Statistics on Online Consumer Shopping & Use of Search Engines

Most small business owners still don’t understand the actual concept of SEO, online shopping and Search Engines. Here are some facts with statistics collected with in-depth research and analysis showing how growth of successful business was linked to professional online shopping websites.

E-Commerce Statistics

• Nearly 1ドル.5 billion Business-to-Consumer sales worldwide year 2014.
• Nearly 200 million registered buyers in United States year 2014.
According to EBay statistics, online Shoppers spend millions of dollars every month purchasing products or services online, and this encourages more firms to establish business over the internet targeting potential customers and circulating product reputation.

Reviews Role
Most consumers usually do research and ask about different brands and types of certain product/service before they actually purchase this product/service. Here where reviews play a key role in informing these consumers about particular product/service. People who have purchased the product/service can post a review telling others about their experience. Those who are interested in this product/service can find these reviews over the fastest growing social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter .
• Nearly 65% of consumers read at least 2 reviews about certain product/service before buying it.
Even some business owners are not aiming for online sales, it may still grow in terms of branding and advertising in addition to showing the direct way towards physical business door such as online tax return service, tax online , tax return online , tax agent Sydney or tax agent Melbourne. Nice reviews related to a business product/service can be added on business website or another business website with link to this product/service.

Search Engines
• Google is the largest and most popular search engine with more than 70% share of the search engine market.
• Nearly 50% of mobile phone web consumers visit the local store after searching for desired product or service, where nearly 35% of PC and tablet users visit local store after searching.
• Nearly 15% of the in-store activities of consumers include using Search Engines.
These statistics mentioned above show why most business owners now working hard on establishing up to date online setup and marketing online their products, services and discount offers inside traffic of potential customers searching for products/services online and maybe turn in at local store. These statistics also show why SEO services tactics implementation becoming more widespread targeting maximum number of potential consumers searching in top rankings over the search engines.
After showing some statistics about web consumer activity, we show more statistics related to usage of search engines.
• Nearly 93% of the overall online shopping starts with search engines checking such as Tax Return Circular Quay or Tax Return Barangaroo or Tax Accountant North Sydney or Tax Agent North Sydney.
• Nearly 40% of the customers are driven from search engines.
• Nearly 100 billion searches per month.
Online shopping is considered as a trend all around the world, and a lot of statistics about search engines usage show how SEO investment may play big role in advertising and sales.

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Related Material

Compendium has a number of historical and conceptual roots, each represented by distinctive research and practitioner communities. We introduce these below, with resource links for further reading.
Computer-Supported Collaborative Argumentation
The world is full of “wicked problems.” Agreeing on what the real problem is requires extensive discussion, as does agreeing on what might constitute a solution. This should ring bells for managers, engineers, lawyers, scientists, policy strategists. Research into techniques and tools to support argumentation has some important contributions to make in understanding and facilitating these processes. At its simplest, argumentation means discourse for persuasion. The precise form which this takes depends on the demands of the particular field and context of use.

CSCA is relevant not only to professionals tackling applied problems, but to scientists and scholars debating theroretical and research issues. Philosophy, Science, the Arts and Humanities involve the construction of perspectives and discourses — debates and argumentation about the nature of problems, the merits of different approaches to answering them, and so forth. Scholarly peer review in journals is a particularly established form of author-reviewer argumentation. Finally, we need to train students to think critically, to understand the different kinds of argument that are used in different fields, and to reflect and debate the strengths and weaknesses of material.
CSCA resource site

Design Rationale
Design Rationale research is concerned with developing effective methods and computer-supported representations for capturing, maintaining and re-using records of why designers have made the decisions they have. The challenge is to make the effort of recording rationale worthwhile and not too onerous for the designer, but sufficiently structured and indexed that it is retrievable and understandable to an outsider trying to understand the design at a later date, and offers computational services that make the effort worthwhile.
A particular approach, which forms one of Compendium’s roots, is argumentation-based design rationale, also called Issue-Based design rationale. Decisions in teams/organisations are invariably made through debate and discussion, but a lot of the effort and reasoning invested is often then lost, or locked in particular individuals’ heads.
Key resources:
The key players in this field, most active from about 1985-95, appear in the book Design Rationale: Concepts, Techniques and Use, amongst them, several people now working with Compendium. (Design Rationale: Concepts, Techniques, and Use. Moran, T. P. & Carroll, J. M. (Eds., 1996). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ISBN 0-8058-1566-X)
Argumentation-Based Design Rationale research by Simon Buckingham Shum, including a bibliography of relevant publications.

