Marxist-Leninist Translations and Reprints
This site contains translations into English (and some into Spanish), as well as some reprints in the original language, of materials from Marxist-Leninist Parties (as well as some other revolutionary or progressive organizations) around the world. This site is not the official site of any of these parties, but is meant to share with English (and Spanish) speaking readers some of this material that may otherwise not be available. The positions expressed in the material are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the web-site administrator.
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Request for translators.
To be able to update this site regularly and add new articles of current importance, we need help from anyone who can translate into English (or Spanish) from any language, but particularly from Italian, German or Russian. Translators do not have to write perfect English (or Spanish), since we can make corrections here. Click here to contact the site administrator.
Social Classes
How Marxist Theory Interprets Art History: Art’s Reflection of Social and Economic Forces
German thinkers Karl Marx and his associate Friedrich Engels worked on developing their Marxist doctrine over the course of about a decade,…
IV. The Lumpen Proletariat
There remains to be discussed one more stratum in capitalist society: the lumpen proletariat. The lumpen proletariat is that sector of the…
The proletariat is, in Engels’ words, “the class of modern wage labourers who, having no means of production of their own, are…
The Petty Bourgeoisie
The petty bourgeoisie is an intermediate class between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, composed of a myriad of different sectors which vary…
The Brutal and Decaying U.S. Empire and the Newtown School Tragedy
by RAY LIGHT "Violence is as American as Cherry Pie!"— H. Rap Brown, Afro-American liberation fighter Also included in this issue:A Labor…
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We Accuse:Bill Epton Speaks to the Court
On July 16, 1964, a New York City cop, Thomas Gilligan, shot and killed a 15-year old African-American high school student, James…
The Positive and Negative Significance of the Obama Election Victory
A Statement by the Revolutionary Organization of Labor, USA (Formerly the Ray O. Light Group) November 2008 On Tuesday, November 4th, 2008,…
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The Growing Movement for Immigrant Rights in the USAand the Question of Immigration
Immigrant Workers Protest Across the USA Hundreds of thousands of immigrant workers and their families took to the streets in cities and…
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In Support of the Struggle ofthe Party of Labor of AlbaniaAgainst Revisionism
Tito’s Temporary Triumphs and the Revival of Leninism in the International Communist Movement: On November 1, 1976 Comrade Enver Hoxha delivered his…
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The Debt Ceiling "Duel" of the Republicans "versus" Obama and the Democrats:Illusion and Reality
Introductory Update: On August 2nd, the very last day before the U.S. government would have begun to default on its debts, the…