Ruby Haswell
Fun loving but hard working, Ruby's comfortable with her sexuality. Having always been out of the closet, she was as surprised as Ali when they fell in love.
Unlike Ali, Ruby's never had huge responsibilities - she's enjoyed going out with friends and spending her spare cash on clothesbut she's finally getting used to being a step-mother to two unruly kids. Ruby previously worked as a care worker, and although she had to give this up, she still cant help but care for Sandy. Mild mannered in comparison to her partner, Ruby's still got a fiery streak and will always support Ali's unwavering protection of those she loves.
Keywords to describe character:Feisty, confident, caring, loves a laugh.
Domestic Set:Brook Cottage - but moved in with Rachel at Tenants after evicted.
Work Set:The Cafe - previously trained as a carer.
Relationships in show:Ali (girlfriend), Sean (stepson), Amelia (step-daughter), Rachel (girlfriends sister).
First appearance:20th October 2011
Likes:Chocolate, going out, not taking life too seriously.
Dislikes:Fancy food.
If they could have one wish, what would it be?Not to be rich, but just to stop struggling every month.
And finally...Ruby owns a skull, which she christened Rufus.