apple is the BEST apples I have ever eaten!!! No other variety even compares to this apple !! Love them!!!!
21 Sep 2012
WEST VIRGINIA, United States
Pink Lady Apples make the best Applesauce that I have ever made - Sweet and Tart all in the same bite! I plan to process at least 2 bushels this year once they become available in my area - mid-October.
18 Sep 2012
CT, United States
I know everyone is going to laugh at this but I have recently lost 40lbs. and I owe it all to the Pink Lady apple. you see I love these apples sooooo much that I eat three to four a day and that is an underestimate in an attempt to not look too crazy. I was on a steady diet of carbs and fat in any form until one day I was told that Pink Ladies are the best thing since sliced bread, so I went out and bought one, leet me tell you, it was love at first bite!!!! Ever since I have become a sort of connoisseur. I was 230 lbs and i am now down to 190 lbs and I started my Pink Lady diet in late March. that's about 40 lbs in 6 months and no gym!!!
01 Sep 2012
Beautiful to look at; but each time I've succumbed to the hype and the attractive appearance, I have been disappointed. Tried one again today, trying to define what I don't like about it; it has pleasant background flavour between melon and peardrops, but heavily overlaid with a sickly acid tang like cheap candy; it also had a slightly rubbery texture. Interesting but unpleasant. I couldn't finish it.
21 Apr 2012
This is probably the best apple I ever tasted! So crispy, so sweet and juicy...
14 Apr 2012
CAPE REGION, South Africa
We also just love Pink Lady. There are other great tasting apples for sure but none with the uniquely exquisite pink colour. Like a true lady she bruises easily but despite keeps its crispness for a long time. Truly a champagne taste.
08 Mar 2012
United States
I am most fond of this delicious lady. She makes the BEST fresh apple juice. I am not generally fond of apple juice, but the tart and sweet balance is perfect in this one. Also my fave apple to munch or make carrot apple ginger juice which is heavenly.
15 Feb 2012
GEORGIA, United States
A very sweet apple with a touch of tart. A very attractive apple as well.
10 Feb 2012
CA, United States
Today's delivery of organic farm share produce included Pink Lady apples. They felt light. I pared, and sliced them to make apple sauce and there was zero juice. Is this how they always are, or were these in storage long enough to dehydrate?
31 Aug 2011
MA, United States
@Susan, the seeds of apples do not produce the same apple. Do not be surprised if the apples taste very different from Pink Lady. On the other hand, one of those trees could be the next great apple variety !
23 Aug 2011
MELBOURNE, Australia
We love our Pink Lady apples here in Australia. I personally scoff one every day for breakfast. They are juicy and tart/sweet and have such a pretty pink colour blush on their skins. We're proud of this variety!
06 Aug 2011
MI, United States
I bought 2 Pink Lady apples when I cut them open thet had seeds that had germinated.I had 6 seed in all ,we planted them and I had 4 survive they are now 30 inch trees.I live in the northern part of my state.They say its the wrong climate to grow them here.This will be there 2nd winter.
16 Jun 2011
I love the Pink Lady. They arrived here in Israel about 6 years ago from the USA, and were snapped up, and sold at a very high price $US4 a kilo. Next year an Israeli variety came out. Much bigger, because the locals like all fruit&veg big, not as pink or as juicy, and sweet, but much cheaper. I still prefer the imported ones, even though they are more expensive.
16 Jun 2011
MONTANA, United States
Yesterday my wife brought home about a dozen Pink Lady apples from the supermarket here in western Montana. I've eaten two and find the flavor acceptable but not as exciting as with other varieties. The surprising thing about them though is their extreme hardness, as though they are under ripe; they are harder than any other apple I've ever tasted. Your extensive factors for analysis do not include any for 'texture' (firm, hard, soft, mealy, etc) but I notice a couple of references to "crisp" as the only clue. I also notice under 'climate' that it is "suitable for temporate climates. The tree sholud grow, but the apples may not RIPEN". Might it be that a reputable supermarket chain is selling under ripe Pink Lady apples?
27 Feb 2011
ARIZONA, United States
I grew up with vintage varieties like Spitz, and I was spoiled by the taste of a fresh, crispy apple right off the tree. It's rare to find that crisp, sweet texture in a store-bought apple, but I found it in the Pink Lady, at last - an apple to rival the old Spitz for crispness and flavor. Wow! They're .99 at Fry's right now, they're huge, and they're incredibly delicious. Are they good for cooking? Mine won't last long enough to find out.
04 Jan 2011
I love this apple. We first purchased it after we moved to Italy and I am hooked.
It is everything an apple should be. I was born and raised in NJ and never saw a Pink Lady then moved to Las Vegas(terrible produce) and we were lucky we could get a Delicious.
I would recommend this apple to any fruit lover esp. a home baker for any apple dessert.
10 Dec 2010
CHIOS, Greece
My husband and I go to Holland often for work and we love apples so I always buy some for our road trip back home to Greece buy car. This last trip I baught pink lady apples and ever since we tasted them, we are hooked for life. I was born in the States and as a young child we always went to Wisconsin for apple picking. This apple is nothing like the others. It is one of a kind. Now help ne find a pink lady tree so I can plant in Chios Greece.
17 Nov 2010
*, Spain
Yesterday I bought ONE apple from out local excellent gourmet greengrocers here in Sitges where every kind of fruit and vegetable is available. The name attracted me first and I saw the price was high - but ... BUT ... B+U+T - What a surprise awaited me within that curious pink skin which almost glows in itself. OK, everyone talks about the sweetness and tartness and crispness; that's undoubtedly true - But the flavour is SUPERB! Was it roses I detected? Lychees? Moscatel grapes? Elderflower cordial? Even an underlying faintly mandarin orange? The perfume and aroma is truly unexpected and it now seems to put all other apples I have ever tasted in my life totally into the shade!
I was not expecting such a ravishing assault on my taste buds at all! The experience was truly amazing and I now realize this apple is to be savoured slowly like a fine, rare wine - And this is without the slightest exaggeration! BRAVO to Mr John Cripps for bringing this exquisite fruit to our mouths to delight us! I'll certainly be buying more than ONE Pink Lady the next time I go into tht fantastic greengrocers.
12 Oct 2010
UK, United Kingdom
Fantastic site, I have just reciently used the pink lady in a variety blend of cider, not only is it a fantastic colour and flavour it also smells divine. I would have to agree on the chilled comments, the cider tends to be a little tart at room temperature, but chilled its fresh and very popular with my friends!
10 Aug 2010
CA, United States
Pink Lady! My sweet and delicious desire. Oh, how I love you so... I enjoy you daily and cannot go a day without you. Sound like a love letter? It is! Well, my wife, my 1 yr old son and I truly love our "Pink Ladies" every day. We used to eat Fuji and other varieties of apples. But, then I saw a familiar name I had not heard for some time. So we bought some along with the usual Fuji's and Smith's. But, when we ate the "Ladies" first. We didn't ever want the others. Now it's "Pink Ladies" or nothing!
12 May 2010
United States
I absolutly sdore the crisp texture and delightful sweetness of Pink Ladies. The awesome flavor of this species reminds me of a a mix between my old favorite and pears. Yes, I am aware of it's origins, but I still strongly believe that I can sense a hint of pear taste. Does anyone else notice that? Anyway, Pink Ladies are one of my favorite apples of all time.
05 Nov 2009
The Pink Lady is the best apple I have ever tasted. Our local grocery stores don't carry it anymore. I love it with peanut butter or cream cheese. It is the best.
14 Oct 2009
IRELAND, Ireland
Pink Lady apples are the reason I began eating apples.
For years I had lived off Granny Smiths and had gotten sick of them. I loved the apples we grew in our garden but never found any supermarket variety that was worth the money until Pink Ladys. I have now expanded my tastes but Pink Ladys are still one of my favorites.
