Drug and Alcohol Policy
Malvern City FC (MCFC) is committed to providing a safe, healthy, family friendly and successful sport environment. All members of the Club have a responsibility to ensure that they take reasonable care to protect their own health and safety and that of others whilst in this environment by not being affected by alcohol or other drugs to the extent that it impacts on their own or another person’s recreational enjoyment or safety.
For the purpose of this Policy, the MCFC defines alcohol and drugs as follows:
"Alcohol" refers to any beverage, containing an alcoholic content that temporarily impairs a person’s physical or mental capacity.
"Drugs" refers to a chemical substance, whether it is legal or illegal, which may have the ability to impair a person’s physical or mental capacity.
"Member" refers to any playing or social member associated with the insert club here, whether financial (fee-paying) or not.
Steroids (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids)
The effects of intoxication and the regular use of or dependence on alcohol or other drugs are associated with impaired judgement and skills, reduced concentration, erratic behaviour, aggression and violence, absenteeism and increased accidents. These behaviours and activities may seriously affect member safety and ethical standards within the insert club here.
Members who have concerns about playing or associating with any other playing or social member due to possible alcohol or other drug use should consult with the President of MCFC or Team Manager to Club Official immediately.
All members of MCFC are prohibited from selling, distributing, manufacturing, possessing or consuming drugs when on the premises of the insert club here or at any club function. Alcohol will not be consumed by a player whilst he/she is engaged in a game.
Playing members are prohibited from arriving to a match or returning to a match from any break under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
The right of members to consume alcohol is acknowledged, however it is inappropriate to do so at the insert club here as it places others at risk of harm and brings MCFC and it’s ‘family friendly’ environment into disrepute. Therefore, the MCFC here reserves the right to take action if a member is:
affected by alcohol or other drugs, so as to endanger their own safety or the safety of any other person in the during the course of a match or club function;
found in the possession of drugs or unauthorised drug use equipment on the MCFC premises; or
affected by alcohol or other drugs, so that the member’s performance is affected
known to be acknowledging significant use or involvement in production of illegal drugs or alcohol via friendship groups, social media, playing groups or family.
Should these issues be brought to the attention any of the insert club here Committee members or coaching staff, the MCFC may take the following action, enacted by any member of the Committee or coaching staff after appropriate and confidential discussion:
Immediately approach the member to discuss the issue and its implications
suspend the player/member from matches or club functions where appropriate until the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of the committee and coaching staff
remove the member from club functions if they pose a risk to themselves or others.
Immediately contact emergency services if there is suspicion of a drug overdose at any club function
counsel the player internally regarding their use of alcohol or drugs
refer the player to appropriate organisations to address the misuse or abuse of illicit substances;