Naval Biographical Database
Other Data
Of the information ‘at risk' I have accumulated a collection of many thousands of names (from Honours Boards and similar listings) including Sea, Navy and Yard Officers - noted below. Most of this data is currently word-processed and continues to grow in a generally unstructured way, as the information becomes available. Eventually all this data will be absorbed into the main database.
Accountant General, 1832-1896
Acts, Clerk of the, 1660-1796
Admiral Commanding Reserves, 1903-1977
Admiral President, RN College, Greenwich, 1873-1993 (nc)
(Admiral) Superintendent, Chatham, 1832-1895 (with gaps)
(Admiral) Superintendent, Malta, 1832-1897
(Admiral) Superintendent, Naval Reserves, 1875-1903
(Admiral) Superintendent, Plymouth, 1707-1712, 1832-1966
(Admiral) Superintendent, Portsmouth, 1832-1971
Admiralty Board/Council, 1660-1964
Admiralty Court, President & Judge, 1689-1798
Advocate General, Office of Lord High Admiral, 1690-1829
Advocate General, Admiralty, 1715-c1829
Advocate of the Fleet, Judge, 1663-1866 (nc)
Advocate General, High Court, 1714-1751 (?nc)
Ajaccio, Commissioner, 1794-1799
Antigua, Commissioner, 1807-1810
Antigua, Master Attendant, 1758-1816
Antigua, Master Shipwright, 1758-1818
Assistant to Admiral Commanding Reserves, 1902-1977
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff, 1917-1928,1935-1937, 1939-1940
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Additional), 1940
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff(Air), 1937-1938, 1940
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff(Foreign), 1940-1942
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff(Home), 1940-1942
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff(Trade), 1940-1943
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff(U-boat Warfare & Trade), 1943-1944
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff(Weapons), 1941-1945
Assistant Controller, 1885 - ??
Attendant, Master, Portsmouth, 1660-1882Barbadoes and Leeward Islands, Commander-in-Chief, 1743-1745
Barbadoes, Commissioner, 1779-1783, 1810
Bermuda, Commissioner, 1810-1832
Board of Admiralty/Council, 1660-1964
Board, Navy, 1660 -1750
Bombay, Commissioner, 1808-1817Cadiz, Commissioner, 1694
Cape of Good Hope, Commissioner, 1808-1822
Captain of the Dockyard, Portsmouth, 1903-1969
Captain of the Port, Portsmouth, 1969-1994
Chairman, Committee of Stores, 1813-1816
Chaplain General of the Fleet, 1701-1712, 1812-1813
Chatham, (Admiral) Superintendent, 1708-1712, 1832-1895 (nc)
Chatham, Commissioner, 1660-1771, 1794-1832
Chief Assistant (and Draughtsman) to Surveyor, 1839-1848
Chief Constructor, 1848-1875
Chief Engineer and Inspector of Steam Machinery, 1847-1869
Chief of War Staff, 1912-1917
Chief Staff Officer, Reserves, 1977-1996
Civil Lord of the Admiralty, 1832-1964
Civil Lord, Additional, 1882-1885, 1912-1917
Civil Lord, Fourth, 1918-1919
Civil Lord, Second, 1918-1919
Civil Lord, Third, 1918-1919
Clerk of the Acts, 1660-1796
Coast Guard, Controller General, 1816-1869
Coast Guard, Deputy Controller General, 1816-1869
Commander-in-Chief, Barbadoes and Leeward Islands, 1743-1745
Commander-in-Chief, Devonport, 1845-1896
Commander-in-Chief, Jamaica, 1740-1820 nc
Commander-in-Chief, Naval Home Command, 1969-1995
Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean et al, 1665-1912 nc
Commander-in-Chief, Nore, 1742-1745, 1797-1834, 1899-1955 (nc)
Commander-in-Chief, North America, 1745-1823
Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth, 1742-1969
Commander-in-Chief, Plymouth, 1743-1845 nc, 1896-1908
Commander-in-Chief, Sheerness, 1837-1899
Commander-in-Chief, Thames, Medway and Nore
Commissioner, Ajaccio, 1794-1799
Commissioner, Antigua, 1807-1810
Commissioner, Barbadoes, 1779-1783, 1810
Commissioner, Bermuda, 1810-1832
Commissioner, Bombay, 1808-1817
Commissioner, Cadiz, 1694
Commissioner, Cape of Good Hope, 1808-1822
Commissioner, Chatham, 1660-1771, 1794-1832
Commissioner, Clerk of the Accounts, 1660-1747
Commissioner, Comptroller, 1660-1732
Commissioner, Comptroller of the Treasury Accounts, 1666-1743
Commissioner, Current Business, 1685
Commissioner, Deptford, 1688-1832 (nc)
Commissioner, Extra, 1660-1796
Commissioner, Flushing, 1809-1810
Commissioner, Gibraltar, 1742-1749, 1756-1764, 1793-1818
Commissioner, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1775-?1832
Commissioner,(having no particular Branch), 1796-1832
Commissioner, Jamaica, 1782-1784, 1803-1832
Commissioner, Kingston(Canada), 1814-1826
Commissioner, Kinsale, 1695-1696, 1702-1713
Commissioner, Leeward Islands, 1779-1785, 1803-1832
Commissioner, Madras, 1808-1817
Commissioner, Malta, 1805-1832
Commissioner, Plymouth, 1691-1832
Commissioner, Port Mahon, 1813-1814
Commissioner, Portsmouth Dockyard, 1649-1832
Commissioner, Quebec, 1804-1826
Commissioner, Sheerness, 1796-1832
Commissioner, Surveyor, 1660-1716
Commissioner, Trincomalee, c.1818-1822
Commissioner, Woolwich, 1688-1689, 1702-1705, 1744-1749, 1806-1823
Commissioners, Transport Service, 1798-1817
Commissioners, Sick and Wounded Seamen etc, 1806-1817
Commissioners, Victualling, 1688-1748, 1800-1832
Commodore, RN Barracks, Portsmouth, 1903-1995
Comptroller, 1660-1832
Comptroller, Deputy, 1793-1832
Comptroller, Steam Machinery and Packet Service, 1837-1847
Comptroller of the Storekeeper's Accounts, 1671-1796
Comptroller of the Treasurer's Accounts, 1667, 1691-1796
Comptroller of the Victualling Accounts, 1667-1796
Comptroller of Victualling (?), 1832-1870
Comptroller, Victualling and Transport Service, 1832-1855, 1857-1862
Construction, Director of Naval, 1875- 1966
Constructor, Chief, 1848-1875
Consulting Engineer (etc), 1869-1870
Controller, 1860-1918 nc
Controller, Assistant, 1885 - ??
Controller General, Coast Guard, 1816-1866
Controller of Merchant Shipbuilding and Repair, 1940-1946
Council (Learned in the Law), 1690-1824
Council (Learned in the Law), Assistant, 1733-1827
Counsel(to Admiralty & Navy Offices), 1824-c.1828
Current Business, Commissioner, 1685Deptford, Commissioner, 1688-1832 (nc)
Deputy Admiral Commanding Reserves, 1942-1946
Deputy Chief of Naval Staff, 1917-1940
Deputy Comptroller, 1793-1832
Deputy Controller, 1939-1940
Deputy Controller (Bath), 1940-1941
Deputy Controller (Production), 1944
Deputy Controller General, Coast Guard, 1816-1869
Deputy Judge Advocate of the Fleet, 1668-1861 nc
Deputy Secretary to the Admiralty, 1705-1783 nc
Deputy Superintendent, Portsmouth Dockyard, 1903-1964
Devonport, Commander-in-Chief, 1845-1896
Director of Air Division et al, 1918-1943 nc
Director of Anti-Submarine Division, 1916-1919, 1939-1943
Director of Economic Warfare Division, 1939-1940
Director of Gunnery Division, 1920-1928, 1941-1944
Director of Local Defence Division, 1919-1923, 1939-1944
Director of Naval Artillery and Torpedo Division, 1918-1919
Director of Naval Construction, 1875-1966
Director of Naval Intelligence, 1887-1945
Director of Naval Ordnance, 1891-1939
Director of Operations Division, 1912-1945
Director of Mercantile Movements Division, 1917-1919
Director of Minesweeping Division et al, 1917-1918, 1939-1943 nc
Director of Mobilisation Division, 1912-1917
Director of Navigation, 1942
Director of Plans Division, 1917-1945
Director of Press Division, 1940-1942
Director of Signals Division (et al), 1916-1943
Director of Tactical Division et al, 1920-1938
Director of Torpedo Division, 1920-1928
Director of Trade Division, 1914-1928, 1939-1945
Director of Training and Staff Duties Division, 1918-1945
Directors, Transports and Prisoners of War, 1855-1857
Director of Transport Service, 1862-1896
Director of Victualling, 1870-1886
Draughtsman (and Chief Assistant) to Surveyor, 1839-1848Engineer Assistant, 1860-1872
Engineer, Chief (and Inspector of Steam Machinery), 1847-1869
Engineer in Chief, 1872-1889
Engineer, Consulting (etc), 1869-1870
Extra Commissioner, 1666-1796Factories/Workshops, Surveyor, 1869-1870
Financial Secretary, 1942-1945
First Lord of the Admiralty, 1660-1964
First Naval Lord, 1861-1904
First Sea Lord, 1904-1985
First Secretary of the Admiralty, 1702-1870 nc
Flag Officer, Portsmouth, 1975-1993
Flag Officer, Portsmouth Area, 1969-1975
Flag Officer Spithead and Admiral Superintendent, Portsmouth, 1969-1971
Flag Officer Spithead and Port Admiral, Portsmouth, 1971-1975
Flag Officer, Submarines, c.1947-1993
Flushing, Commissioner, 1809-1810
Fourth Sea Lord, 1863-1964Gibraltar, Clerk in charge of Stores, 1833-1842
Gibraltar, Commissioner, 1742-1749, 1756-1764, 1793-1818
Gibraltar, Master Attendant, 1741-1804 (nc)
Gibraltar, Master Shipwright, 1739-1747, 1756-1763, 1794-1809
Gibraltar, Officer in Charge, 1821-c1833, 1842-1898
Greenwich, RN College, Admiral President, 1873-1993 (nc)Halifax, Nova Scotia, Commissioner, 1775-?1832
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Master Attendant, 1757-1763, 1775-1819 (poss nc)
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Master Shipwright, 1758-1763, 1771-c1816
Halifax, Judge of Vice Admiralty Court, 1801-1803
Harwich, Master Attendant, 1781-1783, 1806
Harwich, Master Shipwright, 1690-1806 (prob nc)
Harwich, Superintendent, 1708-1711
High Court of Admiralty, Judge, 1798-c.1827
Hydrographer, 1795-1884Inspecting Captain of Submarines, c1901-1912
Inspector General Hospitals and Fleets, 1841-1844
Inspector of Steam Machinery (and Chief Engineer), 1847-1869
Intelligence, Director of Naval, 1887-1945
Ireland, Senior Officer on the Coast of, 1793-1914 ncJamaica, Commander-in-Chief, 1740-1820 nc
Jamaica, Commissioner, 1782-1784, 1803-1832
Jamaica, Master Attendant, 1728-1735, 1762, 1779-1783, 1798-1832
Jamaica, Master Shipwright, 1735-1793, 1801-c1832
Jamaica (Port Antoine), Naval Officer, 1735-1751
Judge Advocate of the Fleet, 1663-1866 (nc)King's Harbour Master, Portsmouth, 1808-1840, 1903-1952
Kingston(Canada), Commissioner, 1814-1826
Kinsale, Commissioner, 1695-1696, 1702-1713Leeward Islands, Commissioner, 1779-1785, 1803-1832
Lisbon, Master Attendant, 1711-1713, 1808
Lisbon, Master Shipwright, 1711-1713, 1796-1799, 1808-1812
Lord High Admiral, 1660-1673, 1684-1689, 1702-1709, 1827Madras, Commissioner, 1808-1817
Madras, Master Shipwright, 1811
Malta, Commissioner, 1805-1832
Malta, Master Attendant, 1801-1808
Malta, Master Shipwright, 1800-c1812
Malta, (Admiral) Superintendent, 1832-1897
Martinique, Master Attendant, 1794-c1796
Martinique, Master Shipwright, 1801-1802
Master Attendant, Portsmouth Dockyard, 1660-1882
Medical Director General, 1844-1983
Mediterranean, Commander-in-Chief et al, 1665-1912 nc
Minorca, Master Attendant, 1799-1801
Minorca, Master Shipwright, 1799-1800Naval Ordnance, Department of the Director, 1891-1939
Naval Base Commander, Portsmouth, 1984-1993
