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The Year of Our Lord 1892

Bishop Events

July to September

See Also: January to March | April to June | October to December | Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1891) | Next Year (1893)

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
2 Jul59.4DiedVincent Francis Vinyes, O.P. †Priest of Order of Friars Preachers
3 Jul24.3Ordained PriestRemig S疣dor B疵dos, O.S.B. †Priest of Order of Saint Benedict Abbot of Pannonhalma, Hungary
23.2Ordained DeaconAuguste-Marie-Augustin Chapuis, M.E.P. †Deacon of La Soci騁? des Missions Etrang鑽es Bishop Emeritus of Kumbakonam, India
25.7Ordained PriestJules-Elmire Dou駭el, M.E.P. †Priest of La Soci騁? des Missions Etrang鑽es Prefect Emeritus of Sikkim, India
24.3Ordained PriestFran輟is-Lazare Seguin, M.E.P. †Priest of La Soci騁? des Missions Etrang鑽es Vicar Apostolic of Kweyang [Guiyang] (Kweiyang), China
23.6Ordained PriestJames WhytePriest of Sydney, Australia Bishop of Dunedin, New Zealand
4 Jul55.9DiedAntonio Maria De PolBishop of Vicenza, Italy
BornCamille Verfaillie, S.C.I. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Stanley-ville, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
8 Jul69.3DiedFrancesco BattagliniCardinal, Archbishop of Bologna, Italy
10 Jul26.4Ordained PriestJoseph Oswald Timoth馥 Waller, S.M.A. †Priest of Society of African Missions Prefect Emeritus of Eastern Nigeria {Nigeria Orientale}
11 Jul51.5ConfirmedPierre-Marie-Etienne-Gustave ArdinArchbishop of Sens (-Auxerre), France
47.7AppointedPaolo Maria BaroneBishop of Casale Monferrato, Italy Archbishop of Siena, Italy
42.8AppointedGiovanni Battista BoracchiaBishop of Massa Marittima, Italy
54.3AppointedJaime Cardona y TurTitular Bishop of Sion Patriarch of West Indies, Spain
54.3AppointedJaime Cardona y TurBishop of Spain, Military Patriarch of West Indies, Spain
67.8AppointedOsvaldo CasaliAuxiliary Bishop of Camerino, Italy
67.8AppointedOsvaldo CasaliTitular Bishop of Miletus Auxiliary Bishop of Camerino, Italy
53.9AppointedJos? Mar?a Cos y MachoArchbishop (Personal Title) of Madrid, Spain Cardinal, Archbishop of Valladolid, Spain
51.5AppointedAmbrogio DaffraBishop of Ventimiglia, Italy
53.2AppointedJean-Baptiste Decroli鑽eBishop of Namur {Namen}, Belgium
38.6Ordained BishopJulije DrohobeczkyBishop of Križevci (Kreutz) (Križevci), Croatia Bishop Emeritus
49.8AppointedDiomede Angelo Raffaele Gennaro Falconio, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop of Lacedonia, Italy Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
50.2AppointedLip?t Feh駻, O.S.B. †Abbot of Pannonhalma, Hungary
47.5AppointedVincenzo FranceschiniBishop of Fossombrone, Italy Bishop of Fano, Italy
61.9ConfirmedJean-Baptiste Fr駻otBishop of Angoul麥e, France
25.2Ordained PriestJuan Gil y Garc?a, C.M.F. †Priest of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Prefect of Choc?, Colombia
58.7AppointedHenrico GratianiBishop of Sarsina, Italy
54.0DiedFrancesco Maria Imparati, O.F.M. Obs. †Archbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy
58.3ConfirmedJean-Marie-Fran輟is LamourouxBishop of Saint-Flour, France
63.2AppointedJorge Montes SolarAuxiliary Bishop of Santiago de Chile
63.2AppointedJorge Montes SolarTitular Bishop of Amathus in Cypro Auxiliary Bishop of Santiago de Chile
80.8AppointedAntol?n Monescillo y VisoPatriarch of West Indies, Spain Cardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
80.8ConfirmedAntol?n Monescillo y VisoCardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
54.6AppointedLorenzo PasseriniTitular Archbishop of Ptolemais in Thebaide Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch}
