The Student Association at the University of the West of Scotland win top award
National Union of Students present UWS with Student Association of the Year 2016 prize.
The Student Association at the University of the West of Scotland have won a top award, thanks in part to their work on the Advertiser’s Keep UWS in Hamilton campaign.
They have been crowned Student Association of the Year 2016 by the National Union of Students.
The university, which has a campus in Hamilton’s Almada Street and at three other locations in Scotland, beat off competition from Edinburgh University and Heriot-Watt to claim the top prize.
The Advertiser’s campaign centred on stopping UWS moving from its current location in Almada Street to Maxim Park off the M8 near Eurocentral in North Lanarkshire.
The student association gave their support to our campaign and held a referendum amongst students which revealed the majority wanted to stay in Almada Street.
In a huge victory for the Advertiser, the UWS decided to retain the Almada Street campus, while creating some new facilities at Hamilton Technology Park.
The UWS student association has also been involved in some other important initiatives.
They took part in a big donation drive to help refugees, both here in the UK and abroad.
A full range of items, from clothing and shoes to toiletries and tents, have been donated which will help keep the refugees warm and dry over the winter period.
The items were taken to Glasgow the Caring City charity. which will distribute the donations to the areas they are most needed.
The association also published the ‘Establishing a Stronger Summer Safety Net’ report looking at student dropout rates of post 16 education.
Jack Douglas, student president, had this to say: "This is a fantastic achievement for the Student’s Association of the University of the West of Scotland.
"Our work around modernising SAUWS whilst still delivering great events and campaigns for students has led to us being part of an award winning Student Association once again.
"We have achieved this through our commercial offerings, sports and societies, as well as the campaigns we have ran to enhance the student experience and the experiences of those around us.
"It is great to see the hard work between students, staff and the local community being recognised and we are incredibly proud to be the Students’ Association of 2016."