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Overview of Maritime Sciences

What are the maritime sciences?

The Faculty of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, is located in Fukae Campus, a scenic spot in Kobe City looking out over Osaka Bay, and it conducts unique education and research on marine- and maritime-related themes. "Maritime" refers to human activities on the "marine" stage, while "maritime sciences" is the interdisciplinary academic field that aims to solve the various maritime-related problems based on science and engineering using various scientific approaches in coordination with the social sciences. The aim is to develop human resources with an abundance of internationality, humanity, creativity, and expertise through their understanding of the maritime sciences and related.

To conduct education and research into establishing marine transport systems that are safe and effective and protecting the marine environment, the specialist departments of the Department of Ocean Safety Systems Science, the Department of Global Transportation Sciences, and the Department of Marine Engineering have been established in the Faculty. Further, the Graduate School of Maritime Sciences is also working toward these goals and its students can acquire even deeper expertise.

Moreover, the Faculty is aiming to develop international human resources who have a deep understanding of the oceans and to provide them with a broad education through concluding a range of exchange agreements with overseas universities, sharing curriculums, holding various forums, and other methods.

Features of the learning at the Faculty and Graduate School
  1. Small-group education and a detailed support system
    The Faculty and Graduate School conduct small-group education and use a homeroom teacher system to put in place a detailed support system for students, from when they enter the University until they graduate.
  2. Developing English-language proficiency and providing a practical education that utilizes unique facilities
    English classes are provided by native speakers to develop students' English communication proficiency, and students are also provided with a practical education, such as through experiments and practical training, that utilizes the Faculty of Maritime Sciences' unique facilities.
  3. Offers specialist subjects in a wide range of science and engineering and social science fields
    Not limited to the maritime fields, students can learn a wide range of specialist knowledge in the science, engineering, and the social science fields that are required in every industry.
  4. Classes coordinated with other faculties
    Students of the Faculty of Maritime Sciences can take the subjects offered by five other Kobe University faculties (faculties of Science, Engineering, Law, Economics, and Business Administration). Please pursue learning in an academic area that interests you.
  5. International exchange activities
    Kobe University has concluded international exchange agreements with 56 educational facilities, and there are 16 universities that primarily conduct exchanges with the Faculty of Maritime Sciences. We encourage students to utilize the Faculty's network and to actively participate in international exchange activities.
  6. Unique international qualifications
    The Faculty and Graduate School are registered as seafarer training facilities whose students are exempted from the written exam when aiming to acquire the third-class seafarer (navigation and engine) license. Graduates of the Department of Global Transportation Sciences' Nautical Science course and the Department of Marine Engineering's Ship Management course will have satisfied the vessel-boarding history required to acquire the international common qualification.
The organization (departments and courses)

In the Faculty, students will study the science and technologies of many different fields from within its three major educational organizations. Therefore, they will take classes in a variety of research fields that go beyond the framework of the faculty-members organization. The educational organization was reorganized from academic year 2013, but the collective education system has continued the same as before.


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