39.6AppointedEdoardo PulcianoBishop of Novara, Italy Archbishop of Genova, Italy
74.5AppointedBl. Tommaso ReggioArchbishop of Genova, Italy
59.0AppointedBl. Ciriaco Mar?a Sancha y Herv疽Archbishop of Valencia, Spain Cardinal, Patriarch of West Indies, Spain
57.5AppointedRaffaele SandrelliBishop of Sansepolcro (Borgo San Sepolcro), Italy Bishop Emeritus
43.8AppointedAten?genes Silva y チlvarez TostadoBishop of Colima, M騙ico Archbishop of Michoac疣, M騙ico
47.6AppointedEmilio Alfonso Todisco GrandeTitular Bishop of Arcadiopolis in Asia Bishop of Nusco, Italy
53.2AppointedBenedetto TommasiArchbishop of Siena, Italy
47.5AppointedGiulio TontiTitular Bishop of Samos Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
56.1ConfirmedAlfred-Casimir-Alexis WilliezBishop of Arras (-Boulogne-Saint-Omer), France
15 Jul56.2AppointedJohn BilsborrowBishop of Salford, England, Great Britain
47.8AppointedAngus MacDonaldArchbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain
17 Jul23.0Ordained PriestEpaminondas Nunes de チvila e SilvaPriest of Diamantina, Brazil Bishop of Taubat?, Sao Paulo, Brazil
47.8Ordained BishopPaolo Maria BaroneBishop of Casale Monferrato, Italy Archbishop of Siena, Italy
22.8Ordained DeaconJules-Alexandre CusinDeacon of Congregation of the Holy Spirit Bishop of Mende, France
76.8DiedGiuseppe D’AnnibaleCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Indulgences and Relics
49.8Ordained BishopDiomede Angelo Raffaele Gennaro Falconio, O.F.M. Ref. †Bishop of Lacedonia, Italy Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
47.5Ordained BishopVincenzo FranceschiniBishop of Fossombrone, Italy Bishop of Fano, Italy
58.7Ordained BishopHenrico GratianiBishop of Sarsina, Italy
54.6Ordained BishopLorenzo PasseriniTitular Archbishop of Ptolemais in Thebaide Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch}
57.5Ordained BishopRaffaele SandrelliBishop of Sansepolcro (Borgo San Sepolcro), Italy Bishop Emeritus
47.6Ordained BishopEmilio Alfonso Todisco GrandeTitular Bishop of Arcadiopolis in Asia Bishop of Nusco, Italy
58.1Ordained BishopWilhelmus van de VenBishop of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc), Netherlands
18 JulBornFelipe Benito Condur? PachecoBishop Emeritus of Parna?ba, Piaui, Brazil
20 JulBornJoseph Elmer RitterCardinal, Archbishop of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
21 Jul43.9AppointedMichel Marc Hudrisier, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop of Port Victoria o Seychelles
24 Jul45.5Ordained BishopJ駻駑ie-Timoth馥 MakdassiBishop of Zaku (Chaldean), Iraq
23.5Ordained DeaconJosip MarušićDeacon of Senj (-Modruš), Croatia Bishop
39.9Ordained BishopYousef VI Emmanuel II ThomasBishop of Seert (Chaldean), Turkey Patriarch of Babylon {Babilonia} (Chaldean), Iraq
22.6Ordained PriestGabriele VettoriPriestArchbishop of Pisa, Italy
25 Jul22.7First VowsJohn Bernard Kevenhoerster, O.S.B. †Member of Order of Saint Benedict Vicar Apostolic of Bahama Islands, Bahamas, Antilles
24.6Ordained PriestAndrew Brennan MeehanPriest of Rochester, New York, USA
47.6Ordained BishopGiulio TontiTitular Bishop of Samos Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
26 Jul22.5Ordained Priestチrp疆 Istv疣 HanauerPriest of Veszpr駑, Hungary Bishop of V當, Hungary
23.5Ordained PriestJosip MarušićPriest of Senj (-Modruš), Croatia Bishop
31 JulBornJoseph CharbonneauArchbishop Emeritus of Montr饌l, Qu饕ec, Canada
26.3Ordained PriestFelix-Raymond-Marie Rouleau, O.P. †Priest of Order of Friars Preachers Cardinal, Archbishop of Qu饕ec, Canada
72.2DiedIoan Vancea (Vancsa)Archbishop of Făgăraş şi Alba Iulia (Romanian), Romania
1 Aug53.3Ordained BishopJean-Baptiste Decroli鑽eBishop of Namur {Namen}, Belgium
56.8AppointedLuigi (Domenico Daniele) Sepiacci, O.E.S.A. †Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Indulgences and Relics
23.4Ordained PriestMichael von FaulhaberPriest of W?rzburg, Germany Cardinal, Archbishop of M?nchen und Freising {Munich}, Germany
3 Aug68.8DiedChristophe-Ernest Bonjean, O.M.I. †Archbishop of Colombo, Sri Lanka
79.5DiedFrancesco Maria Cirino, C.R. †Priest of Congregation of Clerics Regular Vicar General Emeritus
6 Aug47.6DiedFederico FedericiBishop of Foligno, Italy
7 Aug67.9Ordained BishopOsvaldo CasaliTitular Bishop of Miletus Auxiliary Bishop of Camerino, Italy
22.5Ordained PriestErnesto Coppo, S.D.B. †Priest of Salesians of Saint John Bosco Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Kimberley in Western Australia
8 Aug51.8DiedSalvador Donos Rodr?guezEcclesiastical Governor (Vicar General) of Valpara?so, Chile
BornVicente Juan Sol?s Fern疣dezBishop Emeritus of Alajuela, Costa Rica
9 Aug41.4AppointedThomas Daniel BeavenBishop of Springfield in Massachusetts, USA
10 Aug47.6AppointedGiulio TontiApostolic Delegate to Haiti Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
47.6AppointedGiulio TontiApostolic Delegate to Dominican Republic Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
47.6AppointedGiulio TontiApostolic Delegate to Venezuela Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Affairs of Religious
11 Aug27.0Solemn VowsAndrij Aleksander Šeptycki (Sheptyskyi), O.S.B.M. †Member of Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat (Order of St. Basil the Great) Archbishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
14 Aug25.2EnteredMichael Francis Fallon, O.M.I. †Member of Oblates of Mary Immaculate Bishop of London, Ontario, Canada
15 Aug26.0ProfessedCassian (Franz Anton) Spiess (Spie?), O.S.B. †Priest of Order of Saint Benedict Vicar Apostolic of Southern Zanguebar {Zanguebar Meridionale}, Tanzania
20 Aug78.8DiedFriedrich Egon von F?rstenbergCardinal, Archbishop of Olomouc, Czechia
21 Aug42.9Ordained BishopGiovanni Battista BoracchiaBishop of Massa Marittima, Italy
22 AugBornMarcel Roger Buyse, O.F.M. Cap. †Bishop Emeritus of Lahore, Pakistan
BornAntonio PirottoBishop Emeritus of Troia, Italy
23 Aug70.7DiedLuciano Saracani, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop Emeritus of Poggio Mirteto, Italy
24 Aug56.4Ordained BishopJohn BilsborrowBishop of Salford, England, Great Britain
49.5Ordained BishopJohn ConmyTitular Bishop of Germanicopolis Bishop of Killala, Ireland
62.1Ordained BishopJean-Baptiste Fr駻otBishop of Angoul麥e, France
26 Aug42.6AppointedJoaquim Arcoverde de Albuquerque CavalcantiCoadjutor Bishop of S縊 Paulo, Brazil Cardinal, Archbishop of S縊 Sebasti縊 do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
42.6AppointedJoaquim Arcoverde de Albuquerque CavalcantiTitular Bishop of Argos Cardinal, Archbishop of S縊 Sebasti縊 do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
27 Aug27.0Ordained DeaconAndrij Aleksander Šeptycki (Sheptyskyi), O.S.B.M. †Deacon of Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat (Order of St. Basil the Great) Archbishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
28 Aug38.8InstalledJulije DrohobeczkyBishop of Križevci (Kreutz) (Križevci), Croatia Bishop Emeritus
27.0Ordained PriestAndrij Aleksander Šeptycki (Sheptyskyi), O.S.B.M. †Priest of Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat (Order of St. Basil the Great) Archbishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine
23.7Ordained PriestAd駮dat-Jean-Roch Wittner, O.F.M. †Priest of Order of Friars Minor Vicar Apostolic of Chefoo, China
30 AugBornThomas Kiely GormanBishop Emeritus of Dallas, Texas, USA
1 Sep42.8Ordained PriestFerdinand BrossartPriest of Covington, Kentucky, USA Bishop Emeritus