Naval Secretary of the Admiralty, 1872-1882
Naval Secretary, 1912-1996
Naval StaffChief of War Staff, 1912-1917
Director of Air Division et al, 1918-1943 nc
Director of Anti-Submarine Division, 1916-1919, 1939-1943
Director of Combined Operations Division, c.1944-1945
Director of Economic Warfare Division, 1939-1940
Director of Gunnery Division, 1920-1928, 1941-1944
Director of Intelligence et al, 1887-1945
Director of Local Defence Division, 1919-1923, 1939-1944
Director of Navigation, 1942
Director of Operations Division, 1912-1928
Director of Operations Division(Foreign), 1918-1919, 1938-1945
Director of Operations Division(Home), 1918-1919, 1938-1945
Director of Minesweepin et al, 1917-1918, 1939-1943 nc
Director of Mercantile Movements Division, 1917-1919
Director of Mobilisation Division, 1912-1917
Director of Naval Artillery and Torpedo Division, 1918-1919
Director of Plans Division, 1917-1945
Director of Press Division, 1940-1942
Director of Requirements and Organisation(Combined Operations) 1943
Director of Signals Division et al, 1916-1943
Director of Tactical Division et al, 1920-1938
Director of Torpedo Division, 1920-1928
Director of Trade Division, 1914-1928, 1939-1945
Director of Training and Staff Duties Division, 1918-1945Navy Board, 1660-1750
New York, Master Attendant, 1781-1784
New York, Master Shipwright, 1781-1784
Nore, Commander-in-Chief, 1743-1745, 1795-1837, 1899-1955 (nc)
North America, Commander-in-Chief et al, 1745-1823Packet Service (and Steam Machinery), Comptroller, 1837-1847
Parliamentary Secretary, 1870-1886, 1942-1945
Parliamentary and Financial Secretary, 1886-1940, 1945-1959
Permanent Secretary of the Admiralty, 1871-1877, 1882-1964
Physician General, 1832-1841
Plymouth, (Admiral) Superintendent, 1708-1712, 1832-1966
Plymouth, Commander-in-Chief, 1743-1845 nc, 1896-1908
Plymouth, Commissioner, 1691-1832
Port Mahon, Commissioner, 1813-1814
Port Mahon, Master Attendant, 1709-1713, 1742-1749, 1801-c1814
Port Mahon, Master Shipwright, 1709-1713, 1718-1722, 1738-1748, 1800-1814
Portsmouth, Admiral Superintendent, 1832-1971
Portsmouth, Captain of the Dockyard, 1903-1969
Portsmouth, Captain of the Port, 1969-1994
Portsmouth, Commander-in-Chief, 1742-1969
Portsmouth, Commissioner, 1649-1832
Portsmouth, Commodore, RN Barracks, 1903-1994
Portsmouth, Deputy Superintendent, 1903-1964
Portsmouth, Dockyard Commsioners, 1649-1832
Portsmouth, Flag Officer, 1975-1993
Portsmouth, Flag Officer (Portsmouth) Area, 1969-1975
Portsmouth, Flag Officer Spithead, 1969-1975
Portsmouth, King's Harbour Master, 1808-1840, 1903-1952
Portsmouth, Master Attendant, 1660-1882
Portsmouth, Naval Base Commander, 1984-1993
Portsmouth, Naval Storekeeper, 1862-1899
Portsmouth, Naval Store Officer, 1899-1935
Portsmouth, Port Admiral, 1975-1984
Portsmouth, Principal Supply and Transport Officer(N), 1970-1993
Portsmouth, Queen's Harbour Master, 1840-1903, 1952-1992
Portsmouth RN College, Lt Governor & Inspector, 1807-1819
Portsmouth RN College, Professor, 1807-1816
Portsmouth, Dockyard Police, 1926-1995
Portsmouth, School of Naval Architecture, Lt Governor, 1816-1819
Portsmouth, Senior Supply and Transport Officer(NS), 1970-1995
Portsmouth, Staff Captain (Dockyard), 1882-1903
Portsmouth, Storekeeper, 1599-1862
Portsmouth, Superintendent, 1707-1712
Portsmouth, Superintendent RN Store Depot, 1995
Portsmouth, Superintending Naval Store Officer, 1935-1970
Prisoners of War (and Transports), Directors, 1855-1857
Private Secretary to First Lord, 1813-1912Quebec, Commissioner, 1804-1826
Queen's Harbour Master, Portsmouth, 1840-1903, 1952-1992Rear Admiral (Submarines), c.1912-c.1947
Reserves, Admiral Commanding, 1903-1977
Reserves, Admiral Superintendent, 1875-1903
Reserves, Assistant to Admiral Commanding, 1902-1977
Reserves, Chief Staff Officer, 1977-1996
Reserves, Deputy Admiral Commanding, 1942-1946
Royal Marines, Adjutant General, 1914-1945
Royal Marines, Commandant General, 1945-1993
Royal Marines, Commandant in Town, 1783-1814
Royal Marines, Deputy Adjutant General, 1825-1914
Royal Marines, General, 1722-1735, 1746-1747
Royal Marines, Paymaster, 1810-1832
Royal Marines, Paymaster & Inspector, 1812-1831
Royal Marines, Inspector of Accounts, 1816-1827
Royal Marine Forces, Inspector, 1831
Royal Naval College, Greenwich, Admiral President, 1873-1993 (nc)St John's, Newfoundland, Master Attendnant, 1812-1813
Sea Lord, 1st, 1904-1985
Sea Lord, 2nd, 1832-1995
Sea Lord, 3rd, 1863-1964
Sea Lord, 4th, 1863-1964
Secretary, Deputy and Second (of the Admiralty), 1702-1783 nc
Secretary, First (of the Admiralty), 1660-1870
Secretary, Naval, of the Admiralty, 1872-1882
Secretary, Naval, 1912-1996
Secretary, Parliamentary, 1870-1886
Secretary, Parliamentary and Financial, 1886-1959
Secretary, Permanent (of the Admiralty), 1871-1877, 1882-1964
Secretary, Private to First Lord (of the Admiralty), 1813-1912
Secretary, Second (of the Admiralty), 1702-1869
Senior Naval Lord, 1689-1702, 1709-1827, 1828-1861
Senior Officer on the Coast of Ireland, 1793-1914 nc
Sheerness, Commander-in-Chief, 1837-1899
Sheerness, Commissioner, 1796-1832
Sheerness, Superintendent (Captain), 1832-1898
Shipbuilding & Repair, Controller of Merchant, 1940-1946
Sick and Wounded Seamen, Commissioners, 1806-1817
Solicitor to Admiralty & Navy, 1703-1733
Solicitor to Admiralty & other departments, 1828
Solicitor for Affairs of Admiralty & Navy, 1692-1699, 1733
Solicitor to Navy, 1690
Staff Captain, Portsmouth Dockyard, 1882-1903
Steam Machinery (and Chief Engineer), Inspector, 1847-1869
Steam Machinery (and Packet Service), Comptroller, 1837-1847
Storekeeper's Accounts, Comptroller, 1671-1796
Stores Committee, Chairman, 1813-1816
Submarines, Flag Officer, 1912-1993
Submarines, Inspecting Captain, c1901-1912
Superintendent, Devonport Dockyard (Admiral), 1854-1966
Superintendent, Chatham (Admiral), 1832-1895 (with gaps)
Superintendent, Harwich, 1708-1711
Superintendent, Malta, 1832-1897
Superintendent, Plymouth (Admiral), 1707-1712, 1832-1854
Superintendent, Portsmouth (Admiral), 1707-1712, 1832-1969
Superintendent, Sheerness (Captain), 1799-1801, 1832-1898
Superintendent of Transports, 1829
Superintendent of Victualling, 1870-1878
Surveyor, 1660-1860
Surveyor, Chief Assistant and Draughtsman, 1839-1848
Surveyor, Factories/Workshops and Consulting Engineer, 1869-1870Third Sea Lord, 1863-1928
Transport Service, Commissioners, 1798-1817
Transport Service, Director, 1862-1896
Transport Service (and Victualling), Comptroller, 1832-1855, 1857-1862
Transports (and POWs), Directors, 1855-1857
Treasurer of the Navy, 1660-1835
Treasurer's Accounts, Comptroller, 1667, 1691-1796
Trincomalee, Commissioner, c1818-1822
Trincomalee, Master Atendant, 1817-1823Vice Chief of Naval Staff, 1940-1945
Victualling Service (and Transport), Comptroller, 1832-1855, 1857-1862
Victualling, Commissioners 1688-1748, 1800-1822
Victualling Accounts, Comptroller, 1667-1796
Victualling, Comptroller (?), 1832-1870
Victualling, Director, 1870-1886
Victualling Stores, Superintendent, 1870-1878Woolwich, Commissioner, 1688-1689, 1702-1705, 1744-1749, 1806-1823
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