Articles and Chapters
With approximately one hundred scientific articles, many of them on practical concerns such as fisheries and forest management, tropical agriculture and land use,
2010 – present
Gerald G. Marten, Xenia Caballero, Arnulfo Larios, and Hilda Bendaña. 2022. Proof of concept for eliminating Aedes aegypti production by means of integrated control including turtles, copepods, tilapia, larvicides, and community participation in Monte Verde, Honduras . Acta Tropica 227:106269. Online (open access) – Supplement 2 (original data, 6mb)
Samir El-Swaify and Gerald G. Marten. 2010. Human dimensions for conservation-effective natural resource management in the tropics . In Ted L. Napier (ed.), Human Dimensions of Soil and Water Conservation: A Global Perspective, p. 321-339. Nova Publishers.
Gerald Marten, Cynthia Harrison, Mieu Nguyen, Stephen Sackett, Gregory Thompson, Michael Carroll, and Claudia Riegel. 2010. Using Gambusia to control mosquito larvae in abandoned swimming pools: The New Orleans experience . New Orleans Mosquito, Termite, and Rodent Control Board. 73 p.
Gerald G. Marten. 2011. EcoTipping Points: Strategies for shifting from decline to restoration . Yes! Magazine
Gerald G. Marten. 2011. Book review: Priscila Lopes and Alpina Begossi (eds) – Current Trends in Human Ecology. Human Ecology – An Interdisciplinary Journal 39: 843–844.
Gerald G. Marten. 2012. Puntos de Inflexión Ecológica: palancas para la sustentabilidad (EcoTipping Points: levers for sustainability). In Evodia Silva Rivera, María del Carmen Vergara Tenorio, Ernesto Rodríguez-Luna (eds.), Casos Exitosos en la Construcción de Sociedades Sustentables, p. 33-58, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico. – View this article (English), View this article (Spanish).
Gerald G. Marten. 2012. Using ovitraps to assess the quantity of mosquito larval habitat during local eradication with source reduction and ovitraps . J. Med. Entomol. 49: 640-646.
Gerald Marten, Cynthia Harrison, Mieu Nguyen, Stephen Sackett, Gregory Thompson, Michael Carroll, and Claudia Riegel. 2012. The New Orleans experience: Using Gambusia to control mosquito larvae in abandoned swimming pools . Wing Beats 23(1): 27-35.
Gerald G. Marten (ed.). 2013. American food security: Improving the resilience of our food supply .Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, June 22-26, 2013, 237 p.
Gerald G. Marten, Cynthia Harrison, and Mieu Nguyen. 2014. The significance of aquatic habitat types when using Gambusia to control mosquito larvae in abandoned swimming pools in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina . New Orleans Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Control Board, 24 p.
Gerald G. Marten (ed.) 2015. Symposium on American Food Resilience – J. Environmental Studies & Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 3-4 (27 articles). Download articles – Download overview article
Gerald G. Marten and Nurcan Atalan-Helicke. 2015. Introduction to the Symposium on American Food Resilience . J Environ Studies & Sciences 5: 308–320.
Gerald G. Marten and Nurcan Atalan-Helicke. 2015. Introduction to the Symposium on American Food Resilience (Part 2) . J. Environmental Studies & Sciences 5: 537-542.
Laura Lengnick, Michelle Miller, and Gerald G. Marten. 2015. Metropolitan foodsheds: A resilient response to the climate change challenge? J. Environmental Studies & Sciences 5: 573-592
Brett Tolley, Regina Gregory, and Gerald G. Marten. 2015. Promoting resilience in a regional seafood system: New England and the Fish Locally Collaborative . J. Environmental Studies & Sciences 5: 593-607
Back to top2000 – 2009
Gerald G. Marten, Mieu Nguyen, and Giai Ngo. 2000. Copepod predation on Anopheles quadrimaculatus larvae in rice fields . J. Vector Ecology 25: 1-6.
Gerald G. Marten, Mieu Nguyen, Bruce Mason, and Giai Ngo. 2000. Natural control of Culex quinquefasciatus larvae in residential ditches by the copepod Macrocyclops albidus . J. Vector Ecology 25: 7-15.
