New Website
We have a new website!!! For all future updates check it out.
Annual General Meeting
NENA is holding an Annual General Meeting
Wed. Feb. 3rd at 7:00 PM on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 1937 0303
Passcode: 956898
Join a committee, volunteer to be a Board member and find out what is happening in our neighbourhood.
Note: has been set up to receive donations and payments automatically through email transfer. No security question required.
January Meeting
Topic: NENa January Zoom Meeting
Time: Wed. Jan 6, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 6088 0511
Passcode: 844015
Christmas Food Drive - Sat. Dec. 12th
Most residents of the North End know the Welcome Inn. They are a fabulous charity working in our neighbourhood. One of the biggest things they do is provide food for those in need, and this year they are reporting an even greater need than in years before.
So NENA is here to help! We are organizing a FOOD DRIVE for Saturday, December 12th. Bins will be placed around the neighbourhood for you to drop your food off at. Just look for a sign!
Please note there will not be people going door to door
List of Addresses where there will be boxes
Strachan at Catharine (by the pathway)
North East Corner of Catharine and Simcoe
78 Simcoe E (near John Street)
444 Mary (near Picton)
170 Picton E (near Ferguson)
20 Wood Street East (between James and Hughson)
91 Wood St. East( at Catharine)
526 Hughson North (corner of Burlington)
548 Hughson North (between Burlington and Brock)
353 Hughson N (Between Strachan and Simcoe)
422 John Street (across from Bennetto Field)
154 Ferrie East (between Mary and Ferguson)
23 Ferrie St. E (Near James )
18 Burlington E. Near Grandad's
Catharine near Brock
499 Ferguson near Wood
West of James
571 James Street North across from Hasty Market
474 Bay N (at Burlington)
425 Bay N (at Picton)
79 Ferrie St W (west of Bay)
445 Macnab North (near Macaulay)
48 Macaulay W. (between Bay and Macnab)
48 Wood St. W (near Macnab)
Donate Here
December Meeting Details
Time: Wedneday Dec 2, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 1359 7585
Passcode: 531609
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