ゥ 1997-2019 Bob Hackett and Sander Kingsepp
Revision 22
1 December 1934:
Nagasaki. Laid down at Mitsubishi's Shipyard.
21 November 1937:
Launched and named
TONE. Captain Ryuzaki Tomekichi (40)(former CO of CHOGEI) is appointed the
Chief Equipping Officer (CEO).
18 May 1938:
Captain Ryuzaki is appointed the CEO of CHIKUMA as
additional duty.
1 November 1938:
Captain (later Vice Admiral) Hara Teizo (41)(former
staff communications officer at the Navy Section of the Imperial HQ) is
appointed the CEO.
20 November 1938:
Completed and registered in the IJN. Attached to
Yokosuka Naval District. Captain Hara Teizo is the Commanding Officer.
20 October 1939:
Captain Hara is appointed the CO of CHIKUMA as
additional duty.
15 November 1939:
Captain (later Vice Admiral) Onishi Shinzo
(42)(former chief of the Personnel Bureau's 1st section at Navy Ministry) is
appointed the CO.
1 December 1939:
Attached to Maizuru Naval District with CHIKUMA.
15 October 1940:
Captain Nishida Masao (44)(former Fourth Fleet staff
officer) is appointed the CO.
10 September 1941:
Captain (later Rear Admiral) Okada Tametsugu
(45)(former NGS/Navy Section of the Imperial HQ staff officer) is appointed the
CO. Captain Nishida is reassigned as the CO of battleship HIEI.
26 November 1941: Operation "Z":
CruDiv 8's TONE and CHIKUMA depart
Hitokappu Bay, Etorofu Island, Kuriles with Vice Admiral Mikawa Gunichi's
(former CO of KIRISHIMA) Support Force's BatDiv 3/Section 1's HIEI and
KIRISHIMA DesRon 1's light cruiser ABUKUMA and her destroyers and Supply Groups
Nos. 1 and 2. Mikawa's Force accompanies Vice Admiral (Admiral, posthumously)
Nagumo Chuichi's (former CO of YAMASHIRO) First Air Fleet Striking Force (Kido
Butai): CarDiv 1's AKAGI and KAGA, CarDiv 2's HIRYU and SORYU, CarDiv 5's
2 December 1941:
940 miles north of Midway Island. CruDiv 8 receives
the signal "Niitakayama nobore (Climb Mt. Niitaka) 1208" from the Combined
Fleet's flagship NAGATO. It signifies that hostilities will commence on 8
December (Japan time).[1]
7 December 1941: The
Attack on Pearl Harbor:
At 0500, TONE and CHIKUMA each launch one
Aichi E13A1 Type 0
"Jake" floatplane for a pre-strike reconnaissance flight. TONE's "Jake" No. 1
(coded JI-1), piloted by WO Narukawa Ryozo, reconnoiters Lahaina Roads
anchorage, but finds no American fleet units present there.
At 0630, CHIKUMA and TONE each launch a short range Nakajima E8N2
"Dave" two-seat
floatplane to act as pickets and patrol south of the Striking Force. HIEI and
KIRISHIMA also launch floatplanes for ASW patrols around the carriers.
About 0730, lookouts aboard Cdr (Rear Admiral, posthumously) Ankyu
Eitaro's submarine I-1 observe TONE's "Jake" returning from the Lahaina area.
During the landing attempt in heavy seas the E13A1 capsizes and is lost.
At 0755, the Striking Force's first wave of 189 aircraft (90 Nakajima
B5N2 Type 97 "Kate"
attack planes, 54 Aichi D3A1
Type 99 "Val" dive-bombers and 45 Mitsubishi A6M2
A6M Type 0 "Zeke" fighters, led by Cdr (later Captain) Fuchida Mitsuo,
attack the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor and other military installations
on Oahu, Hawaiian Islands.
About 0840, they are followed by a second wave of 171 aircraft (54
"Kates", 81 "Vals" and 36 "Zekes"), led by LtCdr Shimazaki Shigekazu.
By 0945, they retire towards their carriers.
During the attacks, the Striking Force sinks battleships USS ARIZONA
(BB-43) and other smaller ships. 2,335 American servicemen die in the attack,
most on ARIZONA. After recovering all but 29 of its aircraft lost in the
attack, the Striking Force departs Hawaiian waters towards Japan.
16 December 1941: The Second Invasion of Wake Island:
CruDiv 8,
CarDiv 2 and destroyers URAKAZE and TANIKAZE are detached from the Striking
Force to participate in the second invasion.
21 December 1941: The Second Invasion of Wake Island:
TONE launches
two E8N2 floatplanes for ASW patrols of CarDiv 2 while CHIKUMA launches her
E13A1 to scout Wake Island.
22 December 1941:
TONE launches one of her E8N2s to support 39
aircraft from CarDiv 2 in attacks on Wake Island.