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Case Studies

Collaboratively Modeling Mission Control at NASA
Maarten Sierhuis (2006)
Hypermedia as a productivity tool for doctoral research
Selvin, A.M. and Buckingham Shum, S.J. (2005). New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia (Special Issue on Scholarly Hypermedia), 11 (1), 91-101 (Taylor & Francis). PrePrint available as KMI Technical Report KMI-05-8
Description of A Compendium-Supported Workshop
Albert M. Selvin
KMaC 2000: Knowledge Management Beyond the Hype.
Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, 16-19 July 2000
Albert M. Selvin and Simon J. Buckingham Shum
Rapid Knowledge Construction: A Case Study in Corporate Contingency Planning Using Collaborative Hypermedia

Reforging the Links: The University Digital Business Partnership Project
Rebekah L. Irwin
Reforging the Links: QuestMap, Project Compendium and First Class.
Steven Vedro
Using World Modeling Interviews to Develop Lists of Shared Problems, Opportunities, Know-how and Assets Shared by Wisconsin Public Television and the U.W. System Learning Innovations Center.
Workshop on Computer-Supported Collaborative Argumentation for Learning Communities, CSCL ’99, Stanford University, December 1999
Albert M. Selvin and Maarten Sierhuis
Case Studies of Project Compendium in Different Organizations
Argumentation in Different CSCA Project Types

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Working Papers

What is Knowledge Art?
by Al Selvin
This is a working paper aimed at uncovering a concept that has had a lot of resonance for the ongoing research and development of Compendium. This is a first draft and I welcome comments.
Much of this material was first presented at the European Creative Leadership Council conference in Runnymede, England, in October 2002.
Introduction and Background
Defining Knowledge Art

Compendium and Knowledge Art

See also the Knowledge Art blog.

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Research Papers & Presentations

Compendium Overview
Slides: [10Mb PPT] [5.5Mb PDF]
Presented at Computational Semantics Laboratory, Stanford University
September 2006
Maarten Sierhuis
From gIBIS to MEMETIC: Evolving a Research Vision into a Practical Tool
Slides: [17.6Mb PPT] [7.5Mb PDF]
Presented at Design Rationale Workshop: Design, Computing & Cognition Conference, Eindhoven
July 2006
Simon Buckingham Shum, Albert M. Selvin, Maarten Sierhuis, Jeff Conklin, Mike Daw, Andrew Rowley, Ben Juby, Danius Michaelides, Roger Slack, Michelle Bachler, Clara Mancini, Rob Procter, David de Roure, Tim Chown, Terry Hewitt

A Brief History of Compendium (in Compendium map format)
Theoretical Perspectives on Compendium (in Compendium map format)
Presented at Compendium Workshop, Semaine da la Connaissance, Nantes, France
30 June 2006
Albert M. Selvin
Co-OPR: Design and Evaluation of Collaborative Sensemaking and Planning Tools for Personnel Recovery
Knowledge Media Institute Technical Report KMI-06-07
May 2006
Austin Tate, Simon Buckingham Shum, Jeff Dalton, Clara Mancini, Albert M. Selvin

Dialogue Mapping: Building Shared Understanding of Wicked Problems
John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0-470-01768-6
Jeff Conklin
Compendium Institute 2005 Workshop
Held at Touchstone Consulting, Washington DC
10-11 November 2005
Aesthetic and Ethical Implications of Participatory Hypermedia Practice: First Year Report
Technical Report KM-05-17, Knowledge Media Institute, Open University, UK
November 2005
Albert M. Selvin
Hypermedia Support for Argumentation-Based Rationale: 15 Years on from gIBIS and QOC
PrePrint of chapter to appear in: Rationale Management in Software Engineering, (Eds.) Allen H. Dutoit, Raymond McCall, Ivan Mistrik, and Barbara Paech
Springer-Verlag/Computer Science Editorial (2006)
Simon J. Buckingham Shum, Albert M. Selvin, Maarten Sierhuis, Jeffrey Conklin, Charles B. Haley and Bashar Nuseibeh
Hypermedia as a Productivity Tool for Doctoral Research
PrePrint of article appearing in New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia
Volume 11 issue 1 pp. 91-101
June 2005
Albert M. Selvin and Simon Buckingham Shum
Making Knowledge Art: Learning from the Improvisatory Dynamics of Live Participatory Hypermedia
Workshop presented at PARIP 2005 International Conference, Bretton Hall, West Yorkshire UK
29 June – 03 July 2005
Albert M. Selvin and Simon Buckingham Shum
Human and Robot Exploration on Mars or Moon
(webcast seminar) Knowledge Media Institute, Open University, UK.
Maarten Sierhuis
The Mobile Agents Architecture Supporting Science Extra-Vehicular Activities on Planetary Surfaces
Mars Society
Maarten Sierhuis
Experiment B Report for Co-OPR: Collaborative Operations for Personnel Recovery
Austin Tate, Jeff Dalton, Simon Buckingham Shum, Clara Mancini, Albert M. Selvin
Other materials available here.
Facilitating Remote Science Teams (presentation)
Mars Society Conference, Chicago, IL
August 2004
Albert M. Selvin and Simon Buckingham Shum
Building Collaborative Knowledge Representations in Real Time: An Analysis of Facilitative Micro-Actions (webcast seminar)
Knowledge Media Institute, Open University, UK
5 October 2004
Albert M. Selvin

