Encyclopedia Dubuque
"Encyclopedia Dubuque is the online authority for all things Dubuque, written by the people who know the city best."
Marshall Cohen—researcher and producer, CNN
Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.
ROBERTS AND LANGWORTHY IRON WORKS. F. E. Roberts moved to Dubuque from Galena and began a small iron works. Edward and Reeder Langworthy, father and son, bought into the business which was renamed the Robert and Langworthy Iron Works.
In February 1885 Roberts left Dubuque after Eugene ADAMS purchased his interest. In 1892 Herbert Adams, the brother of Eugene, returned to Dubuque and became a partner with the Langworthys and his brother. In May of that year, the plant was destroyed by fire. The disaster did not deter the Adams brothers who purchased an island from Caleb H. BOOTH. Over several years, the original tract was transformed by filling into several acres of property. This became the site of the ADAMS COMPANY (Encyclopedia Dubuque).
Located at 57 South Main according to the 1886-87 Dubuque City Directory, Roberts and Langworthy were manufacturers of "all kinds of grey iron castings" with special attention given to "fine light castings."
"Adams Firm a Pioneer," Telegraph-Herald, August 31, 1958, p. 31`