Thanks to Martina, Rory, Dario, Buck, Michael, Richard, Samantha, and EnoWeb's own newsbot Tom Boon in no particular order for these news items.
Bloomin' marvellous: 17 long years after the release of the iOS app Bloom, Brian has reimagined it as a studio work. The Bloom app saw Brian apply his airy-fairy blue-sky-thinking conceptualisation spit-balling generative ideas, with loyal lieutenant Peter Chilvers doing all the grunt work. Now in Bloom: Living World, Brian has enhanced an hour-long recording of Bloom with the addition of treatments and subtle sonic touches. Given the Internet's dwindling attention span, this is accompanied a video edit running at 31:49 and Bloom: Small World (which shrinkifies the piece into a 5:34 runtime). Bloom: Living World premiered as an Amazon Original in October 2024. Eno students will note that the timeline of Bloom: Living World is a reverse parallel of Reflection which began as a studio album and subsequently got parlayed into an app.
Brian has been interviewed about Gary Hustwit's Eno film and What Art Does, the new book he wrote with Bette A. which has just been published in the UK. Gary has also been interviewed about the film.
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