8 Sep22.5ProfessedNo?l (Natal-Pierre-Marie) de Cleene, C.I.C.M. †Member of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Vicar Apostolic of L駮poldville, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
33.6ProfessedFran輟is D駸ir? Jean Drure, O.C.D. †Priest of Order of Discalced Carmelites Archbishop of Baghdad, Iraq
62.1InstalledJean-Baptiste Fr駻otBishop of Angoul麥e, France
24.8Ordained PriestPatrick Joseph HayesPriest of New York, New York, USA Cardinal, Archbishop
66.7DiedThomas Timothy O’MahonyBishop Emeritus of Armidale, Australia Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
58.6DiedAlexis Riccaz, M.S.F.S. †Bishop of Nagpur, India
58.6Ordained BishopJohannes Von EuchTitular Bishop of Anastasiopolis Vicar Apostolic of Denmark
56.3Ordained BishopAlfred-Casimir-Alexis WilliezBishop of Arras (-Boulogne-Saint-Omer), France
9 SepBornAlban Francis Swarbrick (of Blackburn), O.F.M. Cap. †Prefect Emeritus of Jullundur, India
11 SepBornAlfonso Mar?a ButelerArchbishop of Mendoza, Argentina
62.7DiedAugusto Antonio VicentiniArchbishop of L’Aquila, Italy
12 Sep37.8AppointedManuel Tom疽 Mesa AlbornozEcclesiastical Governor (Vicar General) of Valpara?so, Chile Ecclesiastical Governor (Vicar General) Emeritus
BornJoseph-Paul Strebler, S.M.A. †Archbishop Emeritus of Lom?, Togo
BornJean-Joseph-L駮nce VillepeletBishop Emeritus of Nantes, France
13 Sep70.6AppointedBernardino (Giuseppe) dal Vago (da Portogruaro), O.F.M. Ref. †Titular Archbishop of Serdica
15 SepBornGabriele Arosio, P.I.M.E. †Prefect Emeritus of Neghelli, Ethiopia
16 Sep63.5DiedEdward Henry Howard of NorfolkCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
18 Sep70.6Ordained BishopBernardino (Giuseppe) dal Vago (da Portogruaro), O.F.M. Ref. †Titular Archbishop of Serdica
BornLouis DelmotteBishop Emeritus of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium
19 Sep57.3AppointedAgostino Ciasca, O.E.S.A. †Pro-Secretary of the Congregation for Propagation of the Faith Cardinal, Secretary
22 Sep22.5Ordained PriestVincenzo CelliPriestAuxiliary Bishop of Beatissima Vergine Maria del Rosario, Italy
83.6DiedGiuseppe de’ Bianchi DottulaArchbishop of Trani e Barletta (e Nazareth e Bisceglie), Italy
23.7Ordained PriestJulien-Louis-Edouard-Marie Gorju, M. Afr. †Priest of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Urundi, Burundi
23 SepBornLorenz J臠er (Jaeger)Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Paderborn, Germany
24 Sep23.4Ordained PriestAuguste-Marie-Augustin Chapuis, M.E.P. †Priest of La Soci騁? des Missions Etrang鑽es Bishop Emeritus of Kumbakonam, India
22.3Ordained PriestJoseph ChartrandPriest of Vincennes, Indiana, USA Bishop of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
24.5Ordained PriestBernardo Mart?nez y Noval, O.S.A. †Priest of Order of St. Augustine Bishop of Almer?a, Spain
22.4Ordained PriestLuigi SinceroPriest of Roma {Rome}, Italy Cardinal, Secretary of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches
25.0Ordained PriestAdriaan SmetsPriestApostolic Delegate Emeritus to Persia
25 Sep51.7Ordained BishopAmbrogio DaffraBishop of Ventimiglia, Italy
53.0Ordained BishopGulstan Francis Ropert, SS.CC. †Titular Bishop of Panopolis Vicar Apostolic of Hawaiian Islands, USA
27 SepBornGeorges-Louis-Camille DebrayBishop of Meaux, France
28 SepBornEmilio BaroncelliBishop Emeritus of Recanati, Italy
29 Sep53.5SucceededJoseph-Adolphe Gandy, M.E.P. †Archbishop of Pondicherry, India
58.5Ordained BishopJean-Marie-Fran輟is LamourouxBishop of Saint-Flour, France
69.8DiedFran輟is-Jean-Marie Laou?nan, M.E.P. †Archbishop of Pondicherry, India
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