Does anyone else remember the Pink Kiss apples that tasted the same and got into lots of trouble for breaking the trade rules?
03 Sep 2009
United States
I have fallen for the Pink Lady Apple. It is crisp, firm, very tasty and refreshing.
02 Sep 2009
DELRAY BEACH FL, United States
Andrea: try your local costco: i am getting them down here in florida, but they are from argentina since it is winter down there. you get about 14 of them for 6ドル and they are huge
02 Sep 2009
KAUAI ,HAWAII, United States
I found Pink Lady's at the Costco on Kauai. I agree with everyone as to the sweet, tart and crispy aspects of this apple. They are the best I've had. I used to like braeburns and Fuji's but now it's Pink Ladys all the way. I can't wait to make my Grandmothers apple dumplings with them!
30 Jun 2009
What a pleasant surprise. The apple coloring and the tart, crisp taste are a winner.
We are hopping that our local store will stock this product year round.
31 May 2009
MODESTO, CA., United States
Sold these jems at Farmers' markets for several years. The best all around apple on the market. A local business won the international pie contest in 2007 using this apple.
04 Apr 2009
MONTANA, United States
I purchased one apple for my husband to taste test as we
had never heard of Pink Lady before. He commented several times that it is certainly a good apple! As for me,
I love them! Can't eat too many due to apple allergy, but so far haven't had any bad aches and pains from them!
Thank you!!!
29 Mar 2009
TEMPLE HILLS, MD, United States
I was curious about the Pink Lady apple when I was ordering from Peapod. I am hooked on Red Delicous apples. I ordered my normal 3lb bag of Red Delicous and 1 pink Lady. Well I am eating as I write this comment and I must say its a bit too tart for my taste. I quess I am hooked on the sweetness of Red Delicious apples.
21 Feb 2009
IOWA CITY IOWA, United States
01 Feb 2009
I discovered Pink Lady apples back in 2003 at my local Wal Mart supercenter at the time. I was taken aback by the wonderful taste of them. I believe that their color and firmness attracted me to them becasue I like my apple crsip, and not grainy. It was certainly a pleasure for my taste buds when I tried it, and I have been eating them ever since. Every once in a while I will even find them for a bargain (the Cripps brand) at the Aldi store nearby. IT seems I can't find them right now, and will be searching for them when I go shopping.
22 Jan 2009
DERBY, ENGLAND, United Kingdom
In England we grow some of the best apples in the world - mostly down to the amount of rain we have!! I eat a huge amount of fruit - mainly apples that have a sharp taste - but having discovered 'Pink Lady' I don't each much else! The only other apple that comes close is the English 'Russet' - this has a super nutty flavour that is most unusual. Thank you for explaining the difference between 'Cripps Pink'.
Keep chomping those apples!!
19 Jan 2009
I'm in the Yakima Valley where the majority of our apples are grown. Based on what I hear, as well as my own taste, we only need three apple varieties. All of the following are crisp and juicy:
1. Like it tart = Granny Smith
2. Like it sweet yet complex = Jazz
3. Like it sweet and tart = Pink Lady
Unless you are baking, which I know nothing about, stay with those three and all is good.
12 Jan 2009
TEXAS, United States
I first tried this apple several years ago at a store that had foods from New Zealand, I believe it was. I've been hooked ever since. Everyone I let try them also seem to fall in love with them. When they are unavailable, I'm beside myself. I did find some Honey Crisp late in the season that I was able to enjoy. I always thought that Cripp's Pink apples were a ripoff of the Pink Lady. I'm glad to get the reality straight. I've had an occassional Cripp's Pink that was good and now I know why.
