Boone township, Wright County, Missouri (MO) detailed profile
Land area: 54.6 sq. mi.
Water area: 0.0 sq. mi.
Population: 930 (all rural)
Occupied houses/apartments: 930 (791 owner occupied, 139 renter occupied)
Races in Boone township:
- White Non-Hispanic: 95.4%
- Black: 0.8%
- American Indian and Alaska Native: 1.4%
- Two or more races: 0.8%
Median age of males: 36.5
Median age of females: 37.6
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Average household size: 2.61
Average family size: 3.05
Estimated median house or condo value in 2013: 84,295ドル (it was 65,600ドル in 2000)
Notable locations in this township outside city limits:
Notable location: Grovespring Area Voluntary Fire Protection Association Station 2 (A).
Churches in Boone township include: Little Creek Church (A), Sunshine Church (B), Church of Christ (C).
Cemeteries: Mount Olive Cemetery (1), Petet Cemetery (2), Little Creek Cemetery (3).
Streams, rivers, and creeks: Edwards Branch (A), Dry Branch (B), Bowman Creek (C), Little Creek (D).
67% of Boone township residents lived in the same house 5 years ago.
Out of people who lived in different houses, 54% lived in this county.
Out of people who lived in different counties, 88% lived in Missouri.
Place of birth for U.S.-born residents:
- This state: 103
- Northeast: 0
- Midwest: 12
- South: 0
- West: 0
Percentage of households with unmarried partners: 4.8%
Likely homosexual households (counted as self-reported same-sex unmarried-partner households)
- Lesbian couples: 0.0% of all households
- Gay men: 0.3% of all households
Housing units in structures:
- One, detached: 41
- Mobile homes: 2
Median worth of mobile homes: 112,500ドル
Housing units in Boone township with a mortgage: 13 (0 second mortgage, 2 home equity loan, 0 both second mortgage and home equity loan)
Houses without a mortgage: 12
Year house built
- 1999 to March 2000: 0
- 1995 to 1998: 0
- 1990 to 1994: 0
- 1980 to 1989: 4
- 1970 to 1979: 2
- 1960 to 1969: 4
- 1950 to 1959: 10
- 1940 to 1949: 6
- 1939 or earlier: 17
Rooms in owner-occupied houses in Boone township, Missouri:
- 1 room: 0
- 2 rooms: 0
- 3 rooms: 2
- 4 rooms: 2
- 5 rooms: 5
- 6 rooms: 5
- 7 rooms: 5
- 8 rooms: 8
- 9 or more rooms: 10
Rooms in renter-occupied apartments in Boone township, Missouri:
- 1 room: 0
- 2 rooms: 0
- 3 rooms: 0
- 4 rooms: 0
- 5 rooms: 0
- 6 rooms: 0
- 7 rooms: 2
- 8 rooms: 0
- 9 or more rooms: 0
Bedrooms in owner-occupied houses and condos in Boone township:
- no bedroom: 0
- 1 bedroom: 0
- 2 bedrooms: 9
- 3 bedrooms: 9
- 4 bedrooms: 17
- 5 or more bedrooms: 2
Bedrooms in renter-occupied apartments in Boone township:
- no bedroom: 0
- 1 bedroom: 0
- 2 bedrooms: 0
- 3 bedrooms: 0
- 4 bedrooms: 2
- 5 or more bedrooms: 0
Cars and other vehicles available in Boone township in owner-occupied houses/condos:
- no vehicle: 0
- 1 vehicle: 4
- 2 vehicles: 21
- 3 vehicles: 8
- 4 vehicles: 4
- 5 or more vehicles: 0
Cars and other vehicles available in Boone township in renter-occupied apartments
- no vehicle: 0
- 1 vehicle: 0
- 2 vehicles: 2
- 3 vehicles: 0
- 4 vehicles: 0
- 5 or more vehicles: 0
Breakdown of mean house values by ages of householders ($)
Most common industries for males (%):
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (88%)
- Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers (8%)
Most common industries for females (%):
- Educational services (50%)
- Health care (18%)
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (14%)
- Department and other general merchandise stores (9%)
- Social assistance (9%)
Most common occupations for males (%)
- Farmers and farm managers (69%)
- Vehicle and mobile equipment mechanics, installers, and repairers (19%)
- Operations specialties managers except financial managers (8%)
Most common occupations for females (%)
- Postsecondary teachers (18%)
- Preschool, kindergarten, elementary and middle school teachers (14%)
- Life, physical, and social science technicians (9%)
- Other teachers and instructors, education, training, and library occupations (9%)
- Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides (9%)
- Occupational and physical therapist assistants and aides (9%)
- Child care workers (9%)
Class of Workers
Most common first ancestries reported in Boone township:
- German (43.0%)
- Norwegian (26.6%)
- European (11.4%)
- Swedish (6.3%)
- Czech (2.5%)
- Danish (2.5%)
- French Canadian (2.5%)
Means of transportation to work:
- Drove a car alone: 38 (79%)
- Carpooled: 5 (10%)
- Worked at home: 5 (10%)
Most commonly used house heating fuel:
- Bottled, tank, or LP gas (54%)
- Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (36%)
- Electricity (10%)
95.6% of residents of Boone township speak English at home.
4.4% of residents speak other Indo-European language at home (100% speak English very well).
Household type by relationship:
Households: 116- In family households: 112 (38 male householders, 1 female householders)
32 spouses, 34 children (29 natural, 1 adopted, 4 stepchildren), 0 grandchildren, 2 brothers or sisters, 4 parents, 0 other relatives, 1 non-relatives
- In nonfamily households: 4 (0 male householders (0 living alone)), 4 female householders (4 living alone)), 0 nonrelatives
Size of family households: 22 2-persons, 7 3-persons, 2 4-persons, 7 5-persons, 1 7-or-more-persons,
Size of nonfamily households: 4 1-person,
174 married couples with children.
46 single-parent households (13 men, 33 women).
Private vs. public school enrollment:
Students in private schools in grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school): 8
Students in private schools in grades 9 to 12 (high school): 2
Educational Attainment (%)
School Enrollment by Level of School (%)
Age and Sex of Sensory-Disabled Residents (Noninstitutionalized)
Age and Sex of Physically-Disabled Residents (Noninstitutionalized)
Age and Sex of Mentally-Disabled Residents (Noninstitutionalized)
Age and Sex of Self-Care Disabled Residents (Noninstitutionalized)
Age and Sex of Residents with Employment Disability (Noninstitutionalized)
Year Householders Moved Into Unit in Boone township: