Year | From | To | ||
1831 | Archdiocese of Tuam, Ireland | Territory Lost | Diocese of Galway, Ireland | Erected |
1941 | Archdiocese of Qu饕ec, Canada (Canton Price) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Sherbrooke, Qu饕ec, Canada | Territory Added |
1958 | Territorial Prelature of S縊 Peregrino Laziosi no Alto Acre e Alto Purus, Brazil | Name Changed | Territorial Prelature of Acre e Purus, Acre, Brazil | Name Changed |
1958 | Archdiocese of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil (Itaguara, Piracema, and Desterro De Entre Bios) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Oliveira, Minas Gerais, Brazil | Territory Added |
1966 | Archdiocese of Chamb駻y, France
Diocese of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, France Diocese of Tarentaise, France | United | Archdiocese of Chamb駻y (-Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne-Tarentaise), France | United |
1968 | Diocese of Abancay, Peru (Grau, Antabamba, and Cotabamba) | Territory Lost | Territorial Prelature of Chuquibambilla, Peru | Erected |
1977 | Archdiocese of Tunja, Colombia (Sagrado Coraz?n and del Rosario (in Chiquinquir?); Arcabuco, Borbur, Brice?o, Buenavista, Caldas, Coper, Chitaraque, Gachantiva, Leiva, Moniquir?, Muzo, Marip?, Otanche, Pauna, R痃uira, Saboy?, San Miguel de Sema, San Jos? de Pare, Santana, Santa Sofia...) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Chiquinquir?, Colombia | Erected |
1977 | Archdiocese of Tunja, Colombia (Garagoa, Almeida, Berbeo, Chivor, Chinavi ta, Campohermoso, Guateque, Guayat?, Jenesano, La Capilla de Tenza, Los Cedros, Macanal, Miraflores, Pachavita, P疇z, Ramiriqu?, Rond?n, San Eduardo, Santa Mar?a, San Luis de Gaceno, Somondoco, Sutatenza, Tiban?..) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Garagoa, Colombia | Erected |
1991 | Diocese of Mbala, Zambia | Name Changed | Diocese of Mbala-Mpika, Zambia | Name Changed |
2007 | Territorial Prelature of Moyobamba, Peru (Tocache) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Hu疣uco, Peru | Territory Added |
2009 | Clerical Society of Virgo Flos Carmeli | Approbation |
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