Ontological Mediation of Meeting Structure: Argumentation, Annotation, and Navigation
1st International Workshop on Hypermedia and the Semantic Web
Nottingham, UK
30 August 2003
Michelle Bachler, Simon Buckingham Shum, David De Roure, Danius Michaelides, and Kevin Page
Facilitated Hypertext for Collective Sensemaking: 15 Years on from gIBIS
Keynote Address, Proceedings LAP’03: 8th International Working Conference on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling
H. Weigand, G. Goldkuhl and A. de Moor (Eds.)
Tilburg, The Netherlands
1-2 July 2003
Jeff Conklin, Albert M. Selvin, Simon Buckingham Shum, and Maarten Sierhuis
Exploration for Development: Developing Leadership by Making Shared Sense of Complex Challenges
Consulting Psychology Journal, 55 (1), 26-40
Charles J. Palus, David Horth, Mary Lynn Pully, and Albert M. Selvin
Practising Knowledge Art (presentation)
Knowledge Media Institute, Berrill Building, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
22 May 2003
Albert M. Selvin
Sensemaking Techniques in Support of Leadership Development
Knowledge Management, 7(1)
Inside Knowledge Magazine
Albert M. Selvin and Charles J. Palus

Fostering Collective Intelligence: Helping Groups Use Visualized Argumentation Albert M. Selvin
Dialog Mapping: Reflections on an Industrial Strength Case Study
Jeff Conklin
Visualizing Argumentation: Software Tools for Collaborative and Educational Sense-Making
Paul A. Kirschner, Simon J. Buckingham Shum and Chad S. Carr (Eds.), Springer-Verlag: London, 2002.
ISBN 1-85233-6641-1
Knowledge Art: Visual Sensemaking Using Combined Compendium and Visual Explorer Methodologies
Presented to: The Art of Management and Organisation Conference
Essex Management Centre, University of Essex, at King’s College London
3-6 September 2002
Albert M. Selvin, Simon J. Buckingham, David Magellan Horth, Charles J. Palus, Maarten Sierhuis

CoAKTinG: Collaborative Advanced Knowledge Technologies in the Grid
in Proc. Second Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments
Eleventh IEEE Int. Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-11)
July 24-26, 2002, Edinburgh
Simon Buckingham Shum, David De Roure, Marc Eisenstadt, Nigel Shadbolt, Austin Tate

Knowledge Art: Integrating Compendium and Visual Explorer Methodologies to Explore Creative Sensemaking
pp 6-11 in: P Galle and G E Lasker (Eds.)
Knowledge for Creative Decision-Making
Proceedings of a Special Focus Symposium under InterSymp-2002 in Baden-Baden, Germany
Windsor, Ontario: The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research & Cybernetics. ISBN 1-894613-79-1
Not currently available online
Albert M. Selvin, Charles J. Palus, Maarten Sierhuis
Report and Papers from Facilitating Hypertext-Augmented Collaborative Modeling (HypACoM) Workshop
Held at ACM Hypertext 2002 Conference, College Park, MD, USA
11 June 2002
Augmenting Design Deliberation with Compendium: The Case of Collaborative Ontology Design
Simon Buckingham Shum, Enrico Motta, John Domingue

Reflections on Artful Practice: Compendium in the Context of Leadership Development
Charles J. Palus

Hypertext Shared Display as Collaborative Modeling
Kim Salins (with Jeff Conklin)

Rearchitecting a Software Platform: A Beginner’s Case Study with Dialog Mapping
Eugene Eric Kim

Reflections on HACM Facilitation
Albert M. Selvin
Rapid Knowledge Construction: A Case Study in Corporate Contingency Planning Using Collaborative Hypermedia
Published Online: April 16, 2002
Online ISSN: 1099-1441; Print ISSN: 1092-4604
Journal of Knowledge and Process Management
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2002. Pages: 119-128
Albert M. Selvin and Simon Buckingham Shum

Sense-Making and Knowledge Collaboration Tools
11 September 2001
Jeff Conklin
Facilitated Hypertext for Collective Sensemaking: 15 Years on from gIBIS
TR Number 112
19 September 2001
Jeff Conklin, Albert M. Selvin, Simon Buckingham Shum and Maarten Sierhuis
Compendium: Making Meetings into Knowledge Events
Knowledge Technologies 2001, Austin TX
4-7 March 2001
Albert M. Selvin, Simon Buckingham Shum, Maarten Sierhuis, Jeff Conklin, Beatrix Zimmermann, Charles J. Palus, Wilfred Drath, David Horth, John Domingue, Enrico Motta, and G. Li

Structuring Discourse for Collective Interpretation
DCP2000: Distributed Collective Practices 2000
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, France
19-20 September 2000
Simon J. Buckingham Shum and Albert M. Selvin

Rapid Knowledge Construction: A Case Study in Corporate Contingency Planning Using Collaborative Hypermedia
KMaC 2000: Knowledge Management Beyond the Hype.
Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, UK
16-19 July 2000
Albert M. Selvin and Simon J. Buckingham Shum
Case Studies of Project Compendium in Different Organizations
Argumentation in Different CSCA Project Types
Workshop on Computer-Supported Collaborative Argumentation for Learning Communities, CSCL ’99
Stanford University
December 1999
Albert M. Selvin and Maarten Sierhuis
Supporting Collaborative Analysis and Design with Hypertext Functionality
Journal of Digital Information
Volume 1 Issue 4, Article No. 16, 1999年01月14日
Albert M. Selvin
Repurposing Requirements: Improving Collaborative Sense-Making over the Lifecycle
Note: This will download the whole proceedings of the Profes conference. The paper is on page 539.
International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
(Profes ’99) Oulu, Finland
Albert M. Selvin and Simon Buckingham Shum
Collaborative Sense-Making in Design:
Involving Stakeholders via Representational Morphing
Open University – Knowledge Media Institute Technical Report KMI-99-1
Simon Buckingham Shum and Albert M. Selvin
Reforging the Links: QuestMap, Project Compendium and First Class
Rebekah L. Irwin
Using World Modeling Interviews to Develop Lists of Shared Problems, Opportunities, Know-how and Assets Shared by Wisconsin Public Television and the U.W. System Learning Innovations Center
Steven Vedro
Reforging the Links: The University Digital Business Partnership Project

Supporting Granular Reuse of Knowledge Elements in an Organizational Memory System
Seventh International Workshop on Hypertext Functionality in Information Systems (ICIS ’98)
Helsinki, Finland
Albert M. Selvin

A Framework for Assessing Group Memory Approaches for Software Design Projects
Proceedings of the Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 1997)
The Netherlands
Beatrix Zimmermann and Albert M. Selvin
Towards an Ecological Theory of Sustainable Knowledge Networks
Touchstone Consulting Group, Inc. Working Papers
Jeff Conklin, Clarence Ellis, Lynn Offermann, Steve Poltrock, Albert Selvin, and Jonathan Grudin

Leveraging Existing Hypertext Functionality to Create A Customized Environment for Team Analysis
Second International Workshop on Hypertext Functionality in Information Systems (Hypertext ’96)
Bethesda, Maryland
Albert M. Selvin
Towards a Framework for Collaborative Modeling and Simulation
Position paper for Workshop on Strategies for Collaborative Modeling and Simulation
Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Work
Boston, MA, 1996
Maarten Sierhuis and Albert M. Selvin

