Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
1 Apr | Born | Gustave-Lazare Garnier † | Bishop of Lu輟n, France | ||
3 Apr | 16.9 | Solemn Vows | Nicola Giuseppe (Nicolae Iosif) Camilli, O.F.M. Conv. † | Member of Order of Friars Minor Conventual | Bishop of Iaşi, Romania |
Born | Isidore-Marie-Victor Doucer?, S.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of New Hebrides {Isole Nouve Ebridi}, Vanuatu, Pacific (Oceania) | |||
51.0 | Appointed | Joseph-Isidore Godelle, M.E.P. † | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Pondicherry, India | Vicar Apostolic | |
51.0 | Appointed | Joseph-Isidore Godelle, M.E.P. † | Titular Bishop of Thermopylae | Vicar Apostolic of Pondicherry, India | |
5 Apr | Born | Richard Collins † | Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, England, Great Britain | ||
6 Apr | 66.1 | Died | Josip Schrott † | Bishop of Beograd (-Smederevo), Serbia | |
7 Apr | 74.7 | Died | Santiago Rodr?guez Gil, O.P. † | Bishop of Lugo, Spain | |
8 Apr | 46.3 | Appointed | Spyrydon Lytvynovyč (Litwinowicz) † | Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine | Archbishop |
46.3 | Appointed | Spyrydon Lytvynovyč (Litwinowicz) † | Titular Bishop of Canatha | Archbishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine | |
57.0 | Appointed | Grzegorz Michał Szymonowicz † | Coadjutor Archbishop of Lviv (Armenian), Ukraine | Archbishop | |
57.0 | Appointed | Grzegorz Michał Szymonowicz † | Titular Archbishop of Marcopolis | Archbishop of Lviv (Armenian), Ukraine | |
9 Apr | 81.5 | Died | Giovanni Pietro Aurelio Mutti, O.S.B. † | Patriarch of Venezia {Venice}, Italy | |
11 Apr | Born | Francesco di Costanzo † | Bishop Emeritus of Monopoli, Italy | ||
23.9 | Ordained Priest | Francisco Garc?a y L?pez † | Priest of Valencia, Spain | Auxiliary Bishop | |
Born | Athanasius Klemens G?tte, O.F.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shensi {Scen-Si Settentrionale}, China | |||
26.4 | Ordained Priest | Narciso Mart?nez Izquierdo † | Priest | Bishop of Madrid, Spain | |
23.4 | Ordained Priest | Giovanni Battista Paolucci † | Priest | Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy | |
23.6 | Ordained Priest | Francesco Vincenzo Pesci, O.F.M. Cap. † | Priest of Order of Friars Minor Capuchin | Bishop of Allahabad, India | |
13 Apr | 36.2 | Appointed | John Baptist Byrne † | Coadjutor Bishop of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | Priest of Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
36.2 | Appointed | John Baptist Byrne † | Titular Bishop of Rithymnia | Priest of Baltimore, Maryland, USA | |
14 Apr | Born | Ferdinando Fiandaca † | Bishop Emeritus of Patti, Italy | ||
17 Apr | Born | Thomas Whiteside † | Archbishop of Liverpool, England, Great Britain | ||
25 Apr | Born | Giuseppe Gamba † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Torino {Turin}, Italy | ||
61.3 | Installed | Fran輟is-Nicholas-Madeleine Morlot † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Paris, France | ||
26 Apr | Born | Giacomo Maria de Amicis † | Auxiliary Bishop of Genova, Italy | ||
Born | Henri Doulcet, C.P. † | Bishop Emeritus of Nicopoli, Bulgaria | |||
47.6 | Ordained Bishop | Henry Damian Juncker † | Bishop of Alton, Illinois, USA | ||
43.9 | Ordained Bishop | James Frederick Bryan Wood † | Titular Bishop of Antigonea | Archbishop of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | |
28 Apr | 35.6 | Appointed | John Baptist Scandella † | Vicar Apostolic of Gibraltar | |
35.6 | Appointed | John Baptist Scandella † | Titular Bishop of Antino? | Vicar Apostolic of Gibraltar | |
30 Apr | Born | Pietro Pacifici, C.R.S. † | Archbishop of Spoleto, Italy | ||
Born | Prospero Scaccia † | Archbishop of Siena, Italy | |||
May | 50.6 | Resigned | John McCaffrey † | Bishop-Elect of Charleston, South Carolina, USA | Former Bishop-Elect |
1 May | 65.2 | Died | Jean-Paul-Hilaire-Michel Courvezy, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Malacca-Singapore | |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | Jean-Amand Lamaze, S.M. † | Priest | Vicar Apostolic of Central Oceania, Tonga | |
47.0 | Ordained Bishop | Pierre-Henri G駻ault de Langalerie † | Bishop of Belley, France | Archbishop of Auch, France | |
3 May | 53.2 | Ordained Bishop | Jacques-L駮n Thomine-Desmazures, M.E.P. † | Titular Bishop of Sinopoli | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Thibet, China |
31.9 | Ordained Bishop | James Duggan † | Titular Bishop of Gabala | Bishop of Chicago, Illinois, USA | |
38.1 | Ordained Bishop | William Henry Elder † | Bishop of Natchez, Mississippi, USA | Archbishop of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | |
47.2 | Ordained Bishop | Timothy Clement Smyth, O.C.S.O. † | Titular Bishop of Thennesus | Bishop of Dubuque, Iowa, USA | |
8 May | 69.8 | Died | R駑i Gaulin † | Bishop of Kingston, Ontario, Canada | |
62.2 | Succeeded | Patrick Phelan, P.S.S. † | Bishop of Kingston, Ontario, Canada | ||
10 May | Born | Jean-Pierre-Alexandre Marcou, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Ph疸 Di麥, Viet Nam | ||
69.9 | Ordained Bishop | Juan Gregorio Urbieta † | Titular Bishop of Corycus | Bishop of Paraguay (o Ssma Assunzione) | |
15 May | 52.1 | Appointed | William Keane † | Bishop of Cloyne, Ireland | |
50.9 | Appointed | Patrick Leahy † | Archbishop of Cashel (-Emly), Ireland | ||
16 May | 61.8 | Died | Pierre Chatrousse † | Bishop of Valence, France | |
17 May | 46.4 | Ordained Bishop | Spyrydon Lytvynovyč (Litwinowicz) † | Titular Bishop of Canatha | Archbishop of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
19 May | 53.2 | Installed | Georges-Claude-Louis-Pie Chalandon † | Archbishop of Aix (-Arles-Embrun), France | |
23 May | Born | John Ward † | Bishop of Leavenworth, Kansas, USA | ||
24 May | 41.8 | Installed | Pietro Maria Ferr? † | Bishop of Crema, Italy | Bishop of Casale Monferrato, Italy |
28 May | 22.8 | Ordained Priest | Louis Mary (Michael) Fink, O.S.B. † | Priest of Order of Saint Benedict | Bishop of Leavenworth, Kansas, USA |
31 May | 62.8 | Ordained Bishop | Louis Delcusy † | Bishop of Viviers, France | |
Born | Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti † | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) | |||
3 Jun | 49.3 | Died | Vincenzo Massoni † | Apostolic Internuncio to Brazil | |
4 Jun | Born | Augustin Dontenwill, O.M.I. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | ||
41.4 | Selected | Djordje Smičiklas † | Bishop of Križevci (Kreutz) (Križevci), Croatia | ||
6 Jun | 22.7 | Ordained Priest | Gaetano Blandini † | Priest | Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy |
25.9 | Ordained Priest | Tom疽 Costa y Fornaguera † | Priest | Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain | |
24.4 | Ordained Priest | George Michael Conroy † | Priest of Dublin, Ireland | Bishop of Ardagh (and Clonmacnois), Ireland | |
22.7 | Ordained Priest | Gaetano d’Alessandro † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Cefal?, Italy | |
24.8 | Ordained Priest | Marie-Joseph-Jean-Baptiste-Andr?-Cl駑ent-Fulbert Petit † | Priest of La Rochelle (-Saintes), France | Archbishop of Besan輟n, France | |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | ノdouard Gasnier, M.E.P. † | Priest of La Soci騁? des Missions Etrang鑽es | Bishop of Malacca, Singapore | |
23.3 | Ordained Priest | Giuseppe Maria Graniello, B. † | Priest of Clerics Regular of St. Paul | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Quirico e Giulitta | |
24.2 | Ordained Priest | Constant-Ludovic-Marie Guillois † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Le Puy-en-Velay, France | |
26.8 | Ordained Deacon | Ant?nio de Macedo Costa † | Deacon | Archbishop of S縊 Salvador da Bahia, Brazil | |
62.3 | Died | Patrick Phelan, P.S.S. † | Bishop of Kingston, Ontario, Canada | ||
22.5 | Ordained Priest | Domenico Riccardi † | Priest | Bishop of Sarsina, Italy | |
24.5 | Ordained Priest | Fortunato Vinelli † | Priest | Bishop of Chiavari, Italy | |
7 Jun | 63.9 | Installed | Piotr Pawel Beniamin Szymański, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Jan?w Podlaski (Podlaska o Jan?w), Poland | |
11 Jun | 46.5 | Ordained Bishop | Armand-Ren? Maupoint † | Bishop of Saint-Denis-de-La R騏nion | |
12 Jun | Born | John Menacherry † | Vicar Apostolic of Trichur (Syro-Malabar), India | ||
14 Jun | 55.4 | Ordained Bishop | El?as Rodr?guez Ortiz † | Titular Archbishop of Flaviopolis | Coadjutor Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic |
16 Jun | 66.5 | Died | Pier Grisologo Basetti (Bassetti) † | Bishop of Borgo San Donnino, Italy | |
19 Jun | 53.2 | Appointed | Marino Marini † | Titular Archbishop of Palmyra | Bishop Emeritus of Orvieto, Italy |
20 Jun | 20.7 | Professed | Remigio Guido Barbieri, O.S.B. † | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | Vicar Apostolic of Gibraltar |
52.4 | Selected | Jos? Domingo Costa y Borr疽 † | Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain | ||
75.9 | Selected | Cirilo de Alameda y Brea, O.F.M. Obs. † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain | ||
53.5 | Selected | Luis de la Lastra y Cuesta † | Archbishop of Valladolid, Spain | Cardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain | |
75.2 | Selected | Manuel Joaqu?n Taranc?n y Mor?n † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain | ||
71.0 | Died | František Vil駑 Tippmann † | Auxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia | ||
21 Jun | 26.5 | Ordained Priest | Giustino Adami † | Priest | Titular Archbishop of Caesarea Ponti |
27 Jun | 67.8 | Died | Antonio Peteani (Petrani) † | Bishop of Poreč i Pula, Croatia | |
29 Jun | 51.0 | Ordained Bishop | Patrick Leahy † | Archbishop of Cashel (-Emly), Ireland | |
43.8 | Ordained Bishop | J疣os Simor † | Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary | Cardinal, Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary |
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