Director: 651.336.5111 - Melody's Bio
Narrated by: Eleanor Mondale
Managing Producer: Jan Selby
Senior Producer: Ruth Usem
Producer/Researcher: Rita Beatty
Producer: Lori Fink Garelick
Associate Producer: Amanda Becker
Cinematographers: Adrian Danciu, Melody Gilbert, Michael Forstein, Jesse Roesler
Offline Editors: Melody Gilbert, Nick Gumm
Online Editors: Charlie Gerszewski, Jordan Johnson
Original Music Score: Chan Poling
Sound Mix: Jeff Sylvestre
Colorist: Oscar Oboza
Post Production Facilities: Blue Moon Productions, Channel Z
Assistant Camera: Victor Rukavina
Graphic Design: Denise Fick
Website: Jeremy Wilker
Legal Representation: Dan Satorius, Lommen Abdo Cole King & Stageberg, P.A.
Interns: Joe Fuller, Heidi Gustad, Nicolai Ketelsen, Tye Schulke, Madeline Titcomb
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crew with former vice president Walter Mondale crew with former president Jimmy Carter The FRITZ teamSelect an image to see details.
members of the FRITZ production team Melody Gilbert (Director) and Mr. Mondale The Mondale family joins Mr. Mondale on stage. Mr. Mondale, Melody Gilbert (Director) and Randal Dietrich (Moving Pictures Film Festival)Special thanks to the following still photographers who donated their exceptional photos:
Tom Arndt