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The briefings included here provide an overview and introduction to Compendium. Since Compendium represents a large body of work and experience, the papers cover several dimensions: Compendium as a methodology, a technology, a community of people and expertise, and a research topic.
A growing number of people from a wide range of backgrounds and organizations regard Compendium as a highly promising approach to solving a number of difficult business, organizational, and technical problems. With continued development, support, community, and energy, Compendium can continue to generate an increasing amount of value in the years to come.
For more in-depth discussions of many of these dimensions, please see our extensive set of research papers.
Compendium Overview [10Mb PPT][5.5Mb PDF] – Computational Semantics Laboratory, Stanford University, Sept. 2006
From gIBIS to MEMETIC: Evolving a Research Vision into a Practical Tool [17.6Mb PPT][7.5Mb PDF] – Design Rationale Workshop: Design, Computing & Cognition Conference , Eindhoven, July, 2006
Compendium as a Methodology
Compendium as a Technology
Compendium as a Community of People and Expertise
Compendium as a Research Topic
Compendium as a Knowledge Management Approach

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Compendium is finding application in a wide range of domains such as Bookkeeping Services, Bookkeepers Sydney or Bookkeeping Services Sydney. It also has broad discussions in several domains. In the Library, you may find many things that’s been written about Compendium, and portals into related fields.
Most of the published work on Compendium can be found on the Research Papers & Presentations page.

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Higher Education Loan Program for Bookkeepers and Accountants

Study Assist for Bookkeepers

Study Assist for Bookkeepers

Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) & Repayments Thresholds 2013/14

The Australian Government is not only serious about promoting its business and tourism sectors but also invests in the human talent. If one finds it untrue then please take a look at the facilities and support being offered by Australian Government to the accounting and tax return Sydney students in every city. Are you familiar with the term HELP?

Higher Education Loan Program is the best what any student could get in any part of the world. What it does is allows the students to choose the career path of their choice by getting admission into any university for gaining higher education while the fee is being paid through loan borrowed money. Three factors come into play for the purpose of amount to be borrowed. The factors are eligibility, university and specific circumstances. There are two basic concepts which one must understand before going ahead with application of the Higher Education Loan Program. Being enrolled in certified private institution or university, Commonwealth fee paying place or support place could be offered to you. On the other hand, studying in a certified VET provider would enable you to get status of fee paying student or subsidized state student.

There are different types of loans being offered by the Australian Government to support students in the best possible manner. We have briefly discussed all these types below for your better understanding.

HELP via HECS – It is the scheme where loan is provided to students only who are eligible and Commonwealth supported. It helps in making student contributions via loan amount or significant discount in fee.

HELP via FEE – As simple as its name, the loan is provided to students who are eligible for the purpose of making fee payments directly.

HELP via SA – It is the loan type which only pays specific part or whole payments related to student amenities and services. Students in huge number apply for this loan type.

HELP via OS – The loan is specifically created to support Australian residents studying overseas in an approved institution. It is also only provided to Commonwealth supported students who are eligible.

HELP via VET FEE – Those studding tax return in Melbourne involved in vocational education for higher level and are eligible could get this loan to pay the complete fees. However, only VET institutes which are certified can be considerable.

2013/2014 HELP Rates for Repayment

The particular loan scheme was introduced by Australian Government in 2005 realizing the support needed by students for pursuing their careers and dreams. HELP replaced the Higher Education Contribution Scheme in 2005. The important question to ponder is when one has to repay the loan? This process starts when your repayment income is greater than minimum amount of threshold. When you reach certain repayment income threshold, it becomes compulsory to make the payments. The rates change every financial year. The important stat to remember is you are not implied to make payments if your repayment income is not above 51,308ドル. We have briefly discussed the varying rates of repayment for Higher Education Loan Program. The rates vary only due to difference in income.

    • 0% in case HRI is lesser than 51,308ドル
    • 4% repayment rate for HELP Repayment Income falling in category of 51,309ドル to 57,153ドル
    • 5% applies to 57,154ドル – 62,997ドル repayment income
    • 5% is implied upon HRI in range of 62,998ドル – 66,308ドル
    • 5% rate of HRI is applicable to range of 66,309ドル to 71,277ドル
    • 6% applies to HRI between 71,278ドル – 77,194ドル
    • 5% is the rate for range of 77,195ドル to 81,256ドル repayment income
    • 7% is applicable to repayment income of 81,256ドル to 89,421ドル
    • 5% on HRI ranging from 89,422ドル to 95,287ドル
    • 8% on any HRI exceeding 95,287ドル


The entire compulsory repayment amount for the loan is calculated while processing of tax return is done. The repayment income is kept as base for this loan. For better understanding of this concept let’s clear the repayment income for HELP.