01 Jan 2009
FRANCE, France
I discovered this apple 3 years ago, I was not before that an apple person, but since then , I am looking forward every winter to find my lovely Pink Lady, and I am so happy when she is back in the shops, it s like I ve fiund my old friend back ...I do not think The Lady is too sweet , and it's why I like in her , this crunchy sweet and sour taste ...and personaly I think it s a shame to cook her ....;-D
01 Jan 2009
United Kingdom
Me too!! I'm a non apple eater but the pink lady can tempt me at least twice a day. I love them.
02 Dec 2008
Michigan, United States
The best ones I had were from a 3-lb. bag, labeled with the cultivar name 'Cripps Pink', and incidentally they were organically grown. The larger, fancy ones you individually select and pay premium price for, I've not been that thrilled about. I wonder if size is a factor, and the large ones just don't attain the soluble sugar levels as the small ones do. I really enjoyed the smaller ones.
01 Dec 2008
FLORIDA, United States
Only the best apple ever, and this from a non-apple eater.
29 Sep 2008
IL, United States
I too, totally agree on the taste, texture,firmness and everything else you all have said about Pink Lady apples. I have been a devout Pink Lady eater for the last 2 years. My first was given to me at Christmas-time as part of a grab bag. I fell deeply in love with Pink Lady and have not eaten any other type of apple since.
I, faithfully, eat at least one a day. The funny thing about this
is: before then, I didn't eat apples at all!!! (I didn't like the taste of apples.) I'm talking about over 40 years!! Now, not a day goes by without me having a Pink Lady. It's a great substitute for candy, or if you're having a case of the munchies. This quenches your thirst or removes that craving of just having to eat something. I really think I eat enough of Pink Lady apples to actually "keep the doctor away!!!"
29 Sep 2008
GREENVILLE SC, United States
I have found that the Pink Lady variety is in my opinion one of the best apples I have ever experienced. For eating, cooking, and other reasons they are just superb!! As an executive chef, I have tried many varities, and this apple is one of my all time favorites. It's not that it beats out any other apple, as each variety has its own particular properties, but its crisp bite, tart/sweet flavor, and excellent storage properties are quite exceptional. I enjoyed it so much, that I have recently planted my own tree in my 1 acre back yard, and are looking forward to fruit in a few years. The climate of the South Carolina upstate where I live should prove a great place for this particular variety to thrive. If any of you haven't tried it yet, you should, I know you'll enjoy it!!
19 Sep 2008
ROCHESTER, MN, United States
Pink Lady is my wife's favorite apple. She claims the Cripps Pink is not as good. I said they were the same variety. I guess I was right but she may have a point as well. I also like them but they are nowhere near as good as Honeycrisp.
05 Sep 2008
ABINGDON, United Kingdom
We had a tasting today at the Waitrose where I work involving three varieties of apples, Pink Lady, Estivale and Discovery. The Pink Lady was the apple that most comsumers said they would buy due to it's sweetness and the delicious depth of flavour. The Discovery was the apple that customers rated the least appealing in flavour with the Estivale seen as good but not up there with the Pink Lady. Having tried it myself, I agreed with the customers. A truly superbly flavoured apple!
05 Sep 2008
MARYLAND, United States
Something about those Granny Smith apples just gives me chills. I like the taste, but they have a terrible texture for me. It feels like my tongue is being assaulted. LOVE the Pink Lady! They only apple me kids will ASK for. They say it tastes like candy.
03 Sep 2008
I agree with the majority - Pink Lady's are fantastic, and my favourite type of apple. However, they are 10x better chilled. Some apples aren't great when cold, but Pink Lady apples keep all their chracteristics (juicy, crunchy, sweet).
Get them in the fridge!!
03 Sep 2008
LEEDS, United Kingdom
I'm with you on this one Gary. My friend was constantly badgering me to try these pink lady apples. But they stand no where near to the high standards set by the deliciously crunchy and mouthwatering Granny Smith!!
14 Aug 2008
READING, ENGLAND, United Kingdom
What a shame. These apples are so overrated! My taste buds were so let down after all this hype. Im sticking to Granny Smiths, they are God like!