Gerald G. Marten. 2000. Dengue hemorrhagic fever, mosquitoes, and copepods . J. Policy Studies (Japan) 9: 131-141.
Gerald G. Marten. 2005. Environmental tipping points: A new paradigm for restoring ecological security . J. Policy Studies (Japan) 20: 75-87.
Gerald G. Marten, Steve Brooks, and Amanda Suutari. 2005. Environmental tipping points: A new slant on strategic environmentalism (en Español, en Français, 日本語で). WorldWatch Magazine 18(6): 10-14.
Gerald G. Marten and Donna G. Williams. 2006. Getting clean: Recovery from pesticide addiction (en Español). The Ecologist 36(10):50-53.
Gerald G. Marten and Janet W. Reid. 2007. Cyclopoid copepods . In Tom Floore (ed.), Biorational Control of Mosquitoes, American Mosquito Control Association Bulletin No. 7:65-92.
Gerald G. Marten. 2007. Larvicidal algae . In Tom Floore (ed.), Biorational Control of Mosquitoes, American Mosquito Control Association Bulletin No. 7:179-185.
Gerald G. Marten. 2007. Turtles . In Tom Floore (ed.), Biorational Control of Mosquitoes, American Mosquito Control Association Bulletin No. 7:224-227.
Amanda Suutari and Gerald G. Marten. 2007. EcoTipping Points: How vicious cycles can become virtuous . Earth Island Journal 22(2):26-31.
Gerald G. Marten and Amanda Suutari, 2007, Eco Tipping Points , Our Planet 17 (December):20-21
Gerald G. Marten and Catherine E. Matthews. 2009. EcoTipping Points: Sharing environmental success stories with students . The Science Teacher 76(7):43-48.
Back to top1990 – 1999
Gerald G. Marten. 1990. Small-scale Agriculture in Southeast Asia . In M.A. Altieri and S. Hecht (eds.), Agroecology and Small Farm Development, p. 177-194. CRC Press.
Gerald G. Marten. 1990. Issues in the development of cyclops for mosquito control . Arbovirus Research in Australia 5: 159-164.
Gerald G. Marten. 1990. Evaluation of cyclopoid copepods for Aedes albopictus control in tires . J. Amer. Mosq. Control Assoc. 6: 681-688.
Gerald G. Marten. 1990. Elimination of Aedes albopictus from tire piles by introducing Macrocyclops albidus (Copepoda, Cyclopidae) . J. Amer. Mosq. Control Assoc. 6: 689-693.
Marco F. Suárez, Gerald G. Marten, and Gary G. Clark. 1992. A simple method for cultivating freshwater copepods used in biological control of Aedes aegypti . J. Amer. Mosq. Control Assoc. 8: 409-412.
Gerald G. Marten, Mary Cush, Eduardo Fernández, Gerardo Borjas, and Hector Portillo. 1992. Mesocyclops longisetus and other forms of biological control for Aedes aegypti larvae in the Integrated Dengue Control Project, El Progreso, Honduras. In S.B. Halstead and H. Gomez-Dantes (eds.), Dengue–a worldwide problem, a common strategy, Proc. International Conference on Dengue and Aedes aegypti Community-based Control, p. 133-137. Mexican Ministry of Health and Rockefeller Foundation, Mexico.
Gerald G. Marten, Wenyan Che, and Edgar S. Bordes. 1993. Compatibility of cyclopoid copepods with mosquito insecticides . J. Amer. Mosq. Control Assoc. 9: 150-154.
Gerardo Borjas, Gerald G. Marten, Eduardo Fernández, and Hector Portillo. 1993. Juvenile turtles for mosquito control in water storage tanks . J. Med. Entomol. 30: 943-946.
Gerald G. Marten. 1993. Biological control. In C.L. Meek and G.R. Hayes (eds.), Commercial Pesticide Applicator Mosquito Control Training Manual, p. 57-61. Louisiana Mosquito Control Assn., New Orleans, LA.
Eric T. Schreiber, W. L. Turner III, A. M. Lopez, C. F. Hallmon, and Gerald G. Marten. 1993. Evaluation of two cyclopoid copepods for Aedes albopictus control in the panhandle of Florida at low introduction rates. J. Florida Mosquito Control Assoc. 64: 73-77.
Gerald G. Marten, Edgar S. Bordes, and Mieu Nguyen. 1993. Operational use of cyclopoid copepods at the New Orleans Mosquito Control Board. J. Florida Mosquito Control Assoc. 64: 129-131.
Gerald G. Marten, Gerardo Borjas, Mary Cush, Eduardo Fernández, and Janet W. Reid. 1994. Control of larval Ae. aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) by cyclopoid copepods in peridomestic breeding containers . J. Med. Entomol. 31: 36-44.
Janet W. Reid and Gerald G. Marten. 1994. The cyclopoid copepod (Crustacea) fauna of non-planktonic habitats in Louisiana and Mississippi. Tulane Studies in Zoology & Botany 30: 39-45.
Gerald G. Marten, Edgar S. Bordes, and Mieu Nguyen. 1994. Use of cyclopoid copepods for mosquito control . Hydrobiologia 292/293: 491-496.
Gerald G. Marten, Marco F. Suárez, and R. Astaiza. 1996. An ecological survey of Anopheles albimanus larval habitats in Colombia . J. Vector Ecology 21: 122-131.
Eric T. Schreiber, C. F. Hallmon, K. M. Eskridge, and Gerald G. Marten. 1996. Effects of Mesocyclops longisetus (Copepoda:Cyclopoda) on mosquitoes that inhabit tires: influence of litter type, quality, and quantity. J. Amer. Mosquito Control Assoc. 12: 688-694.
Gerald G. Marten, Mieu Nguyen, Greg Thompson, and Edgar S. Bordes. 1997. Copepod production and application for mosquito control . New Orleans Mosquito Control Board, New Orleans, LA, 43 p.
Vu S. Nam, Nguyen T. Yen, Brian H. Kay, Gerald G. Marten, and Janet W. Reid. 1998. Eradication of Aedes aegypti from a village in Vietnam, using copepods and community participation . Am. J. Trop. Med. Hygiene. 59: 657-660.
Gerald G. Marten. 1999. Cyclopoids, mosquitoes, and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Monoculus 38: 21-27.
Vu S. Nam, V. T. Tran, Q. H. Trinh, T. Y. Nguyen, Brian H. Kay, R. Marchand, Gerald G. Marten, M. Hołyńska, Janet W. Reid. 1999. Mesocyclops of Vietnam Part I – Laboratory evaluation as biological agent for control of Aedes aegypti. Dengue Bulletin 23, December 1999. 3 pp.
Back to top1980 – 1989
Gerald G. Marten and Luis A. Sancholuz. 1981. Estudio ecológico de las zonas cafetaleras de Veracruz, Puebla, Hidalgo y Tamaulipas. Biótica (Mexico) 6: 7-32.
Gerald G. Marten and Luis A. Sancholuz. 1981. Planeación ecológica del uso de la tierra y evaluación de la capacidad de sustentación en la región Jalapa. Biótica (Mexico) 6: 123-153.
Luis A. Sancholuz, Gerald G. Marten, and Manuel G. Zola. 1981. Tipos de tierra para la planeación ecológica del uso de la tierra. Biótica (Mexico) 6: 155-172.
Gerald G. Marten and Luis A. Sancholuz. 1981. El maíz como indicador de productividad de la tierra en la región Xalapa. Biótica (Mexico) 6: 173-180.
Gerald G. Marten. 1981. A landscape approach approach to regional land use planning in tropical Mexico. In R.A. Carpenter (ed.), Assessing Tropical Forest Lands: their Suitability for Sustainable Uses, p. 208-227. Tycooly Press.
Gerald G. Marten. 1981. Ecological data requirements for managing Hawaii’s coastal zone fishery. Hawaii Dept. Fish and Game report, 27 p.
Gerald G. Marten, Yoshiaki Matsuda, John Bardach, Salvatore Comitini and Sutanto Hardjolukito. 1981. A strategic goal analysis of options for tuna joint ventures in Southeast Asia: Indonesia-Japan case study. East-West Environment and Policy Institute Research Report No. 3, 74 p. (Reprinted in Indonesian language in F. Marahudin and I.R. Smith [eds.], Ekonomi Perikanan: dari Pengelolaan ke Permasalahan Praktis, Jilid II, p. 308-337. Diterbitkan oleh Yayasan Obor Indonesia and Penerbit PT Gramedia, Jakarta, 1987.)
Gerald G. Marten, Daryl Babor, Prahlad Kasturi, Debra A. Lewis, Claire Mulcock, Linda Christanty, and Ian P. Willington. 1981. Environmental considerations for biomass energy development: Hawaii case study. East-West Environment and Policy Institute Research Report No. 9, 58 p.
Gerald G. Marten and Jeffrey J. Palovina. 1982. A comparative study of fish yields from various tropical ecosystems. In D. Pauly and G.I. Murphy (eds.), Theory and Management of Tropical Fisheries, p. 255-285. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila and Fisheries Research Div., CSIRO, Australia.
Gerald G. Marten, Sutanto Hardjolukito, Yoshiaki Matsuda, and Salvatore Comitini. 1982. Persetujuan Indonesia-Jepeng: Studi kasis perikanan tuna di laut Banda. Prisma (Indonesia) 11: 29-43. (In Indonesian)
Gerald G. Marten, Yoshiaki Matsuda, John Bardach, Salvatore Comitini, and Sutanto Hardjolukito. 1982. A goal analysis of alternative tuna fishery arrangements between Indonesia and Japan. Ocean Management 8: 125-150.
Yoshiaki Matsuda, Gerald G. Marten, John Bardach, Salvatore Comitini, Sutanto Hardjolukito, and S. Djajadiningrat. 1982. Potentials of tuna longline fishery joint ventures in Southeast Asia: a hypothetical case study between Japan and Indonesia. Gyopo Keizi Kenkyuu (J. Resource Economics, Japan) 26: 29-56. (In Japanese)
Ian P. Willington and Gerald G. Marten. 1982. Options for handling alcohol stillage waste from sugar-based fuel ethanol production. Resources and Conservation 8: 111-129.
Gerald G. Marten and Luis A. Sancholuz. 1982. Ecological land use planning and carrying capacity evaluation in the Jalapa region (Veracruz, Mexico). Agro-Ecosystems 8: 83-124.
Gerald G. Marten. 1982. Land use issues in biomass energy planning. Resource Policy 8: 65-74.
Gerald G. Marten. 1983. Book review: Fisheries Ecology by T.J. Pitcher and P.J.B. Hart. Bioscience 33: 202-203.
Gerald G. Marten. 1984. Impact of the copepod Mesocyclops leuckarti pilosa and the green alga Kirchneriella irregularis upon larval Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae). Bull. Soc. Vector Ecol. 9: 1-5.
Gerald G. Marten. 1985. Radiotracer estimation of microbial biomass in lake sediment. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 42: 373-379.
Gerald G. Marten. 1985. The tropical rainforest as an ecosystem. In A. Terry Rambo and P.E. Sajise (eds.), An Introduction to Human Ecology Research on Agricultural Systems in Southeast Asia, p. 61-74. Univ. Philippines Press.
Gerald G. Marten. 1985. Population ecology. In A. Terry Rambo and P.E. Sajise (eds.), An Introduction to Human Ecology Research on Agricultural Systems in Southeast Asia, p. 98-110. Univ. Philippines Press.
Gerald G. Marten. 1985. Agroecosystem analysis. Ministry of Environment, Beijing, China, 47 p. (In Chinese)
Ana Doris Capistrano and Gerald G. Marten. 1986. Agriculture in Southeast Asia. In Gerald G. Marten (ed.), Traditional Agriculture in Southeast Asia, p. 6-19. Westview Press.
Gerald G. Marten and Daniel M. Saltman. 1986. The human ecology perspective. In Gerald G. Marten (ed.), Traditional Agriculture in Southeast Asia, p. 20-53. Westview Press.
Katin Srimongkol and Gerald G. Marten. 1986. Traditional agriculture in Northern Thailand. In Gerald G. Marten (ed.), Traditional Agriculture in Southeast Asia, p. 85-102. Westview Press.
Anan Polthanee and Gerald G. Marten. 1986. Rainfed cropping systems in Northeast Thailand. In Gerald G. Marten (ed.), Traditional Agriculture in Southeast Asia, p. 103-131. Westview Press.
Linda Christanty, Oekan S. Abdoellah, Gerald G. Marten, and Johan Iskandar. 1986. Traditional agroforestry in West Java: the pekerangan (homegarden) and kebun-talun (annual-perennial rotation) cropping systems. In Gerald G. Marten (ed.), Traditional Agriculture in Southeast Asia, p. 133-158. Westview Press.
J. Peter Brosius, George W. Lovelace, and Gerald G. Marten. 1986. Ethnoecology: an approach to understanding traditional agricultural knowledge. In Gerald G. Marten (ed.), Traditional Agriculture in Southeast Asia, p. 187-198. Westview Press.
Gerald G. Marten and Patma Vityakon. 1986. Soil management in traditional agriculture. In Gerald G. Marten (ed.), Traditional Agriculture in Southeast Asia, p. 199-225, Westview Press.
Becky J. Brown and Gerald G. Marten. 1986. The ecology of traditional pest management in Southeast Asia. In Gerald G. Marten (ed.), Traditional Agriculture in Southeast Asia, p. 241-272. Westview Press.
Oekan S. Abdoellah and Gerald G. Marten. 1986. The complementary roles of homegardens, upland fields, and rice fields for meeting nutritional needs in West Java. In Gerald G. Marten (ed.), Traditional Agriculture in Southeast Asia, p. 293-325. Westview Press.
Gerald G. Marten. 1986. Traditional agricultural knowledge and agricultural research in Southeast Asia. In Gerald G. Marten (ed.), Traditional Agriculture in Southeast Asia, p. 326-340. Westview Press.
Gerald G. Marten. 1986. Indigestible phytoplankton for mosquito control. Parasitology Today 2: 150-151.
Gerald G. Marten. 1986. Mosquito control by plankton management: the potential of indigestible green algae. J. Trop. Med. Hygiene 89: 213-222.
Gerald G. Marten. 1987. The potential of mosquito-indigestible phytoplankton for mosquito control. J. Amer. Mosquito Control Assoc. 3: 105-106.
Oekan S. Abdoellah and Gerald G. Marten. 1988. Production of human nutrients from homegarden, upland field (kebun), and ricefield agricultural systems in the Jatigede area (West Java). In O. Soemarwoto and A. Terry Rambo (eds.), Impact of Development of Human Activity Systems in Southeast Asia, p. 1-30. Institute of Ecology, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia.
Gerald G. Marten and Oekan S. Abdoellah. 1988. Crop diversity and nutrition in West Java. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 21: 17-42.
Gerald G. Marten. 1988. Productivity, stability, sustainability, equitability and autonomy as properties for agroecosystem assessment. Agricultural Systems 26: 291-316.
Gerald G. Marten 1988. Measurement problems in agroecosystem analysis: a critique of system properties. In K. Rerkasem and A. Terry Rambo (eds.), Agroecosystem Research for Rural Development, p. 32-58. Multiple Cropping Centre, Chiangmai University, Thailand.
Gerald G. Marten and A. Terry Rambo. 1988. Guidelines for writing comparative case studies on Southeast Asian rural ecosystems. In K. Rerkasem and A. Terry Rambo (eds.), Agroecosystem Research for Rural Development, p. 263-285. Multiple Cropping Centre, Chiangmai University, Thailand.
Gerald G. Marten. 1988. A nutritional calculus for homegarden design: case study from West Java. In K. Landauer and M. Brazil (eds.), Tropical Home Gardens, p. 147-168. United Nations University Press, Tokyo.
