We welcome you to enter the thrilling world of dangerous spies, exotic locations, deadly gadgets, iconic vehicles, and so much more.
Ian Fleming lounging at his desk in his Jamaica home Goldeneye. This is where Mr. Fleming wrote all of his James Bond novels and short stories. Courtesy of Ian Fleming Images / Copyright © Ian Fleming Estate. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Celebrating The Man Behind James Bond
We are dedicated to archiving, preserving, and celebrating the legacy of the author, adventurer, and intelligence agent, Ian Fleming...and his creation, secret agent 007, James Bond.
For over 30 years, The Ian Fleming Foundation has worked with universities, museums, libraries, publishers, the James Bond filmmakers, the Fleming family, and institutions around the globe to preserve and present this remarkable history.
From restoring lost vehicles from the James Bond films to being instrumental in building major collections housed at the University of Illinois and the University of Southern California to providing scholarships, the IFF continues to do important work across the spectrum of the wide and varied James Bond phenomenon.