ICNIRP Guidelines
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection*
IN THIS document, guidelines are established for the protec-
tion of humans exposed to electric and magnetic fields in
the low-frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The general principles for the development of ICNIRP
guidelines are published elsewhere (ICNIRP 2002). For the
purpose of this document, the low-frequency range extends
from 1 Hz to 100 kHz. Above 100 kHz, effects such as
heating need to be considered, which are covered by other
ICNIRP guidelines. However, in the frequency range from
100 kHz up to approximately 10 MHz protection from both,
low frequency effects on the nervous system as well as high
frequency effects need to be considered depending on
exposure conditions. Therefore, some guidance in this
document is extended to 10 MHz to cover the nervous
system effects in this frequency range. Guidelines for
static magnetic fields have been issued in a separate
document (ICNIRP 2009). Guidelines applicable to
movement-induced electric fields or time-varying mag-
netic fields up to 1 Hz will be published separately.
This publication replaces the low-frequency part of
the 1998 guidelines (ICNIRP 1998). ICNIRP is currently
revising the guidelines for the high-frequency portion of
the spectrum (above 100 kHz).
The main objective of this publication is to establish
guidelines for limiting exposure to electric and magnetic
fields (EMF) that will provide protection against all
established adverse health effects.
Studies on both direct and indirect effects of EMF have
been assessed: direct effects result from direct interactions
of fields with the body; indirect effects involve interactions
with a conducting object where the electric potential of the
object is different from that of the body. Results of labora-
tory and epidemiological studies, basic exposure assessment
criteria, and reference levels for practical hazard assessment
are discussed, and the guidelines presented here are appli-
cable to both occupational and public exposure.
The restrictions in these guidelines were based on
established evidence regarding acute effects; currently
available knowledge indicates that adherence to these re-
strictions protect workers and members of the public from
adverse health effects from exposure to low frequency
EMF. The epidemiological and biological data concerning
chronic conditions were carefully reviewed and it was
concluded that there is no compelling evidence that they are
causally related to low-frequency EMF exposure.
These guidelines do not address product perfor-
mance standards, which are intended to limit EMF
emissions from specific devices under specified test
conditions, nor does the document deal with the tech-
niques used to measure any of the physical quantities that
characterize electric, magnetic and electromagnetic
fields. Comprehensive descriptions of instrumentation
and measurement techniques for accurately determining
such physical quantities may be found elsewhere (IEC
2004, 2005a; IEEE 1994, 2008).
Compliance with the present guidelines may not nec-
essarily preclude interference with, or effects on, medical
devices such as metallic prostheses, cardiac pacemakers and
implanted defibrillators and cochlear implants. Interference
with pacemakers may occur at levels below the recom-
mended reference levels. Advice on avoiding these prob-
lems is beyond the scope of the present document but is
available elsewhere (IEC 2005b).
These guidelines will be periodically revised and
updated as advances are made in the scientific knowledge
concerning any aspect relevant for limiting exposure of low
frequency time-varying electric and magnetic fields.
Whereas electric fields are associated only with the
presence of electric charge, magnetic fields are the result
* ICNIRP Secretariat, c/o Gunde Ziegelberger, c/o Bundesamt fu ̈rStrahlenschutz, Ingolstaedter Landstrasse 1, 85764 Oberschleissheim,
For correspondence or reprints contact
(Manuscript accepted 15 June 2010)
Copyright © 2010 Health Physics Society
DOI: 10.1097/HP.0b013e3181f06c86818 of the physical movement of electric charge (electric
current). An electric field, E, exerts a force on an electric
charge and is expressed in volts per meter (V mϪ1).Similarly, magnetic fields can exert physical forces on
electric charges, if such charges are in motion and/or the
magnetic field varies with time. Electric and magnetic
fields have both magnitude and direction (i.e., they are
vectors). A magnetic field can be specified in two
ways—as magnetic flux density, B, expressed in tesla
(T), or as magnetic field strength, H, expressed in ampere
per meter (A mϪ1
). The two quantities are related by the
B ϭ ␮H (1)
where ␮ is the constant of proportionality (the magnetic
permeability); in vacuum and air, as well as in non-
magnetic (including biological) materials, ␮ has the
value 4␲ ϫ 10Ϫ7
when expressed in Henry per meter (HmϪ1). Thus, in describing a magnetic field for protection
purposes, only one of the quantities B or H needs to be
Exposure to time-varying EMF results in internal
electric fields and in body currents and energy absorption
in tissues that depend on the coupling mechanisms and
the frequency involved. The internal electric field Ei and
current density J are related by Ohm’s Law:
J ϭ ␴Ei (2)
where ␴ is the electrical conductivity of the medium. The
dosimetric quantities used in these guidelines are as
くろまる electric field Ei; and
くろまる Current I.
A general summary of EMF and dosimetric quantities and
units used in these guidelines is provided in Table 1.
These guidelines for limiting exposure have been
developed following a thorough review of the published
scientific literature. Well established criteria were used to
evaluate the scientific validity of the methodology, re-
sults and conclusions of reported findings. Only effects
for which there was reliable scientific evidence were
used as the basis for the exposure restrictions.
Biological effects of exposure to low frequency
electromagnetic fields have been reviewed by the
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC),
ICNIRP, and the World Health Organization (WHO)
(IARC 2002; ICNIRP 2003a; WHO 2007a) and na-
tional expert groups. Those publications provided the
scientific basis for these guidelines.
As detailed below, the basis for the guidelines is
two-fold: Exposure to low-frequency electric fields may
cause well-defined biological responses, ranging from
perception to annoyance, through surface electric-charge
effects. In addition, the only well established effects in
volunteers exposed to low frequency magnetic fields are
the stimulation of central and peripheral nervous tissues
and the induction in the retina of phosphenes, a percep-
tion of faint flickering light in the periphery of the visual
field. The retina is part of the CNS and is regarded as an
appropriate, albeit conservative, model for induced elec-
tric field effects on CNS neuronal circuitry in general.
In view of the uncertainty inherent in the scientific
data, reduction factors have been applied in establishing
the exposure guidelines. For details see ICNIRP 2002.
Coupling mechanisms between fields and the body
Human and animal bodies significantly perturb the
spatial distribution of a low frequency electric field. At
low frequencies, the body is a good conductor, and the
perturbed field lines external to the body are nearly
perpendicular to the body surface. Oscillating charges are
induced on the surface of the exposed body and these
produce currents inside the body. Key features of dosim-
etry for exposure of humans to low frequency electric
fields include:
くろまる the electric field induced inside the body is consider-
ably smaller than the external electric field, e.g., five to
six orders of magnitude at 50–60 Hz;
くろまる for a given external electric field, the strongest fields
are induced when the human body is in perfect contact
with the ground through the feet (electrically
grounded), and the weakest induced fields are for the
body insulated from the ground (in "free space");
くろまる the total current flowing in a body in perfect contact
with ground is determined by the body size and shape
(including posture) rather than tissue conductivity;
くろまる the distribution of induced currents across the various
organs and tissues is determined by the conductivity of
those tissues; and
Table 1. Quantities and corresponding SI units used in
these guidelines.
Quantity Symbol Unit
Conductivity ␴ Siemens per meter (S mϪ1)Current I Ampere (A)
Current density J Ampere per square meter (A mϪ2)Frequency f Hertz (Hz)
Electric field strength E Volt per meter (V mϪ1)Magnetic field strength H Ampere per meter (A mϪ1)Magnetic flux density B Tesla (T)
Magnetic permeability ␮ Henry per meter (H mϪ1)Permittivity ␧ Farad per meter (F mϪ1)819
Limiting exposure to time-varying electric and magnetic fields くろまる ICNIRP
くろまる there is also an indirect effect, where the current in the
body is produced by contact with a conductive object
located in an electric field.
For magnetic fields, the permeability of tissue is the
same as that of air, so the field in tissue is the same as the
external field. Human and animal bodies do not signifi-
cantly perturb the field. The main interaction of magnetic
fields is the Faraday induction of electric fields and
associated currents in the tissues. Electric fields may also
be induced by movement in a static magnetic field. Key
features of dosimetry for exposure of humans to low
frequency magnetic fields include:
くろまる for a given magnetic field strength and orientation,
higher electric fields are induced in the bodies of larger
people because the possible conduction loops are
くろまる the induced electric field and current depend on the
orientation of the external magnetic field to the body.
Generally induced fields in the body are greatest when
the field is aligned from the front to the back of the
body, but for some organs the highest values are for
different field alignments;
くろまる the weakest electric fields are induced by a magnetic
field oriented along the principal body axis; and
くろまる the distribution of the induced electric field is affected
by the conductivity of the various organs and tissues.
