The Friardale website is moving to a new hosting company. All the Hamilton material has now been migrated, the rest will take a little longer.
The Friardale website was originally conceived to provides access to Charles Hamilton material available in electronic format but has broadened to include other popular authors mainly from the pre WW2 Amalgamated Press stable.
This website would not have been possible without the material supplied by the members of the various Hamilton Yahoo groups and I thank them for their contribution. They have given their time to scan rare and valuable material so that others can enjoy it for free. I emphasise the word "free", please do not risk losing the goodwill of the contributors or indeed the existence of this site by exploiting the contents for financial gain.
The layout of this site is always going to be functional rather than artistic as I have neither the time nor skill to produce anything else! If you have any material you would like to share then please contact me. It doesn't have to be in electronic format, I can still get good results from scanning photocopies or digital photographs. A list of issues we still need can he found here.
If you are the copyright owner of anything on this site, please contact me and if your rights have been breached the relevant items will be deleted. All material on this website is intended for personal use only.
Please be aware that many of the story papers featured on this site are over 100 years old and some of the language in common use then may be considered offensive by some readers today.
A number of the story papers featured on this website were scanned by Allan S from the collection of the British Library and are reproduced with their kind permission. ゥ British Library Board
Site last updated on 5th December 2024. Click Here to see what's new.
We now have group chat in place that allows
people who appreciate the works of Charles Hamilton to discuss his works -
you can join the group via the link below.
The Bunter, Frank Richards and Charles Hamilton
Yahoo groups have been migrated to this group.