1 rath
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Forms: ratha, rath, rrad, rad, rad, raith, ratha, rath, rathaib, rath, raith, ratha
n o, n. and m. in Mid.Ir. g s. also ratha (usual later form). n s. rath, Wb. 2c17 ; (with art.) a rrad , 29d29 ; rad ṅDé, 7d3 (but: rad Dée, 13b6 , cf. 3d16 ). g s. raith, 14c42 , 29a7 , 33b8 ; SR 3317 , 3322 , 5319 ; ratha, 6061 . g p. inna rath , Wb. 15c3 . d p. huanaib rathaib , Ml. 116c1 . rath m., g s. raith, ratha, IGT Dec. § 38.7 .
Acc. to Thurn. Hdb. § 726 , Lewis and Ped. § 542 , vn. of ernaid bestows, grants
(a) grace , esp. in religious sense, both of Divine grace and grace as a spiritual quality in man; general meaning in Glosses, where it nearly always translates Lat. gratia. manimchobrad rad Dáe (= gratia Dei), Wb. 3d16 . do rath Dé ba forlán, Fél. Nov. 5 . duine co rrath Dé, Mon. Tall. § 32 . eícndag ind raith diadi, Wb. 29a7 . amal romboí cuit cáich din rath diadu (= secundum gratiam quae data est nobis), 5d6 . ro línad o rath in spiruta naím, LU 9826 . rath in Spirto, Fél. May 15 ; cf. PH 5409 . teirt . . . is inti tanic rath super apostolos, Ériu iii 116.11 . cride co rad ríg nime `the gracious heart of the King of Heaven', ii 118 § 56 ; cf. alaind baí in rígan cu rath `lovely and gracious was the princess', Metr. Dinds. ii 74.49 (perh. = d). in rí go rath, gan deiredh is gan tosach, ZCP viii 114 § 2 . cenotad maic-si raith sons of grace , Wb. 33b8 . a meic raith! (of Joseph), SR 3317 . Ioseph in bith-raith, 3322 . in mac raith Eibbán (of St. Abbán), ZCP viii 110 § 9 . Cf. an Mac Ratha (name of Maedóc's bell), BNnÉ 245 § 197 . fer raith, Fél. Aug. 18 . aes raith, SR 5319 . `sin chanoin ruithsenaig raith, ACL iii 307 § 27 . ? ferr rath inā riagal, ZCP vi 261.14 .
(b) a grace, virtue, gift (= Lat. charisma), oft. with defining gen.: rath dénma ferte (= gratiam curationum), Wb. 12b21 . rath precepte, 12b29 . rath somailse, Ml. 89c15 . tic rath fastini fair the gift of prophecy , LU 9827 . rath ecna ┐ fatsine, PH 4490 . BNnÉ 265.4 . muime gach ratha rāin (of isle of Rachriu), ZCP x 53 § 4 . ro fallsiged rath in aislingi, MacCongl. 39.28 . pl. ata imda ratha ind Fheilire, Fél. 10.30 . is liriu feor ilratha in marbnaid noeb-siu, ZCP iii 225.4 . it e sin ratha na haíne, PH 8422 . co rathaib righ-c[h]ealla, ZCP viii 203.30 .
The two follg. exx. from SR, by Stokes in Index referred to O'Clery's rath .i. baile (which = 2 ráth ), prob. represent this word: cia dechair fail dar a rath? what difference is there in their virtue? (of winds), SR 7947 (: dath). diar bris dia rigroimsi rath | primdo[i]rsi na morcatrach, 7355 (of Samson; abundance of graces, virtues ?).
(c) the granting of a favour : tuc A. . . . maidm forro . . . tre rath Chiarain, RC xvii 404.29 . ro muid for Gallaib tria rath Poil ┐ Pedair, Cog. 14.23 . A mark of favour, a boon : is rath co feirg a wrathful gift , RC iii 180.23 ( LL 121a48 ) (of a spear asked as a gift, which is thrown to the asker and wounds him). Cf. is ann is etail duine | i [= a] mba cuma lais uile | a aor ocus a molad, | a rath ocus a ghueidhe, ZCP vii 298.9 , 10 (i.e. when it is alike to him whether he be censured or praised, receive favours or be asked for them?). Mercy : crochad is riaghad gan rath, Acall. 1852 .
