(Tone in 1942 - colorized by Irotooko, Jr)

IJN TONE: Tabular Record of Movement

ゥ 1997-2019 Bob Hackett and Sander Kingsepp
Revision 22

1 December 1934:
Nagasaki. Laid down at Mitsubishi's Shipyard. 21 November 1937:
Launched and named TONE. Captain Ryuzaki Tomekichi (40)(former CO of CHOGEI) is appointed the Chief Equipping Officer (CEO). 18 May 1938:
Captain Ryuzaki is appointed the CEO of CHIKUMA as additional duty. 1 November 1938:
Captain (later Vice Admiral) Hara Teizo (41)(former staff communications officer at the Navy Section of the Imperial HQ) is appointed the CEO. 20 November 1938:
Completed and registered in the IJN. Attached to Yokosuka Naval District. Captain Hara Teizo is the Commanding Officer. 20 October 1939:
Captain Hara is appointed the CO of CHIKUMA as additional duty. 15 November 1939:
Captain (later Vice Admiral) Onishi Shinzo (42)(former chief of the Personnel Bureau's 1st section at Navy Ministry) is appointed the CO. 1 December 1939:
Attached to Maizuru Naval District with CHIKUMA. 15 October 1940:
Captain Nishida Masao (44)(former Fourth Fleet staff officer) is appointed the CO. 10 September 1941:
Captain (later Rear Admiral) Okada Tametsugu (45)(former NGS/Navy Section of the Imperial HQ staff officer) is appointed the CO. Captain Nishida is reassigned as the CO of battleship HIEI. 26 November 1941: Operation "Z":
CruDiv 8's TONE and CHIKUMA depart Hitokappu Bay, Etorofu Island, Kuriles with Vice Admiral Mikawa Gunichi's (former CO of KIRISHIMA) Support Force's BatDiv 3/Section 1's HIEI and KIRISHIMA DesRon 1's light cruiser ABUKUMA and her destroyers and Supply Groups Nos. 1 and 2. Mikawa's Force accompanies Vice Admiral (Admiral, posthumously) Nagumo Chuichi's (former CO of YAMASHIRO) First Air Fleet Striking Force (Kido Butai): CarDiv 1's AKAGI and KAGA, CarDiv 2's HIRYU and SORYU, CarDiv 5's SHOKAKU and ZUIKAKU. 2 December 1941:
940 miles north of Midway Island. CruDiv 8 receives the signal "Niitakayama nobore (Climb Mt. Niitaka) 1208" from the Combined Fleet's flagship NAGATO. It signifies that hostilities will commence on 8 December (Japan time).[1] 7 December 1941: The Attack on Pearl Harbor:
At 0500, TONE and CHIKUMA each launch one Aichi E13A1 Type 0 "Jake" floatplane for a pre-strike reconnaissance flight. TONE's "Jake" No. 1 (coded JI-1), piloted by WO Narukawa Ryozo, reconnoiters Lahaina Roads anchorage, but finds no American fleet units present there.

At 0630, CHIKUMA and TONE each launch a short range Nakajima E8N2 "Dave" two-seat floatplane to act as pickets and patrol south of the Striking Force. HIEI and KIRISHIMA also launch floatplanes for ASW patrols around the carriers. About 0730, lookouts aboard Cdr (Rear Admiral, posthumously) Ankyu Eitaro's submarine I-1 observe TONE's "Jake" returning from the Lahaina area. During the landing attempt in heavy seas the E13A1 capsizes and is lost. At 0755, the Striking Force's first wave of 189 aircraft (90 Nakajima B5N2 Type 97 "Kate" attack planes, 54 Aichi D3A1 Type 99 "Val" dive-bombers and 45 Mitsubishi A6M2 A6M Type 0 "Zeke" fighters, led by Cdr (later Captain) Fuchida Mitsuo, attack the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor and other military installations on Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. About 0840, they are followed by a second wave of 171 aircraft (54 "Kates", 81 "Vals" and 36 "Zekes"), led by LtCdr Shimazaki Shigekazu. By 0945, they retire towards their carriers. During the attacks, the Striking Force sinks battleships USS ARIZONA (BB-39), CALIFORNIA (BB-44), OKLAHOMA (BB-37) and WEST VIRGINIA (BB-49) and damages MARYLAND (BB-46), NEVADA (BB-36), PENNSYLVANIA (BB-38) and TENNESSEE (BB-43) and other smaller ships. 2,335 American servicemen die in the attack, most on ARIZONA. After recovering all but 29 of its aircraft lost in the attack, the Striking Force departs Hawaiian waters towards Japan. 16 December 1941: The Second Invasion of Wake Island:
CruDiv 8, CarDiv 2 and destroyers URAKAZE and TANIKAZE are detached from the Striking Force to participate in the second invasion. 21 December 1941: The Second Invasion of Wake Island:
TONE launches two E8N2 floatplanes for ASW patrols of CarDiv 2 while CHIKUMA launches her E13A1 to scout Wake Island. 22 December 1941:
TONE launches one of her E8N2s to support 39 aircraft from CarDiv 2 in attacks on Wake Island. 23 December 1941:
TONE's floatplane is the first to report that fighting on the island has ceased. CHIKUMA's plane, damaged by AA fire, ditches, but the crew is rescued. After the capture of Wake Island, CruDiv 8 returns to Kure. 29 December 1941:
Arrives at Kure and enters overhaul. 10 January 1942:
Departs Kure. 14 January 1942:
Arrives at Truk. 17 January: Operation "R" - The Invasion of Rabaul:
CruDiv 8 departs Truk with the Carrier Striking Force's CarDivs 1 and 5, BatDiv 3/1 and DesRon 1 for an area north of New Ireland. 20 January 1942:
Supports air attacks on Rabaul. Supported CarDiv 5 attacks on Lae and Salamaua, New Guinea. 22 January 1942:
Departs the New Ireland area. 23 January 1942:
Two E13A1 floatplanes and one E8N2 from TONE attack and bomb Buka Island. 25 January 1942:
The TONE's floatplanes attack the Admiralties. 27 January 1942:
Returns to Truk. 1 February 1942: American Air Raid on Kwajalein:
Vice Admiral (later Fleet Admiral) William F. Halsey Jr's (former CO of SARATOGA, CV-3) Task Force 8 (ENTERPRISE, CV-6) raids Kwajalein and Wotje in the Marshall Islands. Submarine depot ship YASUKUNI MARU and several other vessels are also damaged in the raid. CruDiv 8's TONE and CHIKUMA depart Truk with the Carrier Striking Force's CarDiv 1, CarDiv 5's ZUIKAKU, BatDiv 3/1 and DesRon 1 in an unsuccessful pursuit of Halsey. 4 February 1942:
BatDiv 3/1 and the Carrier Striking Force group are ordered to Palau. CarDiv 5's ZUIKAKU is detached via Truk for Japan to join SHOKAKU. 8 February 1942:
CruDiv 8, BatDiv 3/1, CarDiv 1 and DesRon 1 arrive at Palau. 15 February 1942:
CruDiv 8 departs Palau with the Carrier Striking Force: CarDiv 1's AKAGI and KAGA, CarDiv 2's HIRYU and SORYU and DesRon 1's light cruiser ABUKUMA with DesDiv 17's URAKAZE, ISOKAZE, TANIKAZE and HAMAKAZE and DesDiv 18's KASUMI, SHIRANUHI and ARIAKE. 17 February 1942:
CruDiv 8, CarDiv 1 and DesRon 1 arrive at Staring Bay, Celebes. That night they depart for a high-speed crossing of the Banda Sea. 19 February 1942: The Attack on Port Darwin, Australia:
Timor Sea. 280 miles NNW of Darwin. At 0530 (local), TONE catapults an E13A1 "Jake" reconnaissance floatplane to report on the weather over the Clarence Strait 18 miles N of Darwin, but the plane's radio fails and it returns to TONE at 0955 (local). 19 February 1942: The Attack on Port Darwin, Australia:
Timor Sea. 220 miles NNW of Darwin. At 0752 (local) the Carrier Striking Force launches 81 Nakajima B5N2 "Kate" attack planes, 72 Aichi D3A1 "Val" dive-bombers and 36 Mitsubishi A6M2 "Zeke" fighters. Led by Cdr Fuchida (of Pearl Harbor), the Striking Force attacks Darwin, followed later by a strike of 54 twin-engine land-based G3M2 "Nell" and G4M1 "Betty" bombers of the Takao and the 1st Kokutai's (Naval Air Groups) from Ambon and Kendari, Celebes. The raids destroy 30 aircraft including 12 American Curtiss P-40 "Kittyhawk" fighters, sink 11 ships including destroyer USS PEARY (DD-226) and the large Army transport GENERAL M.C. MEIGS and damage 13 ships including seaplane tender (WWI destroyer conversion) USS WILLIAM B. PRESTON (AVD-7). TONE's floatplane No. 2 locates two ships off Cape Foureroy that are later sunk by D3A1 dive-bombers from AKAGI. 21 February 1942:
CruDiv 8, CarDiv 1 and DesRon 1 arrive back at Staring Bay for refueling. They join Vice Admiral (later Admiral) Kondo Nobutake's (former CO of KONGO) BatDiv 3's HIEI, KIRISHIMA, KONGO and HARUNA and CruDiv 4's ATAGO, MAYA and TAKAO and six destroyers that also arrived from Palau that day to refuel. 25 February 1942: Operation "J" -The Invasion of the Netherlands East Indies:
Vice Admiral Kondo, the overall invasion fleet commander, detaches BatDiv 3/2's KONGO and HARUNA, CruDiv 4's ATAGO and TAKAO and destroyers ARASHI and NOWAKI from his Main Body. Kondo's force departs Staring Bay to hunt for shipping escaping from Java. They are joined later by DesDiv 15's HAYASHIO from Timor. The remainder of the Kondo's force supports carrier attacks on Java and departs Staring Bay following the Striking Force, CruDiv 8, DesRon 1 and six tankers. 27 February 1942:
Seaplane tender USS LANGLEY (AV-3) and her escorts, the old four-stackers WHIPPLE (DD-217) and EDSALL (DD-219) are attacked by 16 twin-engined Mitsubishi GM41 "Betty" bombers of the Takao NAG based at Denpasar, Bali, six Mitsubishi A6M2 fighters of the 3rd NAG and nine A6M2s from the Tainan NAG. They damage LANGLEY so severely that she is abandoned. EDSALL picks up 177 survivors and WHIPPLE 308. The next day, the destroyers rendezvous with USS PECOS (AO-6) off Christmas Island. EDSALL begins transferring LANGLEY's survivors to PECOS, but more bombers arrive and force her to depart. 1 March 1942:
Indian Ocean. In the morning, Lt Joshua J. Nix's EDSALL completes transferring LANGLEY's survivors to PECOS, then heads towards Tjilatjap. At 0700 TONE and CHIKUMA each launch one E13A1 "Jake" floatplane to search the waters around Christmas Island and to the west. The planes find merchant shipping, but no warships. At about 1400, the floatplanes return to their respective ships. 250 miles SSE of Christmas Island. At 1550 (local), the Carrier Striking Force is steaming at 16 knots at 14-25S, 106-50E, when one of AKAGI's combat air patrol fighters sights a "MARBLEHEAD-class" light cruiser (actually EDSALL), steaming behind the force about 30 kilometers away.

At 1552, Vice Admiral Nagumo orders BatDiv 3/2 and CruDiv 8 to intercept the "cruiser" and destroy it. Vice Admiral Mikawa leads the chase from HIEI, flanked by heavy cruisers CHIKUMA (port) and TONE (starboard), leading KIRISHIMA.

At 1602, EDSALL is sighted 16 miles away, heading north. At 1603, CHIKUMA opens fire with her 8-inch guns at extremely long range. EDSALL lays down a smokescreen and begins evasive maneuvers.

At 1616, HIEI opens fire with her forward 14-inch guns at a range of 27,900 yards, straddling the target. After 1619, she launches all her floatplanes.

At 1620, HIEI signals: "All forces, charge!" The target is soon identified as a destroyer by HIEI and CHIKUMA. At 1639, Admiral Mikawa orders flank speed. At 1655, HIEI and the heavy cruisers check fire without having scored a single direct hit. Between 1657 and 1720 EDSALL is attacked by twenty-six D3A1 "Val" dive-bombers from carriers KAGA and SORYU and HIRYU. Several direct hits and near misses slow her down and set afire. EDSALL, slowly circling clockwise, is enveloped in white smoke. [2] At 1718 KIRISHIMA targets the destroyer with her main battery, switching to secondary guns four minutes later. At 1731, the battered old "four-piper" sinks by the stern at 13-45S, 106-47E. In all, CruDiv 8 expends 844 8-inch and 62 5-inch rounds. 2 March 1942:
At 0328 CruDiv 8 and BatDiv 3/2 rejoin the Carrier Striking Force. 5 March 1942:
TONE and CHIKUMA's floatplanes take part in the strike on Tjilatjap. 6 March 1942:
A TONE floatplane rescues a British seaman from a ship lost on 27 February off Java. 11 March 1942:
After the surrender of the Dutch East Indies, CHIKUMA arrives at Staring Bay, at Kendari, Celebes, where EDSALL's survivors are transferred ashore. 26 March 1942: Operation "C" - The Raids in the Indian Ocean:
That same day, Vice Admiral Nagumo Chuichi's Carrier Striking Force sorties from Staring Bay via Timor Sea into the Indian Ocean with CarDiv 1's AKAGI, CarDiv 2's SORYU and HIRYU, CarDiv 5's SHOKAKU and ZUIKAKU, BatDiv 3's KONGO, HIEI, HARUNA and KIRISHIMA, CruDiv 8's TONE and CHIKUMA, DesDiv 17's URAKAZE, ISOKAZE, TANIKAZE and HAMAKAZE, DesDiv 18's KASUMI, SHIRANUHI, ARARE and KAGERO, DesDiv 4's MAIKAZE and HAGIKAZE, CarDiv 5's AKIGUMO and fleet oiler SHINKOKU MARU. 31 March 1942:
Auxiliary tankers KYOKUTO MARU, KENYO MARU and NIPPON MARU join Nagumo's Force. 1 April 1942:
Meanwhile, at 1100, Vice Admiral Ozawa Jisaburo's (former CO of HARUNA) Second Expeditionary Fleet, Malaya Force departs Mergui and steams into the Bay of Bengal to attack merchant shipping with CruDiv 4's CHOKAI (F) and CruDiv 7's SUZUYA, KUMANO, MIKUMA and MOGAMI, light cruiser YURA and destroyers FUBUKI, SHIRAYUKI, HATSUYUKI and MURAKUMA, which are replaced on 3 April by AYANAMI, YUGIRI, ASAGIRI and SHIOKAZE. YURA and CHOKAI support CarDiv 4's light carrier RYUJO. 2 April 1942:
After refueling Nagumo's Carrier Striking Force, SHINKOKU MARU, KYOKUTO MARU, KENYO MARU and NIPPON MARU are detached.
4 April 1942:
350 nms S of Ceylon. About 1600, the carrier Striking Force is located by Consolidated PBY "Catalina" flying boat QL-A of 413 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), flown by squadron leader Squadron Leader Leonard Birchall. Birchall manages to radio in the position of the Japanese fleet and alert Colombo about the impending attack before his "Catalina" is shot down by six A6M2 fighters from carrier HIRYU. Birchall is one of the six survivors of the crew of nine picked up by ISOKAZE. 5 April 1942, Easter Sunday: The Attack on the British naval base at Colombo:
At 0730, 127 aircraft from the Striking Force (53 Nakajima B5N2 attack planes [18 from SORYU, 18 from HIRYU and 17 from AKAGI], 38 Aichi D3A1 dive bombers [19 each from SHOKAKU and ZUIKAKU] and 36 Mitsubishi A6M2 fighters (9 each from AKAGI, SORYU, HIRYU and ZUIKAKU) led by Cdr Fuchida Mitsuo, attack the British naval base at Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). The planes damage the base's facilities, destroy at least 26 aircraft (6 Fairey "Swordfish", 4 Fairey "Fulmars" and at least 16 Hawker "Hurricanes") and sink destroyer HMS TENEDOS undergoing refit, armed merchant cruiser HMS HECTOR and 5834-ton Norwegian tanker SOLI. The planes also damage submarine tender HMS LUCIA, 5,943-ton British freighter BENLEDI and 5,950-ton British freighter CLAN MUROCH. 81 civilians and 56 RN personnel are killed at Colombo. A Kawanishi E7K "Alf" floatplane from TONE locates Vice Admiral (later Admiral of the Fleet Sir) James Somerville's British Eastern Fleet's cruisers HMS CORNWALL and HMS DORSETSHIRE at sea - without air cover. Between 1338-1400, 53 D3A1 dive-bombers (17 from AKAGI, 18 from HIRYU and 18 from SORYU, led by LtCdr Egusa Takashige (SORYU's Air Group Commander), sink both ships. 424 RN personnel are killed. After the attack, the Striking Force withdraws to the SE and searches unsuccessfully for the rest of Somerville's fleet.

