Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
1 Jul | 69.4 | Installed | Johann Martin Manl † | Bishop of Eichst舩t, Germany |
3 Jul | 59.4 | Died | Pablo Jes?s Corcuera y Caserta † | Bishop of Vic, Spain |
4 Jul | Born | Paul-Fran輟is Puginier, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Western Tonking {Tonkino Occidentale}, Viet Nam |
Born | Manuel Santander y Frutos † | Bishop Emeritus of San Cristobal de la Habana, Cuba |
5 Jul | 61.9 | Ordained Bishop | Johann Georg Maria Lorenz Bossi † | Bishop of Chur-Sankt Gallen, Switzerland |
12 Jul | 52.5 | Ordained Bishop | Alfonso-Maria di Donato, O.F.M. Obs. † | Titular Bishop of Cardicium | Vicar Apostolic of Scen-Si (Chen-si, Shensi), China |
Born | Jules-Fran輟is Philippe, M.S.F.S. † | Coadjutor Bishop Emeritus of Vizagapatnam, India |
60.4 | Ordained Bishop | Giulio Cesare (Giacomo) Scotti, O.F.M. Cap. † | Titular Bishop of Amathus in Cypro | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Sardhana, India |
15 Jul | Born | Jean-Pierre Pagis † | Bishop Emeritus of Verdun, France |
18 Jul | 79.2 | Died | Pietro Maria d’Agostino † | Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy |
19 Jul | 22.7 | Ordained Priest | James Alipius Goold, O.E.S.A. † | Priest of Order of Hermits of St. Augustine | Archbishop of Melbourne, Australia |
24.6 | Ordained Priest | Spyrydon Lytvynovyč (Litwinowicz) † | Priest of Lviv (Ukrainian), Ukraine | Archbishop |
22.7 | Ordained Priest | Jean-Beno?t Truffet, C.S.Sp. † | Priest of Congregation of the Holy Spirit | Vicar Apostolic of Two Guineas {Des Deux Guin馥s}, Gabon |
22 Jul | Born | Paul Rubian † | Titular Bishop of Amasea |
24 Jul | 64.8 | Appointed | Giuseppe Alberghini † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Prisca |
57.8 | Confirmed | Giovanni Battista Bell? † | Bishop of Mantova, Italy |
61.1 | Appointed | Juan Jos? Cabarcas Gonz疝ez y Arg?ello † | Bishop of Panam? |
59.5 | Confirmed | Tom疽 Di馮uez y Florencia † | Bishop of Trujillo, Peru |
43.4 | Confirmed | Jacques-Marie-Antoine-C駘estin du Pont † | Archbishop of Avignon, France | Cardinal, Archbishop of Bourges, France |
61.2 | Appointed | Jos? Manuel Fern疣dez de C?rdoba y Mel? † | Bishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia | Bishop of La Paz, Bolivia |
40.5 | Appointed | Juan de la Cruz G?mez y Plata † | Bishop of Antioqu?a, Colombia |
39.3 | Confirmed | Jean-Joseph-Marie-Eug鈩e de Jerphanion † | Bishop of Saint-Di?, France | Archbishop of Albi, France |
56.9 | Appointed | Jos? Mar?a Mendiz畸al L?pez de Velasco † | Archbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia |
72.1 | Confirmed | Gervais-Marie-Joseph Ortric † | Bishop of Pamiers, France |
49.2 | Selected | Franciszek de Paula Pišt駝 (Pisztek) † | Archbishop of Lviv, Ukraine |
61.8 | Appointed | Giuseppe della Porta Rodiani † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Susanna | Cardinal, Auxiliary Bishop of Roma {Rome}, Italy |
52.1 | Confirmed | Johann Peter von Richarz † | Bishop of Speyer, Germany | Bishop of Augsburg, Germany |
37.3 | Confirmed | Vincenzo Rozzolino † | Bishop of Bova, Italy | Bishop of Caserta, Italy |
48.3 | Appointed | Alessandro Spada † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Cosmedin |
75.7 | Appointed | Placido Maria Tadini, O.C.D. † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Traspontina | Cardinal, Archbishop of Genova, Italy |
39.4 | Confirmed | Charles-Thomas Thibault † | Bishop of Montpellier, France |
26 Jul | 57.8 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Battista Bell? † | Bishop of Mantova, Italy |
16.6 | Ordained Deacon | Giuseppe Marzorati † | Deacon | Bishop of Como, Italy |
37.3 | Ordained Bishop | Vincenzo Rozzolino † | Bishop of Bova, Italy | Bishop of Caserta, Italy |
27 Jul | 16.2 | Professed | Serafino Milani, O.F.M. Obs. † | Member of Order of Observant Friars Minor | Bishop Emeritus of Pontremoli, Italy |
31 Jul | 39.1 | Resigned | Luigi Amat di San Filippo e Sorso † | Apostolic Nuncio to Spain | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
65.4 | Died | Jean Arnold Barrett † | Bishop of Namur {Namen}, Belgium |
33.3 | Ordained Priest | Fr馘駻ic-Gabriel-Marie-Fran輟is de Marguerye † | Priest | Bishop Emeritus of Autun (-Ch稷on-sur-Sa?ne-M稍on), France |
Born | C駸aire Jean Schang (Shang), O.F.M. Obs. † | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Shantung {Scian-Ton Orientale}, China |
2 Aug | 70.6 | Died | Ferdinand August Maria Joseph Anton Spiegel zum Desenberg † | Archbishop of K?ln {Cologne}, Germany |
9 Aug | Born | Nicolaus Maria Pagani, S.J. † | Bishop of Mangalore, India |
12 Aug | 56.1 | Died | Joseph Karl von Schuberth † | Auxiliary Bishop of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland |
19 Aug | Born | Francesco Maria Granado † | Bishop of Cochabamba, Bolivia |
21 Aug | Born | Angelo Maria Aloisio † | Priest of L’Aquila, Italy |
Born | Maximiliano Fern疣dez del Rinc?n y Soto D疱ila † | Bishop of Guadix, Spain |
75.1 | Died | Pedro Manuel Ram?rez de la Piscina † | Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain |
22 Aug | 53.7 | Installed | Franz Xavier (Franciszek Ksawery) Luschin (Luszin) † | Archbishop of Gorizia e Gradisca, Italy |
23 Aug | 39.4 | Ordained Bishop | Charles-Thomas Thibault † | Bishop of Montpellier, France |
24 Aug | 71.6 | Died | Joaqu?n L?pez y Sicilia † | Archbishop of Valencia, Spain |
22.5 | Ordained Priest | Valentin Wiery † | Priest of Lavant, Slovenia | Bishop of Gurk, Austria |
25 Aug | 67.6 | Died | Giovanni Ignatius Ambrose Giovanni Angelo Porta, O.F.M. Cap. † | Titular Bishop of Thermopylae |
26 Aug | Born | Jos? Mar?a Mart?n de Herrera y de la Iglesia † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain |
28 Aug | 51.3 | Ordained Bishop | Jorge Benavente Macoaga † | Archbishop of Lima, Peru |
31 Aug | Born | Antonio Maria de Lorenzo † | Bishop Emeritus of Mileto, Italy |
1 Sep | Born | Bartolomeo Mirra † | Bishop of Poggio Mirteto, Italy |
6 Sep | 39.4 | Ordained Bishop | Jean-Joseph-Marie-Eug鈩e de Jerphanion † | Bishop of Saint-Di?, France | Archbishop of Albi, France |
7 Sep | 65.0 | Selected | Joseph Bernet † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Aix (-Arles-Embrun), France |
8 Sep | Born | Juan Mar?a Valero y Nacarino † | Bishop of Cuenca, Spain |
12 Sep | Born | Luigi (Domenico Daniele) Sepiacci, O.E.S.A. † | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Indulgences and Relics |
13 Sep | 29.6 | Entered | Charles-Maria Saisson, O. Cart. † | Member of Carthusian Order | Minister General |
15 Sep | Born | Heinrich Feiten † | Auxiliary Bishop of Trier, Germany |
17 Sep | 74.2 | Died | Pierre Dupont de Poursat † | Bishop of Coutances, France |
20.6 | Entered | Marc Finaz, S.J. † | Member of Society of Jesus | Prefect Emeritus of Isole di Mayotta, Nossi-B? e Comore, Madagascar |
18 Sep | 22.8 | Ordained Priest | Carlo de Caprio † | Priest | Bishop of Sessa Aurunca, Italy |
19 Sep | 24.9 | Ordained Priest | Jo縊 Cris?stomo de Amorim Pessoa, O.F.M. Ref. † | Priest of Order of Reformed Friars Minor | Archbishop Emeritus of Braga, Portugal |
71.8 | Died | Michele Arcangelo Del Forno † | Bishop Emeritus of Trivento, Italy |
25.5 | Ordained Priest | Giacomo Giuseppe Jans † | Priest | Bishop of Aosta, Italy |
24.2 | Ordained Priest | Vicente Ferm?n M疵quez y Carrizosa † | Priest of Antequera, Oaxaca, M騙ico | Bishop |
16.8 | Ordained Priest | Giuseppe Marzorati † | Priest | Bishop of Como, Italy |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Francesco Pedicini † | Priest of Benevento, Italy | Archbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Jean-ノtienne S駑eria, O.M.I. † | Priest of Oblates of Mary Immaculate | Vicar Apostolic of Jaffna, Sri Lanka |
22 Sep | 44.1 | Appointed | Cornelius Denvir † | Bishop of Down and Connor, Ireland | Bishop Emeritus |
23 Sep | 26.4 | Selected | Friedrich Johann Joseph C?lestin zu von Schwarzenberg † | Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria | Cardinal, Archbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
64.8 | Selected | Franciszek Ksawery Zachariasiewicz † | Bishop of Tarn?w, Poland | Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland |
26 Sep | 36.0 | Selected | Ferdinando Matteo Maurizio Bruno di Tournafort † | Bishop of Fossano, Italy |
48.1 | Selected | Costanzo-Michele Fea † | Bishop of Alba (Pompea), Italy |
27 Sep | 72.3 | Ordained Bishop | Gervais-Marie-Joseph Ortric † | Bishop of Pamiers, France |
28 Sep | 73.3 | Died | Jos? da Sant?ssima Trindade Leite, O.F.M. Ref. † | Bishop of Mariana, Brazil |
29 Sep | Born | Joseph-Michel-Fr馘駻ic Bonnet † | Bishop of Viviers, France |
24.6 | Ordained Deacon | Istv疣 Neszveda † | Deacon of V當, Hungary | Auxiliary Bishop |
30 Sep | 24.6 | Ordained Priest | Istv疣 Neszveda † | Priest of V當, Hungary | Auxiliary Bishop |
4 Oct | 23.4 | Ordained Priest | Girolamo d但ndrea † | Priest | Cardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation of the Index |
Born | Antonio Ruiz-Cabal y Rodr?guez † | Bishop Emeritus of Pamplona, Spain |
6 Oct | Born | Juan Mu?oz y Herrera † | Bishop of M疝aga, Spain |
54.0 | Died | Gennaro Pellino † | Archbishop of Conza e Campagna, Italy |
7 Oct | 75.8 | Died | Antonio Barretta, C.R. † | Archbishop Emeritus of Brindisi, Italy |
15 Oct | 69.7 | Died | Johann Martin Manl † | Bishop of Eichst舩t, Germany |
18 Oct | 64.8 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio Mar?a de Jes?s Campos Moreno † | Titular Bishop of Rhesaina |
20 Oct | 43.6 | Died | Barth駘emy Brugui鑽e, M.E.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Corea |
27 Oct | 53.4 | Selected | Leone Ciampa, O.F.M. Disc. † | Archbishop of Conza e Campagna, Italy | Archbishop of Sorrento, Italy |
85.5 | Died | Etienne-Andr?-Fran輟is de Paule de Fallot de B饌upr? de Beaumont † | Bishop Emeritus of Vaison, France |
48.2 | Selected | Leopold Sedlnitzky Odrowąż von Choltitz † | Bishop of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland | Bishop Emeritus |
28 Oct | 24.2 | Ordained Priest | F駘ix-Pierre Fruchaud † | Priest | Archbishop of Tours, France |
30 Oct | 43.4 | Selected | Thomas-Marie-Joseph Gousset † | Bishop of P駻igueux, France | Cardinal, Archbishop of Reims, France |
59.6 | Selected | Jean-Fran輟is de Herc? † | Coadjutor Bishop of Nantes, France | Bishop Emeritus |
51.8 | Selected | Louis-Jean-Julien Robiou (de la Tr馼onnais) † | Bishop of Coutances, France | Bishop Emeritus |
48.0 | Selected | Cl駑ent Villecourt † | Bishop of La Rochelle, France | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of La Rochelle (-Saintes), France |
1 Nov | 52.4 | Ordained Bishop | Johann Peter von Richarz † | Bishop of Speyer, Germany | Bishop of Augsburg, Germany |
2 Nov | Born | Jaime Catal? y Albosa † | Bishop of Barcelona, Spain |
11 Nov | 75.8 | Died | Andrea Bratti † | Bishop of Forli, Italy |
16 Nov | 47.2 | Selected | Michael Johann Wagner † | Bishop of Sankt P?lten, Austria |
17 Nov | Born | Henri-Victor Valleau † | Bishop of Quimper [Cornouailles](-L駮n), France |
19 Nov | 53.1 | Appointed | Johann Michael Leonhard † | Bishop of Austria, Military |
23.2 | Ordained Deacon | Jos? Hip?lito Salas y Toro † | Deacon of Santiago de Chile | Bishop of Concepci?n, Chile |
22 Nov | 43.1 | Ordained Bishop | Anthony Blanc † | Bishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA | Archbishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
44.2 | Ordained Bishop | Cornelius Denvir † | Bishop of Down and Connor, Ireland | Bishop Emeritus |
Born | Luis Felipe Ortiz y Guti駻rez † | Bishop of Zamora, Spain |
23.2 | Ordained Priest | Jos? Hip?lito Salas y Toro † | Priest of Santiago de Chile | Bishop of Concepci?n, Chile |
24 Nov | Born | Jos? Pereira da Silva Barros † | Archbishop Emeritus of S縊 Sebasti縊 do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
28 Nov | Born | Jordan Marie Joseph (Eduard) Ballsieper, O.S.B. † | Abbot General of Order of Saint Benedict |
Born | Franz Xaver Linsenmann † | Bishop-Elect of Rottenburg, Germany |
30 Nov | Born | Andr駸 Justo P駻ez, S.J. † | Vicar Apostolic of Napo, Ecuador |
1 Dec | 62.8 | Selected | Klemens August Droste zu Vischering † | Archbishop of K?ln {Cologne}, Germany |
22.8 | Ordained Deacon | Pedro Jose Puch y Solona † | Deacon | Archbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia |
7 Dec | Born | Manuel Agostinho Barreto † | Bishop of Funchal, Portugal |
10 Dec | Born | Pedro Verdaguer y Prat † | Vicar Apostolic of Brownsville, Texas, USA |
13 Dec | Ordained Bishop | Ignace Karouth, B.S. † | Archbishop of Tyr (Melkite Greek), Lebanon |
Born | Hubert Theophil Simar † | Archbishop of K?ln {Cologne}, Germany |
19 Dec | 22.8 | Ordained Priest | Giuseppe Aggarbati, O.S.A. † | Priest of Order of St. Augustine | Bishop Emeritus of Senigallia, Italy |
25.9 | Ordained Priest | Pierre Maria Bataillon, S.M. † | Priest of Society of Mary | Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Central Oceania, Tonga |
23.3 | Ordained Priest | Lorenzo Bergeretti, O.F.M. Ref. † | Priest of Order of Reformed Friars Minor | Archbishop of Naxos, Greece |
22.1 | Ordained Deacon | Giovanni Battista Cerruti † | Deacon of Savona e Noli, Italy | Bishop |
24.3 | Ordained Priest | Giacomo Antonio Colli † | Priest | Bishop of Alessandria (della Paglia), Italy |
23.9 | Ordained Priest | In當io do Nascimento Morais Cardoso † | Priest of Lisboa {Lisbon}, Portugal | Cardinal, Patriarch |
24.1 | Ordained Priest | Raffaele Antonio Morisciano † | Priest | Bishop of Squillace, Italy |
23.0 | Ordained Priest | Francesco Saverio Petagna † | Priest of Napoli {Naples}, Italy | Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy |
26 Dec | 57.6 | Died | Jos? G?mez y Navas, T.O.R. † | Bishop of M疝aga, Spain |
Born | Lawrence Stephen McMahon † | Bishop of Hartford, Connecticut, USA |
29 Dec | Born | Jules Cl駻et † | Bishop of Laval, France |
30 Dec | 67.8 | Died | Godehard Joseph Osthaus † | Bishop of Hildesheim, Germany |