23 December 1941:
TONE's floatplane is the first to report that
fighting on the island has ceased. CHIKUMA's plane, damaged by AA fire,
ditches, but the crew is rescued.
After the capture of Wake Island, CruDiv 8 returns to Kure.
29 December 1941:
Arrives at Kure and enters overhaul.
10 January 1942:
Departs Kure.
14 January 1942:
Arrives at Truk.
17 January: Operation "R" - The Invasion of Rabaul:
CruDiv 8
departs Truk with the Carrier Striking Force's CarDivs 1 and 5, BatDiv 3/1 and
DesRon 1 for an area north of New Ireland.
20 January 1942:
Supports air attacks on Rabaul. Supported CarDiv 5
attacks on Lae and Salamaua, New Guinea.
22 January 1942:
Departs the New Ireland area.
23 January 1942:
Two E13A1 floatplanes and one E8N2 from TONE attack
and bomb Buka Island.
25 January 1942:
The TONE's floatplanes attack the Admiralties.
27 January 1942:
Returns to Truk.
1 February 1942: American Air Raid on Kwajalein:
Vice Admiral (later
Fleet Admiral) William F. Halsey Jr's (former CO of SARATOGA, CV-3) Task Force 8
(ENTERPRISE, CV-6) raids Kwajalein and Wotje in the Marshall Islands. Submarine
depot ship YASUKUNI MARU and several other vessels are also damaged in the raid.
CruDiv 8's TONE and CHIKUMA depart Truk with the Carrier Striking Force's
CarDiv 1, CarDiv 5's ZUIKAKU, BatDiv 3/1 and DesRon 1 in an unsuccessful pursuit
of Halsey.
4 February 1942:
BatDiv 3/1 and the Carrier Striking Force group are
ordered to Palau. CarDiv 5's ZUIKAKU is detached via Truk for Japan to join
8 February 1942:
CruDiv 8, BatDiv 3/1, CarDiv 1 and DesRon 1 arrive
at Palau.
15 February 1942:
CruDiv 8 departs Palau with the Carrier Striking
Force: CarDiv 1's AKAGI and KAGA, CarDiv 2's HIRYU and SORYU and DesRon 1's
light cruiser ABUKUMA with DesDiv 17's URAKAZE, ISOKAZE, TANIKAZE and HAMAKAZE
17 February 1942:
CruDiv 8, CarDiv 1 and DesRon 1 arrive at Staring
Bay, Celebes. That night they depart for a high-speed crossing of the Banda Sea.
19 February 1942: The Attack on Port Darwin, Australia:
Timor Sea.
280 miles NNW of Darwin. At 0530 (local), TONE catapults an E13A1 "Jake"
reconnaissance floatplane to report on the weather over the Clarence Strait 18
miles N of Darwin, but the plane's radio fails and it returns to TONE at 0955
19 February 1942: The Attack on Port Darwin, Australia:
Timor Sea.
220 miles NNW of Darwin. At 0752 (local) the Carrier Striking Force launches 81
Nakajima B5N2 "Kate" attack planes, 72 Aichi D3A1 "Val" dive-bombers and 36
Mitsubishi A6M2 "Zeke" fighters. Led by Cdr Fuchida (of Pearl Harbor), the
Striking Force attacks Darwin, followed later by a strike of 54 twin-engine
land-based G3M2 "Nell"
and G4M1 "Betty"
bombers of the Takao and the 1st Kokutai's (Naval Air Groups) from Ambon and
Kendari, Celebes. The raids destroy 30 aircraft including 12 American Curtiss
P-40 "Kittyhawk" fighters, sink 11 ships including destroyer USS PEARY (DD-226)
and the large Army transport GENERAL M.C. MEIGS and damage 13 ships including
seaplane tender (WWI destroyer conversion) USS WILLIAM B. PRESTON (AVD-7).
TONE's floatplane No. 2 locates two ships off Cape Foureroy that are
later sunk by D3A1 dive-bombers from AKAGI.
21 February 1942:
CruDiv 8, CarDiv 1 and DesRon 1 arrive back at
Staring Bay for refueling. They join Vice Admiral (later Admiral) Kondo
Nobutake's (former CO of KONGO) BatDiv 3's HIEI, KIRISHIMA, KONGO and HARUNA and
CruDiv 4's ATAGO, MAYA and TAKAO and six destroyers that also arrived from Palau
that day to refuel.
