Ice Age Review

Ice Age is a straightforward platform game with a host of problems that ultimately make it a completely joyless experience.

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Based on the box-office smash of the same name, Ice Age for the Game Boy Advance is a straightforward platform game with a host of problems that ultimately make it a completely joyless experience. That said, fans of the film will be able to play as the lovable characters found in the movie, albeit in a 2D side-scrolling environment. While the game does bring these characters to an interactive medium, the frustrating gameplay will turn even the most eager gamer's experience sour after a few levels.

Manny and Roshan in action.
Manny and Roshan in action.

While playing the game, you take control of Sid or the team of Manny and Roshan. Manny and Roshan's levels are more free-form, allowing you to take your time, while Sid's levels actually push you along. The goal of each level is to collect as many nuts as you can and make it to the end safely. The game is easy enough to play, as the controls are extremely simple, but it is plagued with awful collision detection, obstacles that blend in with the background, and an overall feeling that trial and error is the key to beating the game. What this means is that you'll spend quite a bit of time replaying the same sequences over and over until you memorize a level well enough to complete it. Collecting 40 or more nuts in each and every level will ultimately yield a special surprise at the end, but even the most diligent gamer probably won't want to bother.

The game is very simple from a visual and aural standpoint. The character designs are plain, although easily recognizable. The music and sound effects are repetitive and generally uninteresting. In short, this is not a game that is easy to recommend, even if the film Ice Age happens to be a favorite of yours. If you're looking for a platform game for the Game Boy Advance, there are a number of better choices available.

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    Video Producer/Shooter/Editor. Mass Consumer of Television & Film. Music Lover. Creative Re-user. Paper Folder. Misc