Perception : What are the three stages of perception?

Introduction to Perception

Perception is defined as a set of processes used by humans to make sense of all the stimuli that we face. It is basically an interpretation about the situation we are in and it can range from the smell of the garden you are in to the sight of beautiful birds flying up in the sky. It all depends on how we interpret all these different sensations. These senses are nothing but sensory impressions we get from the stimuli in the world around us. It is perception which enables us and gives us the ability to navigate the world. It helps make decisions about everything, from which T-shirt to wear, which restaurant to go to or how fast to run away from a tiger.

Suppose we close your eyes. The thoughts that run in your mind are nothing but accumulation of data. And in this data, majority of it is perception. The things you see, smell, hear and feel and you make sense out of it and this process of using your stimuli and getting an impression and making an interpretation is perception. It is an unconscious process which keeps happening as and when we come across a stimuli.

The Perception Process

This process of perception is such that it always begins with a stimulus which happens every second around us and then it ends with what we interpret from that stimulus. The very amazing thing about it is that it is an unconscious process which happens at a subtle level thousand times a day and we don’t even realize it. Now one may ask what an unconscious process is, so to make it clear an unconscious process is simply one that happens without awareness or intention.
For example, the brain need not be told that it is hungry, or it is cold outside.

What are the Stages involved in Perception process ?

Perception has three stages, namely selection, organization and interpretation. We will see each of the following in detail.


Selection comes into the picture when there are many things and we can’t take in so much as the capacity of the brain is less therefore, we have to select the stimuli. That was in layman words. Talking about perception, the world that we live in is filled with an infinite number of stimuli that we might attend to, but our brains do not have the resources to pay attention to everything. So, our first step is Selection which means selecting what we would like to attend to. This is usually unconscious, but sometimes intentional decision. The stimuli that we select , it may be smell, sight, voice , touch or any sense perception, that becomes an attended stimuli. This is selection, the very first process of what we call as perception.


The choice that we make sets off a series of reactions in our brain once we have chosen to attend to a stimulus in the environment. This might be unconscious but most of the time its conscious. The process of the nerves is called the neural process and it starts with the activation of our sensory receptors. These receptors are nothing but touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. After the activation, the receptor transforms the energy into an activity which after being tr transmitted to our brains, becomes a mental represented created by us. This representation is called as precept. At a single point in time, we can create multiple precepts.


The last stage is of interpretation which happens after we have attended to a stimulus. After the organization of the information that our brain has received we interpret it in a way that makes sense using our existing information about the world. And then we turn it to something we can analyze and understand. This happens unconsciously thousands of times a day.
Thus, to conclude in a simple and apt way we can say that perception is organizing, identifying and then interpreting the information we get from the various stimuli and then represent and understand the world around.

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Lockdown Tips : 7 Ways to Improve Eating Habits Overnight

Consume More Fruits And Vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are the most accessible and portable food and the best part is these are so important and have to be included in your diet. There are many reasons as to why it is important to include them in your diet. They are basically nutritional powerhouses into your daily diet. Let’s see a few reasons why it should be included every day in your food:

  • The Problem Of Obesity Is Increasing Everyday
    We are getting obese and this is nothing but largely the result of being overfed and undernourished coupled with a sedentary lifestyle. The truth is the rise in obesity is at an all time high. What is happening is we are eating nutrient void, caloric-ally dense “sub-foods” which are loaded with fat, sugar, calories and chemicals and therefore we are gaining weight at rapid speed. To solve this and to lead a healthier life we need to consume fruits and vegetables daily. Therefore, so much weight age is given to it rather than high calorie foods.
  • It Is Best To Protect Your Health
    Fruits and vegetables protect you from chronic diseases. It contains essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that helps us be fit. These diseases and problems can be painful, debilitating and even fatal in some cases. It is seen that fruits and vegetables have the capability of protecting us against many problems. These problems may include heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, gastrointestinal issues, high blood pressure, eye disease and more.
  • Eating Fruit And Vegetables Boosts Your Immune System.
    We must have studied that our immune system is like an internal army. If it is healthy and strong, it protects its border against invasion. A weakened immune system is an open invitation to virus and bacterial invasion. Eating more fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet is an therefore important key to remain fit always.
  • Fruits And Vegetables Keep You Full For Longer.
    Health is important we all know but what also is a good thing about eating fruits and vegetables is that it keeps you full and you don’t feel hungry often. It gives you an inner satisfaction which is difficult to get otherwise.
  • It Also Boosts Your Confidence.
    It is a fact that high calorie food but is damaging to our mental and emotional health as well. If you eat well, you fell well. We feel lazy and tired after eating this kind of food, but if we eat fruits and vegetables we naturally feel good and more powerful and active.
  • Part Of A Treatment Plan.
    Fruits and vegetables are not only a healthy food option but also it helps in treatment against symptoms, illness, conditions and even disease. This is because of the benefits coming from the vital nutrients within certain fruits and vegetables. The best part is it comes without the harsh and painful side effects usually during medicines intake.
  • It Gives You More Energy.
    A healthy diet along with exercise and a healthy lifestyle will give you lasting energy. This is a fact and with this whatever you do can be done in a better way. Therefore it is highly recommended to include fruits and vegetables in your diet. As we have seen there are many reasons as to why it is important to include it in your diet. They are basically nutritional powerhouses into your daily diet.

