A terrible boiler explosion took place at Walker Iron Works, near Newcastle, the property of Messrs. Losh, Wilson, and Bell, by which five men and two boys were killed, and several others injured. The body of the boiler, at the time it burst, unfurled like a sail, was blown upwards, carrying with it two roofings of the sheds, and blowing down two furnaces, with their chimneys, and scattering the molten metal and red hot bricks around, while one end of it was hurled into the midst of the works, and the other about 200 yards over the hill top, into the lumber-yard. The following is a list of the sufferers :— John James, Patrick Donnoley, Joshua Jenkins, Abraham Dixon, Martin Broderick, Thomas Griffith, and John Porter.
Local Records or Historical Register of Remarkable Events by T. Fordyce, published in 1867
Broderick, Martin , aged 25, boiler explosion
Dixon, Abraham , aged 25, boiler explosion
Donnely, Patrick , aged 19, boiler explosion
Griffith, Thomas , aged 19, boiler explosion
James, John , aged 33, boiler explosion
Jenkins, Josiah , aged 33, boiler explosion
Lloyd, Evan , aged 26, boiler explosion
Porter, John , aged 19, boiler explosion
Those names marked with image, have a web page providing individual details of the accident, the page may also include a photograph of the deceased. Click on the image symbol next to the name to see the web page.
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