The repayment income for HELP consists of several factors such as:

  1. Income tax applied upon
  2. Rental loss or other net losses due to investments
  3. Amount of fringe benefits to be reported
  4. Super contributions which could be reported
  5. Exemption of income generated via overseas employment

There is serious responsibility on the student who would like to provide bookkeeping services Sydney in a future and has gained the loan via HELP. Repayment is a must if your income is greater than above mentioned minimum threshold. ATO provides information to the authorities handling HELP cases about any defer occurring in payments on other loans. Every individual has a separate account which keeps up to date record for repayments, indexation and debts. The account information can be accessed in case you want to know about the amount of repayment which is compulsory. There are several things to look for when applying for HELP.

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Information Technology & Modeling for Accountants

Tax Accountant Sydney support the idea that Australian Government and Australian Taxation Office consider small businesses as the main source of future well being of the country. The authorities plan to support and encourage small business investors in every possible way. For this purpose numerous types of schemes, loans and other supporting tools have been introduced by the government. On the other hand, people already involved in doing business are offered with different types of discounts and concessions which help them reduce the tax payables. Every businessman in Australia is aware of the term "Small Business CGT Concessions". Everybody is not able to understand the actual working of this term. For this purpose, you need to know the exact details and fulfill all necessary requirements.

Small Business Entity

Most businessmen don’t know what criterion makes a particular business qualify for being "small business entity". Specific criterion has to be met for a venture to be considered small business entity and avail CGT concessions.

As Tax Accountant is saying:

Small business entity can be a trust, individual, company or partnership which has less than 2ドルmillion aggregated turnover produced from business activities. The aggregated turnover is calculated by adding annual turnover and turnover of relevant business entities. Here are the 3 methods to find out whether you meet 2ドル million aggregated turnover condition.

  1. The venture is small business entity if previous financial year’s aggregated turnover was lesser than 2ドルmillion.
  2. Estimate aggregate turnover for current financial year can be calculated. If it is estimated to be lesser than 2ドルmillion than the venture can be considered small business entity if the past two year’s aggregated income was also less than 2ドルmillion.
  3. In some cases, the first two methods cannot be applied. Here the owner needs to wait for the financial year to end and calculate the actual aggregated turnover which occurred.

Getting To Know The Different CGT Small Business Concessions

There are 4 major types of small business CGT concessions. You might not be able to get the particular type of concession which you want. Every concession has a basic criterion. The particular concession will be availed by you if the business meets its conditions and requirements.

  • Active Asset 50% Reduction
  • 15year Exemption
  • Rollover
  • Retirement Exemption

Active Asset 50% Reduction

This type of concession can only be availed if you meet the basic requirement of holding active asset for the time span of 12 months or more. In this way, you can apply for reduction of capital gain up to 50%.

15year Exemption

This concession allows you to have zero capital gain when you earn assessable income by selling the active asset. However, the condition of being at least 55 years of age and holding asset for 15 years or more has to be met in order to avail the exemption. The concession can also be availed by permanently incapacitated individuals. Meeting the 15year asset holding criterion is a must.


The small business rollover concession can be gained with the sale of active asset while benefiting from deferring partial or complete capital gain for minimum 2 years. However, there is a condition applied to it. The concession can also be availed if owner incurs expense on existing asset for capital improvements or acquires any replacement asset.

Retirement Exemption

For individuals who are above 55years can avail this discount type. Up to 500,000ドル of capital gains can be exempted for lifetime of an individual on sale of all active assets with this concession. On the other hand, if you are under 55years age then the amount of capitals gains exempted can be transferred to retirement saving account or super fund.

No matter which concession you are willing to gain, it is must to fulfill its specific requirements before applying. An individual can apply for as many concessions as he/she wants till the total capital gains amount becomes zero. It will lead to significant tax benefits. There will be no amount of capital gains on which the tax could be applied, resulting in plenty of money being saved for you. However, it is not possible to meet the conditions of small business CGT concessions every time. Before applying also confirm about the rules regarding the order of concessions application which imply to your case. Tax (financial) adviser can help you calculate capital gain in your tax return Sydney in a professional way. In this way, you will be able to gain appropriate advice on which concession to apply for and when. A professional’s advice should always be considered valuable.

Basic Conditions To Qualify For Small Business CGT Concessions

  • Aggregate turnover of the venture to be lesser than 2ドルmillion
  • Net value of assets to be not more than 6ドルmillion
  • Fulfilling the ownership and asset usage criterion
  • Meeting the requirements related to active assets
  • One condition from the below mentioned two conditions has to be satisfied if the asset is interest in a trust or share in company:
    1. Entity applying for concession should be CGT concession stakeholder
    2. 90% business participation should be held together by the CGT concession stakeholders in a trust or company.

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