We must have studied that our immune system is like an internal army. If it is healthy and strong, it protects its border against invasion. A weakened immune system is an open invitation to virus and bacterial invasion. Eating more fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet is an therefore important key to remain fit always. A healthy diet along with exercise and a healthy lifestyle will give you lasting energy. Therefore it is highly recommended to include fruits and vegetables in your diet. They are basically nutritional powerhouses into your daily diet.
So, with this let’s make sure we eat fruits and vegetables and pave the way to a happier, healthier and fitter lifestyle.

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Climate Risk : Effects of Thermal Pollution

With the given demand for cooling in power generation and other industrial processes, the extent of thermal pollution worldwide is huge and wide spread. It is mostly observed in the more mechanised countries. The countries of Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia show this trend majorly which is in the heavy influence of thermal pollution. The adversity of thermal pollution is usually related either to chemical contamination or biological contamination. These combined causes of pollution can create rigorous stresses on aqua-biotic ecosystems.

Effects of Thermal Pollution

There are mainly two schools of thought regarding their perception about the effects of thermal pollution. According to the first school of thought, without these industries operating like they do then many basic parts of human life would be rendered obsolete. Waste water will not be maintained properly and basic products won’t be provided then.On the other hand, according to the other group, there are more negatives of this on the marine ecosystems and how badly it reprimands the positive environmental practices. But it is very clear that the negatives outweigh the benefits that industries provide us with.

• Biodiversity Loss – With even a small glitch or dent in the aquatic system related to biological activity well being, there can be a heavy loss faced on the biodiversity front. As far as the changing conditions of the environment prevail, it may lead to make certain species of organisms to shift or migrate from their base. Again there can be many species that shift due to warmer waters prevailing in the water bodies. It is not easy for all the species to adjust to the warmer waters and some might have a lot of difficulty due to this.

• Disruption of Reproductive System – There is a noticeable pause and disruption in the reproduction of marine wildlife with also the likelihood of prevalence of defects in new born having increased considerably. This happens mainly due to the increased temperature conditions as reproduction happens within certain range of temperature only. Several activities like nest building, spawning, hatching, reproduction and migration depend hugely on an optimum temperature. Excessively higher temperatures can wane the release of immature eggs or prevent the normal development of eggs.

• Decrease in Dissolved Oxygen Levels – It is observed that the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) decreases with increase in temperature. The water with higher temperature reduces the levels of (DO) in water. The warm water holds relatively lesser amount of oxygen in dissolved form than cold water. With this condition of decreased presence of dissolved oxygen can create suffocation for plants and animals like fishes, amphibians and copepods due to anaerobic conditions. Also with warmer waters, algae can thrive better on the surface of water. More the algae more will the anaerobic conditions prevail in the water.

• Mortality & Migration of Aquatic Organisms– Thermal pollution is a major reason for the mortality of aquatic animals. Fishes die after a certain temperature due to failure of respiratory and nervous system. Again there are cases of migration taking place due to higher temperatures to more suitable environment catering for their requirements of survival. We might lose those species which depends on those species as a food source.

• Abnormal Metabolism – Thermal pollution causes the metabolic rate to increase of organisms. This makes them consume more food as their enzyme levels are increased rather than the normal conditions. Temperature plays an important role in the proper functioning of physiology, metabolism and biochemical processes which controls factors like respiratory rates, digestion, excretion and development of organisms. This disrupts the balance within the food chain and the species composition.

• Increased Toxins – more the flow of higher temperature waters from the industrial discharges more is the increased concentration of toxins into the water. Huge increase in the toxins that are being regurgitated into the water bodies. These toxins contain chemicals or radiation which have a harsh impact on the local ecology and becomes prone to diseases. The toxicity with warmer waters gets even more poisonous. At a higher temperature of even 10 degree Celsius doubles the toxic effect of Potassium Cyanide and O-Xylene at 80 degree Celsius causes tremendous fish mortality.

• Ecological Impact – With a sudden thermal shock from thermal pollution has the capability of mass killing of fish, insects, plants or amphibians. Warmer waters are not favorable for all types of species which might be better for only few species. Little increase in temperature has higher activities but then goes on decreasing with further rise. Some species are very sensitive and they undergo drastic changes in metabolism and other adverse cellular biological effects.

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How to Prevent Thermal Pollution?
How to control radioactive (nuclear) pollution?
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Ways to Prevent Ocean Pollution

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What is market positioning? Strategies, Significance

Once the list of target markets is made, the next step is to position the products in such a way that the target audience can connect with it Read More about - What is Market Segmentation? Basis, Types & Examples ) . This can be done through a good marketing mix. Therefore, a decision has to be taken as to how to create an identity or image of the product in the mind of the customer. We know that every segment is different from the others. This thus, makes the expectations of different customers with different ideas come into picture and a proper understanding of this will help the marketers.

The process of positioning a product in a market includes:
1. Identifying the differential advantages that are unique to each segment
2. Finding the different positioning concept for each of these segments.

This process is nothing but positioning . In simple terms, we can say that positioning is one of the STP’S, a marketing strategy that ails to create an image for the brand.

Once we have targeted the various segments, now comes the role of positioning. We need to understand the very aspects of each segment and using the marketing mix, use techniques such that the brand image is created in the minds of the consumers of the various segments. It can be done with the attributes and special features of the product or the umbrella brand under which the product is introduced. Once the product is positioned based on the marketers plan and expectation, the base of the market is set and the product is ready to do well in the industry.

Talking about positioning, it is all about how the message about the product is delivered to the consumers . The message and its communication is essential because the potential consumers will decide whether to buy or not. The message has to be communicated aptly which will include everything about the product as in where you sell your product, how you make it, where you make it and your price. This all should be done without your using any overt advertising, public relations or promotions.

Considerations and divisions in positioning strategy:

Specific Demographic:

You may not appeal to any group if you try to be everything to everyone.
For example, the deodorant called Carolina Herrera markets itself only for women. It might lose sales in the men part, but the market share is increased as by getting more women to buy this deodorant than other brands. Therefore, to build that trust you need to target a specific demography.

Low-Price Strategy:

Companies can never increase their market share if they target the elite classes through their premium products. They should have a strategy called as low price strategy which will ensure all the consumers can afford it and it gains the favor of price conscious consumers. For example in India, companies know that the Indian customers are very price sensitive, so when they market in India, they make sure the price is affordable. This strategy can gain favor from all the customers in the area and hence increase the share.

High-Price Strategy:

Some companies price their products higher than their competition, and this is because to want to create a perceived value. There is a common perception that high price means high quality. So, to create the sense of affluence, status and good quality, companies increase the prices of their products. They are called as premium goods. For example, Apple and Iphone.


The place where you sell your goods, speaks a lot about its quality. For example: Tennis and golf equipment manufacturers position certain models in a way that it seems that the quality is higher compared to other brands in their line . they sell it only in professional shops or speciality stores. Now the public usually believe these are the top-of-the-line models because these rackets and clubs may not be available at Walmart or Target. Hence they desire for more of these products.


You can position your company to play on their loyalty to their group if you have a customer base with a common, personal denominator. For examples – there are marketers who advertise their products as made locally or in the United States; Christian-owned businesses; alignment with a charity; or sponsorship of a school sports program.
Positioning is all about getting the product connected to the target market in a way that the product was conceived as or the marketing strategy. It is the step before the final delivery, but the ultimate step in terms of creating a reputation or brand that will either attract or repel customers in their own ways.

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What is insurance? What are the elements of a contract of insurance?

In modern times every exchange is based on an agreement that is enforceable by law and hence is a contract. There are many types of contracts that people enter into. It may be a service contract with an employer or a lease rental contract with a landlord or a business contract with a seller/buyer. And like all these, insurance is also a legally valid contract.

What is Insurance

Simply put, insurance is a contract in which an insurance company agrees to pay to the policyholder a predetermined amount or the extent of the loss (which ever less) that the policyholder has incurred because of the happening of an untoward incident(s), that were agreed to be compensated for in terms of money, all in exchange of insurance premium that the policyholder should pay to the insurance company for the contract to begin. The total value of coverage provided by the insurance company to the policyholder is called total sum insured. Read more : Beginner’s Guide to Insurance

Features of an insurance contract

  1. Utmost good faith:
    Insurance contracts have a peculiar feature of UTMOST GOOD FAITH because here the insurance company issues a policy in the name of the proposer (policy holder) by believing that all the details provided by the policyholder are completely true and provided in good faith and in utmost gold faith because the details are best known only to the proposer. The same is true vice versa also that the insurance company is expected to issue the policy by providing all the relevant policy details as understandable by the policy holder.
  2. Indemnification:
    The insurance company agrees to compensate or indemnify the policy holder, a loss that can be quantified in terms of money and compensate him in such a way that it puts the insured back in the position as if the accident had not happened. An insured does not stand to make a profit from an insurance contact.
  3. Insurance interest:
    The person taking the policy should have an interest in the well being of the person for whom or property for which he is taking the policy. This is called insurable interest. The policy buyer may acquire interest by common law of ownership or by a statute. Eg: Life insurance in the name of self or spouse or children; insurance for the property or business owned; insurance taken for one's employees.
  4. Consideration:
    A prerequisite for a contract is exchange of something in return for something. So the insurer agrees to compensate the insured in return for a small sum of money called premium which may be paid at the onset of the policy contract or in installments during policy period depending on the country's insurance regulations.
  5. Contribution:
    If an insurer holds policies from multiple insurance companies for the same subject matter, the insurance companies are required to share the compensation to be paid to the insured in the same proportion as the sum insureds the different policies. This is true in case of all policies except of life insurance and health insurance policies where each insurer is required to pay the whole sum insured to the policyholder.
  6. Subrogation:
    This feature of an insurance contract means that in case the insurance company pays the insurance amount to a policyholder because of the negligence caused by a third-party, the company is entitled to be of compensation by the third party.
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