25 February 1942: Operation "J" -The Invasion of the Netherlands East
Vice Admiral Kondo, the overall invasion fleet commander, detaches
BatDiv 3/2's KONGO and HARUNA, CruDiv 4's ATAGO and TAKAO and destroyers ARASHI
and NOWAKI from his Main Body. Kondo's force departs Staring Bay to hunt for
shipping escaping from Java. They are joined later by DesDiv 15's HAYASHIO from
Timor. The remainder of the Kondo's force supports carrier attacks on Java and
departs Staring Bay following the Striking Force, CruDiv 8, DesRon 1 and six
27 February 1942:
Seaplane tender USS LANGLEY (AV-3) and her
escorts, the old four-stackers WHIPPLE (DD-217) and EDSALL (DD-219) are attacked
by 16 twin-engined Mitsubishi GM41 "Betty" bombers of the Takao NAG based at
Denpasar, Bali, six Mitsubishi A6M2 fighters of the 3rd NAG and nine A6M2s
from the Tainan NAG. They damage LANGLEY so severely that she is abandoned.
EDSALL picks up 177 survivors and WHIPPLE 308. The next day, the destroyers
rendezvous with USS PECOS (AO-6) off Christmas Island. EDSALL begins
transferring LANGLEY's survivors to PECOS, but more bombers arrive and force her
to depart.
1 March 1942:
Indian Ocean. In the morning, Lt Joshua J. Nix's
EDSALL completes transferring LANGLEY's survivors to PECOS, then heads towards
At 0700 TONE and CHIKUMA each launch one E13A1 "Jake" floatplane to
search the waters around Christmas Island and to the west. The planes find
merchant shipping, but no warships. At about 1400, the floatplanes return to
their respective ships.
250 miles SSE of Christmas Island. At 1550 (local), the Carrier Striking
Force is steaming at 16 knots at 14-25S, 106-50E, when one of AKAGI's combat air
patrol fighters sights a "MARBLEHEAD-class" light cruiser (actually EDSALL),
steaming behind the force about 30 kilometers away.
At 1552, Vice Admiral Nagumo orders BatDiv 3/2 and CruDiv 8 to intercept the
"cruiser" and destroy it. Vice Admiral Mikawa leads the chase from HIEI, flanked
by heavy cruisers CHIKUMA (port) and TONE (starboard), leading KIRISHIMA.
At 1602, EDSALL is sighted 16 miles away, heading north. At 1603, CHIKUMA
opens fire with her 8-inch guns at extremely long range. EDSALL lays down a
smokescreen and begins evasive maneuvers.
At 1616, HIEI opens fire with her forward 14-inch guns at a range of 27,900
yards, straddling the target. After 1619, she launches all her floatplanes.
At 1620, HIEI signals: "All forces, charge!" The target is soon identified as
a destroyer by HIEI and CHIKUMA. At 1639, Admiral Mikawa orders flank speed. At
1655, HIEI and the heavy cruisers check fire without having scored a single
direct hit.
Between 1657 and 1720 EDSALL is attacked by twenty-six D3A1 "Val"
dive-bombers from carriers KAGA and SORYU and HIRYU. Several direct hits and
near misses slow her down and set afire. EDSALL, slowly circling clockwise, is
enveloped in white smoke. [2]
At 1718 KIRISHIMA targets the destroyer with her main battery, switching
to secondary guns four minutes later. At 1731, the battered old "four-piper"
sinks by the stern at 13-45S, 106-47E. In all, CruDiv 8 expends 844 8-inch and
62 5-inch rounds.
2 March 1942:
At 0328 CruDiv 8 and BatDiv 3/2 rejoin the Carrier
Striking Force.
5 March 1942:
TONE and CHIKUMA's floatplanes take part in the strike
on Tjilatjap.
6 March 1942:
A TONE floatplane rescues a British seaman from a ship
lost on 27 February off Java.
11 March 1942:
After the surrender of the Dutch East Indies, CHIKUMA
arrives at Staring Bay, at Kendari, Celebes, where EDSALL's survivors are
transferred ashore.
26 March 1942: Operation "C" - The Raids in
the Indian Ocean:
That same day, Vice Admiral Nagumo Chuichi's
Carrier Striking Force sorties from Staring Bay via Timor Sea into the Indian
Ocean with CarDiv 1's AKAGI, CarDiv 2's SORYU and HIRYU, CarDiv 5's SHOKAKU and
5's AKIGUMO and fleet oiler SHINKOKU MARU.
31 March 1942:
MARU join Nagumo's Force.
1 April 1942:
Meanwhile, at 1100, Vice Admiral Ozawa Jisaburo's
(former CO of HARUNA) Second Expeditionary Fleet, Malaya Force departs Mergui
and steams into the Bay of Bengal to attack merchant shipping with CruDiv 4's
CHOKAI (F) and CruDiv 7's SUZUYA, KUMANO, MIKUMA and MOGAMI, light cruiser YURA
and destroyers FUBUKI, SHIRAYUKI, HATSUYUKI and MURAKUMA, which are replaced on
4's light carrier RYUJO.
2 April 1942:
After refueling Nagumo's Carrier Striking Force,