Phantom Wings was Misty's first foal and only son. He was a palomino pinto with a map of the United States on his shoulder, like his dam and granddam. He had wings on his rump like his sire had on his withers. Stories announcing Phantom Wing's birth appeared in numerous newspapers. Hundreds of people visited Beebe Ranch to see Misty's first foal. Marguerite Henry flew in to see the newborn. The children of Chincoteague even got let out of school to celebrate Phantom Wings's birth. In order to name the foal Marguerite Henry's publishing company sponsored a contest. Twin girls, Carol and Cheryl Costello, from South Dakota submitted the winning name of Phantom Wings, which honored both his sire and granddam. The story of Phantom Wing's birth and many pictures of him were published in
The Pictorial Life Story of Misty by Marguerite Henry. A painting by Wesley Dennis of Misty and Phantom Wings running together is on the cover of the book.
Phantom Wings spent his life on Beebe Ranch. He was a survivor of the 1962 Ash Wednesday Nor'easter which struck during his second birthday. Only a few photos have been found of Phantom Wings as an adult. He had a band of mares on Beebe Ranch, but his only documented foal is a colt named
Sandpiper out of a mare named
Nora. A Breyer model of Phantom Wings was made from from 1983 to 1987. It's a fairly accurate depiction of the real pony.
Phantom Wings tragically died too young in December 1964. He and his sister
Wisp O' Mist broke into a cattle field and got sick off the feed. Despite the Beebe's best efforts to save them, both died soon afterwards.