Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
2 Apr | 56.8 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Maria Majoli † | Titular Bishop of Dora | Bishop of Urbania e Sant’Angelo in Vado, Italy |
4 Apr | Born | Rafael Afanador y Cadena † | Bishop Emeritus of Nueva Pamplona, Colombia |
56.9 | Died | Konrad Reither † | Bishop of Speyer, Germany |
5 Apr | 67.3 | Died | Tobia Aun † | Archbishop of Beirut {Bairut} (Maronite), Lebanon |
63.0 | Died | Istv疣 (Štefan) Vagyon † | Bishop of the Titular See |
8 Apr | 26.4 | Ordained Priest | Johannes Baptiste Olaf Fallize † | Priest of Luxembourg | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Norvegia e Spitzbergen |
23.2 | Ordained Priest | Henri-Charles-Camille Lambrecht † | Priest of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium | Bishop |
27.9 | Ordained Priest | Cornelius O’Brien † | Priest | Archbishop of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada |
Born | William Turner † | Bishop of Buffalo, New York, USA |
9 Apr | Born | Rafael Toro Upegui, S.J. † | Prefect Emeritus of R?o Magdalena, Colombia |
11 Apr | 38.2 | Ordained Bishop | George Michael Conroy † | Bishop of Ardagh (and Clonmacnois), Ireland |
12 Apr | 75.2 | Died | Giovanni Renier † | Bishop of Belluno e Feltre, Italy |
13 Apr | Born | Bl. Jerzy Bolesław Matulewicz-Matulaitis, M.I.C. † | Bishop Emeritus of Vilnius, Lithuania |
49.9 | Selected | Daniel Wilhelm Sommerwerk (Jacobi) † | Bishop of Hildesheim, Germany |
16 Apr | Born | L駮n-Charles-Joseph Girod, C.S.Sp. † | Vicar Apostolic of Loango, Congo |
47.2 | Ordained Bishop | Ignacio Antonio Parra † | Bishop of Panam? | Bishop of Nueva Pamplona, Colombia |
52.6 | Ordained Bishop | Karol Franz (Karel František) Prucha (Průcha) † | Titular Bishop of Ioppe | Auxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
17 Apr | Born | Marcellino Ant?nio Maria Franco † | Bishop of Faro {Algarve}, Portugal |
Born | Hieronymus Maria Mileta, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Šibenik (Knin), Croatia |
19 Apr | 61.4 | Selected | Th駮dore Legain † | Bishop of Montauban, France |
25 Apr | 59.3 | Confirmed | In當io do Nascimento Morais Cardoso † | Cardinal, Patriarch of Lisboa {Lisbon}, Portugal |
27 Apr | Born | Guillermo Jos? Harris y Morales † | Bishop of Loja, Ecuador |
Born | Basilio Manuel Olimpio Pereira, O.F.M. † | Bishop Emeritus of Amazonas, Brazil |
30 Apr | 40.3 | Ordained Bishop | James McDevitt † | Bishop of Raphoe, Ireland |
May | 25.2 | Incardinated | John Dunne † | Priest of Goulburn, Australia | Bishop of Wilcannia, Australia |
2 May | Born | Giuseppe Conti † | Bishop of Chiusi e Pienza, Italy |
74.9 | Resigned | Jo縊 d’Aguiar † | Bishop of Bragan軋 e Miranda, Portugal | Bishop Emeritus |
3 May | 26.4 | Ordained Priest | Joseph Bernard Cotter † | Priest of Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA | Bishop of Winona, Minnesota, USA |
5 May | 55.3 | Confirmed | Jos? Luis Alves Feijo, O.SS.T. † | Bishop of Bragan軋 e Miranda, Portugal |
7 May | Born | Josef Klemann, O.S.F.S. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Great Namaqualand, Namibia |
33.6 | Ordained Bishop | Aires de Ornelas de Vasconcelos † | Titular Bishop of Gerasa | Archbishop of Goa, India |
10 May | Born | Giordano Corsini † | Bishop Emeritus of Guastalla, Italy |
14 May | 44.8 | Ordained Bishop | Michel-Esther Leturdu, M.E.P. † | Titular Bishop of Corycus | Vicar Apostolic of Malacca-Singapore |
22.5 | Ordained Priest | Sebastiano Francisco Pifferi, O.F.M. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor | Archbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia |
19 May | Born | Pietro Boetto, S.J. † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Genova, Italy |
22 May | 46.9 | Appointed | Jaak Bax, C.I.C.M. † | Pro-Vicar Apostolic of Mongolia, China | Vicar Apostolic of Central Mongolia {Mongolia Centrale}, China |
24 May | 53.9 | Appointed | Ildefonso Giovanni Battista Borgna, O.C.D. † | Vicar Apostolic of Quilon, India | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus |
53.9 | Appointed | Ildefonso Giovanni Battista Borgna, O.C.D. † | Titular Bishop of Amyzon | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Quilon, India |
58.3 | Died | Georges Darboy † | Archbishop of Paris, France |
Born | Agostino Laera † | Bishop Emeritus of Castellaneta, Italy |
61.5 | Confirmed | Th駮dore Legain † | Bishop of Montauban, France |
25 May | Born | Bernard Alexis Burquier, C.R.A. † | Abbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland |
26 May | 54.6 | Selected | Ivan (Jan Saturnin) Stupnyckyj (Stupnicki) † | Bishop of Przemyśl, Sambor, et Sanok (Ukrainian), Poland |
29 May | 38.3 | Appointed | Ezechias Banci, O.F.M. Ref. † | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Hunan {Hu-Nan}, China | Vicar Apostolic of Northwestern Hupeh {Hu-P? Occiduo-Settentrionale}, China |
