UPDATED: 4-10-2016




By Jim Dawson, with help from Steve Propes, Billy Vera and Gaynel Hodge.


1. Imperial 5115 All That Wine Is Gone / Don稚 Cry, Baby Feb. 1951
As by Jay McNeeley [sic] and His Orchestra; Vocal by: Jesse Belvin and Three Dots & A Dash. Available on both 78 and 45. A mint 78 is worth perhaps 20ドル; a mint 45 is worth 500ドル+.
2. Imperial 5130 Sad Story / (not on flipside) 1951
As by Big Jay McNeely: Jesse Belvin and Three Dots & A Dash. As with the earlier single, the 45 is extremely rare and worth much more than the 78.
3. Specialty 435 Baby Don稚 Go / Confusin? Blues June 1952
4. Specialty 447 Dream Girl / Daddy Loves Baby 3 Nov. 1952
As by Jesse & Marvin.
5. Recorded in Hollywood 412 Daddy Loves Baby / My Love Comes Tumbling Down 1952
This single was slotted for release, but may never have been more than a demo or deejay copy.
6. Recorded in Hollywood 120 Hang Your Tears Out To Dry / Dream Girl Dec. 1952
Arr. by Red Callender, Music by Que Martin. Though "Dream Girl" is the same song Jesse recorded on Specialty with Marvin Phillips, the composer is listed as "Jacques" ? one of label owner John Dolphin痴 pseudonyms. Specialty痴 "Dream Girl" is by Belvin-Phillips.
7. King 4607 Hang Your Tears Out To Dry / Dream Girl Feb. 1953
Same recordings as Recorded in Hollywood 120.
8. Swing Time 346 Go Get Some More / (not on flipside) Feb. 1954
As by The ? Marks (Jesse backed probably by The Hollywood Flames).
9. Modern 949 Ko Ko Mo / (not on flipside) Jan. 1955
As by Marvin & Johnny (with Marvin Phillips).
10. Modern 952 I Love You, Yes I Do / (not on flipside) Feb. 1955
As by Marvin & Johnny (with Marvin Phillips).


11. Money 208 I知 Only A Fool / Trouble & Misery Feb. 1955 (above)
With Jackson Brothers Orchestra.
12. Specialty 550 One Little Blessing / Gone Apr. 1955
As by Jesse Belvin The Blues Balladeer And His Band. Bobby Relf & The Laurels, though uncredited, provided background vocals.
13. Modern 959 Sugar Mama / (not on flipside) May 1955
As by Marvin & Johnny (with Marvin Phillips).
14. Federal 12231 My Angel / (not on flipside) June 1955
As by The Californians (Belvin sings lead only on the bridge).
15. Federal 12237 So Fine / Sentimental Heart Aug. 1955
As by The Sheiks.
16. Specialty 559 Love Love Of My Life / Where痴 My Girl Sep. 1955
With the "Bumps" Blackwell Band. Bobby Relf & The Laurels, though uncredited, provided background vocals.
17. Hollywood 1059 Betty My Darling / Dear Heart Apr. 1956
Bobby Relf & The Laurels, though uncredited, provided background vocals.
18. Cash 1035 Hum-De-Dum 15 / (sang background on flipside) June 1956
As by The Gassers (George Parker, Howard Watson, Willie Henderson and Haydell Mitchell).
19. Modern 987 Girl Of My Dreams / I Wanna Know Why Mar. 1956
As by The Cliques (duets with Eugene Church).
20. Modern 995 My Desire / I知 In Love (With A Girl) Aug. 1956
As by The Cliques (duets with Eugene Church).
21. Modern 1005 Goodnight My Love (Pleasant Dreams) / I Want You With Me Christmas Oct 1956
Probably recorded with The Don Ralke Singers, including Ricki Page, wife of producer George Motola.
22. Modern 1005 Goodnight My Love (Pleasant Dreams) / Let Me Love You Tonight Dec. 1957
A-side is the same recording. Label credit on the new B-side is: Orchestra conducted by Maxwell Davis.
23. Modern 1013 I Need You So / Senorita Feb. 1957
Arranged and Conducted by Maxwell Davis.
24. Modern 1015 Don稚 Close The Door / By My Side Mar. 1957
Arranged and Conducted by Maxwell Davis.
25. Modern 1020 I知 Not Free / Sad & Lonesome (Blues) May 1957
26. Modern 1025 You Send Me / Summertime Aug. 1957
27. Cash 1056 Beware / Dry Your Tears Nov. 1957
"Dry Your Tears" is the same recording as "Hang Your Tears Out To Dry" (Recorded in Hwd 120).
28. Modern 1027 Just To Say Hello / My Satellite Dec. 1957
"Just to Say Hello" as by Jesse Belvin and Group; "My Satellite" as by Jesse Belvin & The Space Riders (Tommy "Buster" Williams, Alex Hodge, Will "Dub" Jones).
29. Aladdin 3431 Sugar Doll / Let Me Dream July 1958
As by The Sharptones With Jesse Belvin (actually a duet with Buster Williams).
30. RCA 47-7310 Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu) / Ever Since We Met July 1958
"Volare" With Orchestra Conducted by Dennis Farnon. Flipside: With Shorty Rogers and his Orchestra and Chorus. Producer: Dick Peirce (as on all of Belvin痴 RCA singles).
31. RCA 47-7387 Funny / Pledging My Love Oct. 1958
Shorty Rogers Orchestra and Chorus.
32. Tender 518 Beware / (not on flipside) Nov. 1958
As by The Capris; "Beware" is the same recording as on Cash 1056.
33. RCA 47-7469 Guess Who / My Girl Is Just Enough Woman For Me Feb. 1959
"Guess Who" With Shorty Rogers and his Orchestra and Chorus. "My Girl Is Just Enough For Me" (from the Broadway musical Redhead) With Dennis Farnon and his Orchestra and Chorus.


34. Knight 2012 Deacon Dan Tucker / Little Darling 1959 (above)
35. Federal 12355 So Fine / Sentimental Heart 1959
This was a reissue of Federal 12237.
36. RCA 47-7543 Here痴 A Heart / It Could致e Been Worse 1959
With Shorty Rogers and his Orchestra and Chorus.
37. RCA 47-7596 Give Me Love / I値l Never Be Lonely Again 1959
"Give Me Love" With Shorty Rogers and his Orchestra and Chorus. Flipside: Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Ray Martin.
38. Jamie 1145 Goodnight My Love / My Desire 1959
Same recordings as released earlier on Modern. (Pleasant Dreams) dropped from A-side title.
39. RCA 47-7675 The Door Is Always Open / Something Happens to Me 1960
Shorty Rogers? Orchestra and Chorus. The single version of "Something Happens to Me" is not the same recording (with Marty Paich痴 orchestra) that痴 on the album Mr. Easy.

40. Class 267 I知 Confessin? / Deep In My Heart 1960
Jessie [sic] Belvin. "I知 Confessin?" With Ricki Page (the wife of producer George Motola; her vocals were also present on the background of "Goodnight My Love").
41. Impact 23 Looking For Love / Tonight My Love 1961
These were demos later overdubbed for release.
42. Candlelight 427 Love Song / (not on flipside)
The Late Jessie [sic] Belvin With the Five Keys (but the group was actually Bobby Relf & The Laurels); most likely this cut came from the "Dear One"/"Betty My Darling" session from 1956.
43. Kent 326 Sentimental Reasons / Senorita 1960
Don Ralke Vocal Group. Same recordings as released earlier on Modern.
44. Hi Oldies 408 I知 Confessin? / Deep In My Heart 1960s
A reissue of Class 267.
45. Modern Oldies xx Goodnight My Love / ?
Same recordings as released earlier on Modern.
46. Collectables 3937 Goodnight My Love / Girl of My Dreams 1980s
Same recordings as released earlier on Modern. The B-side is credited to Jesse Belvin & Cliques.


(excluding the countless anthologies that include only one of Belvin痴 Specialty or Modern sides)

RCA LPM 2089 Just Jesse Belvin 1 1959
RCA NL 89458 (British) Just Jesse Belvin 1 1959
Crown 5145 Casual Jesse Belvin 1960
RCA LPM 2105 Mr. Easy 1960
Crown 5145 Jesse Belvin Sings 2 1960
Crown 5187 The Unforgettable Jesse Belvin 1961
Custom xxx Gone But Not Forgotten 2 19xx
Crown 5350 Brook Benton and Jessie [sic] Belvin 3 1963
RCA Camden CAL-960 Jesse Belvin痴 Best (mono) 1966
RCA Camden CAL-960 Jesse Belvin痴 Best (stereo) 1966
United Superior 7720 But Not Forgotten 2 (fake stereo) 19xx
RCA NL-45664 (Spanish) Mr. Easy 1972
RCA APL-1-0966 Jesse Belvin Yesterdays 1975
Pathe Marconi 154 6691 (French) Deacon Rides Again 4 1983
Ace CH 96 (British) Jesse Belvin Memorial Album 1984
Kent KLP 2007 But Not Forgotten 2 1985
RCA NL-89458 (Germany) Just Jesse Belvin 1 1985
Earth Angel JD 900 (Swedish) Hang Your Tears Out To Dry 1986
Specialty 1517 (Japanese) Specialty R& Story Vol. 2 5 1980s
Specialty SP 7003 Jesse Belvin: The Blues Balladeer 1990


Specialty SPCD 7003 Jesse Belvin: The Blues Balladeer 6 1990
Ace CHCHD 305 (British) Jesse Belvin: The Blues Balladeer 6 1990
Ace CDCHD 336 (British) Goodnight My Love 7 1991
Flair/Virgin 86301 Goodnight My Love (same as Ace CD) 1991
Specialty SPCD-2173-2 DooWop From Dophin痴 of Hollywood, Vol 1 8 1991
Ace CDCHD 509 Marvin & Johnny: Cherry Pie 9 1994
RCA xxxx (Spanish) Just Jesse Belvin 19xx
RCA 74402 (Spanish) Mr. Easy 19xx
Night Train NTCD 7097 So Fine: The Swingtime & Shorty Rogers Demos 10 1997
RCA xxx Unreleased album 11
Collectables 2701 (DRC1-1432) 12 Golden Classics 1997
Ace CDCH2 1020 13 Guess Who: The RCA Victor Recordings 2004



?1 This was the only Jesse Belvin album released during his lifetime.
?2 Albums are same as Casual Jesse Belvin, with changes in cover art. Jesse Belvin Sings retained Casual痴 same Crown number.
?3 LP contains five songs by each artist.
?4 Artist is Big Jay McNeely; Jesse Belvin痴 first three songs (Imperial) are included.
?5 Double LP contains four of Jesse痴 Specialty songs: "Confusin? Blues," "Gone," "Love, Love of My Life" and Jesse & Marvin痴 "Daddy Loves Baby."


?6 Contains Belvin痴 six Recorded in Hollywood sides, his first Jesse & Marvin single on Specialty, his 6 Specialty sides, plus an alternate take of "Dream Girl," a demo of "Confusin? Blues," and 10 unreleased songs, including 2 Jesse & Marvin tracks, an early version of Eugene Church痴 "Open Up Your Heart" and a demo for "Love of My Life," which Belvin had planned to record for RCA when he returned from his ill-fated trip.
?7 Contains all of the Jesse Belvin and The Cliques singles on Modern, plus alternate takes of "Goodnight My Love" and "Beware," 3 album-only sides and two previously unissued songs.
?8 Contains "Hum-De-Dum," complete with studio talk and false take, which Jesse recorded with The Gassers on Cash Records.
?9 Contains the 4 songs Belvin and Marvin Phillips recorded as Marvin & Johnny with the Maxwell Davis Orchestra; three were released on singles, a fourth only on a Marvin & Johnny album.
?10 Contains a 6-song demo tape including early versions of "Where痴 My Girl," "Gone," The Sheiks? "So Fine" and Eugene Church痴 "Taboo Man"; and various early RCA recordings, including acappella tracks by The Chargers and several unreleased Belvin demos.
?11 When Billy Vera was putting together several R&B CDs from RCA痴 vaults several years ago, he assembled a Jesse Belvin album containing his entire sessions with orchestrator Marty Paich. It amounted to the complete Mr. Easy album augmented with the best tracks from Just Jesse Belvin and at least one unreleased song. But Vera claims RCA canceled the CD at the last moment, following a change in company management.
?12 Contains the 24 songs from RCA痴 Just Jesse Belvin and Mr. Easy albums, plus two Modern Records songs, "Girl of My Dreams" and "Goodnight My Love."
?13 Contains all RCA singles and the 24 tracks from Just Jesse and Mr. Easy, except for the 45 version of "Something Happens to Me." The LP version is included, but listed under the single's catalog number.

