Welcome to the California Courts

The largest judicial system in the country, bringing equal access to justice for all Californians.

Branch Policies & Administration

Engage with the courts through the Judicial Council to better understand how we work for you and to learn more about our branch policies and administration.


Judicial Council programs and activities are designed to enhance the quality of justice in California's courts.

Parents and adoptive children coming together in court

For Families & Children

Learn about programs that serve the diverse needs of children, youth, parents, families, and other users of the California courts.

Hands coming together to work collaboratively

Collaborative Justice Courts

Collaborative justice courts take a team approach to decision making, integrating social, judicial, and community resources.

Image of Lady Justice and Scales in Bronze

Criminal Justice Programs

Managing Criminal Justice initiatives for the benefit of California courts, justice partners, and the public.

Commissioner Lee and the Girl Scouts

Court Outreach

Local court outreach efforts and the statewide Power of Democracy Civic Learning initiative aim to educate the public about the judicial branch.

Looking for the Self-Help Guide?

Californians looking for information on case types or to represent themselves in court can find step-by-step instructions, court forms, and other resources on the Self-Help Guide.

Learn about the Judicial Branch

The branch has three levels of courts.

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the state. Cases move up from the Courts of Appeal and the superior (trial) courts. In support of the courts, there is the Judicial Council, which is the policy making body for the branch. Learn more about each.

Supreme Court Courts of Appeal Superior Courts