12 Aug 2008
United Kingdom
Natalie, have a look at Santana, specifically developed to have low levels of allergenic compounds.
12 Aug 2008
LONDON, United Kingdom
This is the ONLY apple that I am not allergic to so the sugar/chemical balance can't be a marketing ploy as there is something very special about this particular apple. All other varieties cause my mouth and throat to itch and swell but the Pink Lady doesn't, at first I believed it to be chemicals causing my reaction such as pesticides but obviously this is not the case.
06 Aug 2008
I purchased PINK Lady apples yesterday in a three pound net weight package at ALDI located in Sterling, IL. This package contains 2 1/2 inch dia. apples, perfect for munching. I'm baking a zucchini pie today and I'll be using three of these PINK Ladies in my pie along with the zucchini. Yummy!
04 Aug 2008
HAWAII, United States
Just found these at the local Costco
Warehouse store, they are just about the
best apple I've ever had...I love the
sweet/tart taste and crunch.
24 Jun 2008
EUDORA, KANSAS, United States
we get pink lady apples at the community
mercantile natural food market in lawrence,
kansas. they are the best apple money can
buy. love the tart, sweet, crunchy delight!
19 Jun 2008
BUSHKILL PA, United States
I found this page desperately looking for lady
pink apples during the summer. I just discovered
pink ladies by pure trial-error as I discover most
produce. Their flavor is so unique and refreshing
I made this fruit my favorite snack during the
winter. Great for after running thirst, afternoon
snack, fruit salads or while hiking. Apples were
never in my shopping list until I tasted the pink
ladies. While other apples are just common, grainy
and plain I can't stop raving about the pink
ladies to my girlfriends. What a shame I can't
seem to find a place to buy them during the summer!
As far as marketing, never saw a commercial or
read an ad, so you can certainly say that the
apple's flavor sold by itself!
17 Jun 2008
DEVON, United Kingdom
Tasty apple, I love its juicyness, bite,
sweetness and acidicness (in that order!). Feel
I can only afford them when they are on a
special offer - helpful to have learnt why that
is. This is great webpage.
11 Jun 2008
first time I tested this apple in Turkey. I didnt
know the name of aplle at this moment. But
taste - amazing and exellent.
01 Jun 2008
NORTHAMPTON U.K., United Kingdom
absolutely a great apple, even tho' the pips
were growing inside the apple. I'm growing
them on !
26 May 2008
ISRAEL, Israel
My local grocery store owner recommended me the pink lady.
I took three to check them out. It is was by far the best
apple I
have ever eaten. Since then, I am hooked. I don't even bother
buying the other brands. They are always the same high
quality visual, feel, taste and smell. I don't know who thought
of this combination first. But he is a damn genius :)
15 May 2008
I have been eating Pink Lady Apples for well over a
year and have bought them every week all through
the winter and summer of 2007 and 2008. they
never change in taste or firmness. If they stay the
same, I will go, on buying for ever,or until they out-
price themselves. Yours Barbara Reynolds.
14 May 2008
Close to my home town (Mantova - North Italy)
a good friend of mine grows this apple. He has
about 10.000 trees of Pink Lady. Personally I
think this is one of the most delicious apple
ever. I will try to graft this apple
on my apple trees.
08 May 2008
LOUISVILLE, KY, United States
Best apple EVER! I'm always very excited to see
these gems in my local produce market, and very
sad when they go out of season. I love the
texture. They are not at all mealy, and perfectly
17 Apr 2008
NEW YORK, United States
I just tasted Pink Lady for the first time and I do
not like it. Its sweetness is akin to the taste of
an artificial sweetner, which I don't like. I will
never buy it again.
10 Apr 2008
IL, United States
When they're in season, I eat about 2 pounds of these a
week. Now they're out of season and more expensive, and
whenever I buy Braeburn or Fuji I am reminded of how much
better Pink Ladies are... it's the tartness.
