Irina's Article, Part I.
Irina's Article, Part II.
Greatly expanded hyperlinked version of Part III, The Kasparov-World Queen Ending.
The analysis here is intended to be complete but has not
yet been independently checked, and some
changes are anticipated.
Update: The non-Kxd6 lines of the "central winning mechanism" file
Qf7win.html were refuted by a Black
resource ...Qh1+! found by Helio Cardoso (HC BSB), as now shown
in that file. This invalidates the claims below of a White win with
54. Qf4 Qd3 or with 54. Qf2 Qd3, and I now believe both lines to be *drawn*.
A brutal Spring'00 term has kept me from typing any of my updated
analysis---my only time has been to help assemble evidence that 53. Qe4(!)
was a winning move for White in the actual game. Even
my version of the "Part-III" article
is out of date---please look for the
latest version at SmartChess Online (note the navigation buttons
at the bottom).
I intend to return to active discussion when I
finally dig out of things that have buried me (all millennium long:-).
The other reason I haven't been actively, publicly participating is
that I haven't wanted to come forward with public claims until
I feel I can remove the disclaimers on this site---with independent
checks by others or a breather to "sanity-check" everything myself.
After all, ...Qh1+! was a simple oversight, seeing only 63 squares!
The analysis has been far more difficult than what several of us
(Paul, Irina, Karrer, Spy49,...) expected when we thought we could verify
Kasparov's Move-54 assertions in a couple of weeks, thus offering a
satisfactory explanation to the World on where the game was lost before
offering to compare notes with (Club) Kasparov. I am grateful for the
continuing interest of visitors to this site, and will try to answer
inquiries that are addressed to me.
(Original Part III, mirroring the first SCO version.)
My "World Team Endgame Strategy
Explained" article
Black's draw with 51...Ka1
Black's losses with 51...d5
and 51...Qf Black's
draw with 52...Kc1
White's central winning mechanism
with Qf7
Move 54---The Critical Moves
White's win with 54. Qf2 Qd3
White's win with 54. Qf4 Qd3
The 58...Qf5 ending (needed
updating not yet done)
My analysis of "Position G".
More will be added to this site as time permits---it will
replace the older site at