(Tracks of Nagumo and Ozawa's Forces)
9 April 1942: The Attack on the British naval base at Trincomalee:
At 0600, Nagumo's Striking Force launches 132 aircraft, led by Cdr Fuchida, to attack the British naval base at Trincomalee, Ceylon (91 B5N2 attack planes [18 from AKAGI, 18 from SORYU and 18 from HIRYU, 19 from SHOKAKU and 18 from ZUIKAKU] and 41 A6M2 fighters [6 from AKAGI, 9 from SORYU, 6 from HIRYU, 10 from SHOKAKU and 10 from ZUIKAKU]). The Japanese find the harbor almost empty of warships, but sink the 9,066-ton British merchant SAGAING with a "Walrus" amphibian and three crated Fairey "Albacore" aircraft she was carrying, and damage old 15-inch gun monitor HMS EREBUS. The non-operational Dutch light cruiser SUMATRA is hit by a 800-kg dud. Outside the harbor, the southbound 4,784-ton Greek MARIONGA D. THERMIOTIS is damaged by strafing and seven men are wounded. An E8N2 floatplane from HARUNA locates an enemy carrier 65 miles south of the base at 0755. Between 0843 and 0853, the Striking Force launches 85 D3A1s, (18 from SORYU, 18 from HIRYU and 18 from SHOKAKU, 17 from AKAGI and 14 from ZUIKAKU), escorted by 9 A6M2s (3 each from AKAGI, SORYU, HIRYU), which sink the light carrier HMS HERMES. 306 RN personnel are KIA, but hospital ship HMHS VITA, en route from Trincomalee to Colombo, arrives and picks up over 600 survivors. Nagumo's aircraft also find and sink Australian destroyer HMAS VAMPIRE, corvette HMS HOLLYHOCK, oilers ATHELSTANE and BRITISH SERGEANT and the Norwegian merchant ship NORVIKEN. During the day, nine of the RAF No. 11 Squadron's Bristol "Blenheim" bombers attack AKAGI and TONE, but score no hits and lose five four of their number to Nagumo's Combat Air Patrol A6M2s; another is lost during the return flight when they encounter three fighters from HIRYU returning from the attack on HERMES. BatDiv 3 and the Striking Force continue heading SE. 10 April 1942:
About midnight, the fleet changes course to the NE. During the next 36 hours, BatDiv 3 and the Striking Force gradually bear southwards again and pass through the Andaman Sea entering the Straits of Malacca. 13 April 1942:
By nightfall, the fleet passes Singapore and enters the South China Sea, bound for Japan. 14 April 1942:
CarDiv 5 is detached from the Striking Force for refueling at Mako with HAGIKAZE and MAIKAZE. 18 April 1942: The First Bombing of Japan:
Vice Admiral Halsey's Task Force 16.2's USS HORNET (CV-8), VINCENNES (CA-44), NASHVILLE (CL-43), oiler CIMARRON (AO-22) and destroyers GWIN (DD-433), MEREDITH (DD-434), GRAYSON (DD-435) and MONSSEN (DD-436) accompanied by Task Force 16.1's ENTERPRISE (CV-6), SALT LAKE CITY (CA-25), NORTHAMPTON (CA-28), oiler SABINE (AO-25) and destroyers BALCH (DD-363), BENHAM (DD-397), ELLET (DD-398) and FANNING (DD-385) approach the Japanese home islands. The carriers and cruisers come to within 668 miles of Japan. Led by Lt Col (later General/MOH) James H. Doolittle, 16 Army B-25 "Mitchell" twin-engine bombers of the 17th Bomb Group take off from Captain (later Admiral) Marc A. Mitscher's carrier HORNET and strike targets in Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya and Kobe. At Yokosuka, a B-25 damages carrier RYUHO in a drydock while undergoing conversion from former submarine depot ship TAIGEI. TONE and CHIKUMA depart Mako with the Striking Force in an unsuccessful pursuit of of Halsey's ships. 25 April 1942:
Arrives at Maizuru. Refit and drydocked. 3 May 1942:
Undocked. 16 May 1942:
TONE and CHIKUMA depart Maizuru. 18 May 1942:
Arrives at Hashirajima. 27 May 1942: Operation "MI" - The Battle of Midway:
Departs Hashirajima with Vice Admiral (later Admiral, posthumously) Nagumo's Carrier Striking Force: CarDivs 1 and 2, Rear Admiral (later Vice Admiral) Abe Hiroaki's (former CO of FUSO) Support Group's BatDiv 3/2's HARUNA and KIRISHIMA, Abe's CruDiv 8, Rear Admiral (later Vice Admiral) Kimura Susumu's (former CO of NAGATO) DesRon 10's light cruiser NAGARA with DesDiv 4's NOWAKI, ARASHIO, HAGIKAZE and MAIKAZE, DesDiv 10's KAZAGUMO, YUGUMO and MAKIGUMO, DesDiv 17's URAKAZE, ISOKAZE, TANIKAZE and HAMAKAZE. 4 June 1942:
Between 0435-0500, CruDiv 8's TONE and CHIKUMA each launch two E13A1 Jake long-range reconnaissance floatplanes to search out 300 miles for American carriers from NNE thru S. TONE and CHIKUMA also each launch one E8N2 floatplane on ASW patrol. Each cruiser holds another "Dave" for later use on another ASW mission. At 0728, TONE's E13A1 No. 4 discovers the enemy ships, which later materialize as a carrier group. The observer does not identify the carriers at the outset, which proves to be a crucial mistake. TONE is attacked by enemy carrier aircraft but sustains no damage. During the battle, TONE's E8N2 No. 3 is lost with her crew. 6 June 1942: Operation "AL" - The Invasion of the Aleutian Islands:
TONE and CHIKUMA are ordered to support Vice Admiral Hosogawa Boshiro's (former CO of MUTSU) Fifth Fleet for the Aleutians invasion. CruDiv 8 joins BatDiv 3/1, carrier ZUIHO, seaplane carrier KAMIKAWA MARU escorted by DesDiv 4's MAIKAZE, HAGIKAZE and NOWAKI that are also detached to join Rear Admiral (later Vice Admiral) Kakuta Kakuji's (former CO of YAMASHIRO) Second Mobile Force. An anticipated American counter-attack fails to materialize. CruDiv 8 cruises northern waters uneventfully. 24 June 1942:
Arrives at Ominato. 28 June July 1942:
CruDiv 8 departs Ominato. 12 July 1942:
Arrives at Hashirajima. 14 July 1942:
Captain (later Rear Admiral) Kobe Yuji (45)(former CO of YAKUMO) is appointed the CO. Captain Okada is reassigned as the CO of carrier JUNYO. Rear Admiral (promoted Vice Admiral 1 November) Hara Chuichi is appointed the ComCruDiv 8, replacing Rear Admiral Abe, who is reassigned as the ComBatDiv 11. 15 July 1942:
Departs Hashirajima. 16 July 1942:
Arrives at Maizuru for repairs. 6 August 1942:
Departs Maizuru for Kure. 7 August 1942:
Arrives at Kure. 16 August 1942: Operation "KA" - The Reinforcement of Guadalcanal:
At 1800 CruDiv 8's TONE and CHIKUMA depart Hashirajima with Nagumo's Third Fleet, Carrier Strike Force, Main Body's CarDiv 1's SHOKAKU and ZUIKAKU and CarDiv 2's RYUJO, light cruiser NAGARA and ten destroyers. 20 August 1942:
A planned refueling at Truk is canceled by Admiral Yamamoto. The task force refuels at sea from oilers en route towards Guadalcanal. Nagumo's Carrier Strike Force and CruDiv 8's TONE and the CHIKUMA join Kondo's Second Fleet: Rear Admiral (later Vice Admiral) Abe Hiroaki's (former CO of FUSO) Vanguard Force's BatDiv 11's HIEI and KIRISHIMA, CruDiv 4's ATAGO, TAKAO, CHOKAI and MAYA, the Support Force's CHITOSE, CruDiv 5's MYOKO and HAGURO, Desron 10's NAGARA and DesDiv 4's HATSUKAZE, MAIKAZE, NOWAKI, DesDiv 10's AKIGUMO, KAZAGUMO, MAKIGUMO and YUGUMO, DesDiv 16's AMATSUKAZE, TOKITSUKAZE, DesDiv 17's TANIKAZE and DesDiv 61's AKIZUKI. 24 August 1942: The Battle of the Eastern Solomons:
The Carrier Strike Force, Mobile Force, Main Body's CarDiv 1, BatDiv 11, CruDiv 8's CHIKUMA and DesRon 10 cruises NE of Guadalcanal. CruDiv 7's KUMANO, SUZUYA and MOGAMI arrive from Burma and join the Main Body. At 0400, Rear Admiral Hara's TONE, light carrier RYUJO and DesDiv 16's AMATSUKAZE and TOKITSUKAZE are detached from the Main Body. At 0935, a Consolidated PBY "Catalina" seaplane spots RYUJO. RYUJO is located and attacked unsuccessfully by two TBFs at 1428 and 1440 by two SBDs from Task Force 16's USS ENTERPRISE (CV-6). At 1100, TONE and CHIKUMA of the Vanguard Force launch seven floatplanes on a late morning search for American ships. At 1400, CHIKUMA's Aichi E13A1 No. 2 discovers the American task force, but is shot down by USN fighters. Its report and subsequent messages sent by HIEI's F1M2 Pete as well as CHIKUMA's No. 5 floatplane are not picked up by the leader of carrier bomber group. At 1430, a CHIKUMA floatplane reports the location of Rear Admiral (later Admiral) Thomas C. Kinkaid's (former CO of INDIANAPOLIS, CA-35) Task Force 16 (ENTERPRISE (CV-6). At 1445, CarDiv 1 launches an air attack against Task Group 16. At 1550, RYUJO is located, attacked and sunk by five TBFs and 21 SBDs from Task Group 11's USS SARATOGA (CV-3). TONE is attacked unsuccessfully by two TBFs whose Mark 13 torpedoes miss the cruiser. At 1600, CarDiv 1 launches a second strike against Task Group 16, but it fails to locate the ENTERPRISE group. At 1642, ENTERPRISE is attacked by CarDiv 1's first strike. She is hit by three bombs and her wooden flight deck is set afire, but she evades further damage at 24 knots. 5 September 1942:
Arrives at Truk. 9 September 1942:
Sorties from Truk with the Carrier Strike Force and Rear Admiral Abe's Vanguard Force to an area N of the Solomon Islands. 23 September 1942:
Arrives at Truk. 11 October 1942:
CruDiv 8's CHIKUMA and TONE sortie from Truk with Abe's Vanguard Force's BatDiv 11's HIEI and the KIRISHIMA, CruDiv 7's SUZUYA, DesRon 10's light cruiser NAGARA and DesDiv 10's AKIGUMO, MAKIGUMO, KAZEGUMO, YUGUMO and DesDiv 17's ISOKAZE, TANIKAZE and URAKAZE to an area N of Solomon Islands. Kondo's Second Fleet, Advance Force also sorties from Truk: CruDiv 5's MYOKO, CruDiv 7's TAKAO, ATAGO and the MAYA, Rear Admiral (later Vice Admiral) Tanaka Raizo's (former CO of KONGO) DesRon 2's light cruiser ISUZU with destroyers KAWAKAZE, MAKINAMI, SUZUKAZE, TAKANAMI, UMIKAZE and NAGANAMI and Vice Admiral Kurita's Second Fleet, Close Support Force's BatDiv 3's KONGO and HARUNA, destroyers HARUSAME, KAGERO, MURASAME, SAMIDARE, OYASHIO and YUDACHI. The Second Fleet is followed by Nagumo's Third Fleet, Carrier Strike Force. The fleets take up position in an area N of the Solomon Islands. 17-18 October 1942:
The fleet refuels at sea. 19 October 1942:
TONE in company with destroyer TERUZUKI is detached to scout for American ships. Both ships operate off the Santa Cruz Islands until a Kawanishi H6K "Emily" from Jaluit sights a carrier off the New Hebrides. Apparently satisfied that there is to be no surprise attack from an unsuspected direction, Vice Admiral Nagumo recalls the TONE. 26 October 1942: The Battle of Santa Cruz:
250 miles NE of Guadalcanal. At 0415, Rear Admiral Abe's Vanguard Force catapults off seven floatplanes to scout south of the island. At 0445, 13 Nakajima B5N2 attack planes take off from CarDiv 1's decks, followed at 0500 by floatplanes of the Advanced Force. One of TONE floatplanes locates the HORNET (CV-8) group. The Carrier Strike Force launches attacks against ENTERPRISE (CV-6) and HORNET (CV-8). TONE's four floatplanes provide spotting duties over the American ships. Two are lost during the battle. The Strike Force's planes sinks HORNET, damage SOUTH DAKOTA (BB-57) and SAN JUAN (CL-54). 30 October 1942:
The Second and Third Fleets return to Truk. 9 November 1942:
Vice Admiral Kondo departs Truk for Ontong Java area with his Main Body: CruDiv 4's ATAGO (F) and TAKAO, Air Striking Unit's carrier JUNYO and her screen's BatDiv 3's KONGO and HARUNA, CruDiv 8's TONE, DesRon 3's light cruiser SENDAI, DesDiv 19's URANAMI, SHIKINAMI and AYANAMI and DesDiv 11's HATSUYUKI and SHIRAYUKI. The Main Body also includes Vice Admiral Abe's Bombardment Unit's BatDiv 11's HIEI and KIRISHIMA accompanied by Rear Admiral Kimura Susumu's Close Screen's DesRon 10's light cruiser NAGARA, DesDiv 6's IKAZUCHI, INAZUMA and AKATSUKI, DesDiv 16's AMATSUKAZE and YUKIKAZE, DesDiv 61's TERUZUKI and Rear Admiral Takama Tamotsu's (former CO of HARUNA) Sweeping Unit's DesRon 4's ASAGUMO, DesDiv 2's YUDACHI, MURASAME, HARUSUME and SAMIDARE. The Main Body supports air attacks on USS ENTERPRISE (CV-6) south of Guadalcanal; however, the strike force fails to locate the American carrier. 10 November 1942:
BatDiv 11 and DesDiv 27's SHIGURE, SHIRATSUYU and YUGURE depart Shortland's anchorage to execute Vice Admiral Kondo's planned landing of 14,500 men, heavy weapons and supplies on Guadalcanal. The twelve destroyers of Rear Admiral Tanaka's DesRon 2 will escort an 11-ship high-speed reinforcement convoy. 13 November 1942: The First Naval Battle of Guadalcanal:
The Eastern Reconnaissance Unit's TONE, light cruiser SENDAI and destroyer AYANAMI's mission is to reach the waters E of Tanaka's convoy. TONE floatplanes search the area S of Guadalcanal but find nothing. 18 November 1942:
TONE arrives at Truk. Remains there for the next two months. Performs routine patrol duties. 19 January 1943:
Departs Truk for Jaluit, Marshall Islands. 7 February 1943:
Arrives back at Truk. 15 February 1943:
Departs Truk for Japan in company of the escort carriers JUNYO and CHUYO, BatDiv 3's battleships KONGO and HARUNA, seaplane tender NISSHIN and heavy cruiser CHOKAI, escorted by six destroyers. After encountering heavy seas JUNYO and two destroyers are ordered back to Truk. 21 February 1943:
Arrives at Maizuru for a refit. Two additional 25-mm twin AA guns are installed and a Type 21 air-search radar is fitted. 15 March 1943:
Rear Admiral (later Vice Admiral) Kishi Fukuji (former CO of FUSO) is appointed the ComCruDiv 8. 16 March 1943:
Departs Maizuru for Kure. 20 March 1943:
Arrives at Saeki. 22 March 1943:
Joins CHIKUMA at Saeki, then departs for Truk. 27 March 1943:
Arrives at Truk. 11 May 1943: American Operation "Landcrab" - The Invasion of Attu, Aleutians:
Rear Admiral Kinkaid's Task Force 16, covered by Rear Admiral Francis W. Rockwell's (former Co of THATCHER, DD-162) Task Force 51, lands elements of the Army's 4th and 7th Infantry Divisions under the command of Maj Gen Eugene M. Landrum at Holtz Bay and Massacre Bay that later capture the island. 17 May 1943:
CruDiv 8's TONE and CHIKUMA depart Truk for Yokosuka in response to the invasion of Attu with BatDiv 1's MUSASHI, Bat Div 3's KONGO and HARUNA, CarDiv 2's HIYO, DesDiv 24's UMIKAZE and DesDiv 27's ARIAKE and SHIGURE, DesDiv 61's HATSUZUKI and SUZUTSUKI. MUSASHI carries Admiral Yamamoto's ashes to Tokyo for a state funeral. 20 May 1943:
Alerted by an "Ultra" message, USS SAWFISH (SS-276) picks up the task force on radar, but is unable to attack. 22 May 1943:
USS TRIGGER (SS-237) sight the task force off Tokyo Bay, but is unable to attack. The task force arrives at Yokosuka. 30 May 1943:
Departs Yokosuka for Hashirajima. 1 June 1943:
Training in the Inland Sea. [3] 8 July 1943:
At Shinagawa. Embarks army troops and supplies. 9 July 1943:
CruDiv 8's TONE and CHIKUMA depart Shinagawa with a task force: CarDiv 1's SHOKAKU, ZUIKAKU and ZUIHO, cruiser MOGAMI, light cruisers AGANO and OYODO, DesRon 4, DesDiv 4's ARASHI and HAGIKAZE, DesDiv 17's ISOKAZE, DesDiv 61's HATSUZUKI and SUZUTSUKI and destroyer TAMANAMI. 11 July 1943:
The task force is sighted by USS STURGEON (SS-187) and SEARAVEN (SS-196), but neither submarine is able to attack. 15 July 1943:
The task force is sighted by USS TINOSA (SS-283). ZUIHO is attacked unsuccessfully. Four torpedoes miss. Also spotted by USS POGY (SS-266), but the submarine is unable to attack. The task force makes port at Truk unharmed. 19 July 1943:
Departs Truk on a troop transport run with the CHIKUMA, MOGAMI, seaplane tender NISSHIN, light cruisers OYODO and AGANO, DesDiv 4's ARASHI, HAGIKAZE and ISOKAZE, DesDiv 61's HATSUZUKI and SUZUTSUKI. 21 July 1943:
Arrives at Rabaul. Disembarks troops. 24 July 1943:
Departs Rabaul with CHIKUMA, MOGAMI, OYODO and AGANO and DesDiv 61. 26 July 1943:
Arrives at Truk. 18 September 1943:
At Truk. The fleet sorties to Brown Island, Eniwetok in response to raids on Tarawa, Makin and Abemama Atolls launched by Rear Admiral Charles A. Pownall's (former CO of RANGER, CV-4) Task Force 15's carriers LEXINGTON (CV-16), PRINCETON (CVL-23) and BELLEAU WOOD (CVL-24). Vice Admiral Ozawa Jizaburo (former CO of HARUNA), in tactical command, leads the fleet's first section's BatDiv 1's YAMATO and NAGATO, CarDiv 1's SHOKAKU and ZUIKAKU (followed by ZUIHO on 19 September), CruDiv 5's MYOKO and the HAGURO, CruDiv 7's MOGAMI, CruDiv 8's CHIKUMA and TONE, light cruisers AGANO and NOSHIRO and destroyers. Vice Admiral Kurita leads the second section with his Advance Force: CruDiv 4's ATAGO, TAKAO, MAYA and CHOKAI. Admiral (Fleet Admiral, posthumously) Koga Mineichi, CinC, Combined Fleet, remains at Truk in the fleet's flagship MUSASHI with BatDiv 2's FUSO and BatDiv 3's KONGO and HARUNA. 25 September 1943:
No contact is made with Task Force 15. The fleet arrives back at Truk. 5-6 October 1943:
Rear Admiral (later Vice Admiral) Alfred E. Montgomery's (former CO of RANGER, CV-4) Task Force 14's carriers ESSEX (CV-9), YORKTOWN (CV-10), LEXINGTON (CV-16), INDEPENDENCE (CV-22), BELLEAU WOOD (CVL-24) and COWPENS (CVL-25) launch raids on Wake Island and the Marshall Islands. 17 October 1943:
The Japanese intercept radio traffic that suggests the Americans are planning another raid on Wake. CruDiv 8's CHIKUMA and the TONE sortie from Truk to Brown Atoll, Eniwetok to intercept the enemy task force with Admiral Koga's BatDiv 1's YAMATO, MUSASHI and NAGATO, BatDiv 2's FUSO, BatDiv 3's KONGO and HARUNA, CarDiv 1's SHOKAKU, ZUIKAKU and ZUIHO, CruDiv 4's ATAGO, TAKAO, MAYA and CHOKAI, CruDiv 7's SUZUYA and MOGAMI, light cruisers AGANO and OYODO and many destroyers. 20 October 1943:
Arrives at Brown Island, Eniwetok. 23 October 1943:
Departs Brown and sorties to a position 250 miles S of Wake. Returns after no contact is made with enemy forces. 26 October 1943:
The fleet arrives back at Truk. 31 October 1943:
TONE departs Truk with BatDiv 2's ISE, YAMASHIRO, CarDiv 2's JUNYO, escort carrier UNYO, DesDiv 7's AKEBONO, DesDiv 17's TANIKAZE, DesDiv 24's UMIKAZE and SUZUKAZE. Reportedly, TONE leaves all her floatplanes at Truk before departing. 5 November 1943:
The task group is attacked by USS HALIBUT (SS-232) near Bungo Suido. YAMASHIRO is hit by a dud torpedo, but JUNYO is damaged and has to be towed to Kure. 6 November 1943:
Arrives at Kure Navy Yard. Begins a refit. The forward 25-mm twin AA mounts are replaced by four triple mounts, bringing the total number of 25-mm guns to 20 (4 x 3 and 4 x 2). 1 December 1943:
Captain Mayuzumi Haruo (47)(former CO of AKITSUSHIMA) is appointed the CO. 4 December 1943:
Captain Mayuzumi arrives aboard TONE to assume the command of the cruiser. 14 December 1943:
The refit is completed. Commences working up in Inland Sea. 23 December 1943: Operation BO-2-GO ("BO No. 2"):
TONE and CruDiv 5 (MYOKO and HAGURO) depart Kure for a fast supply run to Kavieng via Truk. TONE is carrying 525 IJA troops and 175 tons of cargo including ammunition, water purification plants and 555 bamboo poles. 29 December 1943:
Arrives at Truk. Embarks three Daihatsu barges and their crews. 1 January 1944:
CruDiv 8 is disbanded. TONE and CHIKUMA are assigned to Rear Admiral (later Vice Admiral) Nishimura Shoji's (former CO of HARUNA) CruDiv 7 with KUMANO and SUZUYA. For the duration of the Operation "Bo No. 2", both TONE and CHIKUMA take orders from ComCruDiv 5, Rear Admiral Hashimoto Shintaro aboard MYOKO. 2 January 1944:
At 1250 departs Truk for Kavieng in company of MYOKO and HAGURO, escorted by DesDiv 32's FUJINAMI and DesDiv 27's SHIRATSUYU. TONE is carrying two floatplanes. At 1650 her lookouts observe an enemy submarine at 06-40N, 151-15E. 4 January 1944:
Early in the morning arrives at Kavieng, transfers troops and their equipment to Daihatsu barges, then departs for Truk at 30 kts. 5 January 1944:
At 0742 another submarine is sighted off Truk. At 1650 arrives at Truk. 7 January 1944:
Inspected by Rear Admiral Nishimura Shoji, ComCruDiv 7. 8 January 1944:
Transferred to anchorage No. 3 to embark provisions. 10 January 1944:
Conducts towing exercises with tanker FUJISAN MARU, later refuels, receiving 1,490 tons of fuel. 16 January 1944:
Conducts gunnery exercises off Truk. 26 January 1944:
Conducts nightly gunnery exercises off Truk, using starshells.

1 February 1944: The Evacuation of Truk:
NAGATO departs Truk for Palau with a task group: battleship FUSO, CruDiv 7's SUZUYA, KUMANO and TONE, DesDiv 17's ISOKAZE, TANIKAZE, HAMAKAZE and URAKAZE and DesDiv 61's AKIZUKI. At 1000, USS PERMIT (SS-178) sights the task group leaving Truk, but is unable to attack.

4 February 1944:
Arrives at Palau.

16 February 1944:
Departs Palau with the task group in anticipation of an air raid. An enemy submarine is sighted at 08-00N, 131-00E.

17 February 1944:
Another enemy submarine is sighted at 05-30N, 125-40E.

20 February 1944:
South China Sea. N of Singapore. After sunset, USS PUFFER (SS-268) sights the 10-ship NAGATO task group, but is unable to attack. The task group sights an enemy submarine, probably PUFFER, at 04-16N, 108-40 E.

21 February 1944:
Arrives at Lingga (near Singapore). Participates in battle exercises thereafter.

27 February 1944:
Departs Lingga with CHIKUMA, AOBA and destroyer URANAMI. 1 March 1944: Operation SA-1-GO ("SA No. 1")
Arrives at Banka, then departs for commerce raiding in the Indian Ocean. 9 March 1944:
TONE sinks British freighter SS BEHAR. She takes aboard 108 captives, but four die. 15 March 1944:
Arrives at at Batavia. Disembarks 32 POWs. 18 March 1944:
Departs Batavia. Aboard AOBA en route to Singapore, ComCruDiv 16, Rear Admiral Sakonjo Naomasa (former CO of SETTSU) orders the remaining 72 captives beheaded. [4] 20 March 1944:
Arrives at Singapore. Rear Admiral (later Vice Admiral) Shiraishi Kazutaka's (former CO of KIRISHIMA) assumes command of CruDiv 7. 1 April 1944:
Departs Singapore with CHIKUMA for Sumbawa and Tengah Islands carrying materials for the 601st NAG that is readying to embark on CarDiv 1's ships. 4 April 1944:
Arrives at Singapore. 5 April 1944:
Arrives at Lingga.

11 May 1944:
At 0300, the Mobile Fleet (except CarDiv 1, CruDiv 5 and DesRon 10) redeploys from Lingga.

12-13 May 1944:
At sea. Fleet deployment, firing practice.

14 May 1944:
Arrives at the old American anchorage at Tawi Tawi in the Sulu Sea. 15 May 1944:
Departs Tawi Tawi for Tarakan, Borneo to refuel. 17 May 1944:
Arrives back at Tawi Tawi. 8 June 1944:
At Tawi Tawi. YAMATO refuels TONE. MUSASHI refuels CHIKUMA. 10 June 1944: Operation "KON" - The Relief of Biak:
Vice Admiral Ugaki's KON task group is detached from the fleet with BatDiv 1's YAMATO and MUSASHI, DesRon 2's light cruiser NOSHIRO and destroyers OKINAMI and SHIMAKAZE. The KON task group departs Tawi Tawi for Batjan. 13 June 1944: Operation "A-GO" - The Battle of the Philippine Sea:
In Tokyo, the CinC, Combined Fleet, Admiral Toyoda Soemu, (former CO of HYUGA), sends out a signal that activates the A-GO plan for the Defense of the Marianas.

The Mobile Fleet departs Tawi Tawi for Guimaras near Panay, Philippines with Force "B"'s NAGATO, CarDiv 2's JUNYO, HIYO and RYUHO, cruiser MOGAMI and eight destroyers. Force "B" sorties with Force "A"'s CarDiv 1's TAIHO, SHOKAKU and ZUIKAKU, DesRon 10's light cruiser YAHAGI and seven destroyers.

At 1000, on station nearby, LtCdr Marshall H. Austin's USS REDFIN (SS-272) sights and reports the Mobile Fleet departing the anchorage.

14 June 1944:
Guimaras, Philippines. Vice Admiral Ozawa's Mobile Fleet's Main Body arrives and the 2nd Supply Force's oilers GENYO and AZUSA MARUs begin refueling operations.

15 June 1944:
Guimaras. At 0800, refueling is completed and the Mobile Fleet's Main Body departs through the Visayan Sea. At 1622, LtCdr Robert Risser's USS FLYING FISH (SS-229) sights the Mobile Fleet in the San Bernardino Strait. 16 June 1944:
At 1650, Vice Admiral Ugaki's aborted Operation KON task force from Batjan rejoins Ozawa's force. The 1st Supply Force's oilers HAYUSUI and NICHIEI, KOKUYO and SEIYO MARUs rendezvous with Vice Admiral Ozawa Jisaburo's (former CO of HARUNA) First Mobile Fleet's Main Body. The 1st Supply Force begins to refuel the Mobile Fleet. 17 June 1944:
KOKUYO refuels CruDiv 7's TONE and SUZUYA. By 2000, refueling of the First Mobile Fleet's Main Body is completed. At this time, the First Mobile Fleet is at 12-15N, 132-45E. The oilers depart the area for a designated standby point at 14-40N, 134-20E. That same day, LtCdr (later Rear Admiral) Herman J. Kossler in USS CAVALLA (SS-244) sights the Mobile Fleet in the Philippine Sea and reports it later that evening. 18 June 1944:
At 2100, Ozawa splits his Mobile Fleet. Forces "A" and "B" proceed southward. Force "C" proceeds due east in the Philippine Sea towards Saipan. 19 June 1944:
At 1030, Ozawa launches a strike against Task Force 58, but his aircraft are unable to locate the TF, so most return to Guam.

