Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | 24.1 | Ordained Priest | Thomas Audo † | Priest | Archbishop of Urmyā {Rezayeh} (Chaldean), Iran |
24.5 | Ordained Priest | Leonard Ludwig Baumbach, C.P. † | Priest of Congregation of the Passion | Bishop Emeritus of Nicopoli, Bulgaria |
44.6 | Appointed | ノtienne (Edmond Martin) Baur, C.S.Sp. † | Prefect of Zanguebar, Kenya | Prefect Emeritus |
24.7 | Ordained Priest | Jos? Cadena y Eleta † | Priest | Archbishop of Burgos, Spain |
25.5 | Ordained Priest | Michele Camilleri † | Priest | Bishop of Santorini {Thira}, Greece |
21.8 | Ordained Priest | Francisco Mar?a Cervera y Cervera, O.F.M. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor | Vicar Apostolic of Marocco o Marruecos, Morocco |
14.4 | Professed | Clemente Coltelli, O.F.M. † | Member of Order of Friars Minor | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shensi {Scen-Si Settentrionale}, China |
Born | ノtienne Garon, M.S. † | Prefect of Morondava, Madagascar |
77.6 | Resigned | Carlo Gigli † | Bishop of Tivoli, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
21.2 | Ordained Priest | Alessandro de Giorgi, O.Ss.C.A. † | Priest of Milano {Milan}, Italy | Auxiliary Bishop |
30.2 | Professed | Emile-Joseph Legal, O.M.I. † | Priest of Oblates of Mary Immaculate | Archbishop of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
25.2 | Professed | Jean-Marie M駻el, M.E.P. † | Priest of La Soci騁? des Missions Etrang鑽es | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Canton [Guangzhou], China |
29.9 | Appointed | Germanos (Ignace) Mouakkad (Mouaqqad) † | Patriarchal Vicar of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme} (Melkite Greek), Palestine | Bishop Emeritus of Baalbek (Melkite Greek), Lebanon |
Appointed | Basilios Moussaye (Moussaddyeh) † | Bishop of Tripoli del Libano (Melkite Greek) |
Born | Wesceslau Nazareno Ponti, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop-Elect of Alto Solim?es, Amazonas, Brazil |
21.6 | Professed | Odorico Giuseppe Rizzi, O.F.M. † | Member of Order of Friars Minor | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shensi {Scen-Si Settentrionale}, China |
Jan | 79.1 | Retired | Marie-Julien Meirieu † | Bishop of Digne, France | Bishop Emeritus |
4 Jan | Born | Anton?n Eltschkner † | Auxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
44.6 | Ordained Bishop | Michael Naughten † | Bishop of Roseau, Dominica, Antilles |
6 Jan | Born | Thomas Edward Flynn † | Bishop of Lancaster, England, Great Britain |
7 Jan | Born | Santiago Luis Copello † | Cardinal, Chancellor of the Apostolic Chancery |
Born | Yakiv Medvetskyj (Medweckyj) † | Apostolic Exarch of Lemkowszczyzna (Ukrainian), Poland |
8 Jan | 65.7 | Died | Jos? Benedicto Torres Romero † | Bishop of Arequipa, Peru |
10 Jan | Born | Paolo Giobbe † | Cardinal, Datary Emeritus of the Apostolic Datary |
12 Jan | Born | Arkadiusz Lisiecki † | Bishop of Katowice, Poland |
13 Jan | Born | Patrick Collier † | Bishop of Ossory, Ireland |
71.9 | Died | Louis-Anne Dubreil † | Archbishop of Avignon (-Apt, Cavaillon, Carpentras, Orange, e Vaison), France |
14 Jan | Born | Pierre-Marie Paul Gerlier † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Lyon (-Vienne), France |
15 Jan | Born | Giuseppe Rossino † | Secretary of the Congregation of Seminaries and Universities |
55.1 | Resigned | Pierre-Ferdinand Vitte, S.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Nouvelle-Cal馘onie (New Caledonia), Pacific (Oceania) | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus |
16 Jan | Born | Timothy Joseph Crowley, C.S.C. † | Bishop of Dacca, Bangladesh |
17 Jan | 76.1 | Died | Tobia Masacci † | Bishop of Sarsina, Italy |
18 Jan | Born | Bl. Ildefonso (Alfred Aloisius) Schuster, O.S.B. † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy |
24.8 | Ordained Priest | Jos? Marcos Semeria † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Melo, Uruguay |
19 Jan | Born | Rafael Balanz? y Navarro † | Bishop of Lugo, Spain |
21 Jan | 44.0 | Appointed | Fran輟is-Xavier Corbet (Corbey), C.S.Sp. † | Prefect of Pondicherry, India | Vicar Apostolic of Di馮o-Suarez, Madagascar |
22 Jan | Born | Juan Vicente Ara?a y Id?goras, O.C.D. † | Bishop Emeritus of Vijayapuram, India |
23 Jan | 64.0 | Succeeded | Luigi Carvelli † | Bishop of Potenza e Marsico Nuovo, Italy | Bishop of Mileto, Italy |
66.1 | Installed | Francisco de Paula Verea y Gonz疝ez † | Bishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), M騙ico |
75.9 | Died | Antonio Maria Fan?a, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Potenza e Marsico Nuovo, Italy |
43.1 | Appointed | Vincenzo Vannutelli † | Titular Archbishop of Sardes | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies |
43.1 | Appointed | Vincenzo Vannutelli † | Vicar Apostolic of Constantinople, Turkey | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies |
24 Jan | 35.6 | Ordained Bishop | Andr?-Th駮phile M駘izan, O.M.I. † | Titular Bishop of Adrana | Archbishop of Colombo, Sri Lanka |
26 Jan | Born | Pedro Eggerath, O.S.B. † | Abbot Emeritus of Nossa Senhora do Monserrate do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
27 Jan | 56.5 | Appointed | Pietro Facciotti † | Bishop of Ferentino, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
29 Jan | 81.3 | Retired | Louis-Anne Nogret † | Bishop of Saint-Claude, France | Bishop Emeritus |
Born | Joseph Casimir Plagens † | Bishop of Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA |
30 Jan | 45.8 | Appointed | Pa嗅al Buconjić, O.F.M. Obs. † | Vicar Apostolic of Herzegovina | Bishop of Mostar-Duvno (-Trebinje e Mrkan), Bosnia and Herzegovina |
45.8 | Appointed | Pa嗅al Buconjić, O.F.M. Obs. † | Titular Bishop of Magydus | Bishop of Mostar-Duvno (-Trebinje e Mrkan), Bosnia and Herzegovina |
60.8 | Appointed | William Henry Elder † | Coadjutor Archbishop of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | Archbishop |
42.2 | Appointed | Roberto Menini, O.F.M. Cap. † | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Sofia e Plovdiv, Bulgaria | Vicar Apostolic |
42.2 | Appointed | Roberto Menini, O.F.M. Cap. † | Titular Bishop of Metellopolis | Vicar Apostolic of Sofia e Plovdiv, Bulgaria |
31 Jan | 68.9 | Died | Enrico Gajo, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Bobbio, Italy |
1 Feb | 54.9 | Installed | Vincenzo Manicardi † | Bishop of Borgo San Donnino, Italy | Bishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy |
46.0 | Ordained Bishop | Martin Marty, O.S.B. † | Titular Bishop of Tiberias | Bishop of Saint Cloud, Minnesota, USA |
2 Feb | 37.4 | Final Vows | Bernhard Beider-Linden, S.J. † | Priest of Society of Jesus | Bishop of Poona, India |
42.2 | Ordained Bishop | Roberto Menini, O.F.M. Cap. † | Titular Bishop of Metellopolis | Vicar Apostolic of Sofia e Plovdiv, Bulgaria |
43.1 | Ordained Bishop | Vincenzo Vannutelli † | Titular Archbishop of Sardes | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies |
3 Feb | Born | Arnoldus Johannes Hubertus Aerts, M.S.C. † | Vicar Apostolic of Nuova Guinea Olandese, Indonesia |
4 Feb | Born | C駸ar チngel Vigiani, O.F.M. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Chaco, Bolivia |
7 Feb | 57.7 | Selected | Jean-Joseph Marchal † | Archbishop of Bourges, France |
52.2 | Appointed | C駸ar-Joseph Marpot (Marport) † | Bishop of Saint-Claude, France |
52.0 | Selected | Pierre-Jean-Joseph Soubiranne † | Bishop of Belley, France | Bishop Emeritus |
53.1 | Selected | Louis-Joseph-Marie-Ange Vigne † | Bishop of Digne, France | Archbishop of Avignon (-Apt, Cavaillon, Carpentras, Orange, e Vaison), France |
10 Feb | Born | Josip Antun Ujčić † | Archbishop of Beograd (-Smederevo), Serbia |
11 Feb | Born | Bl. Ioan Balan † | Bishop of Lugoj (Romanian), Romania |
12 Feb | 39.1 | Selected | Pierre-Marie-Etienne-Gustave Ardin † | Bishop of Oran, Algeria | Archbishop of Sens (-Auxerre), France |
51.2 | Selected | Emmanuel-Marie-Ange de Briey † | Coadjutor Bishop of Meaux, France | Bishop |
57.7 | Selected | D駸ir?-Joseph Dennel † | Bishop of Beauvais (-Noyon-Senlis), France | Bishop of Arras (-Boulogne-Saint-Omer), France |
Born | Vincent Victor Dereere, O.C.D. † | Bishop Emeritus of Trivandrum, India |
54.7 | Selected | Fran輟is-Edouard Hasley † | Archbishop of Avignon (-Apt, Cavaillon, Carpentras, Orange, e Vaison), France | Archbishop of Cambrai, France |
13 Feb | 46.7 | Selected | Prosper Auguste Dusserre † | Coadjutor Archbishop of Alger, Algeria | Archbishop |
15 Feb | 61.1 | Ordained Bishop | Christophore Cosandey † | Bishop of Lausanne et Gen钁e, Switzerland |
18 Feb | Born | Salom縊 Ferraz † | Titular Bishop of Eleutherna |
20 Feb | 23.0 | Ordained Priest | Adolphe-Yves-Marie Duparc † | Priest of Vannes, France | Bishop of Quimper [Cornouailles](-L駮n), France |
71.7 | Resigned | Luigi Serafini † | Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy | Cardinal, Secretary of the Roman Curia - Other |
21 Feb | 23.2 | Ordained Deacon | Jean-Claude Combaz, M.E.P. † | Deacon of La Soci騁? des Missions Etrang鑽es | Bishop of Nagasaki, Japan |
26.3 | Ordained Priest | Jos? Ram?n Ibarra y Gonz疝ez † | Priest of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), M騙ico | Archbishop of Puebla de los チngeles, M騙ico |
23.2 | Ordained Priest | Nicol疽 P駻ez Gavil疣 y Echeverr?a † | Priest of Durango, M騙ico | Bishop of Chihuahua, M騙ico |
22 Feb | Born | Philip George Scher † | Bishop of Monterey-Fresno, California, USA |
23 Feb | 76.3 | Resigned | Bernardino Trionfetti, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
24 Feb | 36.5 | Appointed | Mark Stanislaus Gross † | Vicar Apostolic of North Carolina, USA | Priest of Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
36.5 | Appointed | Mark Stanislaus Gross † | Titular Bishop of Lyrbe | Priest of Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
26 Feb | 67.7 | Died | Charles William Russell † | Priest | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Ceylon, Sri Lanka |
27 Feb | 39.1 | Confirmed | Pierre-Marie-Etienne-Gustave Ardin † | Bishop of Oran, Algeria | Archbishop of Sens (-Auxerre), France |
51.2 | Appointed | Emmanuel-Marie-Ange de Briey † | Titular Bishop of Rhosus | Bishop of Meaux, France |
51.2 | Confirmed | Emmanuel-Marie-Ange de Briey † | Coadjutor Bishop of Meaux, France | Bishop |
38.3 | Appointed | Giuseppe Callegari † | Bishop of Treviso, Italy | Cardinal, Bishop of Padova {Padua}, Italy |
56.9 | Appointed | Enrico Carfagnini, O.F.M. Ref. † | Bishop of Gallipoli, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
57.1 | Appointed | Giacomo Cattani † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Balbina | Cardinal, Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy |
65.2 | Confirmed | Giovanni Giacomo della Bona † | Bishop of Trento, Italy |
57.8 | Confirmed | D駸ir?-Joseph Dennel † | Bishop of Beauvais (-Noyon-Senlis), France | Bishop of Arras (-Boulogne-Saint-Omer), France |
54.1 | Appointed | Isidore-Joseph du Rousseaux † | Titular Bishop of Eumenia | Bishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium |
46.8 | Appointed | Prosper Auguste Dusserre † | Titular Archbishop of Damascus | Archbishop of Alger, Algeria |
46.8 | Appointed | Prosper Auguste Dusserre † | Apostolic Administrator of Constantine (-Hippone), Algeria | Archbishop of Alger, Algeria |
46.8 | Confirmed | Prosper Auguste Dusserre † | Coadjutor Archbishop of Alger, Algeria | Archbishop |
53.7 | Appointed | Bl. Mamerto Esqui? y Medina, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of C?rdoba (Tucum疣), Argentina |
41.3 | Appointed | Juan Est騅anes y Seminario, O.F.M. Disc. † | Bishop of Puno, Peru |
63.2 | Confirmed | Franjo Anijan Feretić (Ferrettić) † | Bishop of Krk (Veglia), Croatia |
59.1 | Appointed | Beniamino Feuli † | Archbishop of Manfredonia (e Vieste), Italy |
45.6 | Appointed | Federico Pietro Foschi † | Bishop of Perugia, Italy | Archbishop of Perugia, Italy |
42.4 | Appointed | Celestino del Frate † | Auxiliary Bishop of Velletri, Italy | Archbishop of Camerino, Italy |
42.4 | Appointed | Celestino del Frate † | Titular Bishop of Hemeria (Himeria) | Archbishop of Camerino, Italy |
40.8 | Appointed | Fran輟is-Charles-Marie Gillard † | Bishop of Constantine (-Hippone), Algeria | Bishop-Elect |
54.7 | Confirmed | Fran輟is-Edouard Hasley † | Archbishop of Avignon (-Apt, Cavaillon, Carpentras, Orange, e Vaison), France | Archbishop of Cambrai, France |
41.6 | Appointed | Francesco Maria Imparati, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Venosa, Italy | Archbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy |
50.1 | Appointed | Giuseppe Ingami † | Auxiliary Bishop of Albano, Italy | Bishop of Orvieto, Italy |
50.1 | Appointed | Giuseppe Ingami † | Titular Bishop of Sidon | Bishop of Orvieto, Italy |
38.8 | Appointed | Pietro Alfonso Jorio (Iorio) † | Bishop of Lacedonia, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus of Taranto, Italy |
58.6 | Confirmed | Johannes von Lei? (Leiss) † | Bishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy |
56.3 | Appointed | Gesualdo Nicola Loschirico, O.F.M. Cap. † | Archbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy |
34.7 | Appointed | Jos? (Giuseppe) Macchi † | Auxiliary Bishop of Palestrina, Italy | Apostolic Nuncio to Portugal |
34.7 | Appointed | Jos? (Giuseppe) Macchi † | Titular Bishop of Gadara | Apostolic Nuncio to Portugal |
57.8 | Confirmed | Jean-Joseph Marchal † | Archbishop of Bourges, France |
52.2 | Confirmed | C駸ar-Joseph Marpot (Marport) † | Bishop of Saint-Claude, France |
38.0 | Appointed | Dario Mattei-Gentili † | Bishop of Sarsina, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus of Perugia, Italy |
69.3 | Appointed | Pier Francesco Meglia † | Cardinal-Priest of Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti | Cardinal, Apostolic Nuncio |
53.0 | Appointed | Raffaele Monaco La Valletta † | Chamberlain (Camerlengo) of the College of Cardinals | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Ceremonies |
59.6 | Appointed | Johann Baptist Nog疝l † | Auxiliary Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv疵ad}, Romania |
59.6 | Appointed | Johann Baptist Nog疝l † | Titular Bishop of Pergamum | Auxiliary Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv疵ad}, Romania |
43.2 | Appointed | Lorenzo Carlo Pampirio, O.P. † | Bishop of Alba (Pompea), Italy | Archbishop of Vercelli, Italy |
46.2 | Appointed | Giovanni Battista Paolucci † | Archbishop (Personal Title) of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy | Bishop |
69.9 | Resigned | Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci † | Bishop of Perugia, Italy | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
55.9 | Appointed | Antonio Pistocchi † | Coadjutor Bishop of San Marco e Bisignano, Italy | Bishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy |
55.9 | Appointed | Antonio Pistocchi † | Titular Bishop of Sinopoli | Bishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy |
43.9 | Appointed | Agnello Renzullo † | Bishop of Isernia e Venafro, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Nola, Italy |
41.4 | Appointed | Jos? Ignacio Eduardo S疣chez y Camacho † | Bishop of Ciudad Victoria-Tamaulipas, Tamaulipas, M騙ico | Bishop Emeritus |
70.6 | Appointed | Domenico Sanguigni † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Pudenziana | Cardinal, Apostolic Nuncio |
51.1 | Appointed | Am駻ico Ferreira dos Santos Silva † | Cardinal-Priest of Santi Quattro Coronati | Cardinal, Bishop of Porto, Portugal |
54.0 | Appointed | Flaviano Simoneschi † | Bishop of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
52.1 | Confirmed | Pierre-Jean-Joseph Soubiranne † | Bishop of Belley, France | Bishop Emeritus |
75.8 | Appointed | Vincenzo Taglialatela (Tagliatela) † | Titular Archbishop of Bostra | Archbishop Emeritus of Manfredonia (e Vieste), Italy |
29.9 | Appointed | Bernardo Agusto Thiel Hoffman, C.M. † | Bishop of San Jos? de Costa Rica |
76.3 | Appointed | Bernardino Trionfetti, O.F.M. Obs. † | Titular Bishop of Capharnaum | Bishop Emeritus of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy |
68.1 | Died | Settimio Maria Vecchiotti † | Apostolic Nuncio |
66.3 | Appointed | Friedrich Egon von F?rstenberg † | Cardinal-Priest of San Crisogono | Cardinal, Archbishop of Olomouc, Czechia |
53.1 | Confirmed | Louis-Joseph-Marie-Ange Vigne † | Bishop of Digne, France | Archbishop of Avignon (-Apt, Cavaillon, Carpentras, Orange, e Vaison), France |
55.5 | Appointed | Girolamo Volpe † | Bishop of Alife, Italy |
29 Feb | 38.0 | Ordained Bishop | Dario Mattei-Gentili † | Bishop of Sarsina, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus of Perugia, Italy |
3 Mar | Born | Emeterio Echeverria Barrena † | Prelate of Ciudad Real, Spain |
4 Mar | Born | Pjet?r Dema † | Vicar Capitular of Durr?s (Durazzo), Albania |
7 Mar | 41.6 | Ordained Bishop | Francesco Maria Imparati, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Venosa, Italy | Archbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy |
38.8 | Ordained Bishop | Pietro Alfonso Jorio (Iorio) † | Bishop of Lacedonia, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus of Taranto, Italy |
56.0 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio Pistocchi † | Titular Bishop of Sinopoli | Bishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy |
43.9 | Ordained Bishop | Agnello Renzullo † | Bishop of Isernia e Venafro, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Nola, Italy |
9 Mar | 52.8 | Appointed | Buenaventura del Pur?simo Coraz?n de Mar?a Portillo y Tejeda, O.F.M. Obs. † | Vicar Apostolic of California Inferiore, M騙ico | Bishop of Zacatecas, M騙ico |
52.8 | Appointed | Buenaventura del Pur?simo Coraz?n de Mar?a Portillo y Tejeda, O.F.M. Obs. † | Titular Bishop of Tricca | Bishop of Zacatecas, M騙ico |