38.3 | Appointed | Ezechias Banci, O.F.M. Ref. † | Titular Bishop of Halicarnassus | Vicar Apostolic of Northwestern Hupeh {Hu-P? Occiduo-Settentrionale}, China |
31 May | 24.6 | Solemn Vows | Jean-Baptiste Chausse, S.M.A. † | Member of Society of African Missions | Vicar Apostolic of Costa di Benin, Nigeria |
40.4 | Selected | Jos? Dias Correia de Carvalho † | Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde | Bishop of Viseu, Portugal |
26.4 | Ordained Priest | Donald Aloysius Mackintosh † | Priest of Western District, Scotland, Great Britain | Coadjutor Archbishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain |
42.3 | Selected | Am駻ico Ferreira dos Santos Silva † | Cardinal, Bishop of Porto, Portugal |
2 Jun | Born | Benvenuto Diego Alonso y Nistal, O.F.M. Cap. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Caron?, Venezuela |
3 Jun | 24.3 | Ordained Priest | Julien Banckaert, S.J. † | Priest of Brugge {Bruges}, Belgium | Prefect Emeritus of Koango o Kwango, Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
25.2 | Ordained Priest | Denis Mary Bradley † | Priest of Portland, Maine, USA | Bishop of Manchester, New Hampshire, USA |
27.4 | Ordained Priest | Mariano Cidad y Olmos † | Priest of Valladolid, Spain | Bishop of Astorga, Spain |
23.9 | Ordained Priest | Jules-Auguste Coqset, C.M. † | Priest of Congregation of the Mission | Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Chi-Li {Ce-Li Meridio-Occidentale}, China |
23.1 | Ordained Priest | Fran輟is-Marie Kersuzan † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Cap-Ha?tien, Ha?ti |
26.5 | Ordained Priest | Emmanuel-Jules-Marie Marbeau † | Priest of Paris, France | Bishop of Meaux, France |
23.1 | Ordained Priest | St. Ezequiel Moreno y D?az, O.A.R. † | Priest of Order of Augustinian Recollects | Bishop of Pasto, Colombia |
47.4 | Installed | Ignacio Antonio Parra † | Bishop of Panam? | Bishop of Nueva Pamplona, Colombia |
22.5 | Ordained Priest | Giuseppe Francesco Re † | Priest | Bishop of Alba (Pompea), Italy |
23.9 | Ordained Priest | Camillo Siciliano di Rende † | Priest | Cardinal, Archbishop of Benevento, Italy |
Born | Adolfo Verrienti † | Prelate Emeritus of Altamura ed Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy |
23.8 | Ordained Priest | Giovanni Maria Zonghi † | Priest | President of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy |
4 Jun | 70.2 | Ordained Bishop | Jos? Ant?nio Pereira Bilhano † | Archbishop of ノvora, Portugal |
26.1 | Ordained Priest | Emile Joseph Pourbaix † | Priest of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium | Auxiliary Bishop |
6 Jun | 70.6 | Died | Louis-Auguste Delalle † | Bishop of Rodez, France |
Born | Joseph (Ignatius) Shanahan, C.S.Sp. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Southern Nigeria {Nigeria Meridionale} |
7 Jun | 66.7 | Died | Ignacio Mateo Guerra y Alba † | Bishop of Zacatecas, M騙ico |
8 Jun | 30.9 | Installed | Jose Maria Ignacio Montes de Oca y Obreg?n † | Bishop of Ciudad Victoria-Tamaulipas, Tamaulipas, M騙ico | Bishop of San Luis Potos?, M騙ico |
11 Jun | 36.9 | Ordained Bishop | Louis Mary (Michael) Fink, O.S.B. † | Titular Bishop of Eucarpia | Bishop of Leavenworth, Kansas, USA |
23.8 | Ordained Priest | Franjo Uccelini-Tice † | Priest of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia | Bishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro |
13 Jun | Born | Antonio Rafael Villanueva, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Cajamarca, Peru |
18 Jun | 43.4 | Ordained Bishop | James David Ricards † | Titular Bishop of Rhithymna | Vicar Apostolic of Cape of Good Hope, Eastern District {Capo de Buona Speranza, Distretto Orientale}, South Africa |
21 Jun | 47.0 | Died | Louis-Simon Faurie, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Kuiceu (Kweichow), China |
24 Jun | Born | John Thomas McNally † | Archbishop of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada |
26 Jun | 40.5 | Confirmed | Jos? Dias Correia de Carvalho † | Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde | Bishop of Viseu, Portugal |
53.4 | Appointed | Jan Chryzostom Janiszenwski † | Auxiliary Bishop of Gniezno e Poznań, Poland |
53.4 | Appointed | Jan Chryzostom Janiszenwski † | Titular Bishop of Elusa | Auxiliary Bishop of Gniezno e Poznań, Poland |
42.7 | Confirmed | J?zsef Samassa † | Bishop of Spiš, Slovakia | Cardinal, Archbishop of Eger, Hungary |
42.4 | Confirmed | Am駻ico Ferreira dos Santos Silva † | Cardinal, Bishop of Porto, Portugal |
27 Jun | Born | Jo縊 Borges Quint縊, C.M. † | Priest of Congregation of the Mission |
29 Jun | 23.1 | Ordained Priest | Edward Joseph Dunne † | Priest of Chicago, Illinois, USA | Bishop of Dallas, Texas, USA |
Born | Ange-Marie (Paul) Hiral, O.F.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Port-Said, Egypt |
51.7 | Died | John Henry Luers † | Bishop of Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA |