Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | 43.0 | Appointed | Joseph VI Audu † | Bishop of Amadiyah (Chaldean), Iraq | Patriarch of Babylon {Babilonia} (Chaldean), Iraq |
22.0 | Professed | Richard Placid Burchall, O.S.B. † | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | President |
28.7 | Professed | Jo縊 da Fran軋 Castro e Moura, C.M. † | Priest of Congregation of the Mission | Bishop of Porto, Portugal |
Born | Domingo Benigno Cruz (y Quintanilla) † | Priest of Concepci?n, Chile |
Ordained Bishop | Gregoire Emmanuel (Karme) † | Archbishop of Mossul (Syrian), Iraq |
61.9 | Died | Antonio Jos? Ferreira de Sousa † | Auxiliary Bishop of Lisboa {Lisbon}, Portugal |
73.7 | Died | Giuseppe Stanislao Gentili † | Bishop of Colle di Val d’Elsa, Italy |
69.8 | Ceased | Pietro Angelo Luigi Pacifico Grati, O.S.M. † | Apostolic Administrator of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy | Titular Bishop of Callinicum |
68.3 | Died | Lev (Leon) Javorskyj (Jaworowski), O.S.B.M. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Žyrovyci (Ukrainian), Lithuania |
28.1 | Ordained Priest | Carlos Manuel Ladr?n de Guevara † | Priest | Bishop of Chiapas (Ciudad Real de Chiapas), M騙ico |
56.6 | Appointed | Luigi Emmanuele Nicolo Lambruschini, B. † | Prefect of the Congregation of Regular Discipline | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of (Sacred) Rites |
25.7 | Appointed | Chrysostome-Charles-Auguste Liausu, SS.CC. † | Prefect of Southern Oceania, Pacific (Oceania) |
81.1 | Died | Vincenzo Maria Manieri, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Ruvo e Bitonto, Italy |
Appointed | Jesu-Yab Melchisedech † | Bishop of Salmas {Shahpour} (Chaldean), Iran |
Ordained Bishop | Jesu-Yab Melchisedech † | Bishop of Salmas {Shahpour} (Chaldean), Iran |
62.8 | Appointed | Antonio Pallotta † | Cardinal, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura |
25.9 | Ordained Priest | Karl Pooten † | Priest | Archbishop of Bar (Antivari), Montenegro |
69.7 | Died | Joseph (Josip) Salecz (Žalec) † | Auxiliary Bishop of Zagreb (Agram), Croatia |
23.8 | Ordained Priest | Pierre Tilkian † | Priest | Bishop of Bursa (Bostra, Prusa) (Armenian), Turkey |
Jan | 60.3 | Ordained Bishop | Mariano Baldassare Medici, O.P. † | Bishop of Cervia, Italy |
2 Jan | Born | Rafael Celed?n † | Bishop of Santa Marta, Colombia |
77.2 | Died | Joaquim de Sant’Ana Carvalho † | Bishop Emeritus of Faro {Algarve}, Portugal |
3 Jan | 69.1 | Died | Giuseppe Maria Pezzella, O.E.S.A. † | Bishop of Calvi e Teano, Italy |
4 Jan | Died | Jean-Baptiste Gridaine † | Vicar Apostolic of Sweden |
6 Jan | 78.6 | Died | Giovanni Antonio de Fulgure, C.M. † | Archbishop of Taranto, Italy |
7 Jan | Born | Jules-Denis-Marie-Dieudonn? Le Hardy du Marais † | Bishop of Laval, France |
9 Jan | Born | Fernando Antonio Arturo de Merino y Ram?rez † | Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic |
13 Jan | 62.9 | Ordained Bishop | Andrew Carruthers † | Titular Bishop of Ceramus | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern District, Scotland, Great Britain |
21 Jan | Born | Antonio Colomer, O.P. † | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Tonking {Tonkino Settentrionale}, Viet Nam |
22 Jan | Born | Ezechias Banci, O.F.M. Ref. † | Vicar Apostolic of Northwestern Hupeh {Hu-P? Occiduo-Settentrionale}, China |
57.5 | Appointed | Michael Blake † | Bishop of Dromore, Ireland |
44.6 | Appointed | John Briggs † | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Northern District, England, Great Britain | Bishop Emeritus of Beverley, England, Great Britain |
44.6 | Appointed | John Briggs † | Titular Bishop of Dragobitia (Drago) | Bishop Emeritus of Beverley, England, Great Britain |
26 Jan | 69.9 | Died | Bernardo Mart?nez Carnero † | Bishop of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, Spain |
Died | Jakiv (Jakub) Martusevyc (Martusiewicz) † | Archbishop of Połock (Polotsk) (Ukrainian), Belarus |
27 Jan | 37.3 | Ordained Bishop | Louis-Marie-Edmond Blanquart de Bailleul † | Bishop of Versailles, France | Archbishop Emeritus of Rouen, France |
58.1 | Ordained Bishop | Fran輟is-Ren? Boussen † | Titular Bishop of Ptolemais in Thebaide | Bishop of Brugge {Bruges}, Belgium |
64.9 | Died | Jos? Caetano da Silva Coutinho † | Bishop Emeritus of S縊 Sebasti縊 do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Bishop |
28 Jan | 75.1 | Died | Antoine-Xavier de Neirac † | Bishop of Tarbes, France |
2 Feb | 78.5 | Died | Giulio Rossi † | Bishop of Pescia, Italy |
3 Feb | 76.1 | Died | Tommaso Maria Raimondo Leopoldo Arezzo † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina |
Born | Guglielmo Maria d’Ambrogi, O.E.S.A. † | Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy |
6 Feb | 59.4 | Resigned | Giuseppe della Porta Rodiani † | Vicegerent of Roma {Rome}, Italy | Cardinal, Auxiliary Bishop |
7 Feb | Born | Vincent Francis Vinyes, O.P. † | Priest of Order of Friars Preachers |
8 Feb | 44.9 | Died | Louis-Fran輟is-Auguste de Rohan Chabot † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Besan輟n, France |
10 Feb | 35.7 | Resigned | Giacomo Luigi Brignole † | Apostolic Nuncio to Florence (Tuscany), Italy | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Index |
74.8 | Ordained Bishop | Jean-Louis-Simon Lemercier † | Bishop of Beauvais, France | Bishop Emeritus |
Born | Camillo Mazzella, S.J. † | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of (Sacred) Rites |
Born | Enrico (Ernesto) Mazzella † | Archbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy |
65.3 | Ordained Bishop | Leonardo Brand縊 de Sousa, C.O. † | Bishop of Pinhel, Portugal |
68.3 | Ordained Bishop | Placide-Bruno Valayer † | Bishop of Verdun, France | Bishop Emeritus |
12 Feb | Born | Paolo Marmarian † | Bishop of Trabzon (Armenian), Turkey |
13 Feb | Born | Giacinto Arcangeli † | Bishop of Asti, Italy |
14 Feb | Born | Ignazio Ghiurekian, C.M.V. † | Abbot General of Congregazione Mechitarista di Venezia |
80.0 | Died | Bernard-Claude Panet † | Archbishop of Qu饕ec, Canada |
54.2 | Succeeded | Joseph Signay † | Archbishop of Qu饕ec, Canada |
19 Feb | 50.7 | Appointed | Antonio Luigi Piatti † | Vicegerent of Roma {Rome}, Italy | Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} |
20 Feb | 37.0 | Ordained Bishop | Jacques-Marie-Adrien-C駸aire Mathieu † | Bishop of Langres, France | Cardinal, Archbishop of Besan輟n, France |
24 Feb | 59.9 | Selected | Juli疣 Alonso, O. Praem. † | Bishop of L駻ida, Spain |
25 Feb | 80.5 | Died | Charles Brault † | Archbishop of Albi, France |
26 Feb | Born | Constant-Ludovic-Marie Guillois † | Bishop Emeritus of Le Puy-en-Velay, France |
27 Feb | 58.7 | Selected | Diego Capece † | Bishop of Ampurias e Civita, Italy | Bishop of Ampurias e Tempio, Italy |
Mar | 31.9 | Ordained Priest | Alessandro Barnab? † | Priest | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Propagation of the Faith |
2 Mar | 22.9 | Ordained Priest | Francesco Marie Alli Maccarani † | Priest of San Miniato, Italy | Bishop |
22.5 | Ordained Priest | Manuel de Santa Rita Barros, T.O.R. † | Priest of Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance | Bishop of Angola e Congo |
58.5 | Died | Domenico Bellusci † | Titular Bishop of Sinope |
Born | Carlo Quaroni † | Titular Bishop of Cyme |
3 Mar | 22.0 | Ordained Deacon | Enrico Gajo, O.F.M. Cap. † | Deacon of Order of Friars Minor Capuchin | Bishop of Bobbio, Italy |
22.5 | Ordained Priest | Bonfiglio Mura, O.S.M. † | Priest of Order of Friar Servants of Mary | Archbishop of Oristano, Italy |
46.7 | Ordained Bishop | František Vil駑 Tippmann † | Titular Bishop of Satala in Armenia | Auxiliary Bishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
4 Mar | 67.1 | Selected | Louis-Guillaume-Valentin Dubourg, P.S.S. † | Archbishop of Besan輟n, France |
8 Mar | 47.9 | Selected | Filippo Giudice Caracciolo, C.O. † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy |
36.4 | Appointed | John Murdoch † | Coadjutor Bishop of Kingston, Ontario, Canada | Vicar Apostolic of Western District, Scotland, Great Britain |
36.4 | Appointed | John Murdoch † | Titular Bishop of Thabraca | Vicar Apostolic of Western District, Scotland, Great Britain |
57.1 | Selected | Jos? Joaquim Pereira de Miranda, C.M. † | Bishop of Macau, China | Priest of Congregation of the Mission |
33.0 | Appointed | John Baptist Purcell † | Bishop of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | Archbishop of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA |
42.0 | Appointed | Frederick John Conrad R駸? (Reze) † | Bishop of Detroit, Michigan, USA |
73.1 | Died | Georg Michael Wittmann † | Auxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany |
9 Mar | 49.1 | Selected | Giovanni Antonio Gianotti (Giannotti) † | Archbishop of Sassari, Italy | Bishop of Saluzzo, Italy |
44.3 | Selected | Giovanni Negri † | Bishop of Tortona, Italy |
78.5 | Died | [Thomas-Juste Poullard] † | Bishop Emeritus of [Sa?ne-et-Loire (Constitutional), France] |
13 Mar | 81.1 | Died | Ignace V Cattan (Qattan) † | Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Melkite Greek), Syria |
14 Mar | Born | Andrea Policarpo Timoni † | Archbishop of Izmir (Smirne), Turkey |
15 Mar | 56.1 | Died | Robert Gradwell † | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of London District, England, Great Britain |
17 Mar | Born | Luigi Piavi (Biavi), O.F.M. Obs. † | Patriarch of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}, Palestine |
57.6 | Ordained Bishop | Michael Blake † | Bishop of Dromore, Ireland |
69.3 | Appointed | Benedict Joseph Flaget, P.S.S. † | Bishop of Bardstown, Kentucky, USA | Bishop of Louisville, Kentucky, USA |
54.3 | Selected | Franz Xaver von Schw臙l † | Bishop of Regensburg, Germany |
19 Mar | 74.6 | Died | Pedro Valera y Jim駭ez † | Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic |
20 Mar | 51.8 | Selected | Dionisio-Andrea Pasio † | Bishop of Alessandria (della Paglia), Italy |
22 Mar | 64.2 | Appointed | Bartholomew Crotty † | Bishop of Cloyne and Ross, Ireland |
23 Mar | 24.2 | Ordained Priest | Benedetto Augusto † | Priest | Bishop of Lacedonia, Italy |
24.1 | Ordained Priest | Giuseppe de’ Bianchi Dottula † | Priest | Archbishop of Trani e Barletta (e Nazareth e Bisceglie), Italy |
22.6 | Ordained Priest | Giandomenico Falconi † | Priest | Prelate Emeritus of Altamura ed Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy |
24 Mar | 27.6 | Ordained Priest | Lodovico Altieri † | Priest | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Index |
53.3 | Selected | Maximos III Michel Mazloum † | Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Melkite Greek), Syria |
53.3 | Selected | Maximos III Michel Mazloum † | Bishop of Damas (Melkite Greek), Syria | Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} (Melkite Greek), Syria |
26 Mar | 30.2 | Ordained Priest | Tobias Kirby † | Priest | Titular Archbishop of Ephesus |
28 Mar | 74.1 | Died | Alois Jozef Krakowski von Kolowrat † | Archbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
Born | Jean-Amand Lamaze, S.M. † | Vicar Apostolic of Central Oceania, Tonga |
45.9 | Selected | Anastasius Johannes Sedlag † | Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland |
29 Mar | 39.5 | Appointed | Jean-Baptiste Auvergne † | Titular Archbishop of Iconium |
39.5 | Appointed | Jean-Baptiste Auvergne † | Apostolic Delegate to Syria | Titular Archbishop of Iconium |
39.5 | Appointed | Jean-Baptiste Auvergne † | Apostolic Delegate to Egypt and Arabia | Titular Archbishop of Iconium |
31 Mar | Born | Abel-Anastase Germain † | Bishop of Coutances (-Avranches), France |
Born | Ioannis Marang? (Marengo) † | Archbishop of Athēnai {Athens}, Greece |
1 Apr | Died | Pietro Ginaj † | Bishop Emeritus of Pult (Pulati), Albania |
2 Apr | 34.2 | Appointed | [Yosyf (J?zef) Semashko (Siemaszko)] † | Bishop of Žyrovyci (ROC), Lithuania | Archbishop |
6 Apr | Born | Egidius J?nger † | Bishop of Nesqually, Washington, USA |
7 Apr | 72.3 | Died | Donat Nicholas Vincenzo Zaccaria Boccardo, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Crotone (Cotrone), Italy |
55.6 | Selected | Giovanni Domenico di Guido † | Bishop of Oria, Italy |
54.2 | Selected | Francesco Iovinelli, C.M. † | Bishop of Bovino, Italy |
8 Apr | Born | Joseph Georg von Ehrler † | Bishop of Speyer, Germany |
Born | Francis McCormack † | Bishop Emeritus of Galway and Kilmacduagh, Ireland |
9 Apr | 82.4 | Died | Pedro Guti駻rez de Cos y Saavedra Seminario † | Bishop of Puerto Rico (Porto Rico) |
13 Apr | 72.4 | Resigned | Antonio Domenico Gamberini † | Bishop of Orvieto, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina |
14 Apr | 75.0 | Appointed | Jozafat Bułhak, O.S.B.M. † | Archbishop of Połock (Polotsk) (Ukrainian), Belarus | Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
55.8 | Ordained Bishop | ツngelo de Nossa Senhora da Boa-Morte, O.F.M. Disc. † | Bishop of Elvas, Portugal |
15 Apr | 60.1 | Confirmed | Juli疣 Alonso, O. Praem. † | Bishop of L駻ida, Spain |
63.1 | Appointed | Jean Arnold Barrett † | Bishop of Namur {Namen}, Belgium |
53.5 | Elevated to Cardinal | Castruccio Castracane degli Antelminelli † | Cardinal, Bishop of Palestrina, Italy |
58.9 | Confirmed | Diego Capece † | Bishop of Ampurias e Civita, Italy | Bishop of Ampurias e Tempio, Italy |
66.4 | Appointed | J?zef Chełkowski † | Auxiliary Bishop of Gniezno e Poznań, Poland |
66.4 | Appointed | J?zef Chełkowski † | Titular Bishop of Tricomia | Auxiliary Bishop of Gniezno e Poznań, Poland |
50.3 | Appointed | Benedetto Francesco Paolo Antonio Denti, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Caltagirone, Italy |
66.4 | Appointed | Joachim-Jean-Xavier d’Isoard † | Cardinal-Priest of Santissima Trinit? al Monte Pincio | Cardinal, Archbishop of Auch, France |
38.4 | Confirmed | Agostino-Maria de Mari † | Bishop of Savona e Noli, Italy |
57.1 | Confirmed | Pablo Garc?a Abella, C.O. † | Bishop of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain | Archbishop of Valencia, Spain |
50.4 | Appointed | Francesco Gentilini † | Bishop of Rimini, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
49.2 | Confirmed | Giovanni Antonio Gianotti (Giannotti) † | Archbishop of Sassari, Italy | Bishop of Saluzzo, Italy |
48.0 | Confirmed | Filippo Giudice Caracciolo, C.O. † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy |
63.3 | Appointed | Kajetan von Kowalski † | Auxiliary Bishop of Gniezno e Poznań, Poland |
63.3 | Appointed | Kajetan von Kowalski † | Titular Bishop of Maximianopolis in Palaestina | Auxiliary Bishop of Gniezno e Poznań, Poland |
52.9 | Confirmed | Ioan Lemeni † | Bishop of Făgăraş (Romanian), Romania | Bishop Emeritus |
51.1 | Appointed | Angelo Mai † | Secretary of the Congregation for Propagation of the Faith | Cardinal, Librarian of the Vatican Library |
60.2 | Confirmed | Pedro Mart?nez de San Mart?n † | Bishop of Barcelona, Spain |
84.8 | Elevated to Cardinal | Lorenzo Girolamo Mattei † | Cardinal, Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} |
44.4 | Confirmed | Giovanni Negri † | Bishop of Tortona, Italy |
48.1 | Appointed | Carlo Odescalchi, S.J. † | Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina | Priest of Society of Jesus |
48.1 | Appointed | Carlo Odescalchi, S.J. † | Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in Damaso | Priest of Society of Jesus |
54.3 | Appointed | Antonio Francesco Orioli, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Orvieto, Italy | Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars |
54.2 | Appointed | Lorenzo Parigini † | Bishop of Urbania e Sant’Angelo in Vado, Italy |
51.8 | Confirmed | Dionisio-Andrea Pasio † | Bishop of Alessandria (della Paglia), Italy |
61.7 | Confirmed | Lorenzo Ram?n Lahoz de San Blas, Sch. P. † | Bishop of Huesca, Spain |
54.4 | Confirmed | Franz Xaver von Schw臙l † | Bishop of Regensburg, Germany |
50.1 | Elevated to Cardinal | Francesco Serra Cassano † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Capua, Italy |
65.8 | Confirmed | Gaetano Maria Giuseppe Benedetto Placido Vincenzo Trigona e Parisi † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Palermo, Italy |
67.8 | Appointed | Francesco Maria Zoppi † | Titular Bishop of Geras | Bishop Emeritus of Massa Carrara, Italy |
18 Apr | 50.1 | Appointed | Francesco Serra Cassano † | Cardinal-Priest of Santi XII Apostoli | Cardinal, Archbishop of Capua, Italy |
20 Apr | 66.7 | Died | Francesco Antonio Visocchi † | Bishop of Gallipoli, Italy |
21 Apr | 23.0 | Ordained Priest | Johann Baptist Rudolph Kutschker † | Priest of Olomouc, Czechia | Cardinal, Archbishop of Wien {Vienna}, Austria |
44.4 | Ordained Bishop | Giovanni Negri † | Bishop of Tortona, Italy |
51.9 | Ordained Bishop | Dionisio-Andrea Pasio † | Bishop of Alessandria (della Paglia), Italy |
27 Apr | 44.7 | Appointed | Michael Johann Wagner † | Bishop of Austria, Military | Bishop of Sankt P?lten, Austria |
28 Apr | 64.1 | Died | Salvatore de Luca † | Archbishop of Rossano, Italy |
29 Apr | 69.4 | Died | Johann Heinrich Milz † | Auxiliary Bishop of Trier, Germany |
30 Apr | Born | Prosper Auguste Dusserre † | Archbishop of Alger, Algeria |