20 June 1944:
At about 2030, carrier HIYO explodes and sinks two hours after she is hit by torpedoes by Grumman TBF "Avenger" torpedo planes from USS BELLEAU WOOD (CVL-24). That night, the Mobile Fleet retires to Nakagusuku Bay, Okinawa.

22 June 1944:
At Okinawa. Battleships refuel destroyers.

23 June 1944:
The Mobile Fleet departs Nakagusuku for Hashirajima.

24 June 1944:
Arrives at Hashirajima.

26 June-8 July 1944:
In drydock at Kure. Four 25-mm triple mounts are added, two abreast the bridge and two on the quarterdeck, replacing the existing twin mounts. Single mount 25-mm guns are also installed, bringing the TONE's total 25-mm AA suite to 57 barrels (8x3, 4x2, 25x1). New antennas are installed for the two Type 22 surface-search radars and a Type 13 air-search radar is fitted. 8-10 July 1944:
CruDiv 7's TONE, CHIKUMA, KUMANO and SUZUYA depart Kure with Group "B"'s battleships KONGO and NAGATO, cruiser MOGAMI, DesRon 10's light cruiser YAHAGI with DesDiv 17's URAKAZE, ISOKAZE, HAMAKAZE and the YUKIKAZE and Group "A"'s YAMATO and MUSASHI, CruDiv 4's ATAGO, TAKAO, MAYA and CHOKAI, DesRon 2's light cruiser NOSHIRO with DesDiv 27's AKISHIMO and HAYASHIO, DesDiv 31's KISHINAMI, OKINAMI and ASASHIMO, DesDiv 32's FUJINAMI, HAMANAMI and SHIMAKAZE, DesDiv 17's HAMAKAZE, DesDiv 27's SHIGURE and SAMIDARE. Carries Imperial Army troops and material to Nakagusuku Bay. 12 July 1944:
Group "B" departs Okinawa. 14 July 1944:
In heavy seas, destroyer SAMIDARE loses visual contact with the rest of the force. TONE is briefly detached to locate her. Arrives at Manila later that day. 17 July 1944:
Departs Manila. 19 July 1944:
Arrives at Singapore, then to Lingga. 22 September 1944:
Lingga anchorage. TONE receives fresh provisions from stores ship KITAKAMI MARU. 1 October 1944:
Lingga anchorage. TONE receives fresh provisions from stores ship KITAKAMI MARU. 5 October 1944:
Lingga anchorage. TONE receives fresh provisions from KITAKAMI MARU. 18-20 October 1944:
Departs Lingga with the fleet for Brunei, Borneo. 22 October 1944: Operation "SHO-I-GO"(Victory) - The Battle of Leyte Gulf:
Vice Admiral Kurita Takao's (former CO of KONGO) First Mobile Striking Force (Center Force) sorties from Brunei. Vice Admiral Shiraishi's CruDiv 7's TONE, CHIKUMA, KUMANO and SUZUYA are in Force "A"'s Second Section with BatDiv 3's KONGO and HARUNA, DesRon 10's light cruiser YAHAGI and destroyers NOWAKI, URAKAZE, YUKIKAZE, HAMAKAZE and ISOKAZE. The Second Section follows Force "A"'s First Section BatDiv 1's YAMATO, MUSASHI and NAGATO, CruDiv 4's ATAGO, TAKAO, MAYA and CHOKAI, CruDiv 5's MYOKO and HAGURO, DesRon 2's flagship light cruiser NOSHIRO and DesDiv 2's HAYASHIMO, AKISHIMO, KIYOSHIMO, DesDiv 31's KISHINAMI, OKINAMI, ASASHIMO and DesDiv 32's FUJINAMI, NAGANAMI, HAMANAMI and destroyer SHIMAKAZE. 23 October 1944: The Battle of the Palawan Passage:
At 0633, Force A is attacked by Cdr (later Captain) David McClintock's USS DARTER (SS-227) and LtCdr (later Captain) Bladen Clagett's USS DACE (SS-247). Vice Admiral Kurita's flagship ATAGO and MAYA are sunk and TAKAO damaged. Kurita is picked up by destroyer KISHINAMI, but it is not until 1623 that he transfers to YAMATO and resumes command of Force "A" from Vice Admiral Ugaki. TONE embarks some survivors from ATAGO. 24 October 1944: The Battle of the Sibuyan Sea:
Tablas Strait. After 1024, TONE and CHIKUMA both launch their two remaining floatplanes, heading for San Jose, Mindoro Island. Force "A" endures eleven raids by over 250 Task Force 38 carrier aircraft from USS ESSEX (CV-9), LEXINGTON (CV-16), INTREPID (CV-11), CABOT, (CVL-28), FRANKLIN (CV-13), ENTERPRISE (CV-6). Battleship MUSASHI is sunk, bombs hit YAMATO and NAGATO. At 1445, after the fourth attack, the CO of TONE contacts Vice Admiral Suzuki Yoshio, leading the Second Section, suggesting to concentrate the entire unit around the heavily damaged MUSASHI to provide additional AA support for her. At 1507 Admiral Suzuki detaches TONE to defend MUSASHI against torpedo bomber attacks. Captain Mayuzumi places his cruiser two kilometers N of the battleship. At 1517, TONE is attacked by dive-bombers and receives two near misses, off the port bow and starboard amidships. At 1518 she receives a small caliber bomb hit, causing a minor fire in the CO's at-sea cabin and the 12.7-cm mount No. 1 shell supply room. Another "400-lb" bomb penetrates upper deck above the boiler room No. 2 and is stopped by the middle deck without exploding. At 1525 TONE is temporarily placed under the command of MUSASHI's CO. At 1530 hours, Force "A" reverses course back through the Sibuyan Sea. At 1715 hours, Kurita again reverses course. At 1832 TONE receives the order to rejoin Force "A". At 2330, Force "A" enters the San Bernadino Strait in a single file. 25 October 1944: The Battle off Samar:
At 0030, Force "A" exits the San Bernardino Strait and proceeds towards Leyte Gulf. At 0644, Force "A"'s lookouts spot four enemy destroyers, and shortly thereafter three carriers, three cruisers and two more destroyers at a range of 23 miles bearing 60 degrees to port. At 0647 the lookouts on TONE report the sighting of enemy destroyers 14 miles to port, bearing 65.

At 0658 Force "A" opens fire at the "jeep" escort carriers of "Taffy 3": USS ST. LO (CVE-63), WHITE PLAINS (CVE-66), KALININ BAY (CVE-68), FANSHAW BAY (CVE-70) (F), KITKUN BAY (CVE-71) and GAMBIER BAY (CVE-73). "Taffy 3"'s carriers are screened by destroyers HOEL (DD-533), JOHNSTON (DD-557), HEERMANN (DD-532) and destroyer escorts JOHN C. BUTLER (DE-339), RAYMOND (DE-341), DENNIS (DE-405) and SAMUEL B. ROBERTS (DE-413). After 0713 TONE fires 18 8-in rounds at the attacking JOHNSTON. At 0722 she is attacked by four torpedo bombers and makes an emergency turn to port. At 0730 CHIKUMA and TONE change course to SSE to engage the fleeing carriers. At 0745 TONE again weathers a torpedo bomber attack. At 0754 she is attacked by a single aircraft, identified as a dive-bomber and gets separated from CHIKUMA. At 0758 TONE engages a destroyer, targeting it with eight 8-in rounds. At 0806 an INDEPENDENCE class carrier is sighted to starboard, but another torpedo bomber attack spoils Captain Mayuzumi's aim; 32 8-in rounds are fired. Between 0818 and 0832 TONE targets a "RANGER class" carrier (USS GAMBIER BAY), firing 90 main caliber rounds; several hits are observed. At 0829 she is attacked by several F4F "Wildcat" fighters, making repeated strafing attacks. One NCO is killed, Captain Mayuzumi and several sailors wounded. At 0833, TONE again targets the crippled carrier, firing 24 main gun rounds. The fire is checked after the target develops a heavy list. At 0838 TONE targets a heavily camouflaged "cruiser" on her starboard side, firing 20 rounds and repeatedly straddling her target. At 0845 four torpedoes are launched at another "cruiser". At 0853, the lookouts on TONE witness the torpedo hit crippling CHIKUMA. Two minutes later TONE, now leading HAGURO, engages another carrier on her starboard beam and fires 28 rounds, claiming one direct hit. Between 1030 and 1320, CHOKAI, CHIKUMA and SUZUYA are disabled by battle damage and subsequently lost. TONE fires a total of 408 main battery rounds during the battle. At 1249 Kurita's retiring force is attacked by carrier aircraft. TONE is attacked by four dive-bombers and receives one hit to starboard aft, opening a large hole in the hull and disabling her steering. Her speed is temporarily limited to 15 kts. At 1330 TONE, now using manual steering, is again attacked by dive-bombers, receiving a "250-kg" bomb hit (a dud). Six minutes later she weathers a torpedo bomber attack without receiving any damage. By 1341 TONE can make 30 knots again. An air attack at 1406 results in a near miss off her port quarter. 26 October 1944:
Aircraft attack Force "A" in the Tablas Strait off Panay Island. TONE is not further damaged. 27 October 1944:
No attacks. 28 October 1944:
The remnants of Force "A" arrive at Brunei Bay, Borneo and refuel.

6 November 1944:
Carrier JUNYO and light cruiser KISO, escorted by DesDiv 30's YUZUKI and UZUKI arrive at Brunei from Sasebo with ammunition resupply for Kurita's force.

8 November 1944:
TONE, JUNYO, ASHIGARA, KISO and DesDiv 30 depart Brunei towards Pratas Islands (near the Formosa Strait) following BatDiv 1's YAMATO, NAGATO, BatDiv 3's KONGO and HARUNA, light cruiser YAHAGI and DesDiv 17's four destroyers. TONE, JUNYO, KISO and DesDiv 30 are detached to Manila. The remainder of the YAMATO group returns to Brunei. TONE, JUNYO, DesDiv 30 and destroyer SHIGURE depart Manila the same day for Mako, Pescadores.

12 November 1944:
At 1132, USS GUNNEL (SS-253) sights the upper works of a ship bearing 240ー(T), range 31, 000 yards at 17-13 N, 116-26 E. GUNNEL tracks the target with her high periscope. At 1256, the JUNYO group is on course 020ー(T), making 19 knots. GUNNEL identifies one ship as a TONE-class cruiser, but misidentifies JUNYO as a "YAMATO-class battleship". The seas pick up to condition 3 from ahead. The JUNYO group draws away from the pursuing submarine at 19 knots on base course 028ー(T). GUNNEL, at 17 knots maximum speed, cannot close. At 1600, GUNNEL loses sight of the targets at 35,000 yards in a rain squall. At 2130, GUNNEL gives up the chase. The JUNYO group arrives at Mako later that night. 13 November 1944:
JUNYO, TONE, DesDiv 30 and destroyer SHIGURE depart Mako for Kure. 14 November 1944:
East China Sea. USS JALLAO (SS-368) attacks JUNYO but misses with six bow torpedoes. 15 November 1944:
East China Sea. JUNYO is attacked unsuccessfully by USS BARB (SS-220). She misses with five torpedoes. JUNYO is chased unsuccessfully by BARB, QUEENFISH (SS-393), PETO (SS-265), and SUNFISH (SS-281). Near Kure, TONE is detached with SHIGURE. 16 November 1944:
Near Sasebo. TONE is detached from SHIGURE. 17 November 1944:
Arrives at Maizuru. Drydocked. Four 25-mm triple mounts are installed aft, removing seven single mounts and bringing TONE's total 25-mm AA suite to 62 barrels (12x3, 4x2, 18x1). Her Type 21 radar is replaced with a Type 22. 21 November 1944:
CruDiv 7 is disbanded. TONE is assigned to the Second Fleet's CruDiv 5 with KUMANO. 1 January 1945:
Redesignated as a training vessel. Reassigned to Kure Training Flotilla with IWATE, IZUMO and YAKUMO. 6 January 1945:
Captain Okada Yusaku (47)(former CO of IWATE) is appointed the CO. 18 February 1945:
Repairs are completed. Departs Maizuru for Kure. 20 February 1945:
Arrives at Kure. Moored in Tsukumo Bight off Etajima Island. Her crew is substantially reduced. 19 March 1945:
Vice Admiral (later Admiral) Marc A. Mitscher's (former CO of HORNET, CV-8) Task Force 58 raids Kure. TONE, caught in the middle of Kure Bay, receives one direct hit, jamming her No. 3 turret in train, and several near misses. Following the attack she is towed to a new location in a cove off Nomi Jima (now Nomi Shima) Island and partially camouflaged. 24 July 1945:The Final Destruction of the Imperial Japanese Navy:
TONE is attacked by aircraft of Vice Admiral (later Admiral) John S. McCain's (former CO of RANGER) TF 38 from USS SHANGRI-LA (CV-38), COWPENS (CVL-25) and MONTEREY (CVL-26). TONE receives three direct hits and several near misses. 28 July 1945:
After 1000 TONE is attacked by aircraft from USS BATAAN (CVL-29), TICONDEROGA (CV-14) and MONTEREY (CVL-26). Her AA gunners put up a steady volume of heavy flak which is rapidly reduced after the first bomb hits. TONE receives two direct hits to port side (one of them a 1,000-lb aft) and six near misses. Near misses cause serious flooding and TONE develops a 21-degree list to port. After additional damage control parties arrive from ashore, counterflooding manages to reduce the list, but the flooding cannot be stopped. A second strike against TONE is launched that afternoon from USS ESSEX (CV-9), BATAAN, MONTEREY and RANDOLPH (CV-15), but redirected against targets of opportunity in the Inland Sea after a report is received that TONE had been sunk. 29 July 1945:
Settles on the bottom in shallow water. 20 November 1945:
Removed from the Navy List. 29 November 1945:
Inspected by the personnel of US Naval Technical Mission for topside damage. 2-9 December 1945:
Inspected by divers. 7 April 1947:
Harima Shipyard starts the removal of superstructure and turrets. 4 May 1948:
The hull is refloated. 30 September 1948:
The scrapping of the hull is completed.
Authors' Notes:
[1] Mt. Niitaka, located in Formosa (now Taiwan), was then the highest point in the Japanese Empire. [2] A post-strike analysis by Nagumo's staff credited KAGA's dive bombers with five hits, SORYU's with three and HIRYU's with one direct hit. [3] Confusingly enough one of the reports compiled by the US Naval Technical Mission to Japan ("Reports of Damage to Japanese Warships" Fascicle S-1, Target S-06, Article 1, p. 51) suggests that in June 1943 TONE was hit by a submarine torpedo and then repaired at Kure in "about six months". Such attack is not mentioned in "The Official Chronology of the US Navy in World War II" by Robert J. Cressman or any of the Japanese reports. [4] Postwar in Hong Kong, Sakonjo was executed as a war criminal by the British. Thanks for assistance in researching the IJN officers mentioned in this TROM go to Mr. Jean-Fran輟is Masson of Canada. Special thanks and credit goes to Andrew Obluski of Poland for providing details concerning TONE's floatplane operations during her wartime career. Thanks also go to Aldert Gritter ("Adm. Gurita") of the Netherlands and Randy Stone of the United States and to John Whitman of the USA for info on CNO intercepts of Japanese messages. Thanks also go to Gilbert Casse for info in Revision 15 and Don Kehn, Jr of Texas for aircraft info in Rev 18. Thanks also go to the late John Whitman and to Gengoro Toda of Japan for info about stores ship KITAKAMI MARU. - Bob Hackett and Sander Kingsepp.

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