(d) good luck, fortune, prosperity (usual later sense): eochair ratha ro-chruth (i.e. beauty wins prosperity), ZCP vi 270 § 2 . ni hingnad a beith cen rath, duine drechmas (of one who is fair of face but lacks sense), 267 § 3 . in fer ba huasle ┐ ba mó rath isin tuaith, LL 2a30 . fer in ratha `man of luck' (of Find m. Cumaill), Metr. Dinds. ii 74.42 . ni gēbha rath, recht nā righe, ZCP viii 110 § 11 . do ben dím mo rath 's tuc me gan righe, BCC § 139 . do chinnsat ar chomha[i]rle fa mór rath which turned out very successful , Ériu i 98.18 . fuarais mór ríg co rath āig, RC xx 12 § 18 ( LL 47b36 ). réim go rath, Cog. 96.31 . ruathar go rath `victorious march', 104.19 . Domnall dorinde oirne maith | fa deoigh coma fer raith `may he be a man of bounty' (? may he prosper ), BCC § 136 . Cormac hua Cuind an ri raith, Anecd. i 18.10 . for rith raith `in a successful career', Ériu ix 46 § 11 . fágbhaidh la hOilill a rath | i gcath Ceall Osnadha (i.e. was defeated by O.), Keat. iii 709 (poem). fá mór rath Éireann ré linn Chormaic, 3028 . do mhúch rath na cathrach, Keat. Poems 1508 . Aedh . . . d'hēg a tus a ratha `in the beginning of his felicity', AU iii 80 y , cf. 354 y . rath beg saoghalta ar fedh ttamaill, Ó Héodhusa 72.8 . a mí aoibhill a ratha saoghalta, TSh. 542 . tuar goimhe rochtain i rath, L. Cl. A. B. 175.87 . go gcuireadh an Tighearna rath air, Gen. xxxix 23 . pl. in distributive sense: claifitir a ratha, tairnfither a bríg, CRR 22 (: datha). ro bhoi 'sa dun fo rathaib `in happiness (?)', ZCP xi 41 § 5 . diombágh druim rena rathaibh [ag leannán Chuinn] `alas that Conn's darling turned her back on her good fortune!' A. Ó Dálaigh liii 14 .
fri rath on account of: do-foeth mór fer find fria rath, ScM. § 3.15 .
(e) in gramm., dative case: a rath: do fhiur, do fheraib, do mnaí, do mnáib, do nim, do nimib, Auraic.2 52.3 .
Compds. ¤bard: Raigne na rathbard `of the lucky bards', Metr. Dinds. ii 46.11 . ¤beo: tria rún raith rathaig rath-bi `through the mystery of the bountiful living grace', KMMisc. 154.98 . rathbla áig, LL 211a50 = uath-bla, Metr. Dinds. iii 396.5 . rí co rrathbuidnib `with blessed hosts', 24.323 . ós Raigniu rath-chert `of hallowed rights', iii 2.2 . ri roghach rathgorm, AU 902 (poem) = rogach rath, AFM a. 898 . ós rathlind Charmain `hallowed water', Metr. Dinds. iii 22.275 , cf. 260.7 . rathmac `son of grace', BColm. 20.8 . athnugud na cell | tre rathmūnud mind `the gracious doctrine of relics', KMMisc. 274.9 . hua Lathbertuig . . . rathnertaig, LL 141a48 . recht ruirech rathordan, BDD 100 (c) = BDD2 1016 `honor of bestowal'. úasind ruirig rathrúanaid, ib. (k) = rathrúnigh `intent on bestowing'?, BDD2 1043 .