Conclusions from the current scientific literature
Neurobehavior. Exposure to low-frequency electric
fields causes well-defined biological responses, ranging
from perception to annoyance, through surface electric-
charge effects (Reilly 1998, 1999). Thresholds for direct
perception by the most sensitive 10% of volunteers at
50–60 Hz ranged between 2 and 5 kV mϪ1
and 5% found
15–20 kV mϪ1
annoying. The spark discharge from a
person to ground is found to be painful to 7% of
volunteers in a field of 5 kV mϪ1
, whereas it would be
painful to about 50% in a 10 kV mϪ1
field. Thresholds for
the spark discharge from a charged object through a
grounded person depend on the size of the object and
therefore require individual assessment.
The responsiveness of electrically excitable nerve
and muscle tissue to electric stimuli including those
induced by exposure to low-frequency EMFs has been
well established for many years (e.g., Reilly 2002;
Saunders and Jefferys 2007). Myelinated nerve fibers of
the human peripheral nervous system have been esti-
mated to have a minimum threshold value of around 6
Vpeak mϪ1
(Reilly 1998, 2002), based on theoretical
calculation using a nerve model. However, peripheral
nerve stimulation induced during volunteer exposure to
the switched gradient magnetic fields of magnetic reso-
nance (MR) systems suggested that the threshold for
perception may be as low as about 2 V mϪ1
(Nyenhuis et
al. 2001), based on calculations using a homogeneous
human phantom model. A more accurate calculation of
the electric fields induced in the tissues of a heteroge-
neous human model based on data from the above MR
study has been carried out by So et al. (2004). These
authors estimated the minimum threshold for peripheral
nerve stimulation of between about 4–6 V mϪ1
, based on
the assumption that stimulation took place in the skin or
subcutaneous fat. With stronger stimuli, discomfort and
then pain ensue; the lowest percentile for intolerable
stimulation is approximately 20% above the median
threshold for perception (ICNIRP 2004). Myelinated
nerve fibers of the central nervous system (CNS) can be
stimulated by electric fields induced during transcranial
magnetic stimulation (TMS); the pulsed fields induced in
cortical tissue during TMS are quite high (Ͼ100 VmϪ1peak), although theoretical calculation suggests that
minimum stimulation threshold values may be as low as
ϳ10 V mϪ1
peak (Reilly 1998, 2002). For both sets of
nerves, thresholds rise above around 1–3 kHz due to the
progressively shorter time available for the accumulation
of electric charge on the nerve membrane and below
about 10 Hz due to the accommodation of a nerve to a
slowly depolarizing stimulus.†
Muscle cells are in general less sensitive to direct
stimulation than nerve tissue (Reilly 1998). Cardiac
muscle tissue deserves particular attention because aber-
rant function is potentially life-threatening: however,
ventricular fibrillation thresholds exceed those for car-
diac muscle stimulation by a factor of 50 or more (Reilly
2002), although this drops considerably if the heart is
repeatedly excited during the vulnerable period of the
cardiac cycle. Thresholds rise above about 120 Hz due to
the much longer time-constant of muscle fibers com-
pared with myelinated nerves.
The most robustly established effect of electric
fields below the threshold for direct nerve or muscle
excitation is the induction of magnetic phosphenes, the
perception of faint flickering light in the periphery of the
visual field, in the retinas of volunteers exposed to low
frequency magnetic fields. The minimum threshold flux
density is around 5 mT at 20 Hz, rising at higher and
lower frequencies. In these studies, the phosphenes are
thought to result from the interaction of the induced
electric field with electrically excitable cells in the retina.
This is formed as an outgrowth of the forebrain and can†Accommodation does not occur for example in response to the
low-frequency component of trapezoid or rectangular pulses with
quick rise-times but low repetition frequencies such as those found in
the switched gradient fields of MR systems.
820 Health Physics December 2010, Volume 99, Number 6
be considered a good but conservative model of pro-
cesses that occur in CNS tissue in general (Attwell 2003).
The threshold for induced electric field strengths in the
retina has been estimated to lie between about 50 and 100
mV mϪ1
at 20 Hz, rising at higher and lower frequencies
(Saunders and Jefferys 2007) although there is consider-
able uncertainty attached to these values.
The integrative properties of the nervous tissue of
the CNS may render it, and therefore functions such as
cognitive processes like memory, sensitive to the effects
of these physiologically weak electric fields. Saunders
and Jefferys (2002) suggested that the electrical polar-
ization of neurons in the CNS by such weak electric
fields might enhance the synchronization of active
groups of neurons and affect the recruitment of adjacent
non-active neurons, thereby influencing overall nerve
cell excitability and activity. In vitro evidence from
studies using brain slices suggests that minimum thresh-
olds for these effects lie below frequencies of ϳ100 Hz
and may be as low as 100 mV mϪ1
(Saunders and
Jefferys 2007).
Two research groups have investigated the effects of
weak electric fields applied directly to the head via
on brain electrical activity and function in
humans. One group (Kanai et al. 2008) reported that
stimulation of the visual cortex induced the perception of
cortical phosphenes (similar in appearance to phosphenes
induced in the retina) when the stimulus frequency was
characteristic for visual cortical activity either in dark
conditions (around 10 Hz) or in light conditions (around
20 Hz) but not at higher or lower frequencies. The other
group (Pogosyan et al. 2009) applied a 20 Hz signal to
the motor cortex of volunteers during the performance of
a visuo-motor task and found a small but statistically
significant slowing of hand movement during task per-
formance, which was consistent with an increased syn-
chronization of 20 Hz motor cortex activity. No effect
was seen at a lower stimulus frequency. In summary,
both groups of authors found that 10–20 Hz electric
fields, above the threshold for retinal phosphenes, can
interact with ongoing rhythmic electrical activity in the
visual and motor cortices and slightly affect visual
processing and motor co-ordination, carrying the impli-
cation that 10–20 Hz EMF-induced electric fields of
sufficient magnitude may have similar effects.
However, the evidence for other neurobehavioral
effects on brain electrical activity, cognition, sleep, and
mood in volunteers exposed to low frequency EMFs is
much less clear (Cook et al. 2002, 2006; Crasson 2003;
ICNIRP 2003a; Barth et al. 2010). Generally, such
studies have been carried out at exposure levels at or
below about 1–2 mT; i.e., below those required to induce
the effects described above, and have produced evidence
of subtle and transitory effects at most. The conditions
necessary to elicit such responses are not well defined at
Some people claim to be hypersensitive to EMFs in
general. However, the evidence from double-blind prov-
ocation studies suggests that the reported symptoms are
unrelated to EMF exposure (Rubin et al. 2005; WHO
There is only inconsistent and inconclusive evidence
that exposure to low-frequency electric and magnetic
fields causes depressive symptoms or suicide (WHO
In animals, the possibility that exposure to low
frequency fields may affect neurobehavioral functions
has been explored from a number of perspectives using a
range of exposure conditions. Few effects have been
established. There is convincing evidence that low-
frequency electric fields can be detected by animals,
most likely as a result of surface charge effects, and may
elicit transient arousal or mild stress. Other possible
field-dependent changes are less well defined (WHO
Thus, the perception of surface electric charge, the
direct stimulation of nerve and muscle tissue and the
induction of retinal phosphenes are well established and
can serve as a basis for guidance. In addition, there is also
indirect scientific evidence that brain functions such as
visual processing and motor co-ordination can be tran-
siently affected by induced electric fields. However, the
evidence from other neurobehavioral research in volun-
teers exposed to low frequency electric and magnetic
fields is not sufficiently reliable to provide a basis for
human exposure limits.
Neuroendocrine system. The results of volunteer
studies as well as residential and occupational epidemi-
ological studies suggest that the neuroendocrine system
is not adversely affected by exposure to 50–60 Hz
electric or magnetic fields. This applies particularly to
circulating levels of specific hormones, including mela-
tonin released by the pineal gland, and to a number of
hormones involved in the control of body metabolism
and physiology released by the pituitary gland. Most
laboratory studies of the effects of 50–60 Hz exposure
on night-time melatonin levels in volunteers found no
effect when care was taken to control possible confound-
ing (WHO 2007a).
From the large number of animal studies investigat-
ing the effects of 50–60 Hz electric and magnetic fields
on rat pineal and serum melatonin levels, some reported‡Transcranial AC stimulation or tACS is applied at levels below
local skin perception thresholds.821Limiting exposure to time-varying electric and magnetic fields くろまる ICNIRP
that exposure resulted in night-time suppression of mel-
atonin, while other studies did not. In seasonally breed-
ing animals, the evidence for an effect of exposure to
50–60 Hz fields on melatonin levels and melatonin-
dependent reproductive status is predominantly negative
(ICNIRP 2003a; WHO 2007a). No convincing effect on
melatonin levels has been seen in a study of non-human
primates chronically exposed to 50–60 Hz fields.
No consistent effects have been seen in the stress-
related hormones of the pituitary-adrenal axis in a variety
of mammalian species, with the possible exception of
short-lived stress following the onset of low frequency
electric-field exposure at levels high enough to be per-
ceived (ICNIRP 2003a; WHO 2007a). Similarly, while
few studies have been carried out, mostly negative or
inconsistent effects have been seen in the levels of
growth hormone and hormones involved in controlling
metabolic activity or associated with the control of
reproduction and sexual development.
Overall, these data do not indicate that low fre-
quency electric and/or magnetic fields affect the neu-
roendocrine system in a way that would have an adverse
impact on human health.
Neurodegenerative disorders. It has been hypoth-
esized that exposure to low frequency fields is associated
with several neurodegenerative diseases. For Parkinson’s
disease and multiple sclerosis the number of studies has
been small and there is no evidence for an association
between low frequency exposure and these diseases. For
Alzheimer’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS) more studies have been published. Some of these
reports suggest that people employed in electrical occu-
pations might have an increased risk for ALS (Kheifets et
al. 2009). So far, no biological mechanism has been
established which can explain this association, although it
could have arisen because of confounders related to electri-
cal occupations, such as electric shocks. Furthermore, stud-
ies using more sophisticated exposure assessment methods,
e.g., job-exposure matrices, have generally not observed
increased risks (Kheifets et al. 2009). For Alzheimer’s
disease, results are inconsistent. Strongest associations
have been found in clinic based studies with a large
potential for selection bias, but increased risks have also
been observed in some, but not all, population based
studies. Subgroup analyses within studies strengthen the
impression of inconsistent data (Kheifets et al. 2009).
Statistical heterogeneity between study results speaks
against pooling of available results, although such at-
tempts have been made (Garcia et al. 2008). In addition,
there is some evidence for publication bias. Control of
potential confounding from other occupational exposures
has generally not been made. So far only one residential
study is available, indicating an increased risk for Alz-
heimer’s disease after long-term exposure, but based on
very small numbers of cases (Huss et al. 2009).
The studies investigating the association between
low frequency exposure and Alzheimer’s disease are
inconsistent. Overall, the evidence for the association
between low frequency exposure and AlzheimerЈs dis-
ease and ALS is inconclusive.
Cardiovascular disorders. Experimental studies of
both short-term and long-term exposure indicate that,
while electric shock is an obvious health hazard, other
hazardous cardiovascular effects associated with low
frequency fields are unlikely to occur at exposure levels
commonly encountered environmentally or occupation-
ally (WHO 2007a). Though various cardiovascular
changes have been reported in the literature, the majority
of effects are small, and the results have not been
consistent within or between studies (McNamee et al.
2009). Most of the studies of cardiovascular disease
morbidity and mortality have shown no association with
exposure (Kheifets et al. 2007). Whether a specific
association exists between exposure and altered auto-
nomic control of the heart remains speculative. Overall,
the evidence does not suggest an association between
low frequency exposure and cardiovascular diseases.
Reproduction and development. Overall, epidemi-
ological studies have not shown an association between
human adverse reproductive outcomes and maternal or
paternal exposure to low frequency fields. There is some
limited evidence for increased risk of miscarriage asso-
ciated with maternal magnetic field exposure, but this
reported association has not been found in other studies
and overall the evidence for such an association is poor.
Exposures to low frequency electric fields of up to
150 kV mϪ1
have been evaluated in several mammalian
species, including studies with large group sizes and
exposure over several generations; the results consis-
tently show no adverse developmental effects (ICNIRP
2003a; WHO 2007a).
Low frequency magnetic field exposure of mam-
mals does not result in gross external, visceral or skeletal
malformations using fields up to 20 mT (Juutilainen
2003, 2005; WHO 2007a). Overall, the evidence for an
association between low frequency and developmental
and reproductive effects is very weak.
Cancer. A considerable number of epidemiological
reports, carried out particularly during the 1980’s and
90’s, indicated that long term exposure to 50–60 Hz
magnetic fields, orders of magnitude below the limits of
822 Health Physics December 2010, Volume 99, Number 6
the 1998 ICNIRP exposure guidelines might be associ-
ated with cancer. While the first studies looked at
childhood cancer in relation to magnetic fields, later
research also investigated adult cancers. In general, the
initially observed associations between 50–60 Hz mag-
netic fields and various cancers were not confirmed in
studies designed to see whether the initial findings could
be replicated. However, for childhood leukemia the
situation is different. The research that followed the first
study has suggested that there may be a weak association
between the higher levels of exposure to residential
50–60 Hz magnetic fields and childhood leukemia risk,
although it is unclear whether it is causal: a combination
of selection bias, some degree of confounding and
chance could explain the results (WHO 2007a). Two
pooled analyses (Ahlbom et al. 2000; Greenland et al.
2000) indicate that an excess risk may exist for average
exposures exceeding 0.3–0.4 ␮T, although the authors of
those analyses cautioned strongly that their results cannot
be interpreted as showing a causal relationship between
magnetic fields and childhood leukemia.
At the same time, no biophysical mechanism has
been identified and the experimental results from the
animal and cellular laboratory studies do not support the
notion that exposure to 50–60 Hz magnetic fields is a
cause of childhood leukemia.
It should be noted that there is currently no adequate
animal model of the most common form of childhood
leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Most studies
report no effect of 50–60 Hz magnetic fields on leuke-
mia or lymphoma in rodent models (ICNIRP 2003a;
WHO 2007a). Several large-scale long-term studies in
rodents have not shown any consistent increase in any
type of cancer, including hematopoietic, mammary,
brain, and skin tumors.
A substantial number of studies have examined the
effects of 50–60 Hz magnetic fields on chemically-
induced mammary tumors in rats (ICNIRP 2003a; WHO
2007a). Inconsistent results were obtained that may be
due in whole or in part to differences in experimental
protocols, such as the use of specific sub-strains. Most
studies on the effects of 50–60 Hz magnetic field
exposure on chemically-induced or radiation-induced
leukemia/lymphoma models were negative. Studies of
pre-neoplastic liver lesions, chemically-induced skin tu-
mors, and brain tumors reported predominantly negative
Generally, studies of the effects of low frequency
field exposure of cells have shown no induction of
genotoxicity at fields below 50 mT (Crumpton and
Collins 2004; WHO 2007a). Overall, in contrast to the
epidemiological evidence of an association between
childhood leukemia and prolonged exposure to power
frequency magnetic fields, the animal cancer data, par-
ticularly those from large-scale lifetime studies, are
almost universally negative. The data from cellular
studies are generally supportive of the animal studies,
though more equivocal.
Rationale for these recommended low
frequency guidelines
ICNIRP addresses acute and chronic health effects
and considers recent dosimetric developments in this
Acute effects. There are a number of well estab-
lished acute effects of exposure to low-frequency EMFs
on the nervous system: the direct stimulation of nerve
and muscle tissue and the induction of retinal phos-
phenes. There is also indirect scientific evidence that
brain functions such as visual processing and motor
co-ordination can be transiently affected by induced
electric fields. All these effects have thresholds below
which they do not occur and can be avoided by meeting
appropriate basic restrictions on electric fields induced in
the body.
Following the recommendations made concerning
guidelines on limits of exposure to static magnetic fields
(ICNIRP 2009), ICNIRP considers that there are occu-
pational circumstances where, with appropriate advice
and training, it is reasonable for workers voluntarily and
knowingly to experience transient effects such as retinal
phosphenes and possible minor changes in some brain
functions, since they are not believed to result in long-
term or pathological health effects. Exposure of all parts
of the body in these circumstances should be limited in
order to avoid peripheral and central myelinated nerve
stimulation. ICNIRP notes the relatively narrow margin
between peripheral nerve perception and pain thresholds;
see above. For both types of nerves, thresholds rise above
around 1–3 kHz due to the very short membrane time-
constants resulting from myelination, and below about 10
Hz due to the accommodation to a slowly depolarizing
Avoiding retinal phosphenes should protect against
any possible effects on brain function. Phosphene thresh-
olds are a minimum around 20 Hz and rise rapidly at
higher and lower frequencies, intersecting with the
thresholds for peripheral and central nerve stimulation at
which point limits on peripheral nerve stimulation should
apply. For workers who are not trained and who may be
unaware and not in control of their exposure status the
basic restriction is set at the phosphene threshold in order
to avoid these transient but potentially disturbing effects
of exposure. For members of the public, a reduction
factor of 5 is applied to the phosphene threshold.823Limiting exposure to time-varying electric and magnetic fields くろまる ICNIRP
Exposure to low-frequency electric fields causes
well-defined biological responses through surface
electric-charge effects. Prevention of the painful effects
of surface electric charge induced on the body by such
exposure are addressed by the reference levels.
Chronic effects. The literature on chronic effects of
low frequency fields has been evaluated in detail by
individual scientists and scientific panels. WHO’s cancer
research institute, IARC (International Agency for Re-
search on Cancer), evaluated low frequency magnetic
fields in 2002 and classified them in category 2 B, which
translates to "possibly carcinogenic to humans." The
basis for this classification was the epidemiologic results
on childhood leukemia.
It is the view of ICNIRP that the currently existing
scientific evidence that prolonged exposure to low fre-
quency magnetic fields is causally related with an in-
creased risk of childhood leukemia is too weak to form
the basis for exposure guidelines. In particular, if the
relationship is not causal, then no benefit to health will
accrue from reducing exposure.
Dosimetry. Historically, magnetic field models as-
sumed that the body has a homogeneous and isotropic
conductivity and applied simple circular conductive loop
models to estimate induced currents in different organs
and body regions. Electric fields induced by time varying
electric and magnetic fields were computed by using
simple homogeneous ellipsoid models. In recent years,
more realistic calculations based on anatomically and
electrically refined heterogeneous models (Xi and
Stuchly 1994; Dimbylow 2005, 2006; Bahr et al. 2007)
resulted in a much better knowledge of internal electric
fields in the body from exposure to electric and magnetic
The most useful dosimetric results for the purpose of
these guidelines have been obtained from high resolution
calculations of induced electric field with voxel sizes
below 4 mm (Dimbylow 2005; Bahr et al. 2007; Hirata et
al. 2009; Nagaoka et al. 2004). The maximum electric
field is induced in the body when the external fields are
homogeneous and directed parallel to the body axis
(E-field) or perpendicular (H-field). According to those
calculations, the maximum local peak electric field
induced by a 50 Hz magnetic field in the brain is
approximately 23–33 mV mϪ1
per mT, depending on
field orientation and body model. There is no conversion
factor for peripheral nerve tissue available at present.
Therefore, the skin, which contains peripheral nerve
endings, was chosen as a worst-case target tissue. The
electric field induced in the skin by such a field is
approximately 20–60 mV mϪ1
per mT. The maximum
local electric field induced by a 50 Hz electric field in the
brain is approximately 1.7–2.6 mV mϪ1
per kV mϪ1,while in the skin it is approximately 12–33 mV mϪ1perkV mϪ1.In view of the uncertainties in the available dosim-
etry as well as the influence of body parameters in the
derivation of reference levels, ICNIRP is taking a con-
servative approach in deriving reference levels from the
basic restrictions.
Separate guidance is given for occupational expo-
sures and exposure of the general public. Occupational
exposure in these guidelines refers to adults exposed to
time-varying electric, and magnetic fields from 1 Hz to
10 MHz at their workplaces, generally under known
conditions, and as a result of performing their regular or
assigned job activities. By contrast, the term general
population refers to individuals of all ages and of varying
health status which might increase the variability of the
individual susceptibilities. In many cases, members of
the public are unaware of their exposure to EMF. These
considerations underlie the adoption of more stringent
exposure restrictions for the public than for workers
while they are occupationally exposed.
Addressing scientific uncertainty
All scientific data and their interpretation are subject
to some degree of uncertainty. Examples are method-
ological variability and inter-individual, inter-species,
and inter-strain differences. Such uncertainties in knowl-
edge are compensated for by reduction factors.
There is, however, insufficient information on all
sources of uncertainty to provide a rigorous basis for
establishing reduction factors over the whole frequency
range and for all modulation patterns. Therefore, the
degree to which caution is applied in the interpretation of
the available database and in defining reduction factors is
to a large extent a matter of expert judgment.
Basic restrictions and reference levels
Limitations of exposure that are based on the phys-
ical quantity or quantities directly related to the estab-
lished health effects are termed basic restrictions. In this
guideline, the physical quantity used to specify the basic
restrictions on exposure to EMF is the internal electric
field strength Ei, as it is the electric field that affects
nerve cells and other electrically sensitive cells.
The internal electric field strength is difficult to
assess. Therefore, for practical exposure assessment pur-
poses, reference levels of exposure are provided. Most
824 Health Physics December 2010, Volume 99, Number 6
reference levels are derived from relevant basic restric-
tions using measurement and/or computational tech-
niques but some address perception (electric field) and
adverse indirect effects of exposure to EMF. The derived
quantities are electric field strength (E), magnetic field
strength (H), magnetic flux density (B) and currents
flowing through the limbs (IL). The quantity that ad-
dresses indirect effects is the contact current (IC). In any
particular exposure situation, measured or calculated
values of any of these quantities can be compared with
the appropriate reference level. Compliance with the
reference level will ensure compliance with the relevant
basic restriction. If the measured or calculated value ex-
ceeds the reference level, it does not necessarily follow that
the basic restriction will be exceeded. However, whenever a
reference level is exceeded it is necessary to test compliance
with the relevant basic restriction and to determine whether
additional protective measures are necessary.
The main objective of this publication is to establish
guidelines for limiting EMF exposure that will provide
protection against adverse health effects. As noted above,
the risks come from transient nervous system responses
including peripheral (PNS) and central nerve stimulation
(CNS), the induction of retinal phosphenes and possible
effects on some aspects of brain function.
In view of the considerations above for frequencies
in the range 10 Hz to 25 Hz, occupational exposure
should be limited to fields that induce electric field
strengths in CNS tissue of the head (i.e., the brain and
retina) of less than 50 mV mϪ1
in order to avoid the
induction of retinal phosphenes. These restrictions
should also prevent any possible transient effects on
brain function. These effects are not considered to be
adverse health effects; however, ICNIRP recognizes that
they may be disturbing in some occupational circumstances
and should be avoided but no additional reduction factor is
applied. Phosphene thresholds rise rapidly at higher and
lower frequencies, intersecting with the thresholds for pe-
ripheral and central myelinated nerve stimulation at 400 Hz.
At frequencies above 400 Hz, limits on peripheral nerve
stimulation apply in all parts of the body.
Exposure in controlled environments, where work-
ers are informed about the possible transient effects of
such exposure, should be limited to fields that induce
electric fields in the head and body of less than 800 mVmϪ1in order to avoid peripheral and central myelinated
nerve stimulation. A reduction factor of 5 has been
applied to a stimulation threshold of 4 V mϪ1
in order to
account for the uncertainties described above. Such
restrictions rise above 3 kHz.
For the general public for CNS tissue of the head a
reduction factor of 5 is applied, giving a basic restriction
of 10 mV mϪ1
between 10 and 25 Hz. Above and below
these values, the basic restrictions rise. At 1,000 Hz it
intersects with basic restrictions that protect against
peripheral and central myelinated nerve stimulation.
Here, the reduction factor of 10 results in a basic
restriction of 400 mV mϪ1
, which should be applied to
the tissues of all parts of the body.
The basic restrictions are presented in Table 2 and
Fig. 1.
Time averaging
ICNIRP recommends that the restrictions on internal
electric fields induced by electric or magnetic fields includ-
ing transient or very short-term peak fields be regarded as
instantaneous values which should not be time averaged
(see also section on non-sinusoidal exposure).
Spatial averaging of induced electric field
When restricting adverse effects of induced electric
fields to nerve cells and networks, it is important to
define the distance or volume over which the local
induced electric field must be averaged. As a practical
compromise, satisfying requirements for a sound biolog-
ical basis and computational constraints, ICNIRP recom-
mends determining the induced electric field as a vector
average of the electric field in a small contiguous tissue
volume of 2 ϫ 2 ϫ 2 mm3
. For a specific tissue, the 99th
percentile value of the electric field is the relevant value
to be compared with the basic restriction.
Table 2. Basic restrictions for human exposure to time-varying
electric and magnetic fields.
Exposure characteristic Frequency range
Internal electric field
(V mϪ1)Occupational exposure
CNS tissue of the head 1−10 Hz 0.5/f
10 Hz−25 Hz 0.05
25 Hz−400 Hz 2 ϫ 10Ϫ3f400 Hz−3 kHz 0.8
3 kHz−10 MHz 2.7 ϫ 10Ϫ4fAll tissues of head andbody1 Hz−3 kHz 0.8
3 kHz−10 MHz 2.7 ϫ 10Ϫ4fGeneral public exposure
CNS tissue of the head 1−10 Hz 0.1/f
10 Hz−25 Hz 0.01
25 Hz−1000 Hz 4 ϫ 10Ϫ4f1000 Hz−3 kHz 0.4
3 kHz−10 MHz 1.35 ϫ 10Ϫ4fAll tissues of head andbody1 Hz−3 kHz 0.4
3 kHz−10 MHz 1.35 ϫ 10Ϫ4fNotes:
- f is the frequency in Hz.
- All values are rms.