09 Apr 2008
OTTAWA, ON, Canada
I've never been inspired to google my produce
before so two thumbs up to this wonderful
fruit which I've just discovered at our local
05 Apr 2008
MINNEAPOLIS, MN, United States
Makes some of the best applesauce!
31 Mar 2008
We love this apple!! It's pink blush is attractive
and its succulent taste is devine! Go on the
pinks!!! xxx
06 Mar 2008
GOOLE UK, United Kingdom
I actually work with apples and my fave one is the
Pink Lady we also use Cripps Pink in some of our
products even tho they are the same product pink
lady has a much better taste and texture as well as
the slight colour difference the cripps pink
usually has a lot more green on it which is
probably the reason for it not making pink lady
standards but anyway im not an apple lover but
pink lady made me eat a lot more yummy
28 Feb 2008
DELAWARE, United States
Re: Sam from NJ
As of today, our local Trader Joe's in Wilmington,
DE has 2 or 3 lb bags of Pink Ladies for sale. They're
sourced from a grower/packer in Washington state
and are labeled 'Cripps Pink'. If your nearest
TJ's doesn't have them, speak to the mgr. Or take
a drive to Delaware where there's no Sales Tax!
19 Feb 2008
I do love the all Pink Ladies. however, I am
little in doubt what are the difference between
Pink Lady, Cripps Pink and Crip's?
Please clarify for me if you know any details
16 Feb 2008
MUNICH, Germany
I have bought these several times in the store and
find them delicious! They are very sweet and have
something that reminds me of roses. I also like
that they are very crisp and I have never had one
that is mealy.
15 Feb 2008
NJ, United States
Where can i by this apple in NJ?
06 Feb 2008
Yum!!! I recently purchased some in a 2lb bag
marketed under the Organic President's Choice
label (of Loblaws). The closest to the Pink
Lady's lovely texture and flavour are Ambrosia
apples but they can get mealy like a lousy
Delicous, if not fresh. While I haven't cooked
with the Pink Lady I bet they would be superior in
04 Feb 2008
This is by far one of the best apples I have
ever had. Its crunchy, sweet and juicy. I tell
all my friends about it and they are also
becoming hooked like myself.
29 Jan 2008
MUDGEE, NSW,, Australia
We have a Pink Lady apple tree that produces
absolutely MASSES of fruit every year. It's
heartbreaking that only about half of it
becomes an acceptable eating apple. We are
obviously spoiled for choice here because we
don't consider it as nice as say the Fuji. we do
agree with Suzette that it's even better than
the Granny Smith as a cooking apple in say
pies or apple muffins.
You do have to wait a long time before they
are completely ripe, otherwise they are very
floury and acidic. By this time, half of them
have fallen off the tree and are devoured by
the rabbits....
28 Jan 2008
I love this apple. I tried it for the first time last
week and I have been back to the store twice
and have ate at least 7 of them. My daughter
loves that also, she said they are the best
apples she has tasted.. EVER!! (She is 9 years
27 Jan 2008
No need for any more descriptions of the Pink Lady
they have all been said, my supermarket doesn't
always have them but yesterday, there they were I
was so excited! They are by far the best apple I
have ever eaten and will continue, of course to buy
23 Jan 2008
CT, United States
I am not usually an apple eater. Having said
this and tasting just out of curiosity. I am now
an regular Pink Lady Apple Fan!!! This apple is
the most delicious apple I have ever tasted!!!
10 Jan 2008
TUCSON AZ, United States
I have to agree that your assesment of the
flavor of the Pink Lady is wrong. This is the
most delicious apple I've ever eaten. I don't
like real sweet apples, so have been eating
Granny Smith until I saw the Pink Lady in Fry's
grocery store last year, bought 6, ate them in
2 days and had to go buy more. They are
sweet yet tart, juicy, crisp but not hard. I was
able to buy them until the end of October, and
now the stores are starting to get them in
again. I'm so glad someone thought to cross
the Golden Delicious and Lady William to come
up with this wonderful Pink Lady apple.