Gerald G. Marten. 1988. An environmental data base for resource planning and development in the Lower Mekong Basin. Mekong Secretariat Report, Bangkok, Thailand, 42 p.
Gerald G. Marten. l989. A survey of cyclopoid copepods for control of Aedes albopictus larvae. Bull. Soc. Vector Ecol. 14: 232-236.
Gerald G. Marten, Rodrigo Astaeza, Marco F. Suárez, Cesar Monje, and Janet W. Reid. 1989. Natural control of larval Anopheles albimanus (Diptera: Culicidae) by the predator Mesocyclops (Copepoda: Cyclopoida). J. Med. Entomol. 26: 624-627.
Back to top1970 – 1979
Gerald G. Marten. 1970. A regression method for mark-recapture estimation of population size with unequal catchability. Ecology 51: 291-295.
John A. C. Fortescue and Gerald G. Marten. 1970. Micronutrients: forest ecology and systems analysis. In D.E. Reichle (ed.), Analysis of Temperate Forest Ecosystems, p. 173-198. Springer-Verlag.
Gerald G. Marten. 1972. Censusing mouse populations by means of tracking. Ecology 53: 859-867.
Gerald G. Marten. 1972. The remote sensing approach to censusing. Researches on Population Ecology (Japan) 14: 36-57.
Gerald G. Marten. 1973. Time patterns of Peromyscus activity and their correlations with weather. J. Mammalogy 54: 169-188.
Gerald G. Marten. 1973. An optimization equation for predation. Ecology 54: 92-101.
Gerald G. Marten and Teresa Stachurska. 1973. An experimental examination of food chain stability theory. Inst. Animal Resource Ecology Report, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 15 p.
Gerald G. Marten. 1974. Impact of the amphipod Hyalella azteca on its food in the sediment of Marion Lake, British Columbia. Inst. Animal Resource Ecology Report, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 37p.
Gerald G. Marten. 1974. A carbon budget for the sediment ecosystem in Marion Lake, British Columbia. Inst. Animal Resource Ecology Report, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 19 p.
Gerald G. Marten. 1974. Regulation of heterotrophic bacterial production in the sediment of Marion Lake, British Columbia. Inst. Animal Resource Ecology Report, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 26 p.
Gerald G. Marten. 1974. Patterns in the catch records from the Kenya area of Lake Victoria. East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization Annual Report (1973), p. 20-22.
Gerald G. Marten, Pierre Kleiber, and J. A. Keith Reid. 1975. A computer program for fitting tracer kinetic and other differential equations to data. Ecology 56: 752-754.
Gerald G. Marten and Lemuel T. Guluka. 1975. Fluctuations in fish catches and prices and their correlations with climatic factors. East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization Annual Report (1974), p. 69-75.
Gerald G. Marten. 1975. Examination of length frequency distributions to evaluate overfishing. East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization Annual Report (1974), p. 76-80.
Benny Wanjala and Gerald G. Marten 1975. Survey of the Lake Victoria fishery in Kenya. East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization Annual Report (1974), p. 81-85.
Gerald G. Marten. 1976. Mortality rates and optimum yields from average lengths (links to a more complete version of the same article). East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization Annual Report (1975), p. 22-24.
Gerald G. Marten, Benny Wanjala, and Lemuel J. Guluka. 1976. Exploratory trawling of the Lake Victoria fishery in Kenya during 1975. East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization Report, 19 p.
Gerald G. Marten, Benny Wanjala, Richard J. Scully, and John N. Rinne. 1976. Recommendations for management and research on the fishery of Lake Victoria. East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization Report, 9 p.
Gerald G. Marten. 1978. Calculating mortality rates and optimum yields from samples of average lengths. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 35: 197-201.
Gerald G. Marten. 1979. The impact of fishing on the inshore fishery of Lake Victoria. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 36: 891-900.
Gerald G. Marten. 1979. Predator removal: its impact on fish yields in Lake Victoria (East Africa). Science 203: 646-647.
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