CNA Consortium
I. Background of CNAC
The Canadian Numbering Administration Consortium, Inc. (CNAC) was incorporated on June 5, 1998 under the Canada Business Corporations Act. The CNAC operates under the regulatory oversight of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). The primary role of CNAC is to administer Canada's telecommunications numbering resources via the selection and funding of a neutral administrator who performs the functions of Canadian Numbering Administration (CNA) for the Canadian telecommunications industry. In addition, the CNAC pays the Canadian share of the costs of the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA). The cost of performing this function is funded by Canadian telecommunication service providers (TSP) who benefit from numbering resources within Canada. Any entity that is an Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC), a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC), an Independent Telephone Company, a Canadian International Carrier, an Interexchange Carrier or a Wireless Service Provider (WSP) is required by the CRTC to fund the costs of numbering administration in Canada.
II. CNAC Shareholders
The CNAC operates under a Unanimous Shareholder Agreement (USA) which defines the mandate, governance and operation of the corporation. Any entity that is required to fund the costs of numbering administration in Canada (i.e., an Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC), a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC), an Independent Telephone Company, a Canadian International Carrier, an Interexchange Carrier or a Wireless Service Provider (WSP)) may voluntarily choose to become a shareholder of the CNAC. Internet Service Providers, Paging Service Providers, Resellers and End-Customers are not currently required to fund numbering administration in Canada and therefore are not eligible to be shareholders unless they otherwise satisfy the shareholder eligibility criteria. To obtain a copy of the Unanimous Shareholder Agreement (USA), click HERE.
III. Canadian Numbering Administration
The administration and assignment of numbering resources in Canada is performed by an independent third party who acts as the Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA). The current CNA is COMsolve Inc. Canada is a participating nation in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) which is shared by 20 nations including Canada, the United States and 18 Caribbean countries. The NANP is administered by the NANP Administration (NANPA), an administrator selected by the United States Federal Communications Commission in consultation with the 19 nations participating in the NANP. The current NANPA is Somos, Inc.. For additional information on the NANPA see
IV. Billing & Collection Agent and Funding
The CNAC has selected an accounting firm to perform the function of Billing & Collection Agent (B&C Agent) who is responsible for the collection of funds from Canadian telecommunications service providers and for the disbursement of funds to the CNA and NANPA as well as other administrative costs of CNAC. The current B&C Agent is Welch & Company LLP. The B&C Agent prepares a budget based on anticipated costs for the funding year which is approved by CNAC. The B&C Agent implements the funding mechanism proposed by the CSCN and approved by the CRTC to fund the costs of numbering administration in Canada. The funding mechanism requires all entities that are obligated to fund numbering administration to report their annual "eligible" revenue to the B&C Agent using a reporting worksheet due April 1st each year. The B&C Agent uses this information to calculate each entity's share of the funding of CNAC based on the percentage share of each entity's revenue of the total industry revenue as reported on the worksheets, subject to minimum contributions. For additional information on the funding mechanism see CNAC Funding Mechanism.
V. CNAC Contacts
Board Chair |
Vacant |
President |
Bill Barsley Ontario, Canada Phone: 416-279-7989 Email: |
Business Manager |
Glenn Pilley Ontario, Canada Phone: 343-988-7457 Email: |
Corporate Secretary and Legal Counsel |
Gary Jessop Jessop & Proulx LLP Barristers and Solicitors 5480 Canotek Road, Unit 21 Ottawa, Ontario, K1J 9H7 Phone: 613-627-0727 ext 100 Email: |
Billing & Collection Agent |
Welch LLP Bryden McMaster, Partner Gail Yeung, Project Manager 350 Albert Street, Suite 700 Ottawa, ON, K1R 1A4 Phone: 613-236-9191 Fax: 613-236-8258 Email: Email: |
CNAC Related Links:
- CNA Consortium Information on CRTC Web Site
- CNAC Unanimous Shareholder Agreement (USA) - October 1, 2021
- CNAC Service User Agreements
- CNAC Funding Mechanism
Information regarding the request for proposal (RFP) process for a vendor to perform the Canadian Numbering Administrator position for the five-year period commencing on January 1, 2024 is set out in the documents listed below. Please note that CNAC may issue notices from time to time in regard to the RFP Process, including any updates to the RFP schedule. Interested parties are encouraged to check back to this site on a regular basis.
- Notice of Commencement of RFP Process – October 7, 2022.
- CNA RFP – October 7, 2022.
The role of the Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA) is being performed by COMsolve Inc. under contract with
Canadian Numbering Administration Consortium Inc. (CNAC). The CNAC Privacy Policy and the Website Terms of
Use may be found using the following links:
Privacy Policy
Website Terms of Use
Copyright ©1998-2025 Canadian Numbering Administration Consortium, Inc. (CNAC)