Fermilab Today Monday, Aug. 24, 2015
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Wellness Feature of the Month

September fitness classes and complimentary wellness

Complimentary Wellness

Walk 2 Run
This free 10-week program teaches you to run, improves fitness, and assists in losing weight and lowering cholesterol. All are welcome regardless of age, speed or experience. Wear athletic shoes. Minimum six participants.
Thursdays, Aug. 27-Oct. 29, 4:45-5:30 p.m.
Outside Wilson Hall, east side

Lunch and Learn: Back Pain and Spine Surgery Prevention
Thursday, Sept. 24, noon-1 p.m.
Curia II
Lunch is provided. Limited to 25. Reserve your spot by emailing Megan Diehm
Presented by Airrosti Rehab Centers LLC

Tai Chi for Health
Mondays and Thursdays through Dec. 17, noon-1 p.m.
Wednesdays through Dec. 16, 7-8 a.m.
Ramsey Auditorium

Fitness Classes

Line Dancing
Tuesdays, Sept. 8-Oct. 27, 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Kuhn Barn upper level
65ドル. Register by Sept. 1.

Mat Pilates
Mondays, Sept. 14-Oct. 26, noon-12:45 p.m.
Fitness Center Exercise Room
87ドル. Register by Sept. 8.

Employee Golf League Event

Friday, Sept. 11, 7:30 a.m. shotgun start
Orchard Valley Golf Course
55ドル: golf, cart, range, hot lunch and contests.
Open to Fermilab employees, retirees, users, contractors and immediate family members.
Register by Aug. 28: William Wester, x2113; Don Arnold, x2871; Mike Matulik, x4091; Kevin McDonough, x3721.

Employee Discounts
Visit the employee discount Web page.

Photo of the Day

The alluring coralberry

You can see these coralberry plants near the MINOS building. Don't let yourself be too attracted by them, though: Coralberry is an invasive species. Photo: Prabhjot Singh, University of Delhi
In the News

GBN students test their particle physics theory at Fermilab

From Chicago Tribune, Aug. 21, 2015

If the hunch of several Glenbrook North High School students is correct, the nuclear power industry may someday owe them a major thank you.

Currently, the durability of rods used to clad, or sheath, nuclear reactor fuel can be tested only by putting them in a reactor for a few years to see what constant neutron bombardment does to their microscopic innards, said Nathan Unterman, a science teacher at GBN who advises the Colossal Club.

Just over two years ago, student members of the club said they realized that because protons have about the same atomic mass and energy as neutrons — they share an atom's nucleus while electrons orbit around them — perhaps a beam of instantaneous, high-energy protons could be used instead for such tests.

If they're right, that testing time could be shortened dramatically, according to Unterman.

About a dozen students tested their theory in late June at Fermilab's Test Beam Facility near Batavia, and are now looking for someone with a powerful-enough electron microscope to help them analyze the results.

Read more

Tip of the Week: Safety

Wild Fermilab

This adult snapping turtle suffered a fractured shell when it was hit by a car while trying to cross a busy road. Photo: Willowbrook Wildlife Center

With all of Fermilab’s open spaces and natural areas, crossing paths with a wild animal is not unusual. Most of the time, these situations result in mutual observation and both parties part ways, uneventfully. Sometimes, however, creatures need a “hands-on” intervention.

This can occur if an animal takes up residence in a space that’s intended for people or equipment. At other times, we might feel compelled to help an injured animal or one in harm’s way. Other times, such as spring, when most animals mate, nest and raise their young, they can become a nuisance. This can happen particularly when animals conduct these activities in locations intended for people or equipment or when they get aggressive, such as during mating season.

Whatever the trouble, Roads and Grounds Manager Dave Shemanske advises employees and users to call Roads and Grounds at x3303 for help dealing with wild animals. Jim Kalina has a reputation as Fermilab’s animal control expert, but anyone on the crew can handle most situations. Roads and Grounds has traps for small- to medium-size animals such as chipmunks, squirrels, possums, raccoons, skunks and beavers. Sometimes Roads and Grounds uses a large net or adjustable pole with noose to secure an animal for transportation back to a remote area where it can be released. They use a mechanical extension hand grabber or a good pair of leather gloves to handle snakes.

No matter what you encounter, act carefully. Watch roads for killdeer anywhere there are rock-covered shoulders and for turtles around the Main Ring. If you come across a turtle in the road, Don’t attempt to handle the turtles. They can bite. Exercise patience, or, if you need it to move, call Roads and Grounds.


JB Dawson retires today

JB Dawson

JB Dawson has served Fermilab for 12 years in the ESH&Q Section. He has worked as a security officer, vehicle operator, and an environment, safety and health specialist. Now he retires. His last day is today.

Dawson came to Fermilab with more than 24 years of military experience, including the areas of transportation and safety. When he first started at the laboratory, he patrolled and protected the laboratory campus against theft and other illegal activity. He responded to emergencies, conducted training exercises, reported on missing equipment and performed routine security checks. He later transferred to what was then the Transportation Section as a light/heavy wheeled vehicle operator, operating forklifts, buses, and the largest tractors and trailers in the Fermilab fleet.

As a specialist in the ESH&Q Section, he has served as communications coordinator, records coordinator, quality assurance representative, human subject research protection representative, and a contact for DOE for the Active Facility Data Collection Systems.

"Just as with the Army, I feel that Fermilab has become another extended part of my family," Dawson said. "It will be deeply missed as I move on to the next phase of my life."

Once he retires, Dawson plans to help his mother move from her current residence in Illinois to Alabama and help restore her property there. He'll do volunteer work for veterans, fish, camp and spend as much time as possible with his family.

"JB has been a real asset to the ESH&Q Section and the laboratory," said Chief Safety Officer Martha Michels. "He approaches life with a positive attitude and is willing to do whatever is needed to help move the program forward and support the goals of the lab. He truly embodies the one-lab philosophy, and he will be greatly missed."

The ESH&Q Section is hosting a small retirement celebration today at 2 p.m. on the east side of Wilson Hall's seventh floor. Please stop by to enjoy cake and other goodies and say goodbye to Dawson.

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.

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