12 Mar | 63.4 | Died | Carlos Cuarteroni Fern疣dez, O.SS.T. † | Prefect of Labuan e Borneo, Malaysia |
13 Mar | 22.9 | Ordained Priest | Francesco di Costanzo † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Monopoli, Italy |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Vittorio Amedeo Ranuzzi de’ Bianchi † | Priest of Bologna, Italy | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Recanati e Loreto, Italy |
14 Mar | Born | Oddo Bernacchia † | Bishop Emeritus of Larino, Italy |
54.1 | Ordained Bishop | Isidore-Joseph du Rousseaux † | Titular Bishop of Eumenia | Bishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium |
45.7 | Ordained Bishop | Federico Pietro Foschi † | Bishop of Perugia, Italy | Archbishop of Perugia, Italy |
42.5 | Ordained Bishop | Celestino del Frate † | Titular Bishop of Hemeria (Himeria) | Archbishop of Camerino, Italy |
50.1 | Ordained Bishop | Giuseppe Ingami † | Titular Bishop of Sidon | Bishop of Orvieto, Italy |
34.7 | Ordained Bishop | Jos? (Giuseppe) Macchi † | Titular Bishop of Gadara | Apostolic Nuncio to Portugal |
59.7 | Ordained Bishop | Johann Baptist Nog疝l † | Titular Bishop of Pergamum | Auxiliary Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv疵ad}, Romania |
43.2 | Ordained Bishop | Lorenzo Carlo Pampirio, O.P. † | Bishop of Alba (Pompea), Italy | Archbishop of Vercelli, Italy |
15 Mar | Born | Jos? da Costa Nunes † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Goa e Dam縊, India |
18 Mar | 70.4 | Died | Giuseppe Maria Alberti † | Bishop of Syros (e Milos), Greece |
19 Mar | 45.9 | Ordained Bishop | Pa嗅al Buconjić, O.F.M. Obs. † | Titular Bishop of Magydus | Bishop of Mostar-Duvno (-Trebinje e Mrkan), Bosnia and Herzegovina |
65.3 | Installed | Giovanni Giacomo della Bona † | Bishop of Trento, Italy |
59.2 | Ordained Bishop | Beniamino Feuli † | Archbishop of Manfredonia (e Vieste), Italy |
61.1 | Installed | Francesco Ragusa † | Bishop of Trapani, Italy |
22 Mar | 24.0 | Ordained Priest | John Patrick Farrelly † | Priest of Nashville, Tennessee, USA | Bishop of Cleveland, Ohio, USA |
23 Mar | 49.3 | Appointed | Henri-Joseph Bult?, S.J. † | Titular Bishop of Botrys | Vicar Apostolic of Southeastern Chi-Li {Ce-Li Meridio-Orientale}, China |
49.3 | Appointed | Henri-Joseph Bult?, S.J. † | Vicar Apostolic of Southeastern Chi-Li {Ce-Li Meridio-Orientale}, China |
38.6 | Appointed | Marie-Antoine-Louis Caspar, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Cochin {Cocincina Settentrionale}, Viet Nam | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus |
38.6 | Appointed | Marie-Antoine-Louis Caspar, M.E.P. † | Titular Bishop of Canatha | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Northern Cochin {Cocincina Settentrionale}, Viet Nam |
Born | Henri-Jean Houbaut † | Bishop of Bayonne (-Lescar e Oloron), France |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Pierre Kojunian (Koyounian) † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Iskanderiya {Alexandria} (Armenian), Egypt |
66.7 | Resigned | Pedro Jos? Tordoya Montoya † | Bishop of Cuzco, Peru | Bishop Emeritus |
25 Mar | 66.0 | Died | Joseph-Auguste Chevalier, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Mysore, India |
27 Mar | 23.2 | Ordained Priest | Luigi Ermini † | Priest | Bishop of Fabriano e Matelica, Italy |
29 Mar | Born | Jules Lecouvet † | Auxiliary Bishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium |
30 Mar | 23.0 | Ordained Priest | Peter Joseph Hurth, C.S.C. † | Priest of Congregation of Holy Cross | Bishop Emeritus of Nueva Segovia, Philippines |