08 Jan 2008
LONDON, United Kingdom
I'm not the biggest fan of fruit (strange for a
life-long vegetarian) but my children love most
types of fruit. I have only recently bought Pink
Lady, wanting to try something different to the
children's usual organic Gala apple diet. I must
say the entire family was surprised at how
delicious the fruit is - I try to come up with a
fancy description of the apple, but can now
see why so many people on this site are
describing the apple as crisp, juicy and sweet -
because that is exactly what it is! My 4 year
old daughter can't get enough of them (I have
to ration them as they are ludicrously
expensive!). As I previously mentioned I don't
eat much fruit, but since discovering the Pink
Lady, I have probably eaten more fruit in one
week than I usually do in an entire month. Pink
Lady is a great way to get your kids (and fussy
adults) to eat more fruit!!
06 Jan 2008
INDIANA,USA, United States
These apples have the absolte best combination of texture
and taste.
An incredibly crunchy exterior and exquisite combo of tart
and sweel
make these the best apples I have tasted. Only Fuji apples
when 1st
available could compete. The past several years of Fuji
crops seem a
bit of a disaster though this past year has been much improved.
29 Dec 2007
NEW YORK, NY, United States
Your assessment is surprisingly off. I would
characterize myself as a real apple fanatic and
have access to numerous varieties, and have
probably sampled 25+ types. This apple is a
winner. Unique, tangy, sweet and tart--not many
like it. I think it deserves all the attention.
OP: Fair enough - it is down to personal taste in the end.
29 Dec 2007
LOS ANGELES, United States
I'm watching my sugar intake and I also need to
increase vitamin C uptake, so I'm looking for
apples that are particularly tart and less sweet.
I'm also interested in Heirloom fruits because I'd
like to eat fruits that my genes evolved on.
The pink Lady was a perfect balance between sweet
and tart, the marketing techniques are turning me
off a bit since I tend to rebel against establishment.
I bought a bag of organic pink Lady's at Trader
Joe's.... very affordable. This will be my last
bag of pink lady because I'm looking for older
heirloom varieties. Not too comfortable with
fruits developed in this century.
28 Nov 2007
Marketing aside, in hot climates, this apple,
eaten straight from the fridge, is akin to a
refreshing cold cider. It is tart, juicy and
somehow sweet all at the same time. Never
floury or dull, only pure, crispy apple goodness.
Now living in London, I just wish I could buy
them here!
14 Nov 2007
STOCKPORT, United Kingdom
Just eaten my second Pink Lady. I took it at first
for a Gala. I thought it had a very good balance
of acid and sweetness with a solid crunch factor.
The flavour is good though perhaps a little
lightweight against a good Granny Smith or a
Cox's. The Golden delicious has very bad
reputation in the UK, mainly I always felt because
it was taken too late from the trees. Early Golden
Delicious, when the apple was still green were a
much better apple. I shall look forward to my next
Pink Lady and will look out for Cripps Pink for
08 Nov 2007
TEXAS, United States
They are great. I was so happy to find an
apple not as sweet as the delicious varieties
and not as tart as the granny's. They are a
perfect blend of sweet and tart.
06 Nov 2007
This is a fantastic apple! I must say this is my
favourite apple. It is way better than other
apples I've tried, it is juicy, sweet , fresh and
crisp. It is really one of a kind.
01 Nov 2007
SEATTLE, WA, United States
This is probably my favorite apple. And I live in
Washington State, so I get to eat a lot of
It is consistently good. The Pink Ladies are
definately better than the Cripps Pinks.
21 Oct 2007
I wanted to bake an apple pie, but I wanted to see
which apple really was the best. I bought each
variety available in the store (about 6), and
found that as far as the raw apples went, the Pink
Lady was even better than the Pippin or Granny
Smith, though I did like the Jazz and Gala too.
Anyway, I made the pie using the Pink Lady apples.
It was outstanding. I highly recommend it. I
only wish I could get Cox's apples here in the US.
They would make great pies too.
14 Oct 2007
NORTHAMPTON, United Kingdom
delicious,the best.
02 Oct 2007
United States
This is the best apple I have ever had. I love
the texture and the full flavor. They have
definitely become a staple in my fruit drawer.
28 May 2007
GEORGIA, United States
Best apple I ever had! Heard that often, shared it often with customers in my small health food store, where I just sell Pink Ladies and Fujis
17 May 2007
United Kingdom
Last week for the first time ever I purchase Pink Lady Apples - WOW from the very first bite I was won over. They not only look delicious and full of flavour they are such a beautifully crisp but not hard apple with loads of sweet juice and so full of flavour that I have bought them again. They will certainly become a regular feature of the fruit bowl in our home."
02 Apr 2007
United Kingdom
The Pink Lady apple's appearance on the Spanish market has proven to be a refreshing arrival. One looks forward to its appearance with elan. Since it doesn't seem to be in the shops for very long, one brings home bags of them to enjoy while one can. It is one of the most seductive apples we know. Its attractive colour matches it's perfect inner life - highly aromatic with each sweet, juicy, barely tart bite offering a delightful leap of confidance for the tastebuds. One can rely on it for its consistant almost perfume-like scent, exceptional taste and firm-but-not-hard texture. Pink Lady never disappoints. It delivers all it promises.
29 Mar 2007
ALABAMA, United States
I have noticed that the sourness of this apple wanes after they sit out for a while and become more ripe, but I never did think they tasted more than a tad-bit sour anyway. The sweetness is what is pronounced to me, and the texture. Nonetheless, they are juicy, crisp yet not hard, they last a long time and are indeed one of our favorite apple varieties yet here in Montgomery, Alabama, USA. We used to be hooked on Fuji apples, but not since Pink Ladies showed up! Galas are another one of our favorites
23 Mar 2007
TENNESSEE, United States
I just had my first Sonja apple. It was really different and very sweet. I still like Pink Lady best of all
13 Mar 2007
PALM DESERT, CA, United States
Some great information for a truly great apple... I haven’t had any apples in quite a while, but this apple has renewed my taste."
09 Feb 2007
I was given a Pink Lady apple as a gift from my boyfriend. When I got home and sat down to eat it, I was so surprised by it! It's what an apple should be like. But, very seldom is. I told him about it the next day, and we went to the Alpha Beta store and bought some more. We have them every morning now, and as we eat them we contemplate where they may have come from and what makes them so good. So, today I went online to look them up and found your website. Thanks for a chance to talk about them. They are the best apples we've ever tasted. I come from Northern California in mendocino where we had some very good apples, especially Golden Delicious. My boyfriend comes from England where he longingly remembers some of the best apples."
02 Feb 2007
TEXAS, United States
My wife & I enjoyed your article very much. We are both big fans of the "Pink Lady", and were shocked to read that you’re "not so sure the flavour is quite up there with the best modern varieties". For us, the apple’s visual attractiveness may have been what we first noticed. But its refreshing sweet & sour taste is what continues to fascinate us. It’s hard to imagine a better tasting apple
01 Feb 2007
United States
I just picked up a few of these at our local market after seeing them for the first time. They were visually attractive and tasted as good as I hoped. Fresh and crispy, tart and sweet. I found it very pleasant to eat and quickly nibbled it down to a tiny core. Two thumbs up!! They will be riding in my lunch pail frequently.
01 Jan 2007
CALIFORNIA, United States
We very much agree with what is written as far as the flavor of the Pink Lady Apple. I just bought some for the first time in a local grocery store here in California. Before my husband knew it was a 'mixed breed' he commented that its flavor was like a cross between a Delicious apple and a Green apple, sweet, yet tart. He very much likes that flavor of the this apple, as well as the fact the flesh is crisp and juicy