Fermilab Today Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015
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In Brief

University of Chicago celebrates 125th anniversary with affiliated laboratories - Nov. 13

As director of one of University of Chicago's affiliated national laboratories, Nigel Lockyer will be a discussion participant at the Nov. 13 celebration of the university's 125th anniversary.

Editor's note: Transportation will be available from Fermilab to the event and back on Nov. 13. Please contact Barb Kronkow for more information.

In honor of its 125th anniversary, the University of Chicago and its affiliated laboratories — Argonne National Laboratory, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts — will host a program featuring a panel discussion relating to the history and future of these collaborations, including current scientific partnerships and discoveries on the horizon. The event will take place on Friday, Nov. 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in the William Eckhardt Research Center, 5640 S. Ellis Ave.

All are invited to attend. Visit the event website to RSVP. The program will also be webcast.

The program will include remarks by Mayor Rahm Emanuel and President Robert J. Zimmer, as well as a conversation between Provost Eric Isaacs, who served as director of Argonne from 2009 to 2014, and School of the Art Institute of Chicago President Walter Massey, a Trustee Emeritus of the University as well as a member of the boards of both Argonne and MBL. Massey served as Argonne's director from 1979 to 1984. Isaacs will also lead a panel discussion with Peter B. Littlewood, director of Argonne; Nigel Lockyer, director of Fermilab; and Huntington Willard, president and director of the MBL.

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Photo of the Day

Praying mantis of prey

This praying mantis appears to be preying on our fears. Photo: Benjamin Galan, TD
In the News

A Large Hadron Collider upgrade will produce 15 million Higgs bosons per year

From Motherboard, Oct. 30, 2015

This year, the Large Hadron Collider was rebooted to run at twice its previous energy, in an effort to redouble particle physics research after the Higgs boson discovery in 2012.

But researchers at CERN, the Geneva-based European Organisation for Nuclear Research, are already looking to much greater possibilities, with a major upgrade officially entering the construction phase this week.

The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will see the world's largest particle accelerator given a major tech boost from 2025. CERN claims the High Luminosity upgrade will deliver 10 times more particle collisions than the LHC. And in the simplest terms, more collisions means more discoveries.

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From the Universities Research Association

URA celebrates 50 years

Ezra Heitowit

Ezra Heitowit, URA vice president from 1986-2008, wrote this column.

As the Fermilab community prepares to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of National Accelerator Laboratory, it is timely to recognize the establishment of Universities Research Association Inc. 50 years ago, in 1965.

URA, a consortium of leading research universities, has been involved in the management and operations of Fermilab throughout the entire history of the laboratory, first as the sole contracting organization starting in 1967, and since 2007 as a partner with the University of Chicago in Fermi Research Alliance LLC.

The determination to create a geographically representative, university-based management organization grew out of deliberations of a special panel appointed in late 1962 by high-level government advisory committees to assess the needs in high-energy accelerator physics. Chaired by physicist Norman Ramsey of Harvard University, the panel considered numerous proposals for new accelerator facilities in the range of 10-1,000 GeV. The leading recommendation in the panel's May 1963 report was the construction of a 200-GeV proton accelerator. The panel also recommended that "the larger accelerator installations should incorporate an administrative structure with national representation to assure that all proposals from qualified scientists be considered on equal footing."

The president of the National Academy of Sciences convened a meeting of 25 university presidents on Jan. 17, 1965. At this meeting it was decided to create a new organization, URA, and to offer its services to manage the proposed 200-GeV accelerator wherever it might be located. In June 1965, 34 university presidents met to establish URA as an organization with a Council of Presidents representing each of the member universities and a Board of Trustees actively responsible for the management of URA, including the responsibility to elect the corporation president and the laboratory director. On Nov. 7, 1965, the council elected its chair and vice chair and members of the URA Board of Trustees, which held its first meeting on Dec. 12, 1965. The board elected Norman Ramsey as URA president in July 1966. Ramsey served with distinction through 1973, the eventful period for the creation of Fermilab, and then served again for several terms from 1974 to 1981.

Over the years, URA's membership expanded to the current 89 universities, and its broad base was reflected in the explicit regional representation of the member universities on URA governing boards, along with at-large representatives from industry and the public interest. Robert Wilson and Leon Lederman were among the distinguished scientists who served on the first URA Board of Trustees and were later appointed as the first and second laboratory directors, respectively.

For more complete details, I recommend "The Early History of URA and Fermilab," Ramsey's historical retrospective, which is available in the Fermilab archives. You can also view his 1967 URA Annual Report.

Norman Ramsey speaks at the dedication of Ramsey Auditorium on Oct. 1, 1981. Photo: Fermilab
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