Belvin is also present on these singles:

Modern 818 Richard Lewis & The Barons 1 Forever/Believe In Me 1950
Cash 1035 The Gassers Tell Me 2 / Hum-De-Dum (sang lead) June 1956
Empire 106 Ricky 3 Baby Please Come home / Tender Love 1956
Empire 109 The Youngsters Dreamy Eyes 2 / (not on flipside) 1956
Caddy 111 The Dots 4 Good Luck to You 2 / Heartache 1956
Specialty 604 Eugene Church Open Up Your Heart / How Long 1957
Bally 1017 The Turks 5 This Heart of Mine / Why Did You 1958
Keen 4016 The Turks 5 Fathertime / Okay 1958
Tender 513 The Shields 6 You Cheated 2 / That痴 The Way It痴 Gonna Be 1958
Dot 15805 The Shields 6 You Cheated 2 / That痴 The Way It痴 Gonna Be 1958
Contender 1313 The Saxons 7 Is It True / Rock 誰? Roll Show 1958
Aladdin 3411 The Four Palms Jeanie, Joanie, Shirley, Toni / Consideration 1958
RCA 47-7417 The Chargers 8 Here in My Heart 2 / The Counterfeiter Dec. 1958
RCA 47-7301 The Chargers 8 Dandilyon 9 / Old MacDonald 1958
Dot xxxxx The Centennials 10 My Dear One /
Ebb 153 The Hollywood Flames I値l Be Seeing You / Just For You 1959


?1 This was the first recording session Jesse Belvin participated in. The Barons were Richard Lewis (who sang lead on "Believe in Me," Marvin Phillips (lead on "Forever"), Jesse Belvin and ?
?2 Jesse Belvin sings falsetto-tenor in the background; he wrote all of the Chargers songs..
?3 Ricky was Richard Berry.
?4 The Dots? lead singer was Jeanette Baker.
?5 The Turks were Gaynel Hodge (lead), Alex Hodge, Buster Williams and Jesse Belvin.
?6 The Shields was a studio group: Frankie Ervin sang lead, Mel Williams and Buster Williams sang background tenor, Johnny Watson sang bass, and Belvin supplied the song痴 distinctive falsetto-tenor. Dot Records picked the record up from George Motola痴 tiny Tender label and made it a #13 pop hit.
?7 The Saxons were: Buster Williams (lead), Jesse Belvin (2nd tenor), Eugene Church (baritone), Gaynel Hodge (vocals, piano) and Johnny Watson (vocal bass, guitar). Belvin wrote "Is It True" and Church wrote the flipside.
?8 The Chargers were Bennie Louis Easley (lead), Jimmy Norman, brothers Dunbar and Johnny White, and bass singer Mitchell Alexander.
Norman (nee Jimmy N. Scott) claims that Jesse sang on all four sides.
?9 A Jesse Belvin composition; "dandilyon" was his term for marijuana.
?10 There is a possible Jesse Belvin involvement. His producer George Motola produced the record and the lead singer closely imitates Belvin, suggesting that it could be Buster Williams.
? The Hollywood Flames were David Ford, Earl Nelson, Curtis Williams (bass), Jesse Belvin (?)


Jesse Belvin "What Is Love" & "Guess Who" - posted on YouTube by Jesse Belvin Jr.

Jesse Belvin appeared on Dick Clark痴 American Bandstand on April 21, 1958, singing "Guess Who?" The availability of a film or audio of the appearance is presently unknown.

He also appeared on an earlier American Bandstand and on The Ed Sullivan Show, but nothing is known to have survived.

Jesse and his wife Jo Ann were killed in an Arkansas car crash on
February 6, 1960, during a tour. They're buried in East Los Angeles.

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