ec_tulip3_14_3x130_2.jpg (97224 bytes)
Erie Cemetery tuliptree 14.3 cbh x 130.2 feet tall
According to the cemetery's website:
The Erie Cemetery was dedicated on May 20th, 1851. The first
Superintendent of the Erie Cemetery was Capt. Samuel Low, a
engineer, who also served as City Surveyor.
A number of colorful and historical people are buried here
Gen. Strong Vincent who died of his wounds on Little Round Top
the infamous battle of Gettysburg:
Here is a link to some photos of the cemetery:
This cemetery is a treasure trove of large old tuliptrees,
ec_tulips.jpg (121468 bytes)
Erie Cemetary Tuliptrees
cucumbertrees, N. red oaks, and white oaks with a smattering of
black walnuts. Of course, there are a number of nice exotics in
too, but since my knowledge on exotics is limited, I just
measured trees
that I could positively identify for now. This would be a great
for an exotic tree species ID course.
What really jumps out to me at this site were the massive tulips
greet you upon entry through the gates. Girths were most
here. For NW PA, the tuliptrees, oaks, and cukes here were
ranging from 13-16ft CBH, ie: we had many more entries that made
12x100 club. "Knarl" factor was quite impressive here.
Ancient crown
architecture was prevalent throughout the site. Although the
is now 155 years old, I believe a number of these trees could
have been
forest remnants that could easily reach the 200 year age class
This cemetery not only functions as a resting place for those
who have
gone on before us, but also serves as a type of "city
park" where many
go during their busy days to escape the hustle of daily life in
city. The grounds are beautiful. Steve Lydic, grounds
supervisor, does
a super job maintaining the site. I actually ran into him one
day. a
couple of his crewman gave him a "heads-up" that some
crazy guy was
running around talking to trees and trying to wake up the dead
with some
form of periodic ape call. sorry, slight exaggeration there. We
glad to get together though for a short time while I was there
and talk
They have a nice plot diagram at the website below:
Here's my "interpretation" of some of these plot
sections that may help
to give you a picture of where some of these trees are located:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 25, S = eternal oaks
13, A, B, E, F, G, H, J, L, M = tulip ecstasy
19 = guardian angel oak
28 = cuke heaven
Here's a rundown of site stats:
Species CBH Height Comments
Black walnut 10.7 81.2
Black walnut 9.8 104
Cucumbertree 13.3 72.4 HUGE
burled buttress base, 23ft CBH
at 1.5ft off the ground!
Cucumbertree 12.6 82
Cucumbertree 9.3 83.2
Cucumbertree 14.7 85.2
E. white pine 7.7 83
N. red oak 15.8 71.2
N. red oak 14.2 81.5
N. red oak 13.7 84.8
N. red oak 13.9 85.2
N. red oak 13.8 87.1
N. red oak 15 92.9
N. red oak 15 96.4
Norway spruce 5.8 98.8
Scarlet oak 15.9 92.3 species?,
guardian angel oak-plot
19 above
Sugar maple 10 87.4
Sugar maple 9.1 91.2
Tulipitre 13.3 105.2
Tuliptree 13.7 105.3
Tuliptree 13.3 111.2
Tuliptree 14.2 120.4
Tuliptree 15 121.4
Tuliptree 13.8 122.67
Tuliptree 14.8 123.4
Tuliptree 14.3 130.2
White oak 13.7 75.6
White oak 14.4 81.6
White oak 13.2 81.8
White oak 15.6 82.6
White oak 13.1 90.3
White oak 13.2 91.2
White oak 13.2 93.9
The large "scarlet oak" above was listed in the 1993
PFA big tree pub as
the PA state champ, but darned if I can't find any scarlet oak
characters on it. I've got bark striping and leaf shape like N.
oak, but a burled/buttressed base resembling scarlet oaks after
chestnut blight infestation. All the buds are out of reach, and
haven't been back yet to check acorns. Either way, it's still an
impressive tree at 15.9ft CBH x 84ft spread x 92.3ft high for
304.1 AF
So, if anyone ever has to spend a night over in the Erie area,
doesn't have much time to explore, you don't even have to leave
vehicle to see this site. Being an Erie native myself, I'm very
that such a site exists right smack dab in the middle of the
city. The
city of Erie is indebted to the long deceased Capt. Low. This
man new
what he was doing.
Those are some nice girths. It's good to see that some
urban areas have
been able to maintain cemeteries and parks over long
enough periods of time
to get such nice trees. It reminds me that I should be
roaming around the
vast Pittsburgh parks more. (Actually, I'm sort of
saving that for when the
gasoline prices get so high that I won't be able to
travel out to the
forests as much as I do now.)
Come to think of it I don't think I ever posted the tree
data I collected in
West Park on Pittsburgh's North Side back in February.
I'll try to get
around to that next week.
Anthony Kelly