- In the frequency range above 100 kHz, RF specific basic restrictions need
to be considered additionally.825Limiting exposure to time-varying electric and magnetic fields くろまる ICNIRP
Basically the electric field effects on neurons and
other electrically excitable cells are local effects, but
there are electrophysiological and practical dosimetric
factors that constrain the minimum volume or distance.
The major physical factor disturbing the function of
neurons and neuronal networks is the voltage produced
by the induced electric field over the membrane of the
cell. For isolated nerve fibers aligned along the direction
of the electric field (maximum coupling) this voltage is
integrated from the electric field over the electrotonic
distance varying from 2 to 7 millimeters for invertebrate
nerves (Reilly 1998; Reilly and Diamant 2003). For
myelinated nerve cells a good assumption for the inte-
gration distance is approximately 2 mm, which is the
maximum inter-nodal distance between the nodes of
Ranvier. These distances are relevant when considering
stimulation thresholds to isolated nerve cells. In the case
of sub-threshold weak electric field effects, such as
retinal phosphenes, the collective "network" effect of
numerous interacting nerve cells must be taken into
account. The threshold of the effect is considerably lower
than the stimulation threshold of isolated nerve cells,
which is due to summation and integration of small,
induced voltages in the synapses. It has been suggested
that the averaging volume for the induced electric field
should be based on minimum of 1,000 interacting cells,
which is approximately 1 mm3
in most nerve tissue
(Jefferys 1994). Hence, a biologically reasonable aver-
aging distance might extend from 1 to 7 mm. From a
practical point of view, it is difficult to achieve satisfac-
tory accuracy in the millimeter resolution computation of
the induced electric field, and even more difficult to
measure it. Maximal values in one voxel in a specific
tissue are prone to large stair-casing errors associated
with sharp corners of the cubical voxel. A solution to
obtain more stable peak approximations is based on
choosing for the peak value a value representing the 99th
percentile value of the induced field in a specific tissue.
From the biological point of view however, this is a
somewhat arbitrary choice because the peak value de-
pends on the resolution. Another option for the spatial
averaging is to define the local electric field as an
average in a small volume or along a line segment (Reilly
and Diamant 2003).
As a general rule the averaging volume should not
extend beyond the boundary of the tissue except for
tissues such as the retina and skin, which are too thin to
cover the whole averaging cube. For the skin the same
averaging volume of 2 ϫ 2 ϫ 2 mm3
can be assumed,
and it may extend to the subcutaneous tissue. For the
retina the averaging volume may extend to the tissues in
front and behind it.
The reference levels are obtained from the basic
restrictions by mathematical modeling using published
data (Dimbylow 2005, 2006). They are calculated for the
condition of maximum coupling of the field to the
exposed individual, thereby providing maximum protec-
tion. Frequency dependence and dosimetric uncertainties
were taken into account. The reference levels presented
consider two distinct effects and approximate a com-
bination of the induced electric fields in the brain,100m]10rength[V/m1ricfieldst0,1
electr0 01inte
1 10 1000,01freque
occupational CNS occupational PNS
1000 10000 100000
ency [Hz]
general public CNS general public PNS
Fig. 1. Basic restrictions for general public and occupational exposure in terms of internal electric field strength
concerning CNS and PNS effects.
826 Health Physics December 2010, Volume 99, Number 6
relevant for CNS effects, and the induced electric
fields in non-CNS tissues anywhere in the body,
relevant for PNS effects (i.e., at 50 Hz, the factor used
to convert the basic restriction for CNS effects to an
external magnetic field exposure is 33 V mϪ1
per T,
and for PNS effect 60 V mϪ1
per T. An additional
reduction factor of 3 was applied to these calculated
values to allow for dosimetric uncertainty).
In addition, the electric field reference level for
occupational exposure up to 25 Hz includes a sufficient
margin to prevent stimulation effects from contact cur-
rents under most practical conditions. Between 25 Hz
and 10 MHz the reference levels are based on the basic
restriction on induced electric fields only and might thus
not provide a sufficient margin to prevent stimulation
effects from contact currents under all possible condi-
tions in that frequency band.
The electric field reference levels for general public
exposure up to 10 MHz prevent adverse indirect effects
(shocks and burns) for more than 90% of exposed
individuals. In addition, the electric field reference levels
for general public exposure up to 50 Hz include a
sufficient margin to prevent surface electric-charge ef-
fects such as perception in most people.
Tables 3 and 4 summarize the reference levels for
occupational and general public exposure, respectively,
and the reference levels are illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3.
The reference levels assume an exposure by a uniform
(homogeneous) field with respect to the spatial extension
of the human body.
Spatial averaging of external electric and
magnetic fields
Reference levels have been determined for the
exposure conditions where the variation of the electric or
magnetic field over the space occupied by the body is
relatively small. In most cases, however, the distance to
the source of the field is so close that the distribution of
the field is non-uniform or localized to a small part of the
body. In these cases the measurement of the maximum
field strength in the position of space occupied by the
body always results in a safe, albeit very conservative
exposure assessment.
For a very localized source with a distance of a few
centimeters from the body, the only realistic option for
the exposure assessment is to determine dosimetrically
the induced electric field, case by case. When the
distance exceeds 20 cm, the distribution of the field
becomes less localized but is still non-uniform, in which
case it is possible to determine the spatial average along
the body or part of it (Stuchly and Dawson 2002; Jokela
2007). The spatial average should not exceed the refer-
ence level. The local exposure may exceed the reference
level but with an important provision that the basic
restriction shall not be exceeded. It is the task of
standardization bodies to give further guidance on the
specific exposure situations where the spatial averaging
can be applied. This guidance shall be based on well
established dosimetry. The standardization bodies also
may derive new reference levels for special types of
non-uniform exposure.
Additivity of exposure to electric and
magnetic fields
Each of the external electric and magnetic field
induces an electric field component, which add vectori-
ally in the tissue. In the case of the exposure analysis
based on the external electric and magnetic fields, a
conservative approach would be to assume that both the
electrically and magnetically induced field components
attain the maximum value in the same critical point at the
same phase. This would imply that the exposures to the
external electric and magnetic fields are additive (Cech et
al. 2008). Such situations, however, are judged to be very
Table 3. Reference levels for occupational exposure to time-
varying electric and magnetic fields (unperturbed rms values).
Frequency range
E (kV mϪ1)Magnetic field
H (A mϪ1)Magnetic
flux density
B (T)
1 Hz−8 Hz 20 1.63 ϫ 105/f20.2/f2
8 Hz−25 Hz 20 2 ϫ 104
/f 2.5 ϫ 10Ϫ2/f25 Hz−300 Hz 5 ϫ 102
/f 8 ϫ 102
1 ϫ 10Ϫ3
300 Hz−3 kHz 5 ϫ 102
/f 2.4 ϫ 105
/f 0.3/f
3 kHz−10 MHz 1.7 ϫ 10Ϫ1
80 1 ϫ 10Ϫ4
- f in Hz.
- See separate sections below for advice on non sinusoidal and multiple
frequency exposure.
- To prevent indirect effects especially in high electric fields see chapter on
"Protective measures."
- In the frequency range above 100 kHz, RF specific reference levels need
to be considered additionally.
Table 4. Reference levels for general public exposure to time-
varying electric and magnetic fields (unperturbed rms values).
Frequency range
E (kV mϪ1)Magnetic field
H (A mϪ1)Magnetic
flux density
B (T)
1 Hz−8 Hz 5 3.2 ϫ 104/f24 ϫ 10Ϫ2/f28 Hz−25 Hz 5 4 ϫ 103
/f 5 ϫ 10Ϫ3/f25 Hz−50 Hz 5 1.6 ϫ 102
2 ϫ 10Ϫ4
50 Hz−400 Hz 2.5 ϫ 102
/f 1.6 ϫ 102
2 ϫ 10Ϫ4
400 Hz−3 kHz 2.5 ϫ 102
/f 6.4 ϫ 104
/f 8 ϫ 10Ϫ2/f3 kHz−10 MHz 8.3 ϫ 10Ϫ2
21 2.7 ϫ 10Ϫ5
- f in Hz.
- See separate sections below for advice on non sinusoidal and multiple
frequency exposure.
- In the frequency range above 100 kHz, RF specific reference levels need
to be considered additionally.827Limiting exposure to time-varying electric and magnetic fields くろまる ICNIRP
infrequent taking into account the great difference in the
distribution of the electrically and magnetically induced
electric fields.
Up to 10 MHz reference levels for contact current
are given for which caution must be exercised to avoid
shock and burn hazards. The point contact reference
levels are presented in Table 5. Since the threshold
contact currents that elicit biological responses in chil-
dren are approximately one-half of those for adult men,
the reference levels for contact current for the general
public are set lower by a factor of 2 than the values for
occupational exposure. It should be noted that the refer-
ence levels are not intended to prevent perception but to
avoid painful shocks. Perception of contact current is not
per se hazardous but could be considered as annoyance.
Prevention of excess contact currents is possible by
technical means.
Table 5. Reference levels for time-varying contact currents from
conductive objects.
Exposure characteristics
Maximum contact
current (mA)
Occupational exposure Up to 2.5 kHz 1.0
2.5−100 kHz 0.4f
100 kHz−10 MHz 40
General public exposure Up to 2.5 kHz 0.5
2.5−100 kHz 0.2f
100 kHz−10 MHz 20
Note: f is the frequency in kHz.10.1y[T]0.01ux
0 0001
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000ma
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
frequency [Hz]
occupational exposure general public exposure
occupational exposure general public exposure
Fig. 2. Reference levels for exposure to time varying magnetic fields (compare Tables 3 and 4).10010100110ld[kV/m]0 11ectricfiel0 010.1el0.01
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
frequency [Hz]
occupational exposure general public exposure
Fig. 3. Reference levels for exposure to time varying electric fields (compare Tables 3 and 4).
828 Health Physics December 2010, Volume 99, Number 6
It is important to determine whether, in situations of
simultaneous exposure to fields of different frequencies,
these exposures are additive in their effects. The formu-
lae below apply to relevant frequencies under practical
exposure situations. For electrical stimulation, relevant
for frequencies up to 10 MHz, internal electric fields
should be added according to͸jϭ1 Hz
10 MHzEi,jEL,jՅ 1 (3)
where Ei,j is the internal electric field strength induced at
frequency j, and EL, j is the induced electric field strength
restriction at frequency j as given in Table 2.
For practical application of the basic restrictions, the
following criteria regarding reference levels of field
strengths should be applied:͸jϭ1 Hz
10 MHz EjER,jՅ 1 (4)and͸
jϭ1 Hz
10 MHz HjHR,jՅ 1 (5)
Ej ϭthe electric field strength at frequency j;
ER, j ϭthe electric field strength reference level at
frequency j as given in Tables 3 and 4;
Hj ϭis the magnetic field strength at frequency j;
HR, j ϭthe magnetic field strength reference level at
frequency j as given in Tables 3 and 4.
For limb current and contact current, respectively,
the following requirements should be applied:͸jϭ1 Hz
10 MHz IjIL,jՅ 1 (6)
where Ij is the contact current component at frequency j,
and IL,j is the reference level of the contact current at
frequency j as given in Table 5.
At low frequencies below 100 kHz the electric and
particularly magnetic fields are in most cases distorted by
harmonic components distributed over a large frequency
band. Consequently, the waveforms of the fields show
complex, often pulsed, patterns. It is always possible to
decompose such a field to discrete spectral components
by using, e.g., Fourier Transformation techniques (FT)
and applying the multiple frequency rule described
above. This procedure is based on the assumption that the
spectral components add in phase, i.e., all maxima
coincide at the same time and results in a sharp peak.
This is a realistic assumption when the number of
spectral components is limited and their phases are not
coherent, i.e., they vary randomly. For fixed coherent
phases the assumption may be unnecessarily conserva-
tive. Additionally, sampling and windowing in FT spec-
tral analysis may create spurious frequencies, which may
artificially increase the linearly summed exposure ratio.
An alternative option to the spectral method is to
weight the external electric and magnetic fields, in-
duced electric field and induced current with a filter
function which is related to the basic restriction or
reference level (ICNIRP 2003b; Jokela 2000). In the
case of a broadband field consisting of harmonic
components the restriction imposed by the filtering
can be presented mathematically asͯ͸iAiELi
cos͑2␲fit ϩ ␪i ϩ ␸i͒ͯՅ 1, (7)
where t is time and ELi is the exposure limit at the ith
harmonic frequency fi, where Ai, ␪i, ␸i, are the amplitudes
of the field, phase angles of the field and phase angles of
the filter at the harmonic frequencies. Except the phase
angles, the equation is similar to the summation eqns (3),
(4), and (5). More guidance on the practical implementation
of the weighting (determination of the weighted peak
exposure) is given in the informative annex (Appendix).
ICNIRP notes that protection of people exposed to
electric and magnetic fields could be ensured by compli-
ance with all aspects of these guidelines.
Measures for the protection of workers include
engineering and administrative controls, and personal
protection programs. Appropriate protective measures
must be implemented when exposure in the workplace
results in the basic restrictions being exceeded. As a first
step, engineering controls should be undertaken wher-
ever possible to reduce device emissions of fields to
acceptable levels. Such controls include good safety
design and, where necessary, the use of interlocks or
similar health protection mechanisms.
Administrative controls, such as limitations on ac-
cess and the use of audible and visible warnings, should
be used in conjunction with engineering controls. Per-
sonal protection measures, such as protective clothing,
though useful in certain circumstances, should be re-
garded as a last resort to ensure the safety of the worker,829Limiting exposure to time-varying electric and magnetic fields くろまる ICNIRP
and priority should be given to engineering and admin-
istrative controls wherever possible. Furthermore, when
such items as insulated gloves are used to protect
individuals from shock, the basic restrictions must not be
exceeded, since the insulation protects only against
indirect effects of the fields.
With the exception of protective clothing and other
personal protection, the same measures can be applied to
the general public whenever there is a possibility that the
general public reference levels might be exceeded. It is
also essential to establish and implement rules that will
くろまる interference with medical electronic equipment and
devices (including cardiac pacemakers);
くろまる detonation of electro-explosive devices (detonators);andくろまる fires and explosions resulting from ignition of flam-
mable materials by sparks caused by induced fields,
contact currents, or spark discharges.
As noted above, epidemiological studies have con-
sistently found that everyday chronic low-intensity
(above 0.3–0.4 ␮T) power frequency magnetic field
exposure is associated with an increased risk of child-
hood leukemia. IARC has classified such fields as
possibly carcinogenic. However, a causal relationship
between magnetic fields and childhood leukemia has not
been established nor have any other long term effects
been established. The absence of established causality
means that this effect cannot be addressed in the basic
restrictions. However, risk management advice, includ-
ing considerations on precautionary measures, has been
given by WHO (2007a and b) and other entities.
Acknowledgments—The support received by ICNIRP from the Interna-
tional Radiation Protection Association, the World Health Organization,
the International Labour Office, the European Commission, and the
German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and
Nuclear Safety is gratefully acknowledged. ICNIRP is also very thankful to
the ICNIRP consulting experts and all other reviewers for their contribu-
tion received via the open online consultation.
During the preparation of these guidelines, the composition of the
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection and the
ICNIRP ELF Task Group were as follows:
P. Vecchia, Chairperson (Italy)
M. Hietanen, Vice-Chairperson until 2008 (Finland)
R. Matthes, Vice-Chairperson since 2008 (Germany)
A. Ahlbom until 2008 (Sweden)
E. Breitbart until 2008 (Germany)
F. R. de Gruijl until 2008 (The Netherlands)
M. Feychting (Sweden)
A. Green (Australia)
K. Jokela (Finland)
J. Lin (USA)
R. Saunders (United Kingdom)
K. Schulmeister (Austria)
P. So
̈derberg (Sweden)
B. Stuck (USA)
A. Swerdlow (United Kingdom)
M. Taki until 2008 (Japan)
B. Veyret (France)
G. Ziegelberger, Scientific Secretary (Austria)
M. H. Repacholi, Chairman Emeritus (Switzerland)
R. Matthes (Germany), ELF Task Group Chairman
A. Ahlbom (Sweden)
K. Jokela (Finland)
C. Roy (Australia)
R. Saunders (United Kingdom)
Ahlbom A, Day N, Feychting M, Roman E, Skinner J,
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Tynes T, Verkasalo PK. A pooled analysis of magnetic
fields and childhood leukaemia. Br J Cancer 83:692–698;
Attwell D. Interaction of low frequency electric fields with the
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Bahr A, Bolz T, Hennes C. Numerical dosimetry ELF: Accu-
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92:521–530; 2007.
Barth A, Ponocny I, Ponocny-Seliger E, Vana N, Winker R.
Effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic field exposure
on cognitive functions: results of a meta-analysis. Bioelec-
tromagnetics 31:173–179; 2010.
Cech R, Leitgeb N, Pediaditis M. Current densities in a
pregnant woman model induced by simultaneous ELF
electric and magnetic field exposure. Phys Med Biol
53:177–186; 2008.
Cook CM, Thomas AW, Prato FS. Human electrophysiological
and cognitive effects of exposure to ELF magnetic and ELF
modulated RF and microwave fields: a review of recent
studies. Bioelectromagnetics 23:144–157; 2002.
Cook CM, Saucier DM, Thomas AW, Prato FS. Exposure to
ELF magnetic and ELF-modulated radiofrequency fields:
the time-course of physiological and cognitive effects ob-
served in recent studies (2001–2005). Bioelectromagnetics
27:613–627; 2006.
Crasson M. 50–60 Hz electric and magnetic field effects on
cognitive function in humans: a review. Radiat Protect
Dosim 106:333–340; 2003.
Crumpton MJ, Collins AR. Are environmental electromagnetic
fields genotoxic? DNA Repair (Amst) 3:1385–1387; 2004.
Dimbylow PJ. Development of the female voxel phantom,
NAOMI and its application to calculations of induced
current densities and electric fields from applied low fre-
quency magnetic and electric fields. Phys Med Biol
50:1047–1070; 2005.
Dimbylow PJ. Development of pregnant female, hybrid voxel-
mathematical models and their application to the dosimetry
of applied magnetic and electric fields at 50 Hz. Phys Med
Biol 51:2383–2394; 2006.
Garcia AM, Sisternas A, Hoyos SP. Occupational exposure to
extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields and
Alzheimer disease: a meta-analysis. Int J Epidemiol
37:329–340; 2008.
830 Health Physics December 2010, Volume 99, Number 6
Greenland S, Sheppard AR, Kaune WT, Poole C, Kelsh MA. A
pooled analysis of magnetic fields, wire codes, and child-
hood leukemia. Epidemiol 11:624–634; 2000.
Hirata A, Wake K, Watanabe S, Taki M. In-situ electric field
and current density in Japanese male and female models for
uniform magnetic field exposures. Radiat Protect Dosim
135:272–275; 2009.
Huss A, Spoerri A, Egger M, Ro ̈o ̈sli M. Residence near power
lines and mortality from neurodegenerative diseases: longi-
tudinal study of the Swiss population. Am J Epidemiol
169:167–175; 2009.
International Agency for Research on Cancer. Static and
extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields. Lyon,
France: IARC; IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of
Carcinogenic Risk to Humans Volume 80; 2002.
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protec-
tion. Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying elec-
tric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz).
Health Phys 74:494–522; 1998.
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protec-
tion. General approach to protection against non-ionizing
radiation. Health Phys 82:540–548; 2002.
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protec-
tion. Exposure to static and low frequency electromagnetic
fields, biological effects and health consequences (0–100
kHz). In: Bernhardt JH, Matthes R, McKinlay A, Vecchia P,
Veyret B, eds. Review of the scientific evidence and health
consequences. Munich: ICNIRP; 2003a.
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protec-
tion. Guidance on determining compliance of exposure to
pulsed and complex non-sinusoidal waveforms below 100
kHz with ICNIRP guidelines. Health Phys 84:383–387;
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protec-
tion. Medical magnetic resonance (MR) procedures: protec-
tion of patients. Health Phys 87:197–216; 2004.
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protec-
tion. Guidelines on limiting exposure to static magnetic
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International Electrotechnical Commission. Exposure to elec-
tric or magnetic fields in the low and intermediate frequency
range—methods for calculating the current density and
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IEC 62226; 2004.
International Electrotechnical Commission. Measurement
methods for electromagnetic fields of household appliances
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62233; 2005a.
International Electrotechnical Commission. Medical electrical
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ments and tests. Geneva: IEC 60601-1-2; 2005b.
IEEE. IEEE 1308 Recommended Practice for Instrumentation:
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IEEE. IEEE 644-1994 (Reaff 2008). IEEE Standard Procedures
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Jefferys JG. Experimental neurobiology of epilepsies. Curr
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Jokela K. Restricting exposure to pulsed and broadband mag-
netic fields. Health Phys 79:373–388; 2000.
Jokela K. Assessment of complex emf exposure situations
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Juutilainen J. Developmental effects of extremely low fre-
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Informative annex
Determination of the weighted peak exposure.
The weighting may be implemented by computing first
the spectrum of the waveform and then applying eqn (7).
In many applications, however, it is more convenient to
use analog or digital filtering of the waveform in the time
domain. The gain of the filter (ratio of the output to the
input signal) should vary as a function of frequency in
direct proportion to the exposure limit G ϭ EL(fref)/EL(f),
where EL is the limit at frequency f and fref is an arbitrary
reference frequency from 1 Hz to 100 kHz. The peak
value of the filtered waveform should not exceed the
exposure limit (basic restriction or reference level) con-
verted to the peak (amplitude) value at the reference
frequency. Table 6 shows an example of the derived peak
limits. In addition to the amplitude physical filters always
influence on the phase of the field, which changes the
peak value of the filtered field. As shown in Figs. 1, 2,
and 3 the limits are divided to the frequency ranges
where the limit varies directly proportional to 1/f2
, 1/f, f0
(constant), or f. On the 1/f2
, 1/f, f0
, and f ranges the phase
angle of the filter ␸i (see eqn 7) is 180, 90, 0, and Ϫ90°,
respectively. The weighting filter can be approximated
with an electronic or digital filter where the attenuation
should not deviate more than 3 dB and phase more than
90° from the exact piecewise linear frequency response.
As an example, Fig. A1 shows the attenuation and phase
as a function of frequency for the filter used for the
weighting of the induced electric field. The approximate
curves are based on a simple approximation with RC
(resistor/capacitor) type filter function. The weighted
peak approach can be used both for coherent and non-
coherent fields. In the latter case the measurement time
must be long enough to detect the worst case peak value
with a reasonable probability. In the case of non-coherent
fields, consisting of a few frequencies, the weighted peak
approach is identical to the spectral summation.
Adverse effect
An effect detrimental to the health of an individual
due to exposure to an electric or magnetic field, or a
contact current.
Averaging distance
The distance over which the internal electric field
is averaged when determining compliance with basic
Basic restrictions
Mandatory limitations on the quantities that closely
match all known biophysical interaction mechanisms
with tissue that may lead to adverse health effects.
Diseases characterized by the uncontrolled and ab-
normal division of eukaryotic cells and by the spread of
the disease (metastasis) to disparate sites in the organism.
Central nervous system (CNS)
The portion of the vertebrate nervous system con-
sisting of the brain and spinal cord, but not including the
peripheral nerves.
Table 6. Derived peak limits for non-sinusoidal electric and
magnetic fields. The reference frequency is 50 Hz.
(mV mϪ1)Brainbodytissue
(V mϪ1)B␮TOccupational ͱ2 ϫ 100 ͱ2 ϫ 800 ͱ2 ϫ 10,000 ͱ2 ϫ 1,000
General public ͱ2 ϫ 20 ͱ2 ϫ 400 ͱ2 ϫ 5,000 ͱ2 ϫ 200
Fig. A1. Amplitude and phase response for the weighting of the
induced electric field.
832 Health Physics December 2010, Volume 99, Number 6
Detailed physical properties of electric or magnetic
fields such as the magnitude, frequency spectrum, polar-
ization, modulation, etc.
A property of materials that determines the magni-
tude of the electric current density when an electric field
is impressed on the material, expressed in units of
siemens per meter (S mϪ1
); the inverse of resistivity.
Contact current
Current passed into a biological medium via a
contacting electrode or other source of current.
Current density
A vector of which the integral over a given surface
is equal to the current flowing through the surface; the
mean density in a linear conductor is equal to the current
divided by the cross-sectional area of the conductor.
Expressed in ampere per square meter (A mϪ2).DC
Abbreviation for "direct current," but also used for
to indicate constancy of fields, see "Static field."
Depolarization (cellular)
The reduction of the resting potential across a cellular
Direct effect
A biological effect resulting from direct interaction
of EMF with biological structures.
Direct electro stimulation
Stimulation via the electric field within the biolog-
ical medium induced by an external electric or magnetic
field without direct contact with other conductors or
spark discharges.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
A polymeric molecule consisting of deoxyribonu-
cleotide building blocks that in a double-stranded,
double-helical form is the genetic material of most
Measurement, or determination by calculation, of
internal electric field strength or induced current density
or specific absorption (SA), or specific absorption rate
(SAR), in humans or animals exposed to electromagnetic
Electric field
A vector field E measured in volts per meter.
Electric field strength (E)
Force exerted by an electric field on an electric point
charge, divided by the electric charge. Electric field
strength is expressed in newton per coulomb or volts per
meter (N/C ϭ V/m).
Electromagnetic energy
The energy stored in an electromagnetic field. Ex-
pressed in joule (J).
Electromagnetic fields
The combination of electric and magnetic fields in
the environment. This term is often confused with "elec-
tromagnetic radiation" and can therefore be misleading
when used with extremely low frequencies for which the
radiation is barely detectable.
Electro stimulation
Induction of a propagating action potential in excit-
able tissue by an applied electrical stimulus; electrical
polarization of presynaptic processes leading to a change
in post synaptic cell activity.EMFElectric and magnetic fields.
Established mechanism
A bioelectric mechanism having the following char-
acteristics: (a) can be used to predict a biological effect in
humans; (b) an explicit model can be made using
equations or parametric relationships; (c) has been veri-
fied in humans, or animal data can be confidently
extrapolated to humans; (d) is supported by strong
evidence; and (e) is widely accepted among experts in the
scientific community.
That which occurs whenever a person is subject to
the influence of a low frequency field or contact current.
Exposure, long-term
This term indicates exposure during a major part of
the lifetime of the biological system involved; it may,
therefore, vary from a few weeks to many years in
Exposure assessment
The evaluation of a person’s exposure by measure-
ments, modeling, information about sources or other
Exposure metric
A single number that summarizes exposure to an
electric and/or magnetic field. The metric is usually
determined by a combination of the instrument’s signal833Limiting exposure to time-varying electric and magnetic fields くろまる ICNIRP
processing and the data analysis performed after the
The number of sinusoidal cycles completed by
electromagnetic waves in 1 second; usually expressed in
hertz (Hz).
General public
The term General public refers to the entire popu-
lation. It includes individuals of all ages, and of varying
health status, and this will include particularly vulnerable
groups or individuals such as the frail, elderly, pregnant
workers, babies and young children.
General public exposure
All exposure to low frequency fields received by
members of the general public. This definition excludes
occupational exposure, and medical exposure.
Harmonic (frequency)
Frequencies that are integral multiples of the power
frequency or some other reference frequency.
Heart rate
The measurement of the number of heartbeats per
Hertz (Hz)
The unit for expressing frequency, (f). One hertz
equals one cycle per second. 1 kHz ϭ 1,000 Hz, 1
MHz ϭ 1,000 kHz, 1 GHz ϭ 1,000 MHz.
An electric or magnetic field in a conducting me-
dium caused by the action of a time-varying external
(environmental) electric or magnetic field.
Adjective used to describe particular parameters that
must be measured or evaluated over a very short time
interval (typically 100 microseconds or less).
Let-go current
The threshold current level at which involuntary
muscular contraction prevents release of a grip on an
energized conductor.
Magnetic field
A vector quantity, H, specifies a magnetic field at
any point in space, and is expressed in ampere per meter
(A mϪ1
). See also magnetic flux density.
Magnetic field strength (H)
The magnitude of the magnetic field vector; ex-
pressed in units of ampere per meter (A/m).
Magnetic flux density (B)
A vector quantity that determines the force on a
moving charge or charges (electric current). Magnetic
flux density is expressed in tesla (T). One gauss (depre-
cated unit) equals 10Ϫ4T.Magnetophosphenes
The sensation of flashes of light caused by induced
electric currents stimulating the retina.MeanThe arithmetic average of a series of measurements
or other data.
Median threshold
The threshold value within a statistical distribution
at which 50% of subjects have greater thresholds and
50% have lesser thresholds.
Medical exposure
Exposure of a person to low frequency fields re-
ceived as a patient undergoing medical diagnosis or
recognized medical treatment, or as a volunteer in med-
ical research.
A substance that is able to cause a mutation.
Any detectable and heritable change in the genetic
material not caused by genetic recombination.
A bundle of axons.
Nerve fiber
A single nerve axon.
A single cellular unit usually consisting of an axon,
cell body, and dendritic tree.
Non-ionizing radiation (NIR)
Includes all radiations and fields of the electromag-
netic spectrum that do not normally have sufficient
energy to produce ionization in matter; characterized by
energy per photon less than about 12 eV, which is
equivalent to wavelengths greater than 100 nm, or
frequencies lower than 3 ϫ 1015Hz.834 Health Physics December 2010, Volume 99, Number 6
No uniform field
A field that is not constant in amplitude, direction,
and relative phase over the dimensions of the body or
body part under consideration. In the case of electric
fields, the definition applies to an environmental field
undisturbed by the presence of the body.
Occupational exposure
All exposure to EMF experienced by individuals as
a result of performing their regular or assigned job
Peripheral nerve
Nerve found outside the central nervous system and
leading to and from the central nervous system.
The scalar or tensor quantity whose product by the
magnetic field strength is the magnetic flux density.
Note: For isotropic media, the permeability is a scalar;
for anisotropic media, a matrix. Synonym: absolute
permeability. If the permeability of a material or medium
is divided by the permeability of vacuum (magnetic
constant) ␮0, the result is termed relative permeability
(␮). Unit: henrys per meter (H mϪ1).Permittivity
A constant defining the influence of an isotropic
medium on the forces of attraction or repulsion between
electrified bodies, and expressed in farad per meter
(F/m); relative permittivity is the permittivity of a mate-
rial or medium divided by the permittivity of vacuum.
Phase duration (tp)
The time between zero crossings of a waveform
having zero mean. For a sine wave of frequency f, tp ϭ
1/(2f). For an exponential waveform, tp is interpreted as
the duration measured from the waveform peak to a point
at which it decays to 0.37 (eϪ1
) of its peak value.
Visual sensation caused by non-photic stimuli.
Electro-phosphenes are induced by electric currents;
magneto-phosphenes are induced magnetically.
Plasma membrane
Lipid bilayer that surrounds the cytoplasm of both
animal and plant cells.
Polarization (cellular)
The electric potential formed across a cell membrane.
Power frequency
The frequency at which AC electricity is generated.
For electric utilities, the power frequency is 60 Hz in
North America, Brazil, and parts of Japan, and 50 Hz in
much of the rest of the world.
One of a group of high-molecular weight, nitrogen-
containing organic compounds of complex shape and
Public exposure
All exposure to EMF experienced by members of
the general public, excluding occupational exposure and
exposure during medical procedures.
Radiofrequency (RF)
Electromagnetic energy with frequencies in the
range 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
Reduction factor
Reduction of the effect threshold to compensate for
various sources of uncertainty in the guideline setting
process. Some examples of sources of uncertainty about
exposure-effect threshold levels include the extrapolation
of animal data to effects on humans, differences in the
physiological reserves of different people with corre-
sponding differences in tolerance, and statistical uncer-
tainties (confidence limits) in the dose-response function.
In ICNIRP’s view, uncertainty in measurements used to
implement the guidelines is a problem more appropriate
to the functions of organizations responsible for the
development of compliance methods. It is not considered
in the setting of reduction factors by ICNIRP.
Reference levels
The rms and peak electric and magnetic fields and
contact currents to which a person may be exposed
without an adverse effect and with acceptable safety
factors. The reference levels for electric and magnetic
field exposure in this document may be exceeded if it
can be demonstrated that the basic restrictions are not
Thus, it is a practical or "surrogate" parameters that
may be used for determining compliance with the Basic
Relative permeability
(Absolute) permeability (q.v.) divided by the perme-
ability in vacuum. A value near one signifies that the
material is only weakly magnetized by an external field.
Relative phase
The phase angle of a sinusoidal waveform relative to
the phase angle of another waveform measured at a
different point within the conductive medium or with
respect to a stated reference waveform.835Limiting exposure to time-varying electric and magnetic fields くろまる ICNIRP
Relative risk (RR)
The ratio of the disease rate in the group under study
to that in a comparison group, with adjustments for
confounding factors such as age, if necessary. For rare
diseases, the relative risk is practically the same as the
odds ratio.
Root mean square (rms)
The square root of the mean of the square of a time
variant function, F(t), over a specified time period from
t1 to t2. It is derived by first squaring the function and
then determining the mean value of the squares obtained,
and taking the square root of that mean value, i.e.,
Frms ϭͱ 1t2 Ϫ t1͵t1t2
dt. (A1)S.I.Abbreviation for the International system of units.
Spatial peak
Term used to describe the highest level of a partic-
ular quantity averaged over a small mass or area in the
human body.
Spark discharge
The transfer of current through an air gap requiring
a voltage high enough to ionize the air, as opposed to
direct contact with a source.
Static field
A field that does not vary with time. In most
environments, electric and magnetic fields change with
time, but their frequency spectrum has a component at 0
Hz. This "quasi-static" component of the field can be
measured by averaging the oscillating signal over the
sample time.
Tesla (T)
S.I. unit of magnetic flux density. 1 tesla ϭ 10,000
gauss (q.v.).
The level of a stimulus marking the boundary
between a response and a no response.
Ventricular fibrillation
Arrhythmia of the ventricles of the heart character-
ized by rapid uncoordinated contractions.
A three-dimensional computational element. In this
standard used to represent animal and human tissues in
dosimetry models.
The variation of an electrical amplitude with time.
Unless otherwise stated, in this standard the term wave-
form refers to values (or measurements) at sites within
the biological medium.
See glossary term Occupational exposure.f f836 Health Physics December 2010, Volume 99, Number 6

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